Incredibly True... : A Word From THE Team

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02 The MoonWalk April 2009

Incredibly True...
Wanna become longer? Move into Space!
Everybody knows space is dangerous. Some of the
A Word From THE Team
perils are obvious: hard vacuum, extreme cold, and “….the stars are too far away for experiments, so you have to sit
unpredictable blasts of radiation from the Sun. Other
perils are less conspicuous. passively and watch what's happening; it's really like watching a
Among them, one goes here.The astronauts are up to magic show. Astronomy is about trying to solve the puzzle of the
2 inches taller while they're in space. Astonished!!! cosmic magic show."
The spine of human beings elongates by up to three - says Proff. John C Brown with a bird skull
percent while travelling in space. Spine is compatible
to a giant spring; applying pressure keeps it coiled and on his desk; a photo of Einstein on the wall behind; an ancient computer
releasing the pressure stretches it out. Less gravity in topped with a bust of Homer Simpson and a battered model of the Hubble
space helps the discs between each vertebra to hold telescope dangling from the ceiling.
more spinal fluid, making them larger and putting
more space between each vertebra. No major effect on Such are astronomers and such are the elements of astronomy…
other areas of the body, such as the legs or arms are inspiring, conspiring but also pure, naïve and spiritual.
seen since those bones are not compressible like the
discs in the spine. The natural curve of the spine is And the year of 2009 surely brought most of them together during the 100
straightened. Without the usual force of gravity
hours of Astronomy from April 2, 2009 to April 5, 2009. This was a
pushing down on it, the spine is freer to relax,
stretching out upto 7.6 cms. cornerstone project and a worldwide celebration of the International
Want some proof? Try measuring your own height at Year of Astronomy, 2009. It was all about four starry days!, and shimmer
the beginning and end of the day and you'll notice that nights, when people with all over the world came to see the marvels of that
you'll lose some height during the day.Its due to the unveiled cosmos; and roamed 'around the world in 80 telescopes' which
fact that gravity compresses your spine during the day
and the compression is reversed itself until you get up took viewers to every continent including Antarctica.
the next day. The effects of weightlessness further This issue of Moonwalk surely wishes to touch upon that one nerve which
eliminate the compression of the spine. makes us dream and fascinate about the sky above and roaming around its
Is this height gain from weightlessness faculties. We hence, dedicated this issue to mostly space travel, ranging
permanent? No! Just like your own spine elongates from moving there within gravity bound tunnels, without fuel or travelling
after lying down for a number of hours, an
astronaut will eventually return to their normal through black holes and white entrances!!
height within days of their return. So those of you
Myth or reality? Well, we leave these questions to be answered with time
who dream of being astronauts can take assurance
in one fact: you won't have to make a permanent and prefer being lost in the 'magic of the cosmos' as Sir Brown quotes it.
change to your wardrobe after each mission!


Remember those super heroes on the spacecraft's thrusters could break up
Television trying to save our earth from an the asteroid or stir up unwanted dust if MIP
asteroid collision. Well what would fired too vigorously. The 35kg Moon Impact Probe was one
happen if an asteroid were to strike our To make sure the thrusters couldn't
earth some day? of the 11 payloads onboard the
break up the asteroid--or hinder the net
Seems like all we would be needing is a
towing force by pushing the asteroid
India’s most exciting space mission:
tractor!!! Not just any kind of tractor, it's Chandrayaan-1. It separated from
away--Lu and Love angled the thrusters
called an Asteroid Tractor.
slightly away from the body of the the satellite orbiting at the height of
Now, two NASA astronauts have
presented a plan for an "asteroid tractor"- 100km from lunar surface, and
-an unmanned, 20- "The jets fire off to
the side, not quite impacted on the moon surface
ton spacecraft that
uses the invisible as efficient as covering the 100km vertical distance
bond of gravity to firing straight in just 25min. But even at such an
gently pull an down. It's like
asteroid into a new, rowing forward by enormous speed, it gave a very high
non-threatening pushing off to the quality picture of the lunar terrain.
orbit. sides--it keeps
you moving
How is it possible?
"You can think of it
like a big elastic forward, but very Well,the technique used here was to
band between the slowly," Lu said. change the focus of the lens
two pulling them "It takes less than
together," said a pound of force-- periodically. But doesn't that happens
Edward Lu, who about what you in good cameras, you would ask? Yes it
presents the concept need to hold up a does. But the period with which the
for the spacecraft cup of coffee."
w i t h f e l l o w focus was changed in these cameras
In 2029, the
astronaut Stanley Love in the Nov. 10 1,000-foot (320 meters) asteroid 99942 was 20 micro seconds!!!
issue of the journal Nature. Apophis(2004 MN4) will whiz by Earth at
The tractor would hover above the a distance of about 18,600 miles (30,000
surface of the asteroid, without touching kilometers). That's about as close as
it, and use gravity as a towline. If the many geosynchronous satellites. It will
spacecraft maintains a consistent swing by the Earth again in either 2035
distance between it and the asteroid, and or 2036, and scientists predict it has a
always tows in the same direction, this small chance of hitting the planet on this
method won't disturb the asteroid's pass.
rotation or composition. "The kind of spacecraft we've talked
Despite the urge to give the asteroid a about could move an asteroid 650 feet
hardy tug, the key to moving an asteroid (200 meters) across provided we have
with gravity is to be gentle. An asteroid is decades of advanced warning," Lu said.
likely to be loosely packed material, so "That's not out of line with what you'd
tugging on it too hard could break it into expect - we can predict the orbit of an
unmanageable pieces. Or, the force from asteroid decades in advance."

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