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Presentation on

Supply of arsenic free water for rural

Presented To
Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed
professor, BRAC Business School
Course ID# FIN 603
Sec: 01

Presented by:
Dilruba Khanam


Adrita Razzque


Oishee Manee


Mohammad Shahidul Islam Khan

June 16, 2015


Out line of our presentation:

Arsenic Problem in Bangladesh
Background and Justification
Objectives of this project
Project Implementation and Management Plan
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Project Budget

Arsenic Problem in Bangladesh

Arsenic in tube well water was first founded in Bangladesh in
1993 by the Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) in
Chapai Nawabganj.
At present prevalence of arsenic in drinking water has been
identified 61 out of 64 districts in Bangladesh.
black foot disease, cardiovascular disease, neuropathy and
Maximum permissible limit for Bangladesh 0.05 mg/l. WHO
guideline value 0.01 mg/l.

Background and Justification

'Action Research on Community-Based Arsenic Mitigation' project
for the period June 1999- June 2000 of BRAC- There was
dangerous arsenic contamination in water of Sonargaon upazila.
90% tube wells were tested.
among them 62% of the wells contain arsenic above 100 ppb1,
had dangerous concentration.

74% villages of Sonargaon had more than half of their wells

Therefore we selected the village pakundia of sonargoan upozila,
Narayanganj district, for our project implementation.
Emphasis will be placed on that the community to be involved as an
integral part of the implementing force. Like: involvement in
awareness program, arsenic test, contribution of fund, land,
bamboo etc.
This project proposal will help Government to meet Millennium
Development Goals of Bangladesh for ensuring safe drinking water
supply for the inhabitants by the year 2015.

Map of arsenic pollution in Sonargaon upazila

Objectives of this project

Development objective:
To ensure the supply of arsenic free pure
drinking water.
Immediate objective:
Awareness raising against arsenic pollution
both in local and national level.
To develop resource map for the village of the
project area.

Project Implementation and Management Plan

Project Activities and work plan:
Selected village for implementation of the project:
Pakundia village of Sonargoan upazila in Narayanganj
Supply of arsenic free water, Awareness campaign, Arsenic
mitigation activities etc.
Duration time of the project: 1st June 2015-31st July 2015
Funded by: donor funded, self funded, community
contribution, personal donor.
Total cost of this project: TK.230,200/=

Work plan:

Work activities

Responsible person

1.06.2015 -15.06.2015

Survey about arsenic

and AdritaRazzaque


Analysis information

Md. FirozAlam

17.06.2015 5.07.2015

Fund collection

Mohammad Shahidul Islam


6.07.2015 20.07.2015

Installation deep hand tube well

Broewell Limited


Build platform

Broewell Limited


Sing board and message write

Mohammad Shahidul Islam


Arsenic test


Handling the deep tube wall to BRAC



Project Beneficiaries:
40 Families
200 peoples
Among them150 women and children
Implementing agent management:
a) BRAC and Broewell Limited
b) BRAC: arsenic test kits, awareness mechanisms,
training, fund.
c) Broewell Limited : Installation of Deep hand tube

Deep Hand Tube Well:

Project Monitoring and Evaluation

This project will be monitored by us and Mr.
Amir Hossain who is the filed manager of
BRAC. He will report to head of projector.
According to report chief engineer will direct
the worker or construction company about
the project.

Project Budget

Financing for the DHTW project

Contribution of different donor:

contribution of different donor





Cummunity Contribution
personal donation
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd
City Group
Jamuna Bank Ltd

Thank You

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