Creating A New Label: Style Bar Set The Label Setup Options

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Creating a New Label

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Creating a New Label

1. Do one of the following:

On the File menu, click New.

Click New

on the Style Bar.

2. Set the Label Setup options as appropriate for your labeling application.
3. Click OK when finished.

Opening an Existing Label

1. Do one of the following:

On the File menu, click Open.


Click Open

on the Style Bar.

2. Click the Preview check box if you want to view a preview of each label file as you click on it.
If a preview does not appear for a label file, click Build Missing Preview Files to generate new
label previews for all files in the current directory.
3. Locate the desired label file and double-click on it to open it in the label design software.
Note: If the label was originally created for a printer other than the one currently selected, you will be
asked if you want to convert the label to the new printer. Click Yes to convert the label to work with the
currently selected printer. The changes made for the conversion will not be permanent until you save the
label. If No is chosen, the label will not open.

Opening Label Files from the Internet

This label design software uses file transfer protocol (FTP), a standard communications format, to
provide access to label files over a network such as the Internet.
You can open a label format that is stored on the Internet. However, only the label file may be stored
there; any accessory files such as pictures, text files and fonts must be stored locally, and not at the
Internet site.



Creating a New Label

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Note: You must have Internet access from your computer, and be connected to the Internet before
executing the Open From Internet command.

To open a label file from an Internet site

1. Activate your connection to the Internet.
2. On the File menu, click Open From Internet.
3. Click Add/Modify.
4. In the Name of FTP Site box, type the Internet address you want to access.
5. If the site requires a user name, select the User option and enter a valid user name.
6. If the site requires a password, enter it in the Password box.
7. Click Add. The address appears in the large text box along with any other addresses that have
already been set up.
8. Select the address to connect to, and click Select/Add.
The Open File From Internet Locations (FTP) dialog box appears as the label design software
attempts to connect to the site you selected. If the connection is successful, the label appears in the
design window.

Converting Old Label Files

Label files can always be converted from earlier versions to a newer version, but once the label is saved
in the more recent version, it cannot be used again by the earlier version.
For example:

Version 7.02 will open label files saved in version 6.08.

Version 6.08 will NOT open a label file that was saved under version 7.02.

Importing a Label File

To import a label design from another label file format or printer file
1. On the File menu, click Import Other Label Files.



Creating a New Label

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2. In the Files of type box, click the file format of the label you want to import.
The label design software supports the import of several different printer file formats, created by other
label design programs.
3. In the Look in box, browse to the location of the file.
4. Select the file to open, and click OK.
For printer files, you may be prompted for additional information (such as label size) before conversion
takes place. This is because some printer formats do not include all the label design information.
5. If prompts appear, enter appropriate data.
The file opens and is converted to this label design software's label file format (.lbl).

Saving a Label
If the current label design file has never been saved, you will be prompted to select a folder and enter a
name for the file. When you re-save an existing document you will not be prompted.

To save a new label design

1. Do one of the following:

On the File menu, click Save.


Click Save

on the Style Bar.

2. In the Save as box, browse to the folder where the file will be saved.
3. Enter a file name for the label design.
4. Click Save.



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