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Fall 2014 Program Notes

No flash photography
Turn of everything that makes noise help your neighbor
Wave at your son/daughter/friend- get it out of your system

The Heavens Are Telling, F J Hayden............Honors Ensembles

Featured Trio: Emma Clark, Kyle Neilson, Anthony Vacio
215 year old piece of music
Oratorio- similar to opera, without costumes, props, interaction between chracters
3 parts- 2 hours
End of part I, celestial heavens, glory of creation

Lux Aeterna, Sally K Albrecht.....................................Int. Women

Part of Requiem mass- may everlasting light shine on them, grant
eternal rest.
Many settings exist- this one sounds more optimistic and peaceful
than others
Witness, Earlene Rentz...................................................Norsemen
Two stories from the Hebrew BibleMethuselah- 969 years old
Samson- Israelite leader- secret strength in his hair
Sure on this Shining Night, Morten Lauridsen.............Chamber
Chamber fresh off Susan Boyle performance
Lauridsen- professor at USC for more than 40 years.
Part of 3 of a 4 part series of nocturnes- pieces that evoke night
Poems from the great composers James Agee /edi/
Poor Man Lazarus, arr. Jester Hairston......................Mens Ens.
Parable from new testament- poor man lazarus, and rich man,
called divies, perils of the afterlife

Dip your finger in the water come and cool my tongue, Im

tormented in the flame
Solo: Only Hope, Jon Foreman...........................Pearl Valenzuela
Originally written by jon foreman of the band switchfoot, perhaps
made more famous by Mandy Moore in the film A Walk to
Still I Rise, Rosephanye Powell..................................Adv. Women
Soloists: Raelyn Mason & Reema Maayaa

Splitting of the Jazz Ensemble into two womens classes

Advanced womens ensemble
Gospel piece
From Rosephanye Powell (ro se fu ni)
Still I Rise was inspired by the poem of the same name by poet
laureate Maya Angelou. It is a womens anthem, saluting the
strength of women to persevere through lifes difficultieslow selfesteem, physical and emotional abuse, prejudice, abandonment,
and such like. In summary, though a womans life or past may be
filled with tears and heartaches, with each day that she finds
herself still living, she finds that she has grown stronger and risen a
little higher because her circumstances have not overcome her.
Thus, every new day can be one of hope and joy because
regardless of the past, today, still I rise!
Gaudeamus Hodie, Earlene Rentz................................Norsemen
Teach about syncopation
Solo: Daydreamer, Adele Adkins............................Salina Chagan
From her first major album release
Her more recent album holds the record for longest running
number 1 album by a female solo artist (beating out whiney

Mornin Glory, Rollo A Dilworth ...............................Int. Women

Rollo Dilworth is an up-and-coming composer in the choral world
Getting the most acclaim for his spirituals- this piece combines
three spirituals together into one medley of music
Spirituals originally created by enslaved Africans in the United
States, choral arrangements are widely known
-Picking up where moses Hogan left off
-Featuring ryan reichert on drums
Gab Gab, arr. William C Powell..................................Mens Ens.
South African praise song
South African has 11 official languages, Zulu being one of the
most popular
4 part a cappella, with syncopated ryhthms
Solo: Your Song, Elton John.........................................Israel Jones
One of Rolling Stones 500 greatest songs of all time
Yo le Canto Todo el Dia, David L Brunner..............Adv. Women
So I am moving with my heart,
So I am leaving with a drum
I sing to you all day long, with affection and joy
Word painting- song encompasses meaning and lyrics with
melodic and rhythmic ideas
Battle of Jericho, Moses Hogan......................................Chamber
story is from Hebrew Bible or Christian Old Testament
Joshua leads the Israelites army to Jericho- God tells Joshua- march
around Jericho 6 times, 7th day- the priests blow their ram horns, the
people shout, and walls come down
The original song, however, is thought to be a spiritual song that
alludes to escape from slavery. Double meaning.

Can You Hear, Jim Papoulis.......................................Department

Before our Final Song, some Thank Yous
Thank you to Foothills United Methodist Church- all of the staff and
administration, especially Carol Paton.
Thank you to our sound tech
Thank you to Valhalla Student Elijah Stanley, under the guidance of
Mr. Michael Skocko, for designing the program cover, poster, and
screen images.
Thank you to our drummer, Ryan Reichert
Sax Austin Gatus
Thank you to our accompanist, Mr. Rodney Girvin, Valhalla alum
Students, student officers, rehearsal section leaders, and executive
council, media team- raise hands
Parent volunteers
Can You Hear- bring out the whole department for the final two songs
153 people
Solo: Suzette Montoya
Small Group: Candice Brewer, Amanda Clifford, Heleyna Highfill, Jessica
Lomeli, Jessica May, Lauren Phifer, Pearl Valenzuela

Irish Blessing...............................................................Department
Irish Blessing
I have one more thank you- audience
The vocal Music Department is a big team, and you are all a part of it.
Your support has been crucial in making this team function.
If any of you would like to donate your time, talent, or money to our
Department, all three would be greatly appreciated.
You can follow us on facebook/Valhallavocalmusic
And, if you feel so inclined, more ways to donate are in program
Becoming a patron has its perks, as outlined by the program
If you want to donate, but perhaps not so much, every little bit helps
Green buckets to donate on the way out
And outside, my wife wanted to start bake sale- we had many parents
bake some treats for you to have after. Donate what you want to pay.
500 yen?
See you at Skyline December 9h for our winter Concert

Bring up Alumni

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