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Diving Speeds: 26,000 Lbs. or less, . 425 mph. IAS.

32,000 Lbs. or less,. 400 mph. IAS
35,500 Lbs. or less, . 360 mph. IAS
Level Flight: No speed restriction.
Flaps Down: 208 mph. IAS
Wheels Down: . 160 mph IAS.
Takeoff manifold Pressure: . 52
Takeoff RPM 2700
Minimum RPM in flight 1200
Maximum power, 52 MP and 2700 RPM, For takeoff only.
Rated Power . 42 MP and 2400 RPM. 5 min only.
Continuous Cruising Power. ..33 MP and 2100 RPM (66% power)
For engine operational limitations and power setting charts consult operational information A26 Pilots
operating manual.
Checklists: Note, these have been abbreviated for use in FS only
Check the aircraft loading to ensure it is appropriate for the mission and will not result in an unusual CG
Fuel, plus reserves need to be checked and adequate for the mission and weather.
Walk around items in FS are somewhat limited, but it is useful to check the exterior of the aircraft controls for
position and movement ie. Flaps up, flight control surfaces neutral and have correct freedom of movement with
your flight controllers. Observe that the aileron and elevator trim tabs are in the faired neutral, position.
Before Start: Insure boarding ladder is pulled Up
... Hatch Closed and Locked
... All electrical switches OFF
Flap Handel Neutral
Mixture Controls Idle Cutoff
Prop Controls Full Increase
Throttles Open.
Landing Gear Lever Down
Parking Brake On
Bombay Door Control Neutral

Battery On
Cowl Flaps Open
Engine Start . Start Right Engine first
Master ignition ON
.Right Booster Pump ON
.Prime Right engine 3 sec.
.Energize Right engine for approx. 10 sec. (spins starter flywheel)
.Engage Right Engine (clutch engages flywheel to turn engine)
.Magneto Switch Both
.Mixture Auto Rich when engine fires.
.Right Boost Pump OFF, left Boost on low.
Repeat for left Engine.

Engine Runup
..Check engines, one at a time
..Throttle to RPM 1700
..Move prop controls full aft and forward, return full increase, lock.
..Check magnetos, both, left, right, return to both.
IRL drop will be experienced on single mag.
.. Observe all instrument readings normal.
..Check trim tab position
..Fuel, fullest tanks
. Flaps, Minimum 15 deg.
. Mixture Auto Rich
. Prop Controls Full Increase
. Boost pumps High
. Batteries and generators ON
. Flight instruments SET.

Before takeoff
..Trim Tabs, Ailerons, Rudder, and elevator, SET
..Fuel Selectors, Fullest Tanks
Wing Flaps, SET As Needed, Min 15 deg.
..Mixture Controls, Auto Rich.
..Prop Controls, Inc RPM.
..Booster Pumps, High Boost.
..Engine Instruments, Normal.
..Flight Instruments and Vacuum pressure, Set and Normal.
..Batteries and Generators ON.

Advance the throttles smoothly to 52 MP and use rudder to maintain directional control. For a typical heavy
weight takeoff with flaps at 22 deg, at about 125-135 mph, a long but gentle pull on the yoke will be necessary
to smoothly fly the plane off in a fairly level attitude. Retract the gear and most of the initial backpressure on

the control will go away and only minor trimming for initial climb should be necessary. Single engine control
speed is 135 mph, above this retract the flaps and set Rated climb power of 42 and 2400 RPM. Clean, climb at
170 mph IAS.

Climb and Cruise:

The proper way to level off the aircraft for cruise is to climb slightly above the desired altitude and accelerate in
a gentle descent to cruise. Maximum Cruise Power is 33 Mp and 2100 RPM. At 10,000 this should give you
about 255 mph IAS and 150 GPH fuel burn. In the real aircraft, Auto Lean is used for normal cruise.

Observe Flap and gear speeds. Landing gear max 160 mph.
Prior to final:.Gear Down.
...Flaps Landing Configuration
...Fuel Selectors Fullest Tanks.
...Mixture Auto Rich.
...Props Full Increase
...Brake Pressure Check.
...Crew Notified.
..Cowl flaps Closed

Approach Speed 110-125 mph flaps and gear down. Land in a fairly level attitude and do not cut the throttles
till the mains are on the ground. Brake sparingly, field conditions permitting.

After Landing
.Flaps Up
.Cowl Flaps Full Open

Parking, Shutdown
.Chocks in Place
.Mixture Idle Cutoff
.Boost Pumps OFF
.Fuel Selectors OFF
.Magneto Master OFF
.Generators OFF
.Radio Master OFF
.Batteries switches OFF
.Aircraft Log Entries Complete.

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