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Chapter Twelve

The Descendents of Kua

|| 9.12.1 ||
r-uka uvca
kuasya ctithis tasmn
niadhas tat-suto nabha
puarko 'tha tat-putra
kemadhanvbhavat tata
ukadeva Gosvm said: The son of Rmacandra was Kua,
the son of Kua was Atithi, the son of Atithi was Niadha,
and the son of Niadha was Nabha. The son of Nabha was
Puarka, and from Puarka came a son named
The Twelfth Chapter finishes describing the dynasty from Ikvkus
son Vikuksi1 with list of the Kua dynasty (coming from
Rmacandra) up to Sumitra.
|| 9.12.2 ||
devnkas tato 'nha
priytro 'tha tat-suta
tato balasthalas tasmd
vajranbho 'rka-sambhava
The son of Kemadhanv was Devnka, Devnka's son
was Anha, Anha's son was Priytra, and Priytra's son
was Balasthala. The son of Balasthala was Vajranbha, born
from the effulgence of the sun-god.
Vajranbha was born from the rays of the sun.
|| 9.12.3-4 ||
sagaas tat-sutas tasmd
vidhti cbhavat suta
tato hirayanbho 'bhd
yogcryas tu jaimine
iya kaualya dhytma
yjavalkyo 'dhyagd yata
yoga mahodayam ir
The son of Vajranbha was Sagaa, and his son was Vidhti.
The son of Vidhti was Hirayanbha, who became a disciple
of Jaimini and became a great crya of yoga. It is from

This description starts in SB 9.6.4.

Hirayanbha that the sage Yjavalkya learned the elevated

system of adhytma-yoga, which cuts the knot in the heart.
Hirayanbha was the disciple of Jaimini and became an authority
on yoga. From him (yata) intelligent Yjavalkya learned
|| 9.12.5 ||
pupo hirayanbhasya
dhruvasandhis tato 'bhavat
sudarano 'thgnivara
ghras tasya maru suta
The son of Hirayanbha was Pupa, and the son of Pupa
was Dhruvasandhi. The son of Dhruvasandhi was Sudarana,
whose son was Agnivara. The son of Agnivara was named
ghra, and his son was Maru.
|| 9.12.6 ||
so 'sv ste yoga-siddha
kalpa-grmam sthita
kaler ante srya-vaa
naa bhvayit puna
Having achieved perfection in the power of yoga, Maru still
lives in a place known as Kalpa village. At the end of Kaliyuga, he will revive the lost Srya dynasty by begetting a
Maru producing a son Prasuruta then retired to Kalpa villageand
remains there today. In the future he will again produce a son and
start the dynasty of the sun.
|| 9.12.7 ||
tasmt prasurutas tasya
sandhis tasypy amaraa
mahasvs tat-sutas tasmd
vivabhur ajyata
From Maru was born a son named Prasuruta, from
Prasuruta came Sandhi, from Sandhi came Amaraa, and
from Amaraa a son named Mahasvn. From Mahasvn,
Vivabhu took his birth.
Tasmt means from Maru.
|| 9.12.8 ||
tata prasenajit tasmt
takako bhavit puna

tato bhadbalo yas tu

pitr te samare hata
From Vivabhu came a son named Prasenajit, from
Prasenajit came Takaka, and from Takaka came
Bhadbala, who was killed in a fight by your father.
Bhadbala was killed by Abhimanyu.
|| 9.12.9 ||
ete hkvku-bhpl
att v angatn
bhadbalasya bhavit
putro nmn bhadraa
All these kings in the dynasty of Ikvku have passed away.
Now please listen as I describe the kings who will be born in
the future. From Bhadbala will come Bhadraa.
|| 9.12.10 ||
rukriya sutas tasya
vatsavddho bhaviyati
prativyomas tato bhnur
divko vhin-pati
The son of Bhadraa will be rukriya, who will have a son
named Vatsavddha. Vatsavddha will have a son named
Prativyoma, and Prativyoma will have a son named Bhnu,
from whom Divka, a great commander of soldiers, will take
|| 9.12.11 ||
sahadevas tato vro
bhadavo 'tha bhnumn
pratkvo bhnumata
supratko 'tha tat-suta
Thereafter, from Divka will come a son named Sahadeva,
and from Sahadeva a great hero named Bhadava. From
Bhadava will come Bhnumn, and from Bhnumn will
come Pratkva. The son of Pratkva will be Supratka.
|| 9.12.12 ||
bhavit marudevo 'tha
sunakatro 'tha pukara
tasyntarikas tat-putra
sutaps tad amitrajit

Thereafter, from Supratka will come Marudeva; from

Marudeva, Sunakatra; from Sunakatra, Pukara; and from
Pukara, Antarika. The son of Antarika will be Sutap, and
his son will be Amitrajit.
|| 9.12.13 ||
bhadrjas tu tasypi
barhis tasmt ktajaya
raajayas tasya suta
sajayo bhavit tata
From Amitrajit will come a son named Bhadrja, from
Bhadrja will come Barhi, and from Barhi will come
Ktajaya. The son of Ktajaya will be known as Raajaya,
and from him will come a son named Sajaya.
|| 9.12.14 ||
tasmc chkyo 'tha uddhodo
lgalas tat-suta smta
tata prasenajit tasmt
kudrako bhavit tata
From Sajaya will come kya, from kya will come
uddhoda, and from uddhoda will come Lgala. From
Lgala will come Prasenajit, and from Prasenajit, Kudraka.
|| 9.12.15 ||
raako bhavit tasmt
surathas tanayas tata
sumitro nma nihnta
ete brhadbalnvay
From Kudraka will come Raaka, from Raaka will come
Suratha, and from Suratha will come Sumitra, ending the
dynasty. This is a description of the dynasty of Bhadbala.
Sumitra will be the end of those named in the past and who will be
future kings (nma-nith). From him there will be no more
descendents. Nma-nih can also mean Sumitra, even by the
mention of whose name no one can remain constantly (nih) with
fame. He is the end of Brhadbalas line of sons.
|| 9.12.16 ||
ikvkm aya vaa
sumitrnto bhaviyati
yatas ta prpya rjna
sasth prpsyati vai kalau

The last king in the dynasty of Ikvku will be Sumitra,

because with Sumitra there will the termination of the kings
in Kali-yuga.
Thus ends the commentary on the Twelfth Chapter of the Ninth
Canto of the Bhgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in
accordance with the previous cryas.

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