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#554July 2015


Rev. Scott Bowerman, Pastor

Deb Mummert, Minister of Visitation
Helen Wingert, Organist
Danielle Kardisco, Director of Music Ministry
Sandy Wilson, Childrens Ministry Director
Erin Regan, Contemporary Worship & Youth Minister
Melissa Igou, Financial Administrator
Kathy Klink, Director of Mothers Day Out
Roberta Lawyer, Secretary
Ron George, Custodian

Thoughts From The Pastor

About 18 months ago, when I was still pretty
new to Chambersburg, I got confused about
where a meeting was to be held. So I walked into
the wrong church - St. James AME on S. Main
Street - and found about a dozen people gathered for a bible study. They warmly greeted me,
and then kindly directed me to the correct
church - John Welsey AME Zion - and I went on
my way.
Last Wednesday someone walked into a bible
study at Emmanuel AME church in Charleston,
SC, sat down with ten church members for an
hour, then pulled out a weapon and killed nine
of them. The killer, Dylann Roof, said afterwards
that he almost didnt go through with the murders because the people were so kind to him.
But love and kindness was met with a hail of bullets and nine people were slaughtered.
Sunday night, I returned to St. James AME for a
service of remembrance and healing. The sanctuary was packed with worshipers, among them
a number of community leaders and pastors.
About half were Caucasian, half AfricanAmerican. We were there in response to tragedy, evil and death, and yet, the dominant tone of
the service was a joyful confidence in the goodness of God - a God who brings good out of evil
and life out of death.
Thats just what America has seen from the congregation of Emmanuel AME in Charleston. This
is a congregation that has suffered much over

the decades, and yet has stood as a testimony

to the faith and strength of people beaten down
by the world, but empowered by their Lord
Jesus Christ. Suffer again they did, and once
again, this congregation witnessed to the love of
Jesus Christ in a way that has humbled me and
stunned much of America. The families of the
slain spoke words of forgiveness to Dylann Roof;
the congregation gathered on Sunday and worshiped God with a joy that could not be extinguished even by the worst evil can do. And their
witness has brought together the state of South
Carolina in an unprecedented way.
In Charleston we see how God does his best
work bringing good out of evil, and as a result,
provides a compelling witness to the saving
power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Someone once
said that faith is a steadfast nevertheless said
in the midst of the worst we can suffer - nevertheless, God is good and can bring good out of
pain, evil and death. And so God has, to the
amazement of the world.
One of the speakers Sunday night reminded us
that God is at work in the world, bringing a new
creation that will come fully with the return of
Christ, and that God gives us work to do standing with the suffering, forgiving the unforgivable, breaking down walls of race and class that
divide us and pointing people to the hope we
have in Christ. The witness of our sisters and
brothers in Charleston has deepened my desire
to be part of this. I hope you feel the same way.

Church Family
Thank you....
Dear Central Church Family,
It is with a heavy heart and also
a heart filled with gratitude that
I write this note. On May 9th,
heaven got even better due to
the passing of my dear mother,
Beverly Minnich. While her loss
is greatly felt, we know she's
Bev Minnich
rejoicing among the angels with
her Lord and Savior, her husband, her parents, and
other departed family and friends. Many thanks to
all of you who added joy to her life, who prayed for
her, and touched her in many ways. Thank you to
Pastor Scott for your visits, which she enjoyed immensely, to all who kindly sent cards showing her
how much she was cared for, to those of you who
would give her a big hug or a smile and a hello, I
say thank you.
Thanks again to Pastor Scott for the wonderful celebratory funeral service given for her. Thanks to all
who participated musically. Another thanks goes to
Brenda Geiman and the group of women who
worked hard to make it such a delicious reception
after the service. those of you who made a contribution in my mother's name to Central, we thank you
so very, very much. Her church and church family
meant the world to her. She would be so pleased
with your contribution. It warmed our hearts. God
bless you.
With gratitude,
Brenda and Bill Black and family

Thank you for the college care packages that we

have received during the past year. Somehow, the
packages usually arrive during the week of midterm exams, just when we need them the most!
College is fun, but it is also stressful. It is wonderful to know that our church family is always thinking of us and praying for us. Blessings!
Jess and Jeremy Whitmore

CWS Blankets & Central

Comfort in times of crisis. Help
people around the world recover
from disasters and get a fresh
start. $50 can provide five warm
blankets for a family left homeless by natural disasters. July
and August have been designated as Blanket
Months for a special mission offering at Central.
Please be sure to indicate on your envelope or
check when donating that it is to go to CWS Blankets.


Please join us on July 5th
for our Combined Worship
in the Sanctuary
After the service, we will gather
together in the Friendship Hall to
celebrate July Birthdays with
birthday cake!
See you there!
Please welcome Benjamin Neil Dunklebarger
Born Monday, June 22, 2015
9-lbs. 15-oz. and 21 long
Parents are Joshua & Erica Dunklebarger
Benjamin joins his two big brothers,
Noah & Caleb. Josh & Erica recently joined
Central Presbyterian Church.

The Gems of CenTral

Remember these in your daily prayers..

Menno Haven-263-8545
2075 Scotland Ave.

Genevieve Ambrose
Newt Stake
66 Sanibel Lane, Chbg. 17201
Isabelle Allen
Jay Keefer
311 Cumberland Ave, Chbg. 17201
Mildred (Millie) Brown
Karen Sloan
611 Wallace Ave, Chbg 17201
Stanley & Esther Johnson
Laurie McKelvie
56 Sanibel Ln, Chbg 17201
Glenn & DonnaMae Kerns
105 N. Seventh St, Chbg. 17201
Athley & Alva Kline
49 Lincoln Way W, Chbg. 17201
Nancy MacFarlane
668A Cumberland Ave, Chbg. 17201
Ruth & George Muller
1260 Arbor Ridge, Chbg 17201
Glenn Shaffer
722 Stanley Ave, Chbg 17201
Lew & Lucille Stence
923 Park Side Court, Chbg 17201
Ed & Velma Thompson
723 Tropical Way, Lakeland FL 33805-4540
Selma Thomson (NM)
Rod Varner
923 S Fourth St, Chbg 17201
Dorothy Zullinger
Susan Snyder
155 Colonial Dr, Chbg. 17202

Nursing Center

-Margaret Sponsler, #244

-Lawrence Mohr #113 *(NF)
-M. Karolyn Lawrence #412
-Dr. Robert Coy, #217
-John Bowerman #225

Cindy Happel
Jay Keefer
Jean Diehl
Margie Hamsher

Farm House

-Marcia Grubbs #304

Jay Keefer


-Dorothy Burkholder, #1206

Menno Village

-Rhoda Wilkison #180-B

-LaVerne Knarr #610D

Laurie McKelvie
Laurie McKelvie

Penn Hall-261-0220
1425 Phila. Ave.
Manor Building

-Elton Simpson #417

Mike Herbert
-Ed Wenrich, #314 (visited by George Muller)
Skilled Nursing

-Gennie Boozer #506

-Mary Fish, #504

Karen Sloan
Rod Varner

Personal Care

-Isabel Vanderau #221

Eric Mellott

Quincy Skilled Nursing Care-749-3151

6596 Orphanage Rd., Waynesboro 17268
Nursing Center

-Carolyn Kreutz #229

-June Fiddler #271-A

Gary Lewis
Susan Snyder

West Virginia Member

Treva Kerns
601 Foxcroft Ave, Apt #1, Martinsburg, WV 25401

If you know of any changes or updates, please

contact the church office, 264-4113.
Deacons name is now listed with those he or she
If you wish to contact, (by phone), a member of
the Gems of Central, please contact the church
office at 264-4113.

Sunday, July 19th

* (NF) = No Flowers please

** (NM) = Non-member
*** (NV) = No Visits please

Updated: June 2015

Please contact Deb Mummert, Minister of

Visitation at 717-264-4113, ext 108 if you
are in need of pastoral assistance or you
know of anyone who is in the hospital, will
be going into the hospital, or would like a home visit.
You may also contact Deb by emailing:


Assistant Leaders
Stuart Kier
12th Jay Keefer
19th Gene Wilson
26th George Cowley

Keep in prayer this month:

Christopher, Amber, Hayden & Altlea Pereschuk
Harriet Peters
Lakie & Marcia Petrie
Allie Pettner and Leyna

Greeters - Friendship Hall 9:30 am

Chris & Amber Pereschuk, Rich & Tammy Carbaugh, Cindy Shoemaker
12th Richard & Janice Dalton, Jim & Kathy White, Scott & Deb Mummert
19th Chris & Roni Gingrich, Tony & Buffy Super, Anthony & Amber Keller
26th Cindy Shoemaker, Walt & Kathi Bietsch, Debi Shauf
Note for Greeters: If you have a question or unable to fulfill your
Sunday as Greeter, please contact Don Weber at 262-0087.
Ushers - Sanctuary 11:00am
Newt Stake (H), Jean Diehl, Charles & Pam Hart
12th Eric Mellott (H), Ron & Susan Snyder, Dale Penwell
19th Marjie Hamsher (H), Karl & Pat Shreiner, Phil Rohr
26th Gary Lewis (H), Karen Sloan, Alex Shearer, Susan Bowerman

Praying for
Centrals Missions
(Women In Need)

Note for Ushers: If you are unable to fulfill your Sunday as Usher, it
is your responsibility to find another Usher to trade with.
Contact your head Usher and the church office with the change.
Greeters - Sanctuary 11:00am
Esther Johnson, Rod & Linda Martin, Bob Creter
12th Karl & Pat Shreiner, Dick & Judy Young, Mike & Ingrid Herbert
19th Peg Hollar, Lakie & Marcia Petrie, Gary Troust
26th Don Weber, Bill & Sally Glaubach, Marjie Hamsher
Note for Greeters: If you have a question or unable to fulfill your
Sunday as Greeter, please contact Don Weber at 262-0087.

Dear Pastor Scott and Members of Central,
Because of your generous financial support, work is underway
at the Joy Childrens Village. Can you imagine, 11 new
children, 2 newly trained Moms and a
busy construction crew. The children
are loving the excitement! We consider your help a blessing from
God as we all seek security, health and a loving home environment for each of these precious children.
Thank you again, Rudy & Kate Miller

Just $10 gives you the opportunity to win

one of the following prizes from
the CPC Golf Tournament!
You dont have to be present to win.
Drawing will be on August 23rd.
Contact Carol Rohr at 717-261-6083 or
email: to purchase your tickets
Are you a reader? Central has an active book group that you may find interesting. Our last meeting
we had a long discussion of Ernest Hemingways The Moveable Feast. The book received mixed
reviews from the group, but the discussion was stimulating. We are not meeting in July.
We will resume Wednesday, August 5th, 7:00PM. The chosen book will be
Gilead by Marilynn Robinson and the discussion will be lead by Gunlog Anderson.
Book for the month of September will be I Called Him Necktie by Milena
Michiko Flasar. Judy Young will be leading the discussion September 2nd, and
she assures us that this is a book not to be missed. If you enjoy reading and
hearing other peoples comments regarding books youve read, this is the place
for you to be on the first Wednesday of the month. For more information contact Karl Shreiner at 263-4891. If youd like to be added to the Book Group
email list let Karl know,

On July 30, 1864, Chambersburg became the only northern town to be burned by Confederate soldiers during the Civil War. Chambersburg bounced back quickly and has celebrated the spirit of the
townspeople and the rebirth of the town every July since 1986. Numerous events are held during a 16day period for a complete listing visit
On Saturday July 18 the downtown will be hosting Celebrate! The Arts at Old Market Day. This is a
daylong street festival featuring food and craft vendors, as well as entertainment. As part of this celebration, we will again have the church open for cool air and bathroom breaks. We are looking for volunteers
to serve as greeters in the LWW lobby. We will need approximately 2 people for each shift: 9:00-11:00
AM, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM, 1:00-3:00 PM, and 3:00-4:00 PM. In addition, there will be an organ recital at
11:00 AM in our sanctuary. We need a few additional volunteers to great people at the Memorial Square
entrance and in the sanctuary.
In the evening, the downtown will commemorate the 1864 Burning of Chambersburg. Using lights and
character actors, people will experience an interactive re-enactment of the ransom demand and the town
burning. Something new this year is the A Cappella & Unplugged Singing Championship at 6:00 PM on
the courthouse steps. More people attend this event every year, many traveling from other states to
watch and participate. Therefore, we want to keep our building open through the evening and are looking
for 2 people for each of the following shifts: 6:00 8:00 PM and 8:00 10:15 PM.
If you are interested in greeting, please add your name to the sign up sheet posted in the Lincoln Way
lobby. If your preferred time slot is filled, please consider volunteering at another time. This is a wonderful
opportunity to share in the fun downtown and extend our Central hospitality.

Centrals Diaper Depot

Weve got you covered!
We are looking for: Greeters, Information Takers, Diaper distributors
A huge THANK YOU to our June volunteers who helped make this a blessed and successful event!
We have two more Saturdays to go and could you your help on: Saturday July 25th & Saturday August 22nd
The time commitment is: 9:30am-12:30pm
An excellent opportunity to:
To share the living waters of Jesus Christ to all who thirst.
To build relationships with young families in our community.
To become the heart of the community.
To be the hands and feet of Jesus and actively live a life according to his example.
Please contact Dani Kardisco or the church office to participate.

Did you know that there is a brief daily devotional to help our congregation and community find a
quiet moment to connect with God on our Facebook page?
Central has an online presence and we need YOU to help us get out there in cyberworld!

Heres how you can help!

*Like our Facebook page! Search: Central on the Square
*Like our posts on our page!
*Share our posts on your page!
*Take lots of pictures of Sunday mornings, week day/night activities, or GOD
SIGHTINGS and post them to our page. You can do it from your smartphone!
*Write status posts about things going on at Central and use the handle
#centralonthesquare so your friends can find us.
*If you use Instagram we have a handle on there as well! Take pictures in the
church or outside that reminds you of Central and use the handle
If you want to learn more about how to get connected with social media and Central,
contact Dani Kardisco, 717-264-4113, ext. 114 and she would be happy to help you!


Session took the following actions at its May meeting. If you have any questions,
please talk to one of the Elders: Brenda Black, George Cowley, Bill Daniels, Linda
Pat McNamee, Jim Sharp, Alex Shearer, Karl Shreiner, Don Weber, Scott Wiley,
Sam Worley, or Kathryn Finley, Clerk.
Session had a more informal meeting this month, with time for conversation
and prayer. We received reports from the various church boards and committees,
but had an opportunity to discuss two of them in depth. First, Sandy Wilson joined
us and we spent considerable time discussing the successes and challenges of
VBS. She also shared with us some preliminary brainstorming ideas for next year.
Second, we spent time reviewing the report from the Building Task Force. This
group continues to work diligently and is exploring multiple options for the use or disposition of the bank and Wholeness Center buildings. Their goal is to bring a recommendation to Session by the August meeting. Please continue to pray for wisdom
and guidance for the Childrens Ministry Team, the Building Task Force, and Session as we seek to discern Gods plan for Central Church.

As part of Old Market Day on July 18, 2015

the Chambersburg American Guild of Organists (AGO) will be presenting
an organ recital at 11 A.M. in our sanctuary. There will be three organists
from the guild plus a trumpeter taking part in this event.
Come on downtown early, enjoy the displays, and then cool off in our
air-conditioned sanctuary and listen to Carolyn Kerlin with John Pursell, trumpeter,
Linda Peppernick, and our own organist, Helen Wingert.
Everyone is welcome.
On September 27, 2015 at 3:00 P.M. John Walker, national AGO President
will play a dedicatory recital celebrating the recent additions to the organ in
memory of John Wingert, the 75th anniversary of the original installation of our
Casavant Organ, and 60 years since the recitalist took his first organ lesson in
Chambersburg at Wilson College.
Be sure this date is on your calendar of special events.
Plan now to come and bring your friends.
If you have any questions on either of these events,
please contact Helen Wingert 717-375-4397.


Our mission trips are almost here! Please pray for the youth and leaders of
our church family as we embark on journeys of faith, hope, and love this
July! During the blended worship service on July 5th
(in the sanctuary), we will be blessing both mission teams!
Wed love for you to be there!


7th-12th graders departing for Pasadena, MD July 5th-10th

Kristen Adams, Nick Adams, Katie Carbaugh,
Kevin Carbaugh, Maggie Carbaugh, Josh Carlin, Morgan Igou, Isaiah Merriman,
Galen Oberholzer, Maddie Ott, Parker Ott, Erin Regan, Hannah Sharp, Cindy Shoemaker
Camille Smith, Evin Smith, Harrison Smith, Jeremy Stahl, Luke Stahl, Sue Stahl,
Elise Stendal, and Destiny Stephenson

6th graders departing for York, PA July 12th-16th

Kristen Adams, Bruce Burr, Jacob Carlin, Erin Regan, Elaina Sharp, Kamden Shauf,
Kobe Shauf, Becca Shearer
From July 26th-August 1st, our high schoolers have the opportunity to attend Trinity Youth Conference at Camp Living Waters in Schellsburg, PA! Please pray for a time of growth and depth for our
youth during this week!
The youth group kick-off will be Sunday August 16th in cahoots with St. Pauls UMC youth group!
We will be zip-lining and jumping in the mud at Rhodes Grove camp! Whoohoo!

Please join us on
Sunday mornings
in the
Friendship Hall

Contemporary Worship
Thanks be to God for all the ways He has revealed Himself to us through
worship! He is worthy of all glory and honor and praise! It is a privilege to
serve Him through song, dance, drama, scripture, spoken word, and more!
Thanks to Dani Kardisco for subbing for Erin this month (July 26th) while
she is at Trinity Youth Conference! Erin will be leading the creative arts
workshop at TYC, where she will be investing in teenagers desire to praise
God through worship music, worship dance, worship drama, worship visual
art, and more!

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one
another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your
hearts to God. Colossians 3:16


During Vacation Bible School the children brought in $263.94 to send to
Navajo children in need who live in the childrens homes at Navajo Ministries in Farmington, New Mexico. We also collected pajamas, t-shirts,
shorts, socks & underwear, for both boys and girls. A donation jar for
monetary donations is also in the church foyer for those wishing to donate
throughout the year. Thank you for your kindness!

We were able to share the love of Jesus with 52 children during our VBS!!

A Heart-felt THANKS goes out to the EVEREST 2015 VBS Team!

Assistant VBS Director: Jenine Grove
Roni Gingrich, Valerie Merriman, Trena Oyler, Madeline Wilson
Tom Diehl, Eric Mellott, Bill Oyler, Karl Shreiner, Tony Super
Worship Team & Skits: Erin Regan, Elaina Sharp, Elise Stendahl, Destiny Stephenson, Deb Mummert, Sue Stahl
Elementary Music:
Erin Regan, Elaina Sharp
Preschool Music:
Dani Kardisco, Becca Shearer
Maddie Gingrich, Ann Miller, Pat Shreiner, Susan Snyder
Adult Class:
Crystal Faytol
Making/Painting Mt. Everest: Deb Mummert, Gene Wilson
Behind the scenes:
Ron George, Bertie Lawyer, Pastor Scott
Bible & Prayer:
Bree Rauhut, Denise Sharp; actor Erin Regan
Imagination Station: Marjie Hamsher, Jenine Grove, Brady Kinslow, Laurie McKelvie, Dominic Marangoni,
Robin Updegrave
Games & Tech Crew: Jim Sharp, Harrison Smith, Gene Wilson
Alydia Marangoni, Shelley Marangoni
Jean Diehl, Mia Perry, Evin Smith, Nancy
Tammy Carbaugh
Activity Centers: Tyla Mellott, Amber Pereschuk
3 yr. olds =Amber Kelller, Morgan Igou, Elizabeth Smith, Melissa West
4 yr.olds = Katie Carbaugh, Maddie Ott, Destiny Stephenson
5 yr. olds = Maggie Carbaugh, Hannah Sharp;
K-5 (Yellow Group) = Cindy Happel, Ellen Markle, Lucas Stahl
K-5 (Blue Group) = Missy Igou, Elaina Sharp, Marcia Whitmore
K-5 (Green Group) = Bonnie Fortuna, Jane Obaugh, Buffy Super
COOKIES: Cyndy Dinsmore, Cindy Happel, Robin Kovach, Bertie Lawyer, Sandy Myers, Joan Norcross,
Mary Norcross, Jane Obaugh, Dale Penwell, Amber Pereschuk, Jackie Salmon, Melissa West, Kathy White,
Marcia Whitmore, Helen Wingert, Sharon
I sincerely apologize if I have forgotten anyone. Thank you to EVERYONE who prayed, donated items for crafts,
science and decorating, helped at the work days, and gave words of encouragement. We had the privilege to
plant many seeds for the Kingdom of God. PRAISE GOD for the ten children who accepted Jesus as their Savior
or prayed to grow in their Personal Relationship with Him. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us and each
family we touched to walk strong with Jesus!
For His Glory, Sandy

2015 VBS

Newly commissioned Stephen Ministers are from left: Dale Hastings, Roni Gingrich, Bonnie Fortuna, Virginia Vallillo, Mary Showalter, Sandy James, Helen
Wingert, and Elton Simpson. Joining them in the photo are Stephen Ministers:
Bill and Jenny Daniels, Sandy Wilson, Jenine Grove, Ron Igou, with Leaders Trena
Oyler and Cindy Happel, Central Presbyterian Church and Gail Vaughn, First United Methodist Church.
Missing from photo are Brenda Black, Jean Diehl, Alta Holden, Dani Kardisco,
Chris McClanahan, Erin Regan, Nancy Weisel, and Leaders Cindy Shoemaker and
Jo Ann Dittmann.
Stephen Ministry to me is Gods Holy Spirit working through a listening, caring Christian person (Stephen Minister) to help someone who is going through a
(hopefully temporary) difficult time in his/her life to be able to know Gods HOPE
and JOY again.
Helen Wingert,
newly trained Stephen Minister
Central is very blessed to have a new group of Stephen Ministers available to
care for others in many ways through one-on-one relationships. All have accepted
Gods call to this lay ministry and completed a 50-hour training series to enable
them to be even more effective in their Christian caregiving. We were extremely
happy to join with First United Methodist church, and have Stephen Leader Gail
Vaughn assist in the training.




Birthday Sunday

School for
(kids) or
on July 5th
10a Blended Service in
Commissioning Youth
Mission trip
Baptism-Camden Knoll

Communion Sunday

Custodian Vacation

9:30a FH 1st Srv.
11a SANC 2nd Srv.

9:30a FH 1st Srv.
11a SANC 2nd Srv.
2p Bridal Shower, Parlor &
Kitchen (B Rauhut)
Newsletter Deadline
9:30a FH 1st Srv.
11a SANC 2nd Srv.



9:30a ZUMBA

2:30p Staff meeting

7pTrustee meeting

Sandys on vacation
Until July 7

7p NetWork BB-Gym

12p Prayer Gathering

7pm History Team mtg


9:30a ZUMBA
2:30p Staff meeting


9:30a ZUMBA
2:30p Staff meeting


2:30p Staff meeting

Sandys on vacation




9:30a ZUMBA
12p Prayer Gathering
7p Session

12p Prayer Gathering

Sandys on vacation




9:30a ZUMBA
12p Prayer Gathering



Wedding Rehearsal
Sanctuary 12noon




Custodian Vacation

11 Erin OFF


18 Erin-OFF


August 1st


7p Finance Team mtg,



downtown Chbg.



AGO Recital 11am



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