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Access Course:

Nursing and Health Related Professionals

Unit Title:

Psychology and Sociology of Health - Communication


Monique Mavronicolas

Assignment Title/Briefing:
This assignment asks you to demonstrate an appreciation of the ways in which behaviour
may be influenced by biological, individual, environmental and social factors.
You will also be exploring communication in the health care setting
Submission deadline

19th March 2015

Mapping to Unit
This assignment covers the following learning outcomes & assessment criteria for this unit
Learning Outcomes/ Assessment Criteria LO: 4 and 5
(e.g. 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1 etc)
Criteria 4.1 and 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3
Grading information for this assignment
(Add/delete sections below if this assignment uses more/less than four grade descriptors)
Grade descriptor:
For a pass you
For a merit you

For a distinction
you should:

Guidance notes

1 Understanding of the subject

Meet the assessment criteria to achieve the learning outcomes for the
Demonstrate a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base, by
Critically evaluating the way in which behaviour can affect the
relationship between the patient and healthcare professional with
reference to factors such as stress, aggression and assertion, life
space, response to pain etc.
Demonstrate an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base by
Critically evaluating the way in which behaviour can affect the
relationship between the patient and healthcare professional with
reference to factors such as stress, aggression and assertion, life
space, response to pain etc.
You will need to make sure that you research relevant source of
information including appropriate data to support your explanations and
Assertion in this instance is communication and understanding.

Grade descriptor:
For a pass you
For a merit you

2 Application of Knowledge
Meet the assessment criteria to achieve the learning outcomes for the
Evaluate the importance of good communication between the
healthcare professional and the patient.
Analyse the barriers to communication in health care settings and ways
in which they can be over overcome.
Explain how effective communication can be achieved in the

Assignment Brief: full outcomes/criteria v1

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For a distinction
you should:

Guidance notes

Grade descriptor:
For a pass you
For a merit you
For a distinction
you should:

healthcare setting you will need to make sure you have made use of
relevant ideas and facts with either a breadth or depth that goes
beyond the requirements for a pass with very good levels of insight and
Evaluate the importance of good communication between the
healthcare professional and the patient. Analyse the barriers to
communication in health care settings and ways in which they can be
over overcome.
Explain how effective communication can be achieved in the
healthcare setting. You will need to make sure you have made use of
relevant ideas and facts with a breadth and depth that goes beyond the
requirements for a merit with excellent levels of insight and accuracy.
I will expect you to take into account cultural, social, sensory, physical
environmental and individual factors.

7 Quality
Meet the assessment criteria to achieve the learning outcomes for the
The work taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the
demands of the assignment, and has put forward arguments or ideas
which are generally unambiguous but which in a minor way are limited
or incomplete.
The work taken as a whole demonstrates an excellent response to the
demands of the assignment; and has put forward arguments or ideas
which are consistently unambiguous and cogent.

Guidance notes
Declaration: I confirm that this assignment is all my own work and that it conforms to the
course policy on plagiarism as stated in the course handbook.
Print name:
Monique Mavronicolas

Learner signature:

19 March 2015

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