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Zaneseni idealista

Zaneseni idealista je veoma povuen i zbog toga drugima esto deluje

srameljivo i rezervisano. Njegov bogat unutranji ivot i njegove
strastvene stavove deli sa malim brojem ljudi. Ko ga ipak oceni
hladnim i rezervisanim, vrlo e se prevariti. Ima izraeni unutranji
sistem vrednosti i jasne i asne principe, za koje je spreman na velike
rtve. Jovanka Orleanka ili ser Galahad bili bi dobri predstavnici ovog
tipa linosti. On se postojano trudi da pobolja svet, a u to spada i da
moe biti vrlo brian prema drugima i da uini puno da im pomogne,
kao i da se za njih zaloi. Ljudima u svom okruenju obraa se
zainteresovano, paljivo i velikoduno. Ako ga zapali neka stvar ili
neka osoba, moe da postane neumorni borac.
Stvari od praktine vanosti za ivot, zanesenom idealisti nisu zaista
vane. Svetovnim zahtevima svakodnevice bavi se samo onda kada
ne moe da ih izbegne. Tendenciozno ivi po devizi "genije pobeuje
haos" - to je po pravilu i tano, tako da esto ima vrlo uspenu
akademsku karijeru. Manje ga interesuju detalji, svoj pogled radije
usmerava na veliku celinu. To dovodi do toga da uglavnom ima dobar
pregled situacije i kada stvari postanu haotine, ali moe ponekad
dovesti i do toga da previdi ono to je vano. Budui da mu je
potrebna harmonija, sklon je tome da esto ne pokazuje
nezadovoljstvo ili ljutnju, ve se grize u sebi. Sprovoenje svoje volje
ne spada u njegovu snagu; jer mrzi konflikte i konkurenciju. Vie voli

da druge ljude motivie na svoj prijatan i entuzijastiki nain - ko ga

ima za efa, nikada nee morati da se poali da ga ne hvali.
Zaneseni idealista spada u introvertne idealiste. Zbog toga vie voli
mirno radno okruenje u kome moe intenzivno da se bavi svojim
zadacima i da ti ne smeta previe ljudi i stalno odvraanje panje.
Treba ti puno vremena da sledi svoje misli, da ih pretoi u rei i da
uoblii svoje ideje.
Zato ti prijaju odreena doza reda i strukture, jer omoguavaju da
odradi taku po taku i da ne mora da se bavi istovremeno sa vie
zadataka - to uopte ne voli jer ti je bitno da se temeljno pozabavi
stvarima. Tvoja mo koncentracije je izuzetno velika i ti se esto toliko
udubi u svoj posao, da jednostavno zaboravi na sve oko sebe - ak i
na jelo i pie. I pored toga radi isto tako dobro i rado sa drugim
ljudima, jer ti moe dobro da se prilagodi i obavee kada postoji
harmonija i dobra saradnja.
Oblasti u kojima je potrebno nametnuti svoju volju, gde se bori tekim
orujem i gde postoji direktna konfrontacija treba svakako da
izbegne. Tebi treba okruenje u kome po mogustvu nema napetosti,
tako da moe potpuno da se razvije. Ako to ne postoji, brzo e
poeti da pati, jer vrlo lino prima kritiku i negativno miljenje. Prija ti
mogunost da razmeni miljenje sa drugim ljudima koje ceni i ije
sposobnosti potuje, meutim za tebe vai deviza "manje znai vie"
- bolje samo nekoliko "izabranih" kolega sa kojima si zaista na istoj

talasnoj duini. Najbolje je kada delite iste ideale i visoke ciljeve i

zajedno moete da se borite za neku dobru stvar, tada si u svom
pravom elementu! Ako to nije tako, bolje je da radi to vie
samostalno, jer spada u one tipove linosti, koji to odlino rade i koji
nisu obavezno usmereni na druge da bi postigli dobre rezultate.
Tvoje posebne sposobnosti te predodreuju za sva zanimanja u
kojima se radi na izradi koncepta, reavanju problema i razvoju novih
ideja. Vrlo si kreativan/na, ume da vidi i preko granica i da krene
neuobiajenim i originalnim putevima na koje pre tebe niko nije

The Dreamy Idealist

Dreamy Idealists are very cautious and
therefore often appear shy and reserved to
others. They share their rich emotional life and
their passionate convictions with very few
people. But one would be very much mistaken
to judge them to be cool and reserved. They
have a pronounced inner system of values and

clear, honorable principles for which they are

willing to sacrifice a great deal.
Joan of Arc or Sir Galahad would have been good examples of this
personality type. Dreamy Idealists are always at great pains to improve
the world. They can be very considerate towards others and do a lot to
support them and stand up for them. They are interested in their fellow
beings, attentive and generous towards them. Once their enthusiasm
for an issue or person is aroused, they can become tireless fighters.
For Dreamy Idealists, practical things are not really so important. They
only busy themselves with mundane everyday demands when
absolutely necessary. They tend to live according to the motto the
genius controls the chaos - which is normally the case so that they
often have a very successful academic career. They are less
interested in details; they prefer to look at something as a whole. This
means that they still have a good overview even when things start to
become hectic. However, as a result, it can occasionally happen that
Dreamy Idealists overlook something important. As they are very
peace-loving, they tend not to openly show their dissatisfaction or
annoyance but to bottle it up. Assertiveness is not one of their strong
points; they hate conflicts and competition. Dreamy Idealists prefer to
motivate others with their amicable and enthusiastic nature. Whoever
has them as superior will never have to complain about not being
given enough praise.
As at work, Dreamy Idealists are helpful and loyal friends and
partners, persons of integrity. Obligations are absolutely sacred to
them. The feelings of others are important to them and they love

making other people happy. They are satisfied with just a small circle
of friends; their need for social contact is not very marked as they also
need a lot of time to themselves. Superfluous small talk is not their
thing. If one wishes to be friends with them or have a relationship with
them, one would have to share their world of thought and be willing to
participate in profound discussions. If you manage that you will be
rewarded with an exceptionally intensive, rich partnership. Due to their
high demands on themselves and others, this personality type tends
however to sometimes overload the relationship with romantic and
idealistic ideas to such an extent that the partner feels overtaxed or
inferior. Dreamy Idealists do not fall in love head over heels but when
they do fall in love they want this to be a great, eternal love.
Adjectives that describe your type: introverted, theoretical,
emotional, spontaneous, idealistic, dreamy, effusive, pleasant,
reserved, friendly, passionate, loyal, perfectionist, helpful, creative,
composed, curious, obstinate, with integrity, willing to make sacrifices,
romantic, cautious, shy, peace-loving, vulnerable, sensitive,
communicative, imaginative

As a Dreamy Idealist you are one of the

introverted personality types. Therefore you
prefer a quiet work environment where you can
intensively deal with your responsibilities and
are not disturbed by too many people and
repeated distractions. You need a lot of time to

dwell on your thoughts, to put them into words,

and let your ideas take shape.
You are grateful for a certain measure of order and structure because
they secure the time to achieve this so you can deal with one task
after the other and not have to juggle a number of responsibilities at
once - you dont like that because it is important to you to deal with
things thoroughly. Your capability to concentrate is unusually great and
very often you become engrossed in something and forget everything
around you - even to eat and drink.
Nevertheless, because you are very adaptable, congenial and
interested in harmony and cooperation, you enjoy working together
with others. A neighborhood that requires the ability to assert yourself
and where direct confrontations are the order of the day is not your
optimal environment. In order to permit you to fully develop your ability
you need an environment that is as stress free as possible. If you cant
get that you soon suffer, because you take critique and negative
feedback very personally.
You enjoy the opportunity for exchanges with other people you value
and whose capabilities you respect but in this case remember the
motto: Better less than more; better a few hand picked colleagues
who truly move on your wavelength. It is best when you share the
same high ideals and important objectives and together can fight for
the same good cause because then you are truly in your element. If
that is not the case, you do better by largely working by yourself
because you belong to the personality types who can do that very well

and dont necessarily have to depend on others in order to come up

with good results.

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Your work is your most important life activity in

terms of time and energy
The Bureau of Statistics of the United States
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with children under 18. These individuals spent an
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activities, 7.7 hours sleeping, 2.6 hours doing leisure
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including their children.

This adds up to a total of 110.000 hours that

you will be spending at work during your
lifetime. Stop wasting your precious time and

energy in a work situation that does not fit your


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