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English Homophones

A homophone is a word that sounds like another word but has a different meaning.
These homophones all have the same sound, but are spelled differently and have a different
For example naval and navel:Naval - relates to ships and things nautical
A navel - also known as the belly button, it is the scar that is left in the centre of the abdomen when
the umbilical cord is cut after birth.
But they are both pronounced the same. Now try and work out the correct sentences from the
following tests.
You can check your answers by clicking on the 'Check Here!' button.
All the homophones have a sound file (mp3 format), just click on the

symbol and the file should

open in your player or your browser (depending on your system set up). Oh and it's British English
These homophones have been added over a period of time, so to help you navigate here's an a to z
list of the homophones covered to date, it's become a bit unwieldy, so I'm giving each homophone its
own page, this will take time.
Thanks to contributors a new one should be added every week (or so):-

ad | add | aid | aide | ail | air | aisle | ale | all | alms | aloud
allowed | altar | alter | ante | anti | aren't | arms
ascent | assent | ate | aunt | awl | aye

bail | bale | ball | balmy | band | banned

bard | bare | barmy | barred | bawl
be | beach | bean | bear | beat | beau | bee | beech | been | beet
bell | belle | berry | berth | bight | birth | bite | blew | blue | boar
board | bolder | bole | bore | bored
bough | boulder | bow | bow | bowl | boy
brake | bread | break | bred | bridal | bridle
buoy | burro | burrow | bury | but | butt | buy
by | bye | byte
cache | call | calk | calve | cannon | canon
carve | cash | cast | caste
caught | caul | caulk | cause
cede | ceiling | cell | cellar | cent | cereal
chased | chaste | cheater | cheetah | check
cheque | choir | chord | chute
cite | clause | claws | climb | clime
coarse | conker | conquer
cord | cored | cores | cork | course | court
creak | creek | crumby | crummy
cue | curb | currant | current
dam | damn | dane | dear | deer | deign | descent
dew | die | discussed | disgust | dissent
doe | dough | draft | draught | dual | due | duel | dye
earn | eight | ere | ewe | ewes | eye | eyelet
faint | fair | fare | farther | father | father | fate
feat | feet | feint | fete | file | fined | fir
flair | flare | flaw | flea | flee | flew | floe | floor
flour | flow | flower | flu | flue | for
fore | formally | formerly
fort | fought | foul | four | fowl | freeze | frieze | fur
genes | gild | gilt | gnaw | gorilla
grate | great | groan | grown
guerrilla | guessed | guest
gild | guilt | guise | guys
hair | hail | hale | hall | hare | haul | heal | hear
heard | heel | heir | herd | here | heroin
heroine | hew | higher | him | hire
hoard | hoarse | hole |holey | holy | horde
horse | hour | hue | hymn
I | idle | idol | I'll | in | inn | isle | islet | its | it's
jeans | kerb | key | knead | knew | knight | knot | know | knows
lain | lane | laps | lapse | laud | law | lead | leak | leant | leased | least
led | leek | lent | Lent | lessen | lesson
liar | loan | lone | lord | lore | lumbar | lumber | lyre
made | magnate | magnet | maid | mail | main | male
mane | mare | massed | mast | mayor

meat | medal | meddle | meet

metal | mettle | might | mind | mined | miner | minor
missed | mist | mite | moan | moir | moor
moray | more | morning | mourning
mown | murderess | murderous
muscle | mussel
need | new | night | no | none | nor | nose | not | nun
oar | oh | one | or | ore | our | owe
packed | pact | pale | pail | pain | pair
paltry | pane | pare | pause | paw | paws
pea | peace | peak | peal | pear | pearl | pedal | peddle
pee | peek | peel | peer
phial | pi | pie | piece | pier | pique | place | plaice | plain | plane
poor | pore | pores | poultry | pour | pours
pray | prey | principal | principle | prise | prize | purl
quay | queue | quire
racket | racquet | rail | rain | raise | rale | raw | raze
read | read | real | red | reed | reek | reel | reign | rein | retch
rhyme | right | rime | ring
road | roar | rode | roe | role | roll | root | rote | rough
route | row | rowed | ruff | rung | rye
sail | sale | sauce | saw
scald | scene | scent | scold
sea | sealing | seam | see | seed | sell | seller
seem | seen | sent | serial | set | sett | sew
shear | sheer | shoe | shoo | shoot | shore | sight | site
so | soar | some | son | sole | sore | soul | source
sponges | spongers | stair | stake | stalk | stare
steak | steal | steel | stork | succour | sucker
suite | sum | summary | summery
sun | sundae | Sunday | sure | swat | sweet | swot
tacked | tact | tails | tales | talk | tare | taught | taut
tea | team | tear | tear | teas | tease | tee | tees | teem | there
their | they're | threw | throne | through | thrown | thyme
tide | tied | tier | time | tire | to | toad | toe | toed | told | tolled | too
torc | torque | tort | torte | tow | towed
troop | troupe | two | tyre
urn | use
vain | vale | vane | veil | vein | vouches | vouchers
waist | wait | waive | war | warn
waste | wave | way | weather
weak | weal | weald | wear | week | weigh | weight
we'll | wheel | where | whether | whey
which | whine | whither| wither| whole | wield | wine | witch
won | wood | wore | worn | would | wreak | wretch

wring | wright | write | wrote | wrung | wry

yaw | yew | yews | yore | you | your | you're
- See more at:

Read more:

A homophone is same sound but has different spellings and meanings (see the related question for these
words used in sentences).
1. Acts, Axe, Ax
2. Adds, Ads, Adze
3. Aid, Aide
4. Air, Heir
5. All, Awl
6. Ate, Eight
7. Bare, Bear, Bier
8. Bight, Bite
9. Boar, Boor, Bore
10. Bole, Boll, Bowl
11. Bread, Bred
12. Days, Daze
13. Dear, Deer
14. Dew, Do
15. Die, Dye
16. Disc, Disk
17. Doe, Dough
18. Earn, Urn
19. Ewe, You
20. Faze, Phase
21. Feat, Feet
22. Flea, Flee
23. Flew, Flue, Flu
24. Floe, Flow
25. Fore, For, Four
26. Gays, Gaze
27. Hays, Haze
28. Hi, High
29. Hire, Higher
30. Lain, Lane
31. Lays, Laze
32. Lay, Lei
33. Leaf, Lief
34. Lean, Lien
35. Leak, Leek
36. Lie, Lye
37. Light, Lite
38. Loan, Lone
39. Main, Mane, Mein
40. Mays, Maze
41. Meat, Meet, Mete
42. Mewl, Mule
43. Might, Mite


Mown, Moan
Our, Hour
On, Awn
Pail, Pale
Pain, Pane
Pair, Pare, Pear
Peak, Peek
Pole, Poll
Poor, Pore, Pour
Praise, Prays
Pries, Prise, Prize
Raise, Rays, Raze
Read, Reed
Right, Rite, Write
Sea, See
Sear, Seer
Sloe, Slow
Tea, Tee
Tear, Tier
Toad, Toed, Towed
Tole, Toll
To, Too, Two
Vain, Vane, Vein
Wait, Weight
Ways, Weighs
Weak, Week
While, Wile
White, Wight
Wrap, Rap
Yore, You're, Your

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