Job Achievement Report

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Job Achievement Report

Staff Name: Rajendren Subramaniam

Period: Jan 2015 Jun 2015
Technical Jobs
Initial Status
1. IT Helpdesk
System was purchased on 20/05/2014,
however the system was not implemented as
implementation planned.

2. VoIP system
(free calls

3. Large file
sharing system

Background:Helpdesk system was purchased to facilitate

users to log their IT service requests online
instead emailing and phone calls which are
gone unrecorded. The system also will show
staff performance related reports.
System was implemented only in Rawang
and Dubai office but very poor utilization.
Also was not implemented at other offices.
Background:VoIP system implementation will result in
huge savings on telephone bills for calls
between Eversendai offices.
We also noted users are struggling and
spending lots of time using 3rd party systems
to transfer large files, which are companys
P&C documents. System is in place but poor

Actions taken
1. Executed system testing and
feedback to vendor.
2. Identified and rectified
system bugs and issues.
3. User guide prepared and
circulated to all users.
4. User trainings conducted.
5. Extended the system to
users at other countries

Current status
Helpdesk system was live from
May 2015.
Further reports customization
from vendor is in progress.

1. Prepared user guide and

circulated to all users.
2. Conducted regular trainings
to users that includes
briefing to users on the
benefits of the system.
3. VoIP system implementation
extended to Mutiara office,
Chennai office, Qatar office.
1. Prepared user guide and
circulated to all users.
2. Conducted regular trainings
to users on the system
including briefings on the
benefits of the system.

VoIP system is successfully

being utilized at Rawang, Dubai,
Mutiara, Chennai and Qatar
As of to date, we achieved cost
saving estimated at RMxxxx.xx
per month.
Users starts utilizing this facility
however their utilization rate is
still not encouraging.

Job Achievement Report

Staff Name: Rajendren Subramaniam
Period: Jan 2015 Jun 2015
Technical Jobs
Initial Status
4. Meeting
New initiative
booking system 1. Head of Internal Audit, highlighted the
need for an automated system for
organizing meetings because lots of time
is being wasted in organizing a meeting
via sending emails because it is very
much dependent on the attendees
2. GCEO, highlighted the need for an
automated system to reserve meeting
room system as the users are unable to
know the room availability automatically if
they wants to schedule a meeting.
5. Multi-party VDO

6. GoogleSite

Only 2-way VDO conferencing system was

Background:Multi-party VDO conferencing system will
result in huge cost saving on travelling for
face to face meetings.
Project updates are shared via emails. There
is no common website to keep all recipient

Actions taken
1. For both problems, we
identified a functionality
within our email server
system, Zimbra.
2. We tested the system and
prepared user guide and
circulated to all users.
3. Conducted regular trainings
to users on the system
including briefings on the
benefits of the system.

Current status
Users starts utilizing this facility
however their utilization rate is
still not encouraging.

1. Evaluated and tested various

VDO conferencing system
including an in-house system
2. Concluded to use
GoToMeeting system.

1. Subscribed to a GoToMeeting
account via Dubai LLC
2. Proposed to all Eversendai
offices to invest in Audio &
Video facilities if they require
this facility.

1. Feasibility study, initial

evaluation and
familiarization completed
with involvement from Indian
IT team and key users.
2. Pilot run on DAISEC and
WORLI projects.
3. Google site is also being
evaluated by IT department
for intranet sites for internal

Users are successfully utilizing

the system. The same shall be
rolled out to other projects as
when requested by key users.

Job Achievement Report

Staff Name: Rajendren Subramaniam
Period: Jan 2015 Jun 2015
Technical Jobs
Initial Status
7. Backup & DR
Backup and DR system are in place but it was
not working as it supposed to work. This is a
serious issue where the company is running
into high risk.

Actions taken
1. Reviewed past proposals to
rectify the problem from our
existing vendor, which was
rejected by management
because of too expensive
(around RM160k)
2. Negotiated regularly with our
existing vendor, however the
discount given was not
3. Looked into alternative
solutions with other
products, vendors and with
involvement from Middle
East team.
4. Implemented manual backup
plan. This reduces the
criticality of the risk. Hence,
allows more time to further
investigate into appropriate

Current status
Finalized a vendor who has the
expertise to fix current problem
at RM18k only.
Meanwhile, the team (EV group)
is continuing the lookout for a
more economic and better
solution including virtualization
and cloud backup and DR.

Job Achievement Report

Staff Name: Rajendren Subramaniam
Period: Jan 2015 Jun 2015
Technical Jobs
Initial Status
8. Mail server
Mail server system is about 6 years old which
runs into problem few times.

9. GST

GST team claimed GST implementation was

progressing smoothly. However that was not
the case as the team was heading towards

10.White Card

White Card was at initial stage however the

project risks was not properly mitigated. The
rollout was targeted in January 2015 while
user-requirement is still in discussion

Actions taken
1. Reviewed past proposals to
rectify the problem from our
existing vendor, which was
rejected by management
because of too expensive
(almost RM60k)
2. Negotiated with the vendor,
however the discount given
was not encouraging.
3. Looked into alternative
solutions with other
products, vendors and with
involvement from Middle
East team.
Coordinated with various parties
includes ERP team, vendor
Titan4, key users. Introduced
key business users to GST
experts including visits to their
offices. Continued to follow up
regularly with all key
stakeholders and kept them
updated on their roles and
responsibilities. Ensured the key
business user plays his role as
that was the key success factor.
Highlighted to the vendor on the
project risks. Continued to follow
up regularly with all key
stakeholders and kept them
updated on their roles and
responsibilities. Ensured the key
business user plays his role as
that was the key success factor.

Current status
Finalized with focus on attending
to the critical issue only at

GST was live on April 2015.

Key business user takes the lead
in user trainings and GST

White Card was live on May

Key business user takes the lead
in user trainings and rollout for
other companies.

Job Achievement Report

Staff Name: Rajendren Subramaniam
Period: Jan 2015 Jun 2015
Technical Jobs
Initial Status
JDE ECPL implementation went live with lots
implementation of bugs, incomplete functions and without
for ECPL
localization. Month end closing takes many
days to complete. Sunway insisting that they
have completed with design and workaround
solution that agreed by ECPL. However, ECPL
denied it. Unnecessary internal fire fighting
among EV staffs causing unhealthy working
Challenges that leads to delay:1. JDE system is a centralized system
utilized by all other companies across the
group. Hence, any customization for an
individual companies should not
jeopardize other companys operation.
2. ERP deliverable contract is still with
3. Sunway insisting for their payment, 80%
of RM158k for whatever they have
delivered before any further action.
4. Quotation from Indian vendors was about
300% of Sunways original price.
5. If we were to proceed with another
5.1.possibilities of Sunway walk away
from their responsibility
5.2.risk of multivendor conflicts

Actions taken
1 Pushed Sunway as much as
possible to deliver as per
their original cost and scope
of work which includes
regular complaints lodged to
various parties including
Sunway top management and
Oracle Malaysia.
2 Supported due diligence
study from Indian vendors.
3 Evaluated the original
agreement with Sunway to
avoid any contradiction with
any new engagements with
another JDE partner with
assistance from legal
4 Looked into possibilities of
ensuring Sunway do not walk
away from their original
responsibilities when ECPL
engage another vendor.
5 Evaluated and negotiated
repeated proposals from
6 Evaluated possibilities of
tripartite agreements
between ECPL, Sunway and
new vendor.
7 Evaluated and negotiated
proposals from all other 3
potential Indian JDE partners

Current status
Finalized an Indian local vendor
for ECPL tax localization,
remodeling and enhancement.
We have to manage the
potential risk of:1. multi-vendor conflicts
2. Indian unique requirement
3. poor support from Sunway

Job Achievement Report

Staff Name: Rajendren Subramaniam
Period: Jan 2015 Jun 2015
Technical Jobs
Initial Status
12.Sub-System for
Sub-System was introduced to reduce
additional user license cost. However,
1. the project progress was slow
2. missing project plan
3. missing key business user to drive the
4. we are deviating from the ERP objective
to have a single database system to
eliminate integration
There was a concern on this internal software
development project was taken very lightly.


New implementation.
Challenges:The objective of implementing an ERP
system is to have a centralized system for all
departments and companies within the
group. That is to unify all island systems and
eliminate the need for integration. Hence,
implementing another system and trying to
integrate it with ERP system defeats the
objective of ERP implementation.

Actions taken
1. Negotiated with Oracle and
Sunway for a better price
option for users to access RO
function only.
2. Evaluated the pros and cons
of subsystem development
3. Negotiated with internal
development team to
develop the Sub-System with
direct connection to JDE
database, which will
eliminate the need for heavy
4. Advised a key business user
to take the lead and drive
this project
5. Briefed the key business user
on their role to take lead and
drive this project.
6. Advised the development
1. Study of Matrix done.
2. Meetings with Matrix vendor
3. Agreed by all parties on
basic integration because
is not

Current status
1. User requirement finalization
with the lead from a key
business user.

1. Basic integration software

development in progress

Job Achievement Report

Staff Name: Rajendren Subramaniam
Period: Jan 2015 Jun 2015
Technical Jobs
Initial Status
14.Feasibility study New request
on Matrix
for all

15.Fixed Asset (FA)


FA module implementation is in ERP

implementation scope but not started

Actions taken
1. Evaluated Matrix
2. Meetings with Matrix vendor,
Matrix users.
3. Evaluated

1. Supported a key business

user who takes the lead and
drive this project
2. Looked into alternatives
because Sunway is do not
want to proceed without
payment for ECPL

Current status
Matrix implementation for other
subsidiaries is not possible
1. Ideal Matrix-JDE integration
is not possible by internal
team. Outsourcing would
consume time and heavy
integration cost is not one
time effort.
2. Matrix has not been fully
implemented and not tested
proven at Offshore. Even if
Offshore and other entities
are different.
3. JDE
cannot effort to wait for the
already started working with
Sunway to proceed with MFG
module implementation
1. Negotiation with alternative
vendor for implementation
2. Project is few weeks behind
schedule because of
Sunways last minute fumble.

Job Achievement Report

Staff Name: Rajendren Subramaniam
Period: Jan 2015 Jun 2015
Technical Jobs
Initial Status
MFG module implementation is in ERP
MFG Module
implementation scope but not started


HRnet system was purchased but

implementation not started.

18.Insight software
for JDE
dashboard and
JDE report

New initiative

Actions taken
1. Visited Sharjah factory to
understand the high level
user requirement.
2. Looked into alternatives
because Sunway is do not
want to proceed without
payment for ECPL
1. Evaluated and proposed
various options of hardware
2. Finalized and proposed cloud
based infrastructure
3. Notified the GDHC on the
importance of a key business
user to drive the project and
obtained the names of
respective personals to drive
the project.
1. Witnessed product demo
2. Reviewed proposal

Current status
1. Negotiation with alternative
vendor for implementation

HRnet implementation on cloud

based infrastructure is in

Evaluation in progress

Job Achievement Report

Staff Name: Rajendren Subramaniam
Period: Jan 2015 Jun 2015
Non-Technical Jobs
Initial Status
19.Create awareness of the role Not all management users are
of key business user in
aware of this.
ERP/IT system
implementations as the
Challenges:subject matter expert and
ERP system implementation or
primary driver of the project. ERP issue resolution is a team
effort. A key business user, who
is the subject matter expert, is
required to drive all ERP related
projects. When the business
users handles the non-technical
tasks, this will enable the
technical team to focus on
technical tasks. This teamwork
will ensure the success of the
project. This has been proven
implementation. We need to
emulate the same model to all
other ERP projects. The above
message has been rendered in
Meeting on 30/02/2015.
20.Create awareness of the
New initiative
need for group

Actions taken
1. Identified key business users
and meeting sessions to
educate them on the rational
and benefits of the key
business users to drive any
ERP related projects
2. Presented in Group
Management Meeting on the
importance of key business
user roles

Current status
Project progress status with the
lead of a key business user:1. GST good (Siva)
2. White Card good (Siva)
3. FA good (Siva)
4. Sub-System good (Suresh)
5. ECPL slow
6. MFG slow
7. HRnet slow
8. Matrix slow
Key business users has started
playing this role. However, often
IT department is still on the
focus for status updates.

1. Presented in Group
Management Meeting on the
importance of group
representative in ERP
requirement analysis and
appointed the respective
2. Defined and presented the
process flow of ERP related
user requirement that
requires the group

The following has been agreed

in Group Management Meeting
on 30/02/2015:1. Finance - Group CFO
2. Procurement - Head of
Procurement, Dubai & Head
of Global Procurement
3. Inventory - Head of Plant,
4. Manufacturing - Head of
Plant, Sharjah
5. Asset Management Group

Job Achievement Report

Staff Name: Rajendren Subramaniam
Period: Jan 2015 Jun 2015

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