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We Support You

Getting Started
Before you install Volo View software, make sure
your computer meets the system requirements
printed on the CD packaging. To install, follow the
installation instructions, which are also on the CD

After installation, use the help system to learn more

about the softwares features and functions.

Sharing Information
Ask questions and read information about using
Volo View and other Autodesk products in our
moderated peer-to-peer discussion groups on the
Web. To learn more or to enter the discussion
groups, go to

Finding Answers
To find software updates, answers to frequently
asked questions, product training resources, customer file libraries and more, go to the Autodesk
Technical Assistance website at
For additional news and information about Volo
View, go the Volo products page at

Telephone Support Options

United States and Canada
Support is available Monday through Friday from
7:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific time, excluding business
Installation and configuration support:
Customers in the United States and Canada receive
30 days of free direct telephone support, beginning
with the first call, for installation and configuration

Extended telephone support:

After 30 days, direct pay-per-incident support is
available to U.S. and Canadian customers via a tollfree telephone number. Pay one low price,
US$19.50, to resolve a technical support incident.
Use any major credit card to purchase per-incident
U.S. and Canadian customers can also purchase an
annual support contract for US$129.00 by calling
the toll-free number above. Annual contract support holders may make unlimited support calls during weekday business hours for a year.

Europe, the Middle East, and Africa

Product Support in English
Customers in EMEA are entitled to 90 days of free
telephone support in English, beginning from the
date of purchase, for installation and configuration
questions. To obtain this support, call one of the
following numbers. All telecommunications charges
will apply to you. You must register your Autodesk
software with Autodesk to obtain support.
Registration can be completed when you call one of
the following:
020 7295 0035 (in UK)
+44 20 7295 0035 (outside UK)
011 315 3102 (in South Africa)
+27 11 315 3102 (outside South Africa)
08 519 920 86 (in Sweden)
+46 8 519 920 86 (outside Sweden)
020 654 5367 (in Netherlands)
+31 20 654 5367 (outside Netherlands)

Assistance technique en franais

Vous bnficiez dune assistance gratuite par tlphone en franais pendant 90 jours compter de
la date dachat de votre logiciel Autodesk. Cette
assistance couvre linstallation et le fonctionnement de base du logiciel. Pour bnficier de
lassistance technique, veuillez appeler lun des
numros suivants. Le cot de la communication
est votre charge. Vous ne pourrez utiliser ce service que si vous avez enregistr votre logiciel
auprs dAutodesk. Cette formalit peut tre
effectue lors de votre appel.
01 49 93 21 27 (depuis la France)
+33 1 49 93 21 27 (hors de France)
022 827 87 71 (depuis la Suisse)
+41 22 827 87 71 (hors de Suisse)

Kaufdatum. Dieser umfat die Installation und

den Grundbetrieb Ihrer neuen AutodeskSoftware. Um diesen Support zu erhalten, whlen
Sie die unten angegebenen Telefonnummern. Alle
Telekommunikations-Kosten gehen zu Ihren
Lasten. Sie mssen Ihre Autodesk-Software bei
Autodesk registrieren lassen, um diesen kostenlosen und begrenzten Support zu erhalten. Die
Registrierung kann whrend des Anrufs
abgeschlossen werden:
069 95307 621 (Deutschland)
+49 69 95307 621 (auerhalb Deutschlands)
022 827 87 71 (Schweiz)
+41 22 827 87 71 (auerhalb der Schweiz)

Supporto tecnico in Italiano

Il supporto tecnico del prodotto gratuito per 90
giorni dalla data di acquisto, per problemi relativi a
installazione e funzioni di base. Per ricevere assistenza in Italiano, telefonare ai numeri riportati
sotto. Le chiamate sono a carico dell'utente. Per
usufruire del periodo di supporto gratuito, necessario che il software sia registrato presso

Soporte tcnico en espaol

El Soporte tcnico en espaol sobre la instalacin
y el uso bsico del producto ser gratuito los 90
primeros das a partir de la fecha de adquisicin.
Para disfrutar del soporte para la instalacin y utilizacin bsica del producto, llame a uno de los
siguientes nmeros. Tenga en cuenta que el coste
de la llamada ser a su cargo. Para disfrutar de
este soporte limitado gratuito debe registrar su
programa. Puede aprovechar la misma llamada
para hacerlo:

La registrazione pu essere effettuata al momento

della chiamata al:

91 375 3019 (en Espaa)

+34 91 375 3019 (otros pases)

02 58 28 66 57 (dall'Italia)
+39 02 58 28 66 57 (dall'estero)

Outside North America and EMEA

Deutschsprachiger Support
Sie haben Anspruch auf 90 Tage kostenlosen,
deutschsprachigen Telefon-Support ab

Customers outside North America, Europe, the

Middle East, and Africa can find local telephone
and electronic support options for Volo View on
the Autodesk website. Go to and select Volo
View from the list of products. Next, click the
Support and Training link on the Volo View page
and then select Contact Product Support to see
a list of support options in your area.

Autodesk, Inc.
111 McInnis Parkway
San Rafael, CA 94903
Autodesk and the Autodesk logo are registered trademarks, and Volo is a trademark, of Autodesk, Inc., in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand
names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.
Copyright 2000 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

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