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Task 2 Writing

Title: Caning students as punishment

I have selected social issue as theme in this coursework which is about caning in school.
Through this coursework, few articles were found to analyse the opinions from government,
parents and students. As a future teacher, I feel responsible to find out more about this issue
which rises in our country. Furthermore, I might find myself in the similar situation during my
teaching career. From this theme and topic chosen, I can know whether is caning an effect way
or ineffective way of punishing students.
After reading the articles, I disagree with caning students in school for two reasons. First,
children will feel shameful when they are caned by teacher. They will treat it as a humiliation and
this causes them to hate the teacher. Besides, this leads them to hate the subject as well, so,
they will not pay attention during the lesson. If a naughty student is caned, he or she will
probably fight back. Thus, caning might encourage violence within the children.
Caning is a quick way to settle a disciplinary case, but it actually does not solve the
underlying problems wholly. Base on the article 3 Spare the rod?, Professor Chiam Heng Keng
said Caning only tells the child to stop whatever he has done. Yes, it is a quick fix but it does
not address the underlying problem". (Uda Nagu, Suzieana, 12 August 2012).
To a certain extent, I agree with the implementation of caning students in school when
students make mistakes. In this new generation, parents are always busy with their jobs to earn
a living and have less time to educate their children. Children nowadays spend most of the time
in school, thus teachers play vital roles to improve childrens behaviour. In addition, parents are
encouraged not to be overly protective of their children as caning is part of the teaching
process. If children make mistake when they grow up, they will be punished with more severe
punishment. They might blame parents for not teaching them properly when they are young.
Teachers decide to strike students due the increasing number of indiscipline cases. They
are fed up with the misbehaviour of children. Teachers will usually advise children for few times
before caning them. Furthermore, teachers have to explain to students why they have to be
caned before carrying out punishment. So, the student will understand their mistakes.
Usually, children fear caning because it hurts. According to article 2, Datuk Seri Abdullah
said that We know children normally fear caning, either in school or at home. (Reme Ahmad,

21 March 2004). After being caned, children might feel guilty to what they have done. They can
learn from mistakes and will not repeat the same mistakes again.
In conclusion, I agree to bring caning back to school as long as it is not too severe.
Before executing a caning, teachers have to explain to students the reasons of being caned. To
avoid humiliating students, teachers are not advised to cane publicly. In addition, teachers
should counsel and warn those who make mistakes before caning them. Although caning is not
a perfect way to solve the disciplinary problems, but it still fears the students from being naughty
and misbehaviour. I believe that after explaining to them, they will understand and correct their
mistakes. Lastly, since teachers give compliments to those who have done well, they should
also punish those who have done wrong.

"Teachers should be given the authority to cane in order to instill discipline." Do you
agree. Retrieved 12 August 2012, from English Daily:

Reme Ahmad. Abdullah supports using cane in school. Retrieved 12 August 2012, from

Uda Nagu, Suzieana. Spare the rod? Retrieved 12 August 2012, from New Straits

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