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Q: Five years ago, Selena received an inheritance from her grandfather.

With the proceeds, she bought a

segregated fund with a 75% guarantee. She purchased 5,000 units at $25 per unit, for an initial investment
of $125,000. Today, the value of her units has increased to $35. Selena wants to draw $35,000 from the
segregated fund to buy a new car. Assuming the proportional reduction method, what is the impact of this
withdrawal on the maturity and death benefit guarantees, and how much capital gain must Selena report
for tax purposes?
The guarantees reduce to $67,500. The capital gain is $10,000.
The guarantees reduce to $75,000. The capital gain is $5,000.
The guarantees reduce to $75,000. The capital gain is $10,000.
The guarantees reduce to $67,500. The capital gain is $5,000.
You are correct!!!
The answer is The guarantees reduce to $75,000. The capital gain is $10,000.
Rationale: The correct answer is: "The guarantees reduce to $75,000. The capital gain is $10,000."
The value of the fund is now $175,000 (5,000 x $35).
Selena surrendered 1,000 units of the fund ($35,000 $35 = 1.000). The new value of the fund is
based on the new number of units, divided by the original number of units, multiplied by the original
value of the fund (4,000 5,000 x $125,000 = $100,000). The guarantee is now 75% (,75) x
$100,000 = $75,000.
Selena disposed of 20% of the contract ($35,000 $175,000 = .20).The capital gain is 20% of the
ACB of the contract and its market value at the time of withdrawal. ($175,000 - $125,000 x .20 =
ACB of original investment is $125,000 , Original Guarantee = 75% x $125,000 = $93,750
Current FMV = $175,000
Percentage withdrawn as a percentage of FMV = $35,000/175,000 = =20%
Investment remaining = 80%
So new guarantee = 80% x $93,750 = $75,000
Ratio of ACB to FMV at time of withdrawal = $125,000/$175,000 = 71.43%
Therefore the growth is 100% - 71.43% = 28.57%
Therefore the capital gain of the withdrawal = $35,000 x 28.57% = $10,000.

Q: Robin and Archie have asked their life insurance agent, Bobbie, to calculate how much
insurance they would need in the event of Archie's death. Archie's net income is currently $80,000
per year, while Robin's is $40,000. They contribute the maximum to their RRSPs each year and
contribute the maximum amounts per year to RESPs that they have set up for their two young
children. They prepared the following net worth and expense statements to give to Bobbie.

Fair Market Value of Asset

Savings account (Joint)


TFSA (Archie)


TFSA (Robin)


RRSP (Archie)


RRSP (Robin)


Principal residence (Joint)


Mortgage outstanding


Other Loans such as car loan, credit card outstanding etc


Household annual expenses


Robin and Archie estimate that Robin would need to cover 70% of their regular living expenses in
the event of Archie's death. Using the capital retention approach and an interest rate of 3%, how
much insurance does Archie require?
Oops, You are wrong :(
Your answer was : $533,000.56
The correct answer is : $257,133.33
Rationale: The correct answer is: "$257,133.33"
Assets available at death:
Note: Principal residence is not considered an asset for insurance needs analysis.

Savings account (Joint)


TFSA (Archie)


TFSA (Robin)


RRSP (Archie)


RRSP (Robin)


TOTAL Assets


Final Expense Statement:

Mortgage outstanding


Other Loans such as car loan, credit card outstanding etc




So the couple have a cash surplus of $776,200 - $500,000 = $276,200.

Income Needs.
Robin will need 70% of the household expenses annually which is 70% $80,000 = $56,000
Robin's income is $40,000 per year
So Robin's income shortfall is $56,000 - $40,000 = $16,000

So capitalising this annual income shortfall Archie will have to provide a capital of $16,000/3%(0.03)
= $533,333.33
Since they have a cash surplus the insurance that Archie requires is $533,333.33 - $276,200 =

Does RRSP Considered an assets for insurance needs analysis

Q: Jenny and Sal Gonsalves are a very successful couple in their mid-thirties. Jenny is a dentist,
who specializes in orthodontic treatment, and Sal is the senior vice-president of marketing for an oil
company. They have three children, ages five, seven, and eight, and call you to discuss making
changes to their current insurance policies based on their current level of income.
Their financial statement is:
Jenny's income (last calendar year)
Sal's income (last calendar year)
Investments (relevant rate of interest 4.3%)
Real estate
Line of credit (loan)
Credit cards
Personal loans (cars, etc.)

$1.23 million

How much would be required to pay the last or final expenses of Jenny or Sal?

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