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Access Course:

Nursing and Health Related Professionals

Unit Title:

Health and Disease

Assignment Title/Briefing: The Nature of Disease
Demonstrate the ability to explore the nature of disease through investigating a named
pathogen. You will need to produce a presentation that you will disseminate to others; that
includes an outline of the biology of a named infectious disease an exploration of its
pathology, a description of the context of the disease and some methods of prevention
related to its spread. You will need to describe the symptoms of the disease and some
treatments available.
Submission deadline 13 April 2015
Mapping to Unit
This assignment covers the following learning outcomes & assessment criteria for this unit
Learning Outcomes/ Assessment Criteria LO: 1
Criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
(e.g. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1 etc)

Grading information for this assignment

Grade descriptor:
For a pass you
For a merit you
For a distinction
you should:

1 Understanding of the subject

Meet the assessment criteria to achieve the learning outcomes for the
Demonstrate a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base,
outlining the biology of the infectious disease, a detailed exploration of
its pathology.
Demonstrate an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base,
outlining the biology of the infectious disease, a detailed exploration of
its pathology.

Guidance notes
Grade descriptor:
For a pass you
For a merit you
For a distinction
you should:

4 Use of information
Meet the assessment criteria to achieve the learning outcomes for the
Demonstrate that you have made use of relevant ideas and facts, with
a depth of knowledge and writing that goes beyond the requirements
for a pass.
Demonstrate that you have made use of relevant ideas and facts, with
a depth and breadth of knowledge and writing that goes beyond the
requirements for a merit.

Guidance notes

Assignment Brief: full outcomes/criteria v1

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Grade descriptor:
For a pass you
For a merit you

5 Communication and presentation

Meet the assessment criteria to achieve the learning outcomes for the
Shows very good command of, Format, structure, use of images,
language (including technical or specialist language), Spelling,
punctuation and referencing.

For a distinction
you should:

Shows an excellent command of, Format, structure, use of images,

language (including technical or specialist language), Spelling,
punctuation and referencing.

Guidance notes
Grade descriptor:
For a pass you
For a merit you
For a distinction
you should:

6 Autonomy and/or independence

Meet the assessment criteria to achieve the learning outcomes for the
Responds promptly and effectively to guidance and demonstrates very
good time management
Works effectively with a high level of independence and
demonstrates excellent time management

Guidance notes

Grade descriptor:
For a pass you
For a merit you
For a distinction
you should:

7 Quality
Meet the assessment criteria to achieve the learning outcomes for the
The work is structured in a way that is generally logical and fluent. The
work taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the
demands of the assignment.
The work is structured in a way that is consistently logical and fluent.
The work taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellent response to the
demands of the assignment.

Guidance notes
Declaration: I confirm that this assignment is all my own work and that it conforms to the
course policy on plagiarism as stated in the course handbook.
Print name:
Monique Mavronicolas

Learner signature:

13 April 2015

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