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Matthias Hotma Parulian 4211101001



1. What are technologies are integrated in automation systems ?
Answer :
- Computational technology
- Information technology
- Communication technology
- Man machine system
- Structure and system engineering
- Management system
2. What are typically aims of automation ?
Answer :
- Efficient operation of a plant (e.g heating system) or of a consumer product
(e.g car)
- Constant operation of the plant or product (e.g to maintain a consistent quality
of the product manufactured)
- Reliable and safe operation of the plant and product (e.g automatic control of
the ships course)
- Comfortable operation of plants and products (e.g automatic air conditioning
in the car)
3. What are the most important functions of automation ?
Answer :

Closed loop control


4. What kinds of telegraph system in automation technology ?

Answer :
- Rotary switch
- Row of push buttons
- Acoustical signal
5. In main engine operation there are many automation systems, define the items which
using automation systems ?
Answer :

lubricating oil pump

fuel injection
exhaust valves
starting air valves
hydraulic system
auxiliary fan

1. Teknologi apa saja yang terintegrasi dalam sistem otomasi ?

Jawaban :
- Teknologi komputasi
- Teknologi informasi
- Teknologi Komunikasi
- Sistem mesin dan antarmuka dengan manusia
- Struktur dan sistem rekayasa
- Sistem Manajemen
2. Apa tujuan dari sistem otomasi ?
Jawaban :
- Pengoperasian yang efisien (misalnya sistem pemanas)
- Pengoperasian yang konstan (misalnya untuk menjaga kualitas yang
konsisten dari produk yang diproduksi)
- Pengperasian yang handal dan aman (misalnya kontrol otomatis tentu saja kapal)
- Untuk kenyamanan pengoperasian (misalnya AC otomatis di dalam mobil)\
3. Apa fungsi terpenting dalam sistem otomasi ?
Jawaban :
- Closed loop control
- Control
- Monitoring/reporting
- Display/operation
4. Apa jenis sistem telegraf dalam teknologi otomasi ?
Jawaban :
- Rotary switch
- Row of push buttons
- Acoustical signal
5. Dalam operasi mesin induk ada banyak sistem otomasi, tentukan alat - alat yang
menggunakan sistem otomasi ?
Jawaban :
- Pompa pelumasan
- Penginjeksi bahan bakar
- Katup pipa asap
- Katup udara bertekanan untuk starting
- System hidrolis
- Fan


1. What are the characteristics of unmeshed nets ?

Answer :
- Simple net monittoring
- High voltage losses at the net end
- High power losses
- Small short-circuit currents
2. What kinds of net distribution systems ?
Answer :
- TN-net
- TN-C-net
- TN-S-net
- TN-C-S-net
- TT-net
- IT-net
3. What are the important operational equipment which is necessary to sustain based
on DNV-GL rules ?
Answer :
- Propulsion, maneuverability, navigation
- The safety of passengers and members of the crew
- Ship-specific plants (e.g dredger pump drives)
- The preservation of the proper conditions of changes (refrigerator ships)
4. What is the primary important operation equipment which is necessary to sustain
the maneuverability of vessels ?
Answer :
- Rudders
- Variable pitch propellers
- Electrical main engine
- Systems supporting primary important operational equipment


This is the application of open-ring structer, what is the advantages of open ring
structure ?
Answer :
- Low voltage losses
- Low power losses
- High reliability of supply
6. How to change the rotation of the motor ?
Change the amount of frequency using frequency converter
1. Apakah karakteristik dari jaring unmeshed ?
Jawaban :
- Pemantauan jaringan yang sederhana
- Kerugian tegangan tinggi di ujung net
- Rugi daya tinggi
- Arus sirkuit pendek kecil
2. Apa macam macam sistem distribusi net ?
Jawaban :
- TN-net
- TN-C-net
- TN-S-net
- TN-C-S-net
- TT-net
- IT-net

3. Apa saja peralatan operasional penting yang diperlukan untuk dipertahankan

berdasarkan aturan DNV-GL ?
Jawaban :

- Propulsi, manuver, navigasi

- Keselamatan penumpang dan anggota awak
- Alat pembangkit kapal khusus (mis. pompa keruk)
- Pengawetan kondisi yang layak dari perubahan (kapal kulkas)
4. Apa peralatan operasi penting utama yang diperlukan untuk mempertahankan
manuver kapal ?
Jawaban :
- Daun kemudi
- Variable pitch propeller
- Mesin listrik induk
- Sistem pendukung peralatan operasional utama yang penting

Ini adalah aplikasi dari struktur open-ring, apa keuntungan dari

struktur open-ring ?
Jawaban :
- Kerugian tegangan rendah
- Rugi daya rendah
- Tinggi keandalan pasokan
6. Bagaimana cara mengubah putaran pada motor ?
Jawaban :
Dengan mengubah frekuensi dengan menggunakan frequency

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