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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa

University of City of Muntinlupa

PLMun Debate Club Constitution and By Laws

We, the members of PLMun Debate Club, an organization of all bona fide students of Pamantasan ng
Lungsod ng Muntinlupa, do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution in order to establish a
university wide organization that shall embody our academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular ideals.

Article I
Name and Domicile
The name of the organization shall be PLMun Debate Club, hereinafter: PLMunDC, or the PLMunDC.
The official domicile of the organization is the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa (PLMun).

Article II
Code of Conduct
Section 1.

The organization aims to:


Inculcate unity and camaraderie among the students of the university through debate.


Assemble a group of students that can be fielded to compete on and off campus debate
tournaments and speak in public fora.


Hold on campus meetings to provide training and practice in debate amongst the
university constituents.


Sponsor on campus intercollegiate debate tournaments, public forum and events

pertaining issues affecting the community.


Help in advancing the concerns of the members and the university constituents as a whole
through proper ways.

Article III
Section 1. Composition.

The members of the organization shall be all bona fide students of

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa, regardless of race, age, sex, marital
status, color, socio economic status and religion. He / she must pass the
qualifications and criteria, including the try outs and interview set by the

Section 2. Rights.

Any member, who pays the required fees and obligingly fulfills his / her
responsibilities shall be considered a member of good standing, entitling him /
her to the following rights and privileges.
2.1 He / she is entitled to one vote each in matters concerning the
2.2 He / she can be nominated to a position, and if elected, serves as an
officer for one academic year provided that he / she passed all the
qualifications to become an officer of an organization as mandated in the rules
of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA).

Section 3. Duties and Obligations.

Every member is required to:

3.1 Attend and participate in all activities spearheaded by the
organization, such as meetings and general assemblies.
3.2 Pay a membership fee of ___ pesos on a semestral basis.
3.3 Render full support in the implementation of activities and projects
that will promote and raise the welfare of the organization and in the
greater scale, the university and the society.

Article IV
Section 1.
Elected Officers. The organization shall have the following elected officers with their
corresponding responsibilities:
Section 1.1 Chairperson. The chairperson shall:
1. Preside the meetings of the organization.
2. Spearhead the recognition of the organization to the Office of Student
3. Sign important documents in behalf of the organization provided that the
approval is secured from the members.
4. Appoints all Appointed Officers as per Article IV, Section 2 of this
5. Spearhead any activity sponsored by the organization.
6. Sees to it that all policies are fully and properly implemented and consulted
among members.
7. Facilitate special meetings to discuss and decide concerns and matters
pertaining the organization and;
8. Facilitate and serves as liaison in partnerships and relations with other
organizations, the administration and off campus activities.
Section 1.2 Vice Chairperson for Operations.
1. The VC for Operations shall assume office in case the chairpersons
absence or incapacity.
2. He / She is also responsible for the recruitment of members and trainings
and practices of the organization.
3. He / she helps the chairperson in matters regarding external affairs such as
relations with other organizations.
Section 1.3 Vice Chairperson for Finance.
1. The VC for Finance shall collect the fees necessitate by the organization.
2. He / she is the responsible for preparing semestral and annual financial
reports of the organization, the payment of debts, and the oversight of the
organizations accounts.
Section 1.4 Secretary. The secretary shall:
1. Take and keep records and minutes of the meetings and shall update the
roster of members.
2. Keep an official record of all transactions made by the organization.
Section 1.5 Auditor. The auditor shall:
1. Act as the controller of all expenditures and monetary transactions made by
the organization.
2. Review, assess and inspect all expenditures and monetary transactions
made by the organization.
Section 1.6 Convener. The convener shall:
1. Hold the responsible for encouraging on campus debates and public

Section 2.

Appointed Officers. These are the officers that had been appointed by the chairperson to
specifically hold the operation of debate tournaments. The appointed officers may be the
elected officers as may discuss and decided by the whole members of the organization.
Section 2.1 Tournament Directors.

1. Appointed for each debate tournament hosted.

2. He / she is the responsible for all the planning and administration of tournaments,
including, but not limited to invitation, housing, registration, judging, tabbing, meals
and awards.

Section 3.

All officers, except the appointed officers, shall serve the organization for one Academic Year.
It will commence on the day of their election into offices and shall end on the day when a
new set of officers are elected. The officers (Chairperson, VC for Operations, VC for Finance,
Secretary, Auditor and Convener) are not eligible for any re election of same position.

Section 4.

Any officer may be removed from office for, and in conviction of culpable violation of the
constitution, negligence, and betrayal of public trust.

Section 5.

Qualifications shall be in accordance to the rules and regulations set by the Office of Student

Section 6.

As an officer of the organization, the officers shall convene their constituents and promote
the democratic rights of their constituents by bringing their interests and concerns to the
University Student Council.

Article V
Election Process
Section 1.

The election shall held at the day provided by the Office of Student Affairs for Minor

Section 2.

A general assembly shall be called solely for the purpose of elections. The president shall
announce the date of election two weeks in advance at a meeting of the organization or
through social media.

Section 3.

The positions open for elections are the following: Chairperson, VC for Operations, VC for
Finance, Secretary, Auditor, and Convener.

Section 4.

An incumbent officer can be nominated and / or re elected but for a different position.

Section 5.

The current officers shall facilitate the election process.

Section 6.

Article VI
Section 1.

The general assembly shall be the chief decision maker body of the whole organization. It
shall be initiate when all members of the organization are present or when a quorum is

Section 2.

The decision made during the general assembly shall be rendered final and irrevocable.

Section 3.

The Chairperson shall call for special meetings if and when necessary.

Section 4.

Announcement of meetings and special meetings shall be made at least three (3) days prior
to the meetings.

Article VII
The quorum shall consist of fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the total number of members of the
organization to render any election or decision valid during an election or decision making process.

Article VIII
Removal and Discipline
Section 1.

Any member or officer may be removed from office by impeachment, by a resolution in

writing by at least fifty percent (50%) of the total resident members of the organization,
which shall be certified by the Secretary and in meetings finally concurred to be less than
three-fourths (3/4) of all members of the organization including those requesting his/her
removal on the following grounds:

(1) Willful violation of the Constitution and By-Laws.

(2) Gross negligence and dereliction of duty.
(3) Any grave offense or misconduct reflecting upon his/her moral character.
Section 2.

The officer charged shall be given at least a weeks notice prior to hearing. He / She shall be
allowed to present his/her side during the hearing to be conducted by the other officers and
the adviser(s).

Article IX
Faculty Advisers
Section 1.
Any faculty member(s) may serve as the adviser of the organization provided that he / she
agreed to be one.
Section 2.

The faculty adviser(s) shall assist the chairperson and the whole organization on matters
pertaining to the activities, tournaments and affairs of the organization.

Section 3.

Qualifications of faculty adviser(s) shall be in accordance to the guidelines set by the Office
of Student Affairs.

Article X
Section 1.
Section 2.

Any amendment to a provision of this Constitution may be proposed by any member and
coursed through the officers.
Any amendment shall be made by fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) votes of all the members
of the organization. This can be done through a General Assembly or any form possible and
made valid by the officers.



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