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Global Issues: Research Project > Innovation

Note taking Task

Taking notes from sources is the one of the most important steps when doing a research project.
There are different ways to do this:
PARAPHRASE the information from the source. This is to explain what you read in your own
words. This DOES NOT mean only changing words from the source to synonyms, but to
explain in with your own language what you understood from the text.
SUMMARISE the information from the source. This is to sum up the most important points
from the source, using your own language and key words.
QUOTE exact information from the source. This is to use one or two lines exactly as the author
wrote them to include in your own text. You must always cite the source.
Take a look at these two examples:
Example 1
Topic: Science> stars
Source excerpt:

Variable stars can be used to judge distance since the luminosities

change. One type of variable star is the pulsating variable. Energy
from below the surface of such a star heats the gasses of the
visible, shiny surface. As the surface becomes hotter and brighter,
it expands. Once the surface expands, however, the gases cool and
the star again becomes dimmer. The cooler gases then contract,
causing them to once again get hotter, and a new cycle begins.
Science Plus Text, Vol. 2. Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

Note Card 1
Variable stars help scientists find how far away an object is by studying the stars brightness. A
pulsating variable expands as the gases heat up and it becomes brighter. Soon the gases cool
and the star loses its brightness. The cycle of heating starts again and the brightness returns.

Note Card 2
Variable stars can be used to judge distance and a type of variable star is the pulsating star.
Stars become brighter and then dimmer.

Note Card 3
Variable stars can be used to judge distance since the luminosities change.

Global Issues: Research Project > Innovation

Note taking Task

Example 2
Topic: Psychology> Wellness (Bienestar)
Source excerpt:

Even when I am not in the high country, when the business of getting
a living keeps me away from the rush and rhythm of bright mountain
rivers and trout, wild country keeps me company. Rivers move freely
in mind and memory, rivers that I have known and many that I have
only heard of, read about, visited through the books and the stories
of other anglers. I have generously stirred all these rivers into my
imagination. There is solace even in the dream of such places, such
water, such fish. There is more than a touch of magic in wildness:
just the possibility of it nourishes the spirit.
Segner, Page. Call of the River. San Diego: Harcourt Brace &
Company. 1996

Note Card 1
It is not necessary to be in the mountains to enjoy memories of fishing for trout in high country
streams. Even when one is not able to get away from the obligations of a job, favorite remote
regions that one has visited, or just heard of from other anglers, are comforting and can be

Note Card 2
Memories of favorite trout fishing rivers keep one company and give comfort.

Note Card 3
There is more than a touch of magic in wildness: just the possibility of it nourishes the spirit.

Global Issues: Research Project > Innovation

Note taking Task

Now, you write your own paraphrase, summary and important quote for these two excerpts:
Excerpt 1
Topic: Science> Seals
Source excerpt:

Harp Seal
After the pup has been abandoned and the
seals have mated, they disperse briefly to
the surrounding seas, and then haul out on
the ice again to mount in April. At this time
they are joined by the immature non-breeding
seals who had followed them down from the
summer feeding grounds. When molting is
finished the harp seals move again. This time they migrate to the
north with the retreating ice and head again for the summer feeding
grounds around Baffin Island and Greenland.
International Wildlife Encyclopedia, Vol. 10. Marshall Cavendish.

Note Card 1


Note Card 2


Note Card 3


Global Issues: Research Project > Innovation

Note taking Task

Excerpt 2
Topic: Science> Health
Source excerpt:

American youth are in worse physical shape than earlier generations,

many fitness experts claim. According to the US Surgeon General,
only about one-half of US children get regular exercise, and onefourth dont take part in physical activity at all.
As a result, obesity among children and adolescents has increased
substantially since the 1960s. The conveniences of modern-life-notably television, video games and computers--get much of the blame
for creating a nation of youthful couch potatoes. In addition,
school officials often scale back or eliminate physical education
programs when budget squeezes occur. Nonetheless, innovative
physical educators are working to reverse the trend by acquainting
kids with activities that interest themand that can help them
maintain fitness throughout life.
Youth Fitness. CQ Researcher. 26 Sept 1997. Congressional Quarterly Inc.

Note Card 1


Note Card 2


Note Card 3


Remember to send your answers in PDF format to pattyfranco@gmail. com at the end of your class.

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