Three Wives

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Three wives

Three Muslim Arabian women who are married to the same man are working in
the kitchen making Arabian food; their husband has invited some of his friends
over for something to eat. They work hard to make tasty Arabian food and work
well together. They all have 1 child each to the same man. Hadija is in her 40s,
mariam is in her early 30s and hannan is in her late 20s. They work around the
kitchen ensuring all the great tasty food is being cooked well and everything
looking good for them to serve their same husbands friends. They sometimes
make sure each other has done their role by talking to one and another. They
were born in Saudi Arabia and were brought to England to be married by this one
single man in separate time lines.
Hadija have you made sure the chicken rice is cooked with the vegetables and
potatoes? hannan says to hadija
Yes I have and have you made sure the Samosa and the other starters were
cooked well? Hadija replies
Yes I have hanan replies
The chicken curry is ready mariam adds to the conversation
As their husband friends come over they all put on their veil and they their
husband friends greeted by their husband and are sat down in the living room.
The children stop running around and the wives bring all of them something to
drink first and then the men chat. The men salaam each other and start talking
about their current situation and businesses and any other changes in their lives.
The three women in the kitchen just listening in and all three are silent as the
children are in the kitchen now. Their husbands own many Arabian restaurants
and take a ways and have managed an income to buy a big house to house three
wives and children.
Hadija bring in the starters! the husband shouts
The three wives bring out three plates of starters into the living room and the
men compliment the starters and enjoy their juices and drink. The men then get
talking about their businesses and future hopes and dreams. The men finish their
starters and the three women take away the plates and the men enjoy a smoke
outside, to open up their stomachs for the main. The women of the house hold
prepare the table and bring out all of the plates and the men sit around and they
joke around with the children.
Oh Fahan you have grown so big how old are you now? one of the husbands
friends ask
He is five now The husband answers the question
How about your daughter and other son? another friend asks

My daughter is 4 and my youngest child and second son is 2 The husband

replies to his friends
mashallah they all reply
They enjoy their food and eat their dessert; finally the women get to enjoy the
food they worked hard to cook. They all eat silently in the kitchen and when their
husbands friends leave and the husband commands them when you are all
finish you must clean up the house very sternly and the three women just nod
their heads. They finish their meal and get started to clean the house and the
husband shouts again where is my shirt! and all three women look at each
other and they hear their husbands shout again I cannot find my shirt, Hadija,
mariam, hannan which one of you hid my shirts their husband shouted out loud
The three women look at each other whispering to one and another in fear and
start debating as to what could have happened to their husbands shirt. They
debate as quickly as they can and to figure out if they had forgotten something
and Hannan remembers she put the shirts somewhere and she put it in one of
the closets in the front room and quickly get them out. The other two women
cannot really do anything but tell hannan she must face the consequences.
Hannan tells her husband that she put it in one of the closets in the front room
and she gets a shouting.
Hannan my shirts go in my cupboard not in the front room closets! Damn
woman do you not have a brain the husband tells off hannan
All three women just calmly get back to tidying the house and the three children
get back to playing after being distracted by their fathers anger. Hannan a little
irritated by what had happened to her gossips with the other women about her
annoyance and anger inside of her towards their husband. She was clearly upset
and with all the work she had done today she did not need a shouting from
Who the hell does he think he is, I am always tidying and looking after his own
stuff hannan confesses
He is our husband Mariam then adds to the conversation
Yep I have been shouted by him many times hadija then adds to the
As they clean the house and put the kids to sleep when night time came about,
in the morning, mariam was in a deep sleep and didnt notice the alarm clock
and just about when the other two women were about to warn and wake up
mariam. The husband angrily wakes up mariam and shouts at her for being lazy
and sleeping for much longer than usual. She should have gotten up at 7 am like
the other two and she always does but this time she was in a deep sleep. Mariam
being shouted at by thier husband and quickly gets up and apologises.

Mariam what time do you call this it is nearly 9 am. This is laziness without
measure and now the kids will be late to school and breakfast will be a bit late!
the husband shouts at mariam who quickly brushes her teeth. The three women
take their children to school and now mariam a little irritated and annoyed by
being shouted at by their husband.
For crying out loud I am not perfect I am going to have days where I get up a
little late! mariam says to the other two women
Now you know how I feel from yesterday hannan replies
Yes exactly we worked hard all day yesterday to prepare food for his dumb
friends mariam says
He will never change you two will just have to get use to it Hadija advises
As the three women get home and notice their husband angry again, the nail
cutter could not be found by their husband. Now Hadija was to be in the firing
line as she usually cleans the bathroom and remembers putting the nail cutter in
the kitchen in a cupboard. Hadija gets a shouting as the annoyed husband
rushes down to the kitchen and Hadija helps him find the nail cutter. Hadija
didnt complain to the other women so easily as she has been married to their
husband for more longer and is more immune to it. Then when the husband
couldnt find the socks he goes angry again and calls up all three women to give
them a shouting.
Now I cannot find the socks! What is wrong with you women? I marry three
women who cannot put things in the right places and get up early and what am I
supposed to do ehh? Get yourselves together youre supposed to be good
wives! the husband tells the women off and storms off to work.
All three women in the kitchen and all are annoyed at the way they were treated
and even hadija was a little annoyed this time. They started to look at each other
and the Hannan the first one to speak says something that is so startling and she
said You know, sometimes I wish he was dead and the other two look at her
with a surprise look and then mariam says I too have fantasized him being
dead and both of them looked at hadija and she said I am not going to lie, I
have wanted death upon him but never prayed for it to happen. When he
married you two it did hurt me emotionally because I thought to myself why i am
not good enough, but, I love you two as sisters and I have not only wished death
upon him but even murdering him hadija spoke and the other two women
started to smile. Just like that an idea started to form in each of the women
minds and they all came to the conclusion of murdering their husband. They then
saw it was time to pick their children and they felt closer and happier now that
they had the same dream.
For a month the three women planned as to how they were going to murder their
husband and they suffered more shouting and ridicule and eventually hadija the
oldest one was ready to murder their husband. All three women sleep in the
same bedroom while the husband sleeps in another room and the daughter has

her own room and the two boys share a room. The three women sneak into their
husbands room and while their husband was a sleep they tie his hands to the
bed and hadija aggressively stabs the man who surprisingly didnt let out much
of a loud squeal but was definitely painful for him.
What is going on? What is going on? My wives what have you done I am your
husband the husband pleads
Yes and all three of us are sick of you and your ways and have all decided to get
rid of you Hannan speaks out
What have I done to deserve this? the man begs
Everything and for ruining our lives hadija replies and mariam was just silent
What about allah and Islam, I was your husband to all three of you and I worked
hard to make sure everyone was fed and looked after the husband speaks and
all three women watch their husband slowly bleed to death. The children were
still asleep and all three women carry the dead body of their husband and wrap
him up in cloth and in the garden where they know arent any cameras which is
also a very large garden, they destroyed the flowery side of the garden and dig
up a deep hole in the soil and drop their dead husband in there and put soil back
up. The three women look at each other and the next day they werent sure of
what they were feeling but were definitely mixed up inside. They looked after
the children first and when they put them to sleep, knowing it was weekends and
they decided to drink alcohol. They got drunk and over emotional and were even
feeling ashamed to murdering their husband. Hadija though still strong and told
the other two women that they should learn to move forward and also spoke
They day he decided to marry another women was the day he murdered me on
the inside. The way I stabbed him to death was the way he stabbed me
emotionally and even psychologically and so I will not cry for him hadija told the
other two women.
The next couple of weeks they experiment by wearing western clothes and even
secretly going out and they tried to find another man. They tried going up to
strangers in clubs and bars and kissing them and even questioned to having sex
with some of the men outside their religious and cultural circles. They didnt
have sex with other men but with alcohol and even trying out weed and until
they found themselves looking at each other silently and thinking they have
definitely done something wrong. All the western partying and drinking couldnt
solve the hole they were in and they hadija then spoke maybe we have done
something wrong, sooner or later people are going to talk and our children are
going to keep asking questions. Yes he did shout at us but it wasnt out of hatred
for us, he was just a man and was just trying to look after us and then Hannan
replied He was sometimes quite humorous and can be nice like bring us some
perfume and dresses and even expensive chocolates and mariam added to the
conversation Your all right, he wasnt all that bad he was just a man in the end.
With the many businesses he owned, stress was always a factor and we cant
always tell them that he is ill or has to be somewhere else, people will find out

They all looked at each other and decided to confess to the police.
May allah forgive us for what we have done All three women say
The three women were taken away and the children were taken away by their
husbands cousins and other family members, the community was distraught
about what had happened.

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