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ISSN: 2395-0560

International Research Journal of Innovative Engineering
Volume1, Issue 3 of March 2015

Performance Improvement of Wireless Lan by Efficient

Improved Distributed Multi-User Scheduling
Neha singh1, B.C Kavitha2

Electronics and Communication, Hindustan University, Chennai, 603103, India

Electronics and Communication, Hindustan University, Chennai, 603103, India

Abstract - Wireless LANs provide rapid access to the internet and are broadly deployed in hotspot areas. All nodes in a
WLAN access the internet by the associated access point and share the common wireless channel. As the number of nodes
in a WLAN increases rapidly, severe collision occurs which affect the network performance. The packet loss occurs either
due to the fact that nodes has not enough path and link stability or while the nodes moves out of range. In this paper we
propose an Improved Distributed Multi-User Scheduling(IDMUS)scheme to solve above problems, by taking time variant
link quality and rate adaptation into account and link loss estimation of the neighbouring nodes. By setting a suitable SNR
threshold, at any instant only small number of nodes will join contention. The link loss of neighbour nodes is estimated to
avoid the retransmission. As a result , collision is mitigated, fairness is retained and total throughput is increased.

Keywords - Improved Distributed Multi-User Scheduling, SNR threshold, throughput, scalability, link quality, link loss

1. Introduction
Wireless LANs (WLAN) provide rapid access to the Internet and are broadly deployed in hotspot areas[1]. All nodes in a
WLAN can access the Internet by the associated Access Point (AP) and share the common wireless channel with the wellknown Carrier Sense Multi-Access (CSMA) scheme. CSMA works excellent in times of less traffic[2]. However, as the
number of nodes in a WLAN increases, severe collision affect the network performance. Some conventional schemes
which helps to reduce collision, include channel diversity, directional antenna, transmit power control ,adaptive backoff
and carrier sense[3] .
Multi-path fading is another reason which degrades the performance of a WLAN .It is undesirable and different diversity
schemes, such as receive diversity, transmit diversity and time diversity, have been proposed to avoid fading[4]. Thus the
reasons responsible for degrading network performance can be improved by IDMUS .
In this paper we propose a Improved Distributed Multi-User Scheduling (IDMUS) scheme, aiming to improve scalability
and increase throughput of WLANs. Time-variant link quality under multipath fading is considered and nodes are allowed
to transmit data only when their link quality is high. By setting a suitable SNR threshold, at any instance only a small
percentage of nodes join the contention. The SNR threshold is set by the AP, according to the number of nodes in the cell.
During data transmission from source to destination number of packet loss is estimated and is retransmitted to the access
point .In this way throughput is improved. In the case of CSMA to avoid collision, nodes has to perform exponential
backoff[5]. In the proposed IDMUS scheme a fixed contention window is adopted in the case of failure and the collision
probability is controlled by the AP. The total throughput of a WLAN is improved since transmissions are finished at higher
rate by avoiding deep fading.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section II presents the Background and related work, Section III presents the
network models and protocols, in Section IV performance evaluation is shown and finally we conclude with conclusion in
section V.
2. Background and Related Work
2.1. Collision Avoidance
In splitting algorithms nodes involved in a collision are divided into several subsets in order to reduce the collision [3]. The
first subset will transmit first, followed by the second, then the remaining subsets.

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ISSN: 2395-0560

International Research Journal of Innovative Engineering
Volume1, Issue 3 of March 2015
Carrier sensing in CSMA effectively reduce collisions, but does not work anymore over long distance as signal tends to
deteriorate. This is one of the reasons why CSMA does not work well.
2.2. Multi- User
Multi-user diversity is obtained by opportunistic user scheduling at either the receiver or the transmitter .Many existing
schemes require a centralized controller to collect CSI. In a CSMA/CA network, some researchers suggested to collect the
Channel State Information (CSI )from potential communication peers and on this basis perform scheduling[6]. In such
cases for the number of active communication pairs ,packets are scheduled. In the up-link where all nodes wants to transmit
at the same time to AP, these schemes hardly work. In multi-hop networks ,data is transmitted based on priority.
2.3. Stable Routes
To improve the throughput and reduce traffic, it is important to ensure reliable source-destination connections. A route
should be selected on the bases of some knowledge about the nodes motion and on a probability model of the future path
2.4. Route Repair
The route failure can be avoided by creating an alternative path before the current path breaks, if estimation of path
duration is made.
2.5. Our Contribution
The carrier sense mechanism remains the same as IEEE 802.11 but contention window is xed in the case of proposed
IDMUS. Though fading can be mitigated with the existing multi-user diversity schemes, but they still suffer from severe
collision when there are numbers of active transmitters. In the proposed scheme the number of contenders is determined by
the AP.
In WLANs, Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) is the fundamental MAC scheme. It is based on CSMA/CA, which
further depends on distributed contention. As the number of nodes increases, collision occurs which degrades the network

Figure 1. WLAN consisting of AP and many nodes.

Fading can be improved by multi-user scheduling[8]. In cellular networks, feedback of CSI to the AP are always available.
In a WLAN, there is no feedback channel, the common channel is shared in a distributed way. In case of Point
Coordination Function (PCF) an AP performs contention free transmission.

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ISSN: 2395-0560

International Research Journal of Innovative Engineering
Volume1, Issue 3 of March 2015
3. Network Models and Protocols
3.1. Link Quality Aware Distributed Contention Model
We consider a WLAN consisting of AP and many nodes in figure 1.SNR threshold is set by the AP according to the
number of nodes in its cell. Only nodes with suitable SNR will contend to access the channel. According to the randomness
of fading, a fixed SNR threshold can be set. In the real world, all links have different propagation paths and different path
loss, and their average SNR also differs. With a fixed SNR threshold, nodes near the AP will have more chance to access
the channel while nodes far away will have less. For calculating SNR ,threshold value formula is given as
(0) =


where PE(0) is the probability when no link have normalised SNR greater than 0 and channel is idle during contention
period, PS(0) is the probability when single link has normalised SNR greater than 0 and there is no collision, PC(0) is the
probability when more than two link have normalised SNR greater than 0 and collision occurs.
The 0 that an AP selects should maximize channel utility (0). It can be calculated by the following equation.
0 = arg max(0).


3.2. Estimation of Neighbour Stability Based on Link Loss

The link loss is measured based on signal to noise ratio, determined through the Bit Error Ratio (BER) given by



Where d is the average of the dynamic distance between two mobile nodes and k is the mobility proportion. In ideal
condition, i.e., when movement is almost constant, ( = 1) then



The number of lost packet is retransmitted to the access point by link loss estimation method.
3.3. Channel Access Method
For the multi-access up-link, the AP will first broadcast a short Poll frame. This frame is used to invite the station to send
its data . At the end of the Poll frame each node measures the instantaneous SNR value. If normalized SNR is greater than
the threshold0 specified in the Poll frame then each node with at least one up streaming packet starts a timer with a
random value. The timers start to count down DIFS (DCF Inter-Frame Space) after the Poll frame ends. The node whose
timer expires earliest sends its packet. Other nodes detecting the channel to become busy cancel their timers. If the AP
correctly receives the packet, it send ACK SIFS (Short Inter-Frame Space) which indicates that packets has been received
,after receiving the ACK from destination source will send the next set of data.
4. Performance Evaluation
In this paper NS2 simulator to show the simulation results. In this paper, I used mobility model as the Random way point,
and we have 20 nodes distributed in an area of 1000m 1000m. Each node independently moves within the specified area.
The simulation parameters used to analyze the performance of the existing and proposed protocol are showed in table 1.

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ISSN: 2395-0560

International Research Journal of Innovative Engineering
Volume1, Issue 3 of March 2015

Table 1.Simulation and Setting Parameters




NS2(Ver. 2.28)

Simulation Time


Number of nodes


Routing protocol


Traffic model


Simulation Area


Transmission range


In figure2,this graphs shows the comparison between the existing CSMA and the proposed system where, throughput ratio
is improved by setting the suitable SNR threshold and by link estimation .At the each given time in x-axis the total
number of packets are received by the access point. In the proposed scheme, the throughput indicates , the total amount of
data transferred per unit time. The throughput is calculated by using the following formula,

Throughput = number of packets received / Time


Figure2. Improving throughput for all node

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ISSN: 2395-0560

International Research Journal of Innovative Engineering
Volume1, Issue 3 of March 2015

In the existing techniques all nodes want to join the contention at the same time when the access point is free, as a result
severe collision occur which effects the network performance.
In the Proposed Improved Distributed Multi-User Scheduling (IDMUS) scheme, letting nodes with high link quality to
contend for the channel and retransmitting the packets by estimating the link loss for the nodes, collision is reduced and
throughput is improved.

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