Issues in SLAR - D Nunan

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Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.


David Nunan

This chapter addresses substantive and methodological issues in second language (L2) research. It is
intended as an introductory state-of-the-art survey, not only for students and researchers whose primary
focus is language acquisition, but also for those whose primary interest is in areas other than L2 acquisition.
The chapter begins by tracing the historical background to research in L2 acquisition. This is followed by a
critical review of selected studies in the field. Although the primary focus is on methodological issues, it
will become apparent that one cannot easily separate research methodology from substantive issues. This is
because the questions being addressed by the researcher should determine how data are to be collected and
analyzed. (For additional discussion in this volume of issues in research methodology in the study of L2
acquisition, see chapters 4 by Flynn and 12 by Sorace.)
L2 acquisition research is concerned with investigating the processes and stages that learners undergo in
acquiring L2s and subsequent languages. The research can be concerned with acquisition in naturalistic
environments (that is, where the learner is attempting to acquire the language without formal instruction),
acquisition in tutored environments, and acquisition in mixed environments. The ultimate aim of the
research is to relate the processes of acquisition with products or outcomes, that is, with what learners are
able to do at different stages in their progress towards native or near-native mastery. (See chapter 2 by
Gregg, this volume, for another discussion of the aims of L2 acquisition research.)
The field of L2 acquisition was largely created from a line of inquiry known as contrastive analysis. The
central question investigated by contrastive analysis was, What is the role of the first language (L1) in the
acquisition of an L2 or subsequent language? (Chapters 6 by Eckman and 10 by Gass, this volume, also
discuss the place of contrastive analysis in the history of L2 acquisition.)
In the early stages of the development of L2 acquisition as a field of research, it was believed that the
development of an L2 was strongly influenced by the learners L1. This belief was enshrined in the
contrastive hypothesis. This hypothesis predicts that where L1 and L2 rules are in conflict, then errors are
likely to occur, these errors being the result of interference between the L1 and L2. According to this
hypothesis, Spanish L1 learners will tend, when learning English, to place the adjective after the noun,
rather than before it, as this is the way it is done in Spanish. Such an error is the result of negative transfer
of the L1 rule to the L2. When the rules are similar for both languages, positive transfer will occur and
language learning will be facilitated. Where a target language (TL) feature does not exist in the LI, learning
will also be impeded. Such is the case for English Li learners trying to master the use of nominal classifiers
in certain Asian languages such as Thai. (For a general discussion of the contrastive hypothesis, see Nunan,
The names most closely associated with contrastive analysis are Charles Fries and Robert Lado. Friess
motive was basically pedagogical in nature. He was concerned with the development of teaching materials
and believed that

1. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

the most efficient materials are those that are based upon a scientific description of the language to be
learned, carefully compared with a parallel description of the native language of the learner. (Fries, 1945, p.
Lado (1957) carried Friess early work even further, and materials were developed for a range of languages
that were based on a detailed contrastive analysis of the L1 and TL.

In this section I shall focus on some key substantive issues that have preoccupied L2 acquisition
researchers along with some of the methods used in investigating those questions. The discussion begins
with a review of a series of studies
II. Examining Substance and Procedure
that questioned the assumptions of the contrastive analysts. This is then followed by a review of some key
questions in L2 acquisition.
A. Creative Construction
During the early 1970s, some empirical investigations, known as the morpheme- order studies, were carried
out that had the effect of calling into question the contrastive hypothesis. (The creative construction
hypothesis is also discussed in chapter 10, this volume, by Gass.) These studies appeared to indicate that
learners from widely divergent L1 backgrounds, learning English as a Second Language (ESL), appeared to
acquire grammatical morphemes in virtually the same order (Dulay & Burt, 1973, 1974a, 1974b) The
researchers concluded that a universal order of acquisition existed, and that this was based on an innate
learning process in which the role of the LI was minimal. In particular, it was argued that:
1. There appear to be innate, subconscious processes that guide L2 acquisition.
2. Exposure to natural communication in the TL is necessary for the subconscious processes to work well.
The richer the learners exposure to the TL the more rapid and comprehensive learning is likely to be.
3. The learner needs to comprehend the content of natural communication in the new language.
4. A silent phase at the beginning of language learning (when the learner does not produce the new
language) is observed in most learners who then exhibit fewer interlingual errors and better pronunciation
when they do begin production.
5. The learners motives, emotions, and attitudes screen what is presented in the language classroom, or
outside it.
6. The influence of the learners L1 is negligible on grammar (for detailed treatment, see Dulay, Burt, &
Krashen, 1982).
Methodologically, these studies received a great deal of criticism, and there were other studies published
simultaneously and later that accorded a much greater role to LI interference (see, for example, Odlin,
1989). Some of these studies are set out in Table I, which is taken from Ellis (1985).
It is now generally accepted that the L1 has a greater influence on the acquisition of an L2 than was
allowed for by the morpheme-order studies (see, for example, Odlin, 1989). For an interesting and readable
reevaluation of contrastive analysis and a detailed discussion of language transfer, see Selinker (1992).
B. Other Issues
In the rest of this section, I wish to review some of the questions that have preoccupied L2 acquisition
researchers since the emergence of the morpheme- order studies in the 1970s and the methods that have
been used in the investigation of these questions.
Is There a Distinction between Conscious Learning
and Subconscious Acquisition?
2. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

In some ways, the most controversial of the claims growing out of the morpheme- order studies is related to
the proposed distinction between learninga conscious processand acquisitiona subconscious
process. Krashen (1981, 1982), whose name is most closely associated with this distinction, based his claim
on the observation that consciously learned grammar does not appear directly in the communicative
repertoire of the learner but acts only as a self-monitor. Krashen claims that this lack of relationship
between learning and use can be accounted for in terms of two separate mental systems.
Learning does not turn into acquisition. The idea that we first learn a new rule (consciously), and
eventually, through practice, acquire it (subconsciously), is widespread and may seem to some people
intuitively obvious. (Krashen, 1982, p. 83)
This supposed distinction between learning and acquisition has been widely criticized since it first appeared
(see, for example, Gregg, 1984). Although it retains a certain attraction for some practitioners, it no longer
generates much excitement amongst researchers.
Percentage of Interference Errors Reported by Various Studies of L2 English Acquisition

errors (%)

Type of learner

Grauberg (1971)


L1 German. adult, advanced

George (1972)


Mixed L1s, adult, graduate

Dulay and Burt (1973)

L1 Spanish, children, mixed level

Tran-Chi-Chau (1975)


L1 Chinese, adult, mixed level

Mukattash (1977)


L1 Arabic, adult

Flick (1980)


L1 Spanish, adult, mixed level

Lott (1983)


L1 Italian, adult, university

Rather than being directly investigated, the conscious learningsubconscious acquisition distinction, was
inferred from investigations into L2 development. Researchers collected samples of learner language and
compared the morphosyntactic structures that learners used with the frequency and order in which
structures were presented in the instructional context. It was the observed mismatch between instruction
and use that led certain researchers to propose the learningacquisition distinction. However, most of the
learner data were collected through elicitation devices of one sort or another, and this led to criticisms that
observed acquisition orders might be artifacts of the elicitation devices themselves. (This issue is dealt with
in greater detail later in the chapter with reference to one of the most widely used elicitation instruments,
the Bilingual Syntax Measure.)
Is Learning an L2 like Learning an L1?
Another question that preoccupied researchers for a time related to the issue of whether or not
psycholinguistic mechanisms in L2 acquisition were basically the same as or different from those in L1
acquisition (see, for example, Ervin-Tripp, 1974). In relation to the acquisition of grammatical morphemes,
Dulay and Burt (1974a, 1974b) began with the premise that L1 and L2 acquisition in children were the
same process, and that the kinds of errors made by an L2 learner would be the same as those made by an L1
learner of the same language. (See also chapters 25 by Gregg, White, Flynn, and Schachter, this volume,
for discussions of this issue.) However, as a result of their research, they concluded:

3. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

We can no longer hypothesize similarities between L2 and L1 acquisition as we did at the outset of our
investigations. Although both the L2 and L1 learner reconstruct the language they are learning, it is
intuitive to expect that the manner in which they do so will differ. Children learning a second language are
usually older than L1 learners; they are further along in their cognitive development, and they have
experienced a language once before. These factors should combine to make the specific strategies of the
creative construction process in L2 acquisition somewhat different for those of the creative construction
process in L1 acquisition. (Dulay & Burt, l974b, p. 225)
Turning from syntax to discourse, Nunan (1984), investigated the discourse- processing operations of L1
and L2 learners. He looked in particular at the perception of semantic and discoursal relationships in
written texts, and found a high level of agreement between L1 and L2 readers. Although the L2 readers had
greater overall difficulty with the texts than the L1 readers, in relative terms, those relationships that L1
readers found difficult were also found to be problematic for L2 readers, and those that the L1 readers
found easy, were also found to be easy by the L2 readers.
Similarities and differences between L1 and L2 acquisition have most often been inferred from
comparative studies into language processing and production by Ll and L2 users. Such studies are generally
experimental or quasi-experimental in nature, and also usually employ some sort of elicitation device. For
example, the study by Nunan (1984) elicited data from L1 and L2 readers through a modified doze
procedure. The problem with elicitation devices, and particularly with forced production tasks, is that one
can never be entirely certain that the results obtained have not been determined, at least in part, by the
elicitation devices and instruments themselves (for a discussion, see Nunan, 1992).
What Is the Role of Chronological Age in the Acquisition of an L2?
The effect of age on acquisition has been extensively documented, although research to date has not
conclusively settled the issue of age one way or another (Scovel, 1988). As Ellis (1985), points out, it is
necessary to distinguish between the effect of age on the route of acquisition and the rate and ultimate
attainment. Ellis concludes from his review of the available literature that although age does not alter the
route of acquisition, it does have a marked effect on the rate and ultimate success. However, the results are
by no means straightforward. For example, in terms of rate, adults appear to do better than children (610
years), and teenagers (12-15 years) appear to outperform both adults and children. Ellis concludes the
1. Starting age does not affect the route of SLA. Although there may be differences in the acquisitional
order, these are not the result of age.
2. Starting age affects the rate of learning. Where grammar and vocabulary are concerned, adolescent
learners do better than either children or adults, when the length of exposure is held constant. Where
pronunciation is concerned, there is no appreciable difference.
3. Both number of years of exposure and starting age affect the level of success. The number of years
exposure contributes greatly to the overall communicative fluency of the learners, but starting age
determines the levels of accuracy achieved, particularly in pronunciation. (Ellis, 1985, p. 106)
These age-related differences have been explained in terms of a biological mechanism known as the critical
period. This construct refers to a limited period of time in the development of an organism during which a
particular behavior can be acquired. Psycholinguists have looked for evidence of the critical period in both
L1 and L2 acquisition. It has been argued (see, for example, Penfield & Roberts, 1959), that the optimum
age for acquiring another language is in the first 10 years of life because it is then that the brain retains its
maximum plasticity or flexibility (the plasticity metaphor, seems a favored one among investigators of the
critical period). It is suggested that at around puberty, the brain loses its plasticity, the two hemispheres of
the brain become much more independent of one another, and the language function is largely established
in the left hemisphere. The critical period hypothesis argues that after these neurological changes have
taken place, acquiring another language becomes increasingly difficult. (The effect of maturation or age in
L2 acquisition is discussed at length in chapters 5 by Schachter and 15 by Obler and Hannigan, this
4. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

The hypothesis, however, is not without its critics. As Ellis (1985) points out, it is only partially correct to
suggest that acquisition is easier for younger children. In fact, pronunciation is the only area where the
younger the start the better, and the hypothesis is at a loss to explain why the loss of plasticity only affects
Evidence relating to brain plasticity and the differential functions of the two hemispheres of the brain have
come, not from research into language acquisition, but from clinic work on both children and adults who
have suffered physical injury, or who have brain or speech disorders of one sort or another. Investigations
into the effect of age on acquisition have come from experiments and quasi- experiments. Such
experiments typically take subjects from two contrasting age groups, such as children versus adolescents,
or children versus adults, teach some aspect of the TL, such as a grammatical form or phonological feature,
and then test the subjects to determine whether one group has learned more effectively than the other. For
example, Asher and Price (1967) compared the efforts of a group of preadolescents to learn Russian with a
group of college students, and found that the adults outperformed the children. One of the major
shortcomings of these experiments is that they are generally extremely selective, looking at a small subset
of the features of one aspect of the TL. They also tend to be carried out over relatively short periods of
time. For instance, the conclusions of Asher and Price (1967) are derived from a mere 25 minutes of
Why Do Some Learners Fail to Acquire an L2 Successfully?
One of the challenges for L2 acquisition is to explain not just success with L2 and foreign languages but
also failure. Most researchers pursuing this line of inquiry have looked at affective factors such as aptitude,
motivation, social and psychological distance, and anxiety on acquisition. The name most closely
associated with this work is Schumann (see, for example, l.978a, l978b, 1978c), who concluded that
fossilization, or failure to acquire occurred when the learner found him or herself alienated from the TL and
culture. Using a case study approach, Schumann documented the progress of a number of L2 learners over
a period of time. He found that one learner in particular failed to develop his grammatical competence,
despite explicit instruction. In accounting for this failure, Schumann found that his subject did not identify
with or particularly want to fit into the target society or culture. He also used the data to support his
pidginization hypothesis, which sees fossilization within the individual as analogous to the development
of pidgins and creoles amongst groups. (Chapter 7, this volume, by McLaughlin and Heredia also refers to
U-shaped behavior.)
Schumanns work has received a good deal of criticism. Larsen-Freeman and Long (1991, p. 260) point out
that although the model has served to turn what have otherwise often been rather vague notions about the
role of social and psychological factors in SLA into coherent predictions, it has three major problems. In
the first place, the underlying constructs are unoperationalizable. Second, there is a great deal of
inconsistency in the findings from other studies (see, for example, Stauble, 1980, 1981). Finally, according
to Larsen-Freeman and Long, there are problems in the ways in which the relationships between
psychological and group sociological factors are conceptualized.
The principal method for investigating the question of fossilization or failure to learn another language has
been the case study. The most widely cited investigation in the area (Schumann, l978a,b,c) has already
been discussed. Another interesting case study is Schmidt (1983). Case studies have been widely employed
in L2 research. They are also controversial. The most problematic aspect of the case study concerns
external validity, that is, establishing the domain or population to which a studys findings can be
generalized. This problem has been a major stumbling block for the case study researcher because of the
obvious difficulty of making generalizations based on a single individual or group and applying those
generalizations to a broader population (Yin, 1984).
How Can We Account for Variation (a) between Learners (b) within Learners?
Variation is a key concept in all kinds of research. In fact, the bulk of research is aimed at identifying
relationships among phenomena that vary, and ultimately to trace the cause of such variation. A necessary
step in the research process is to decide which observed variations are random, and which are systematic. In
5. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

linguistics, when researchers observe systematic variations in language use, they want to identify the
linguistic and situational variables to which the linguistic variations can be attributed. These variables
might include the following:
1. The linguistic environment itselfWe know, for example, that certain phonemes vary according to the
phonological company they keep.
2. Sociolinguistic factorsOur language will vary according to the interlocutors gender, social class, race,
and so on.
3. The type of speech eventA formal interview will generate different language from an informal party.
4. The developmental stage of the learnerIn L2 acquisition, certain grammatical items, which appear to
have been mastered at a particular stage will be destabilized at a later stage by the acquisition of other
closely related items.
5. Factors associated with the data collection procedures themselvesThe means whereby the research
elicits the data from subjects can itself partly determine the type of language that is produced.
The pioneer in this work is Labov (1970, 1972) who was particularly interested in the notion of speech
styles. Labov demonstrated that all speakers possess several styles, determined by social context, and that
these can be ranged on a continuum from unmonitored speech use to closely monitored speech. He coined
the famous Observers Paradox, which has it that the only way to obtain samples of unmonitored data is
through systematic observation, but that such observation precludes the use of unmonitored speech.
In L2 acquisition research, the researcher wants to know which variations (particularly deviations from the
target norms) are random, and which provide evidence that the learners are constructing their own interim
grammars of the TL. The most comprehensive treatment of variation in interlanguage (IL) is Tarone
(1988), who synthesized the research findings, and concluded with a call for the development of an
adequate theoretical model, for the accumulation of more empirical data, and for the more careful design of
studies into IL variation. (See also chapter 8 by Preston, this volume, on the analysis of variation in L2
Figure I Variability in learner language.
Systematic variability
Individual variability

Nonsystematic variability

Contextual variability
Linguistic context

Free variability

Performance variability

Situational context

Ellis (1985, p. 76) argued that there are two types of variability, systematic, and nonsystematic variability,
the difference lying in the fact that systematic variability can be predicted and explained. It is further
subdivided into individual and contextual variability. Individual variability, as the name suggests, can be
attributed to such individual learner factors as motivation, whereas contextual van- ability is determined
either by the linguistic or situational context in which the language occurs. The relationship between these
concepts is captured in Figure 1.
As with the other questions covered in the chapter, variability has been investigated in various ways. One
of the more common procedures has been through the use of elicitation. For example, Labov (1970), who
wanted to test the relationship between speech styles and context, created situations with varying degrees of
formality. He then elicited samples of language in these different contexts and examined the effect of
formality on the linguistic features of interest. Similar means have been employed to investigate the effect
of linguistic environment on the variability of specific phonological and morphosyntactic features, such as
the presence or absence of the copula be. The use of elicitation has already been critiqued, and will be dealt
with again later in the chapter, so I shall not repeat the criticisms at this point.

6. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

Thus far, I have reviewed research that is not specifically referenced against the context of the classroom.
Turning to such researchthat is, research investigating acquisition in tutored environmentsthe
following question emerges.
What Modes of Classroom Organization, Task Types, and Input Facilitate Li Development?
A growing body of research, under the general rubric of process-oriented or task-based research
addresses this question (or rather the various questions implicit in the question). The bulk of this research
has focused on the activities or procedures that learners carry out in relation to the input data. Given the
amount of work that has been carried out, this review must necessarily be selective. For a more detailed
coverage of the research, see Larsen-Freeman and Long (1991). (Chapter 13 by Long, this volume, is a
general discussion of the role of the linguistic environment in L2 acquisition.)
In the first of a series of investigations into learnerlearner interaction, Long (1981) found that two-way
tasks (in which all students in a group discussion had unique information to contribute) stimulated
significantly more modified interactions than one-way tasks (that is, in which one member of the group
possessed all the relevant information). Similarly, Doughty and Pica (1986) found that required information
exchange tasks generated significantly more modified interaction than tasks in which the exchange of
information was optional. (The term modified interaction refers to those instances during an interaction
when the speaker alters the form in which his or her language is encoded in order to make it more
comprehensible. Such modification may be prompted by lack of comprehension on the part of the listener.)
These investigations of modified interaction were theoretically motivated by Krashens (1981, 1982)
hypothesis that comprehensible input was a necessary and sufficient condition for L2 acquisitionin other
words, that acquisition would occur when learners understood messages in the TL. Long (1985) advanced
the following argument in favor of tasks that promote conversational adjustments or interactional
modifications on the part of the learners taking part in the task:
Step 1: Show that (a) linguistic/conversational adjustments promote (b) comprehensible input.
Step 2: Show that (b) comprehensible input promotes (c) acquisition.
Step 3: Deduce that (a) linguistic/conversational adjustments promote (c) acquisition. Satisfactory evidence
of the a b c relationships would allow the linguistic environment to be posited as an indirect causal
variable in SLA. (The relationship would be indirect because of the intervening comprehension variable.)
(Long, 1985, p.378)
More recently, attention has focused on the question of the types of language and discourse patterns
stimulated by different task types. Berwick (1988) investigated the different types of language stimulated
by transactional and interpersonal tasks. (A transactional task is one in which communication occurs
principally to bring about the exchange of goods and services, whereas an interpersonal task is one in
which communication occurs largely for social purposes.) He found that the different functional purposes
stimulated different morphosyntactic realizations.
In a similarly motivated study, Nunan (l991a) investigated the different interactional patterns stimulated by
open and closed tasks. An open task is one in which there is no single correct answer, whereas a closed task
is one in which there is a single correct answer, or a restricted number of correct answers. It was found that
the different task types stimulated very different interactional patterns, and that this needed to be taken into
consideration by curriculum developers and discourse analysts (Nunan, 1993). In addition to the fact that
the different task types stimulated different interactional patterns, the research also indicated that some task
types might be more appropriate than others for learners at particular levels of proficiency. In the Nunan
(1991a) study, it was found that with lower intermediate to intermediate learners, the relatively closed tasks
stimulate more modified interaction than relatively more open tasks. This is not to say that such students
should engage in closed tasks to the exclusion of open tasks. The important thing is that program planners
and teachers should select a mix of tasks to reflect the pedagogic goals of the curriculum. This work
underlines the importance of developing a reasonable working relationship between L2 acquisition
researchers and curriculum specialists. At the very least, they should be aware of each others concerns.

7. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

Most of the investigations into the relationship between L2 development and pedagogical factors such as
task types, input, and modes of interaction have been carried out through experiments and quasiexperiments. For example Doughty and Pica (1986) carried out an experiment in which they systematically
varied the modes of interaction and the task type, and documented the effects on learner output. Such
experiments have been criticized by Ellis (1990) among others, who argued that the necessarily selective
and atomistic nature of the experimental method can only ever provide partial and selective understanding
of the nature of language learning.
Historically, two competing conceptions of the nature and purpose of the research enterprise have driven
work in L2 acquisition. The first of these is that external truths exist somewhere in the ether, and the
function of research is to uncover these truths. The second view is that truth is a negotiable commodity
contingent upon the historical context within which phenomena are observed and interpreted (Nunan,
1992). These days, philosophers of science seem inclined to the view that standards are subject to change
in the light of practice [which] would seem to indicate that the search for a substantive, ahistorical
methodology is futile (Chalmers, 1990, p. 2l).
A. Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Within the research literature, there is a traditional distinction between qualitative and quantitative research.
Qualitative research is generally of a nonexperimental kind, and yields nonnumerical data. Quantitative
research is often experimental, or quasi-experimental in nature, and yields numerical data, that is, data that
can be counted. It is sometimes suggested that qualitative data has to do with meanings, whereas
quantitative data has to do with numbers (Dey, 1993). In recent years, it has become fashionable to argue
(1) that the distinction is an oversimplification (see, for example, Grotjahn, 1987), and (2) that the choice of
research methodology ought to be driven by the question one wishes to have answered, not by adherence to
one research paradigm rather than another.
In Reichardt and Cook (1979), we find an implicit rejection of the notion that qualitative and quantitative
methods exist on a continuum. They argue that underneath each paradigm are very different conceptions of
the world. In other words, although it might be the case that the question should drive the methodology, the
worldview of the researcher will lead him or her to question whether certain questions are worth asking in
the first place.
Larsen-Freeman and Long (1991) rejected Reichardt and Cooks position, arguing that the supposed
paradigm attributes are not logically linked to one another. They preferred to draw a distinction, not
between paradigms, but between methods of data collection.
The distinction we have chosen to exemplify is the one between longitudinal and cross-sectional studies. A
longitudinal approach (often called a case study in the SLA field) typically involves observing the
development of linguistic performance, usually the spontaneous speech of one subject, when the speech are
collected at period intervals over a span of time. In a cross-sectional approach, the linguistic performance
of a larger number of subjects is studied, and the performance data are usually collected at only one
session. Furthermore, the data are usually elicited by asking subjects to perform some verbal task such as
having subjects describe a picture. (Larsen-Freeman & Long, 1991, p. 11)
Grotjahn (1987), argued that the qualitativequantitative distinction is simplistic. He emphasized that, in
classifying research, one needs to consider at least three things: (1) how the data were collected (through an
experiment or quasi-experiment or nonexperimentally); (2) what kind of data are yielded by the data
collection procedure (qualitative or quantitative); and (3) how the data were analyzed (statistically or
interpretively). It is an oversimplification to assume that there are only two types of research as follows:
1. Experimental research yielding quantitative data that are analyzed statistically

8. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

2. Naturalistic research yielding qualitative data that are analyzed interpretively.

Classroom-Based Studies: Design and Method
Classroom-Based Studies: Design and Method






Using Grotjahns scheme, in 1991, in a critical review of L2 acquisition research in tutored environments, I
analyzed 50 widely reported studies that made claims of relevance for pedagogy (see Nunan, 1991b). The
studies were initially classified according to whether they were classroom-based, nonclassroom-based, or
mixed. Tables II, III, and IV, set out the design and method of data collection for the three types of study.
In terms of the environment in which the data were collected, I distinguished between classroom-based,
nonclassroom-based, and mixed studies. Classroom- based studies were those in which the researchers
collected their data exclusively from classroom contexts. Nonclassroom-based studies were those in which
the data were collected exclusively outside the classroom in the laboratory, or in simulated or naturalistic
settings; mixed studies were those in which some data were collected in classrooms, and some were
collected outside the classroom.
Laboratory, Simulated, and Naturalistic Studies: Design and Method

Case study


Mixed Studies: Design and Method
Mixed Studies: Design and




Case study


In relation to research design, a principal distinction was drawn between studies based on some form of
experimentation, and those in which the data were collected nonexperimentally. In a true experiment, one

9. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

or more variables are manipulated, whereas the others are held constant. True experiments derive their
rationale from the logic of inferential statistics, and require two particular conditions to be fulfilled. These
are (1) the existence of an experimental as well as at least one control group and (2) the random assignment
of subjects to groups.
Data collection methods included elicitation, interviews, transcript, questionnaire, diary, case study, and
introspection. Elicitation referred to a range of procedures for collecting speech samples and other data
from subjects, usually through devices such as pictures and realia or standardized tests. Interviews involved
the collection of data by one person from another through person-to-person encounters. Transcripts were
written records of oral discourse. Questionnaires were defined as instruments in which prespecified
information was collected from informants through either written or oral responses. The term diary was
used as a form of shorthand to refer to written, discursive accounts of teaching or learning containing freeform accounts of the learning and teaching process. Case studies investigated the way in which a single
instance or phenomenon (usually a single individual or limited number of individuals) functions in context.
Finally, introspection was defined as the process of observing and reflecting on ones thoughts, feelings,
motives, reasoning processes, and mental states with a view to determining the ways in which these
processes and states determine or influence behavior.
From Tables II, III, and IV, it can be seen that there are 18 studies that are based on some form of
experiment, and 32 based on the collection of data through non- experimental means.
The researchers carrying out these studies used a range of linguistic, statistical, and interpretive techniques
for analyzing their data. These techniques are set out in Tables V, VI and VII.
Classroom-Based Studies: Type of Analysis







U test



Laboratory, Simulated, and Naturalistic Studies: Type of Analysis





10. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.


Factor analysis
F ratio
Cronbachs alpha



ANOVA, analysis of variance.

ANCOVA, analysis of covariance.

Teleni and Baldauf (1988) classify statistical tests in applied linguistics as either basic, intermediate, or
advanced. Basic techniques include descriptive statistics, Pearson productmoment coefficient, chisquare, independent t-test, dependent t-test and one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance). If this scheme is
applied to the studies analyzed here, it can be seen that the great majority of studies (29 out of 39) employ
basic statistical tools. Although there is nothing wrong with this, it may indicate a need for the application
of more sophisticated techniques for data analysis. More serious were basic flaws in the research designs of
experimental studies and those employing statistical analysis, as well as the manner in which they are
reported. Critical data, such as the number of subjects and whether or not they were randomized are
frequently either not reported or buried away in the body of the report. Assumptions underlying the
statistical procedures employed were also violated in some of the studies reviewed. The most frequent
problem, in studies involving the comparison of group means through t-tests, or AOVA, was the fact that n
sizes were often far too small for the analysis to be valid. (Similar criticisms have been made by Chaudron,
Mixed Studies: Type of Analysis







B. Longitudinal versus Cross-Sectional Research

The distinction between longitudinal and cross-sectional approaches has created controversy in the
literature. If one wishes to obtain evidence on the development of language over time, it would seem
logical to track the development of language from a group of learners over the chosen period of time.
However, there are practical reasons why this is not always a viable option. In the first place, few
researchers have the time or funding to follow the development of language over several years, or even
several months. An alternative is to adopt a cross-sectional approach in which samples of language data are
obtained at one point in time from learners who are at different developmental stages. The assumption is
that these various still shots, taken at one point in time can be put together to give us a moving
development picture of language development over time.
A number of researchers have been particularly critical of the assumption that cross-sectional data will
provide an accurate picture of the ontogenesis of language Thus, Ellis (1985), in critiquing the crosssectional approach employed in the Morpheme Order Studies, argued that

11. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

there is not a sufficient theoretical base for assuming that the accuracy with which learners use morphemes
corresponds to the order in which they are acquired. The case studies have shown that learners may begin
by using a grammatical form correctly, only to regress at a later stage, which makes a mockery of attempts
to equate accuracy and acquisition. (Ellis, 1985, p.69)
The instability of a learners IL is a major problem for L2 acquisition researchers employing a crosssectional approach to data collection. Indeed, it is a problem for language testers, or anyone else wishing to
extrapolate from data collected at a single point in time. As Ellis points out, accuracy orders for many
grammatical forms can move up and down over time. This has led Kellerman to refer to the learners L2
development as being U-shaped. If, on a graph, we plot a learners accuracy order for a given feature, we
are likely to find a lower order at time 2 than time 1, and a higher order at time 3 than at time 1 or 2. A
line joining these points describes a U. This instability reflects the fact that TL items are not discrete
entities, but are in interaction with other closely related features. Thus a learner who has a relatively high
accuracy order for, say, the simple present-tense form in English, may find that accuracy temporarily
destabilized by the appearance within his or her repertoire of the present continuous tense. (Concerning Ushaped behavior, see also chapter 7, this volume, by McLaughlin and Heredia.) The dilemma for the
researcher employing a cross-sectional approach in which data are collected at a single point in time is in
knowing the status of the particular features under investigation at the point in time at which the data are
C. Experimental versus Naturalistic Data Collection
The controversy over the employment of experimental or naturalistic research designs, which I have
already commented on, is evident in L2 acquisition research as in other areas of the behavioral sciences.
Some researchers (see, for example, van Lier, 1989) argue that naturalistic inquiry is a valid tradition in its
own right. Others see naturalistic inquiry as acceptable as a preliminary activity, useful for identifying
possible variables for more rigorous attention through experimental research. Proponents of naturalistic
inquiry argue that the relationship between context and social behavior has been clearly established. They
further argue that language, as a dimension of social behavior, must be studied in the contexts in which it
naturally occurs, and that this precludes the artificial context of the formal experiment.
One of the most widely used research methods in L2 acquisition is the case study. The method has a long
history in the social and behavioral sciences, and is widely employed in other areas of applied linguistics,
including L1 acquisition and language disability. In the L1 field, ground-breaking work by researchers such
as Brown (1973) and Halliday (1975) gave a lead to researchers investigating L2 acquisition:
The most common type of CS [case study] involves the detailed description and analysis of an individual
subject, from whom observations, interviews, and (family) histories provide the database. . . . CSM case
study methodology] is particularly characteristic of some areas of psychological research, such as clinical
psychology, which studies and aims to treat abnormal (e.g., anti-social) behaviour. In principle, though,
CSM may involve more than one subject (e.g., a series of CSs, cf. Meisel, Clahsen, & Pienemann, 1981). It
may be based on particular groups (e.g., group dynamics within a classroom); organizations (e.g., a summer
intensive language learning program at a university); or events (e.g., a Japanese language tutorial . . .
where one could examine the amount of time a teacher speaks in either Japanese or English for class
management purposes). (Duff 1990, p. 35)
One of the problems here is in deciding when a particular investigation is in fact a case study and when it is
While it would seem reasonably clear that the study of an individual language learner is a case, and that the
same can be said for the study of an individual classroom, what about an investigation of a whole school, or
a complete school district? . Adelman et al. .. suggest that it is the study of an instance in action.
In other words, one selects an instance from the class of objects and phenomena one is investigating (for
example a second language learner or a science classroom) and investigates the way this instance
functions in context. (Nunan, 1992, pp. 7475)
12. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

Smith, cited in Stake (1988), argued that the term bounded system defines the method for him.
The crux of the definition is having some conception of the unity or totality of a system with some kind of
outlines or boundaries. For instance, take a child with learning disabilities as the bounded system. You
have an individual pupil, in a particular circumstance, with a particular problem. What the research looks
for are the systematic connections among the observable behaviors, speculations, causes, and treatments.
What the study covers depends partly on what you are trying to do. The unity of the system depends partly
on what you want to find out. (p. 255)
Case studies in L2 acquisition range from the extremely circumscribed to the highly comprehensive. An
example of the former is Sato (1985), who investigated the IL phonology of a single L2 subject. Sato
focused on a single phonological feature, word-final consonants and consonant clusters, and investigated
targetlike and nontargetlike production of this item in three contexts: free conversation, oral reading of
continuous text, and elicited imitation of words and short phrases.
An example of a comprehensive case study is the investigation by Schmidt (1983) of the development of
communicative competence of a single English as a Second Language (ESL) learner over a 3-year period.
Schmidt sought to explore the relationships between social and interactional variables in the acquisition of
communicative competence, and he took as his point of departure the earlier work of Schumann (l978a,b,c).
One of his aims was to broaden the research agenda beyond its (then) preoccupation with morphosyntactic
development, and he therefore utilized Canale and Swains (1980) four-component model of communicative
competence. This model specifies grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic competence as the
basic elements constituting a users overall competence. Schmidts subject was a Japanese LI speaker who
was living and working in Hawaii as an artist. Schmidt presented evidence to suggest that Wes, his
subject, was an individual with low social and psychological distance from the target culture. He was
therefore, in a sense, the opposite to Schumanns subject. Schmidt drew on a range of data, including taped
monologues and dialogues, fieldnotes, tables of morphosyntactic items, and interviews. Schmidt
demonstrated that despite Wess low psychological and social distance his grammatical competence shows
little evidence of development over the 3 years that Schmidt collected his data. It therefore calls into
question Schumanns acculturation hypothesis. However, if the focus is broadened to encompass discourse,
strategic, and sociolinguistic competence, there is evidence of considerable development.
D. Elicited versus Naturalistic Data
It can be seen in the study reported in Nunan (l99lb) that by far the most popular means of collecting data
were through some form of elicitation, with just one half of the studies using some form of elicitation
procedure to obtain their data. I counted as elicitation any studies that obtain their data by means of a
stimulus, such as a picture, diagram, standardized test, and so on. Such devices have been common in L2
acquisition research since the original morpheme-order studies that employed the Bilingual Syntax
Measure for the purposes of data collection. It is critically important, when evaluating research utilizing
such devices, to consider the extent to which the results obtained might be an artifact of the research tools
themselves (Nunan, 1987, discusses the dangers of deriving implications for L2 acquisition from
standardized test data).
Particular caution needs to be exercised when looking at research making claims about acquisition orders
based on elicited data, as Ellis (1985), amongst others, has pointed out. Eisenstein, Bailey, and Madden
(1982) also observed:
It is evident that serious questions must be raised about data from production tasks. When a particular
structure does not appear, several alternatives are possible: the structure may simply not be present in the
grammar of the learner, or the learner may have some knowledge of the structure but lack the confidence to
use it and may be exhibiting an avoidance strategy. A third possibility is that the learner knows the
structure but has not used it as a matter of chance. When a structure is used correctly in a form that has high
frequency in the language, it could be part of an unanalyzed chunk which does not reflect the learners
creative use of grammar. (p. 388)

13. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

One of the reasons for the employment of elicitation devices, rather than relying on naturalistic data, is that
the linguistic features of interest to the researcher may simply not be very frequent in naturally occurring
data. Imagine, for example, that the researcher is interested in studying the development of the speech acts
of requesting or apologizing among L2 learners. One may spend an enormous amount of time
recording naturalistic samples of language and not find a single instance of these speech acts in the data.
Originally, Dulay and Burt had planned to use a naturalistic, case study approach in their investigation of
morpheme orders. The original plan was to study about three Chinese and three Spanish L1 children at
weekly intervals over a 1-year period. However, they were concerned that this would create a sampling
problem for them. Added to this was the fact that they were involved at the time in a project that gave them
access to nearly 1,000 L2 children. They therefore decided to develop an elicitation device, the Bilingual
Syntax Measure, which allowed them to collect small samples of relevant data from a large number of
subjects, rather than large samples of possibly irrelevant data from a small number of subjects.
In addition to standardized tests and elicitation instruments such as the Bilingual Syntax Measure,
researchers have employed surveys, interviews, and questionnaires in their quest for relevant data.
However, these also have pitfalls and dangers for the naive researcher. In particular, one needs to treat with
caution the claim that interviews are direct measures of a learners proficiency, and that they yield
naturalistic samples of IL speech. The following extracts serve to remind us that the interview is a unequal
encounter in which the power is very much with the interviewer, and that this inequity is reflected in the
discourse itself. The extracts can be safely left to speak for themselves.
(1) (From an oral proficiency interview)
Interviewer: Where is your mother? What does your mother do?
Subject: Shes dead.
I: Ah-shes dead. Very good.
I: Whats your fathers name?
S: [no response]
I: What does your father do?
Where does he work? Where does your father work?
Come on girl, talk! talk! Dont be afraid. Where does your father work?
S: [no response]
I: What does your mother do? Where is your mother? What does your mother do?
S: [no response]
I: What do you do at home? Do you help your mother? What do you do?
S: [no response]
I: (into the microphone) Doesnt talk. (van Lier, 1989, pp. 499504)
(2) (From an interview aimed at eliciting data on the subjects syntactic development)
Interviewer: In Colombia do the lobsters have claws?
Subject: Claws?
I: Claws. Do they have - . . the lobsters, do they have claws (form my hands into claws)?
S: Octopus?
I: No. The lobsters. Do the lobsters have hands?
S: Huh?
I: I dont know how to say it. I know. . .1 am a lobster. This is my. . . lam a lobster. This is my claw (hands
formed like claws).
S: Hm.Hm.
I: Do lobsters in Colombus have claws? Like this, you know? They pinch people.
S: Lobster?
I: On Sunday do you catch many lobsters?
S: Eh, huh?
I: Yeah, do you get many?
S: Eh. Dictionary?
I: Oh, do you want to go get your dictionary?
14. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

S: No. No necessary.
1: How many, how many do you get? I-low many do you catch?
S: Catch?
(Butterworth, 1972, cited in Hatch, Wagner Gough, & Peck, 1985, p.55)
E. Role Playing
Confronted with the frustrations of obtaining relevant data, and not finding enough of the right stuff,
researchers have also looked to role plays. In an investigation into the sociocultural competence of L2
speakers, Cohen and Olshtain (1981), used a procedure in which subjects were presented with role cards
such as the following:
You will be asked to read eight brief situations calling for an apology. In each case, the person who you
owe the apology to will speak first. I will role play this person. Respond as much as possible as you would
in an actual situation. Your response will be tape-recorded. Indicate when youve finished reading.
Sample Situations
Youre at a meeting and you say something that one of the participants interprets as a personal insult to
He: I feel that your last remark was directed at me and I take offense.
You completely forget a crucial meeting at the office with your boss. An hour later you call him to
apologize. The problem is that this is the second time youve forgotten such a meeting. Your boss gets on
the phone and asks you:
Boss: What happened to you?
Although this is a carefully conducted study, it is not beyond criticism. In studies such as this, in which role
plays are employed, one is always left wondering whether the data themselves are an artifact of the
elicitation procedure. In the case of Cohen and Olshtains study, one is left wondering whether the subjects
would really have acted in the way they did in the role play if the situation had been genuine.
In this chapter, 1 have reviewed what I see as some of the current substantive and methodological issues in
L2 acquisition research. In many ways, the core issues associated with the selection of appropriate methods
of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting L2 acquisition data come down to the selection of an appropriate
metaphor to represent the acquisition process. The value of metaphors is that they mesh with the way we
conceptualize experience:
Our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in
nature. - . . New metaphors have the power to create a new reality. . . . New metaphors, by virtue of their
entailments, pick out a range of experiences by highlighting, downplaying, and hiding. The metaphor, then,
characterizes a similarity between the entire range of highlighted experiences and some other range of
experiences. (Lakoff& Johnson, 1980, p.3)
In relation to language teaching, for example:
A new metaphor is a theory, a speculation. It leads to questions of the kind: What might we do to make the
language classroom more, or less, like the analogy? flow might we restructure our perception of classroom
factors in order to characterize it more or less comprehensively in terms of a given scale or opposition? Or
what metaphorical terms might we utilize to draw attention to generalizable features which might otherwise
go unobserved? (Bowers, 1986, p. 8)

15. Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure. In W. Ritchie
and T. Bhatia (eds.) 1996 Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Issues in Second Language Acquisition research: Examining substance and procedure.

Much of the research to date has assumed that L2 acquisition is a linear process in which learners acquire
one linguistic item perfectly, an item at a time. This is what I have called the building block metaphor.
The learner puts down one linguistic block at a time, until the imposing edifice called an L2 is complete.
However, I would argue that the metaphor is all wrong. Learners do not acquire one thing perfectly one at a
time. Rather, they learn lots of things imperfectly all at once, they forget things, and their IL is destabilized
when a newly acquired item collides with a preexisting item. We need a newer, a more aptly organic
metaphor to represent the acquisition process. I believe that the notion of a garden can provide us with such
a metaphor. In a garden, numerous things grow simultaneously, albeit at different rates. Some things are
trampled on, other are encouraged through the appropriate administration of fertilizer, some are adversely
affected by shade, and others are adversely affected by sun.
This organic metaphor is also implicit in the work of Rutherford on pedagogic grammar (1987):
Given all that we presently know about language, how it is learned, and how it is taught, the grammatical
part of a grammatical syllabus does not entail specification of the language content at all; rather, it
specifies how that language content (chosen in accordance with a variety of other non-linguistic criteria) is
to be exploited. - - - (Learning activities should reflect the fact that language acquisition is not a linear
progression, but a cyclic one, or even a metaphoric one. That is, the learner is constantly engaged in
reanalyzing data, reformulating hypotheses, recasting generalizations, etc. (Rutherford, 1987, p. 159)
I believe that the challenge for the future lies in the evolution of research methods that are in harmony with
emerging conceptualizations of language and learning. It is also of crucial importance, as I have tried to
demonstrate in this chapter, that there be harmony between the substantive and methodological aspects of
the research. If the data and analysis are appropriate to the questions driving the research, then debates as to
which particular research tradition the research belongs become relatively unimportant.
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