Curriculum Vitae of BJ Habibie, Effendi

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Curriculum Vitae of BJ Habibie

Name :Prof. Dr.Ing. Dr. Sc.hc Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie

Born :ParePare, June 25, 1936
Religion :Islam
Position :Third President (19981999)
Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Habibie Center
ITB Bandung, in 1954
Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Hochscule (RWTH), Aachen,
Germany, with the degree DiplomIngenieur, cum laude predicate in
the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Design and
Construction of Aircraft (19551960).
Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Hochscule (RWTH), Aachen,
Germany, with a doctoral degree, aircraft construction, the predicate
Summa Cum laude, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Department of Design and Construction of Aircraft (19601965).
Delivering his inaugural speech professor of aircraft construction in
the ITB Bandung, in 1977.
Head of Research and Development of Structure Analysis on the
company's Hamburger Flugzeugbau GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
between the years 19651969.
Division Head of Methods and Technology on Commercial and
Military Transport Aircraft MBB GmbH, in Hamburg and Munich
between 196919973
Vice President and Director of Technology at MBB Gmbh, Hamburg

and Munich in 19731978

Senior Advisor to the Board of Directors Technology MBB 1978.
Returning to Indonesia and led the Advanced Technology Division,
Pertamina, which is the embryo of BPPT, years 19741978.
Indonesian Government Adviser on Technology Development
Division and Aircraft, responsible directly to the President of the
Republic of Indonesia Soeharto in the year 19741978.
Minister of State for Research and Technology (Research and
Technology) and Chairman of Agency for the Assessment and
Application of Technology (BPPT) in 19781998.
Vice President of Indonesia on 11 March 1998 to 21 May 1998.
President of Indonesia period 21 May 199820 October 1999.
Founder and Chairman of the ICMI
Theodore Van Karman Award

Curriculum Vitae of BJ Habibie

Name : Prof. Drs. Effendy, M.Pd, Ph.D.
Born : Malang29 September 1956
Religion :Islam
Position :Third President (19981999)
Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Habibie Center

Universitas Negeri Malang, 1981 (S1 Pendidikan Kimia)

Universitas Negeri Malang, 1985 (S2 Pendidikan Kimia)

The University of West ern Australia, Perth,1994 (S3 Physical Inorganic Chemistry Crystallography)
Asisten Dosen di Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia UM, 1980- 1985
Dosen UM 1985- Sekarang
Guru besar dalam bidang Physical Inorganic Chemistry 2003.
Visiting Researcher di Department of Chemistry, The University of Western Australia, 1994- Sekarang.

Karya Tulis
1. Dua buah buku, yaitu:
a. Teori VSEPR dan Kepolaran Molekul (Bayu Media, 2003)
b. Ikatan Ionik dan CacatCacat
pada Kristal Ionik (Bayu Media, 2004)
2. Lima puluh empat artikel yang dimuat dalam beberapa jurnal kimia internasional, yaitu:
a. The Journal of Chemical Society
b. Dalton Transactions

c. Australian Journal of Chemistry

d. Journal of Physical Chemistry
e. Inorganica Chimica Acta
f. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry
g. Inorganic Chemistry
h. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung
3. Sembilan belas artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal nasional:
a. Media Komunikasi Kimia
Beberapa karya unggulan yang dihasilkannya adalah:
1. Spectroscopy and structural studies on 1:2 adducts of silver(I) salts with tricyclo hexylphosphine, The
Journal of Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 1996: 24492457
2. Spectroscopy and structural studies on 1:1 adducts of silver(I) salts with tricyclohexylphosphine, The Journal of Chemical Society, Dalton
Transactions, 1996: 24592465
3. Influence of anion on the solution and solidstate structures of some 1:2 adducts of silver(I) with 1,3bis (diphenylphosphino) propane, The
Journal of Chemical Society, Dalton Transac tions, 1997, 14111420
4. The structural definition of adducts of stoichiome try MX:dppx (1:1) M = Cu 1, Ag 1 X = simple anion, dppx = Ph 2P(CH 2) xPph 2, x = 36,
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2005, 358: 763795.

Dosen teladan IKIP Malang pada tahun 1997

Salah satu dari peneliti Indonesia yang namanya masuk dalam International Directory of Distinguished Leadership tahun 2001

Beberapa nominasi yang pernah diperoleh adalah:

1. American Medal of Honour (2001)
2. International Scientist of the Year 2003

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