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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Review

Ok. So why another review of the movie? Especially knowing the fact that
it has been already reviewed by the bigwigs from the critics pool. Well
because it doesnt matter how many reviews people give. Everyone is
different with their brain cells cooking different recipes.
One of most awaited movies of the year opened mostly to negative
reviews. People loved the visual effects and the Parker-Stacy chemistry.
But all in all it was a disappointing plot with even more disappointing
villains. Peter grapples with the guilt of the promise he made to Gwens
dad about breaking his ties with her. But man it is difficult! Gwen and
Parker are deeply in love and fall in and out of relationship with Peter
trying to sacrifice it to protect her and Gwen having i-dont-care-I-love-you
attitude. Clichd! But this is the only thing which makes the movie tick.
Emma Stone is adorable and makes a really cute couple with her real life
beau Andrew Garfield.
The portrayal of villains is ludicrous. Director Marc Webb havent seemed
to give much thought to it. After classy suave villains like Joker and Loki, it
is difficult to admire Electro or the Lizard. Their emotions are hardly
explored and their story seems childish. Max, a talented electrical
engineer goes and handles high voltage wires with his naked hands and
falls into a tank of electric eels. The result: Electro, a super villain who
drinks and eats electricity and can fry anyone he wants. Pretty lame huh!
And then Max, who revered Spider-man begins to hate him because the
latter is given more attention by the people during a public scene and
thinks he is involved in police! Ah! And seriously who starts clapping when
a monster is standing amongst you! The people actually clap in the faceoff between Spider-Man and Electro. Whatever! And then Harry Osborne! I
miss the chemistry which James Franco and Tobey McGuire shared.
Anyways, Harry needs Spider Mans blood cause he is sick and dying but
he is refused blood by Peter and gets pissed off and joins forces with

The plot is often witless with many loopholes. Gwen actually leaves for
Oxford the same day as her result is announced. Really! No goodbye and
packing. And in the fight scene in the end, Electro is being shown
invincible but is knocked out badly when Gwen hits him with a car! And
Peters dad just knew that his son would smash his calculator and retrieve
the coins and use them to open his lab in some abandoned station.

Anyways I felt sad that this patchy story had to culminate into Stacys
death. Gwen is one of the best things about the movie. I loved her. Her
valedictory speech in the beginning was brilliant. The subtle way in which
her death is interwoven with the concept of time is well-portrayed. In her
speech she says that we dont have much time. She dies in a clock tower.
Lizard doesnt directly kill her, rather she dies when Peter tries to stop the
cogs which meant that he was trying to stop time. He fails and Gwen
plummets to her death. This is symbolic of the fact that time stops for no
one. Gwens death was a price Peter had to pay. What was ironical was the
fact that in the comics, Peter had killed Gwen by mistake. His web had
caught Gwen and the jerk had caused her neck to snap. In the movie,

however Marc Webb shows it differently. The scene was really touching
and this is what you remember when you leave the theatres; her eyes, the
dilated pupils, there are so many emotions in them, fear, agony, sorrow
and shock, you wish you could catch her, like Peters web tries to do, and
you desperately hope that it does, the white tentacles, your heart beats
rapidly, as she falls through the height, as she falls through the huge
distance, gaining speed, and then the thud, the crack of the second, the
momentary hit, but that moment we dreaded, of her head striking the
floor, has happened, the web catches her and she bounces and hangs a
few feet above the ground. The finality of it is brutal. Peter Parkers
sweetheart is dead. We know that Gwen and Peter deserved better than
this. She is finally realizing her dream and Peter is ready to be with her
without guilt, ready to travel with her to England without a care in the
world. But in the end, as some of us know more than others, life is not
perfect. You have to move on. And we leave with this thought lingering in
our heads.

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