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Constraints of VDP Members in

Performing the Assigned Duties as Human

Security Force A Quantitative Analysis
Thesis Paper

Shah Ahmed Fazley Rabbi

This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in
Human Security at Bangladesh Ansar & VDP Academy under the affiliation to The University
of Dhaka

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. M Saifur Rahman

Coordinator, MHS Program
April, 2015

Constraints of VDP Members in

Performing the Assigned Duties as Human
Security Force A Quantitative Analysis
Thesis Paper

Shah Ahmed Fazley Rabbi

This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in
Human Security at Bangladesh Ansar & VDP Academy under the affiliation to The University
of Dhaka

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. M Saifur Rahman

Coordinator, MHS Program
April, 2015


I am glad to take the opportunity to express my heartiest gratitude and thanks to the
respondents who facilitated this research.
I am particularly grateful to Dr. Saifur Rahman coordinator, MHS Program 2nd Batch who extended his all
sorts of supports based on his previous works in conducting research. Above all, he worked as my

supervisor and gave me the endless efforts to make the research fruitful and successful. I am
ever grateful to him.
I was also benefited and indebted to my colleagues and fellow participants of MHS Program 2nd
Batch who helped me a lot through discussions while developing the questionnaire.
I feel guilty if I do not mention the all required support and help from the staffs & instructors of
Support section of Ansar & VDP training Academy for providing logistics, paper, photocopy,
printing, binding etc.
Thanks especially to my Range Director Mr. Pabitra Kumar Saha who gave me to enjoy the
countless time for successful accomplishment of the research.
With deepest gratitude, admiration and love, I dedicate this dissertation to my wife and sons
who gave me the moral courage and support.
Lastly, to my parents, I am forever grateful for the countless sacrifices you have made and your
unconditional love. You are my greatest teachers and the source of my success.

Shah Ahmed Fazley Rabbi

Deputy Director
Bangladesh Ansar & VDP
Participant of MHS programme
2nd batch, roll no.1
Dhaka, 30 April, 2015

Certificate of Ethical Issues

I am Shah Ahmed Fazley Rabbi, participant of 2nd batch MHS programme hereby certify that
while conducting this research and preparing this research report all the ethical issues have
been strictly followed. No cut, paste and copied has been done. Every word except literature
review has been incorporated from my knowledge as it permits.

Shah Ahmed Fazley Rabbi

Deputy Director
Bangladesh Ansar & VDP
Participant of MHS Programme
2nd batch, Roll no.1
Dhaka, 30 April, 2015

Govt. of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

Office of the District Commandant
Bangladesh Ansar & VDP
Gazipur, Bangladesh.

Masters Thesis

This is to certify that the Masters Thesis of Shah Ahmed Fazley Rabbi, Titled, Constraints of
VDP Members in Performing the Assigned Duties as Human Security Force has been approved
by the Thesis Supervisor for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Masters in Human Security at Bangladesh Ansar & VDP Academy under the affiliation to The
University of Dhaka

Thesis Supervisor: ___________________________________

Dr. M Saifur Rahman
District Commandant,
Ansar & VDP Gazipur &
Coordinator, MHS Program
4 May, 2015

Table of Contents

Page no

Title Page 1
Letter of Acknowledgement 3
Certificate of Ethical Issues.. 4
Certificate of Approval... 5
Table of Contents .. 6
List of Tables.. 8
Bibliography. 49
List of Appendices.... 8

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Introduction. 9
1.2 Title of the Problem... 9
1.3 Statement of the Problem.... 9
1.4 Objectives.. 10
1.5 Importance and Rationale. 10
1.6 Scope of study 12
1.7 Statement of Hypothesis... 10
1.8 Research questions............... 10
1.9 Possible recommendation.. 10
1.10 Thesis structure... 10
1.11 Literature review.... 11
1.12 Methodology.. 15
1.13 Conclusion 17
Chapter Two: Existing status & role of vdp in the human security ground

Introduction......................................................... 18
Ansar VDPs role in Traditional Security.. 18
Ansar VDPs role in Human Security (non-traditional security).. 19

Chapter Three: Various mechanisms in preserving HS condition in BD

3.1 Introduction...24
3.2 Police. 24
3.3 RAB. 24
3.4 BGB. 25
3.5 Bangladesh Ansar & VDP 25
3.6 Armed Forces. 25
3.7 Justice system. 26
3.8 Legislature. 26
3.9 Media 26
3.10 NGOs. 26


Private security forces..27

Public administration..27
Local Government: International agencies..27
International Agencies28
Conclusion................................................................. 28

Chapter Four: Human security condition in Bangladesh & scope for VDP
4.1 Introduction. 29
4.2 Economic security 29
4.3 Food security.. 30
4.4 Health security 30
4.5 Environmental security 30
4.6 Personal security.. 31
4.7 Community security 31
4.8 Political security 32
4.9 Conclusion . 32
Chapter Five: Findings of the study
5.1 Introduction..33
5.2 Response of the respondents in questionnaire at a glance 33
5.3 Role of VDP is not sufficient. 39
5.4 Hope for VDP.. 39
5.5 Major constraints of VDP. 39
5.6 Prioritize the constraints. 40
5.7 VDP Require Minimum Enforcement Power. 41
5.8 Working Areas of VDP Need to Make Specific. 41
5.9 VDP Need to Work under Self Command.. 42
5.10 Effective Training could also be identified as Constraints 42
5.11 Findings Relating to Research Questions, Hypothesis and Literature Review.. 42
5.12 Conclusion.. 44
Chapter Six: Recommendations & Conclusion
6.1 Recommendations....................................................................................... 45
6.2 Further research.48
6.3 Conclusion. 48

List of Tables:

Page No.

Table1: Thesis Structure. 11

Table 2: Legal Authorities for Ansar & VDP.. 14
Table3: Indicators & Variables..17
Table4: Response of the respondents in questionnaire at a glance......... 34
Table5: Prioritize the Constraints........................................... 41
Table6: Research Findings Relating to Literature Review findings. 44
Table 7: Recommendation for some working areas of VDP.. 47

List of Appendices:

Page No.

i" Questionnaire.. 50
ii Statistical Output. 51

Chapter One

Introduction of the Research

1.1 Introduction:
VDP abbreviates village defense party. VDP
was established in 1976 under the
umbrella of Bangladesh Ansar & VDP
which is regulated by the Ministry of Home
Affairs. Bangladesh Ansar & VDP includes
three different types of force named
Ordinary Ansar, Battalion Ansar & VDP.
These three forces are regulated by the
three different Acts passed by the
parliament. Amongst them VDP is the
volunteer force and Battalions are the
permanent in nature and Ordinary Ansar
which is involved in Ansar Bahini are not
permanent but they work as master roll
basis,i.e. they get salary & allowances
when they work and they are deployed for
a couple of years not for a regular basis.
VDP has its own establishment in every
village with two platoons, one platoon
includes 32 male personnel and another
platoon includes 32 female personnel. In
every union there is one union leader who
usually looks after these platoons. After

getting the basic training VDP members

usually get listed and whenever is required
they perform duties. The main motto of
establishment VDP was to generate a
working volunteer manpower that will look
after & safeguard their village from law &
order situation and will engage socioeconomic development in the village. So,
there are a huge no of manpower were
trained in these purpose and has been
enlisted. VDP could be an ideal force to
establish & maintain community policing in
every village but due to some constraints
this organization cant function its work
properly. Various constraints are identified
but those were not prioritized. We can
very easily prioritize those constraints
applying quantitative research method. If
once the constraints are identified and
prioritized then a detailed work plan for
VDP to strengthen and workable would be
realistic. Thats why the topic for research
has been selected.

1.2 Title of the Problem: Constraints of VDP Members in Performing the Assigned Duties as
Human Security Force.
1.3 Statement of the Problem: A huge no of VDP members about 6 million are working
across the country. Ansar & VDP is an established and renowned discipline force which
is regulated by some Acts passed by the Parliament of Bangladesh. They got the
mandate to ensure public security through these Acts. But we see in practice, in spite of
having the potentials, VDP members marginally perform their all assigned duties or they
rarely perform their all assigned duties extensively. So, find out the constraints working
behind this would be an important topic for research. Thats why the topic for research

has been selected, Constraints of VDP Members in Performing the Assigned Duties as
Human Security Force.
1.4 Objectives: Main objective of the research is to find out the Constraints of VDP
members in performing the assigned duties as human security force.
1.5 Importance and Rationale: Though this is an academic research which mainly serves the
purpose of study, even though it will serve the enhancement of knowledge for making
strengthen VDP and evaluating VDPs as the constraint lying with them.
1.6 Scope of Study: This study is exclusively on VDP. This study will be very helpful for the
policymakers and the decision makers. It can be used in study purposes and those who
are interested to know about VDP he can also enrich knowledge here.
1.7 Statement of Hypothesis: VDP members cannot perform their all assigned duties due to
one of the hereunder stated reasons
i. Legal structural deficiency (specific work with minimum power).
ii. Budget deficiency.
iii. Improper guidance by the officers of the organization.
iv. Deficiency of the logistics and prizes.
1.8 Research Questions:
i. What authority VDP posses in the existing law to maintain law & order or public
ii. Is there any legal structural deficiency to make VDP a potential work force?
iii. Are there any other deficiencies to make VDP a potential force?
iv. In spite of performing the special tasking assigned by govt. time to time why VDP
members become less interested in all other time to help other law enforcing
agencies to maintain law & order or public security?
v. What mechanism can be applicable despite salary or honorarium to instigate VDP
members in the engagement of maintaining law & order or public security?
1.9 Possible Recommendation: Specify the working areas with minimum enforcement
power by rules in favor of VDP Act 1995.
1.10 Thesis Structure:
Chapter Title
Introduction of the Research


Existing status & role of VDP in

the human security ground
Various mechanisms in

Introduction, Statement of the Problem,
Objectives, Research Hypothesis, Literature
Review, Methodology, limitations etc.
Role of VDP in preserving human security
Police, RAB, BGB, Ansar & VDP, Armed Forces,


preserving HS condition in





Private Security Forces, Justice System,

Legislature, Media, NGOs, Public Administration,
Local Govt., International agencies etc.
Human security condition in
Economic security, Food security, Health
Bangladesh & scope for VDP
security, Environmental security, Personal
security, Community security and Political
Findings of the study
Response of the respondents in questionnaire at
a glance, hope for VDP, major constraints of
VDP, Prioritize the constraints, VDP require
minimum enforcement power, Working areas of
VDP need to make specific, VDP need to work
under self command, Effective Training could
also be identified as Constraints, Findings
relating to research Questions, hypothesis and
literature review.
Recommendations &
Recommendations, Further Research,
Table 1: Thesis Structure
Literature Review:

1.11.1 Concept of Traditional Security and Human Security:

Traditional security is an older concept. Traditional security is a state-centered concept.
Traditional security seeks to defend states from external aggression. State security is about a
state's ability to deter or defeat an attack. Traditional security relies upon building up national
power and military strength. Traditional security policies are designed to promote demands
ascribed to the state. Other interests are subordinated to those of the state. Traditional security
protects a state's boundaries, people, institutions and values.
Human security is people-centered concept. Its focus shifts to protecting individuals. The
important dimensions are to entail the well-being of individuals and respond to ordinary
people's needs in dealing with sources of threats .Dr. Mahbub ul Haq (Pakistani) first drew
global attention to the concept of human security in the United Nations Development
Programme's 1994 Human Development Report. The UNDP's 1994 Human Development
Report's definition of human security argues that the scope of global security should be
expanded to include threats in seven areas: Economic security, Food security, Health security,
Environmental security, Personal security, Community security and Political security


1.11.2 VDP and its role in Non Traditional Security:

Village Defence Party or
VDP was raised in January
05, 1976 with a view to
establishing peace, security
and social order. There is
one male and one female
platoon in every village of
the country, each consisting
of 32 members. The
primary objective of raising
VDP in rural areas is to
create a community based
human security network to
maintain law and order. The
urban version of VDP is
called the Town Defence
Party or TDP.



members contribute in maintaining law and order and ensuring human security by:

Identifying and monitoring the activities of the miscreants and derailed youngsters.
Counseling the guardians of the derailed youths.
Building awareness among people around them against the wrong doings of the bad guys
of the community.
Female Ansar-VDP members having access to the houses of the neighbors, can talk,
counsel and motivate the mothers and sisters on their roles in removing social injustice,
gender disparity etc and maintaining social security.
Organizing vigilance teams to guard against theft and robbery.
Preventing use and smuggling of drugs, women and children trafficking by vigilance,
interference, reporting and organizing popular support.
Actively participating in disaster management by preventing looting, distribution and
delivery of relief materials and assisting rehabilitation programmes.
Participating and encouraging others to engage in income generation projects to alleviate
poverty, the root cause of most of the evils.

Ansar-vdp information system:


1.11.3 Ansar VDPs Role in Traditional Security:


the Indo-Pak war in 1965 this force was tasked to protect the border of East Pakistan
that is the Bangladesh today. They successfully accomplished the assigned task and they were
praised. In the liberation war of Bangladesh, most of the member of this force fought against
Pakistani force. In the very early stage of the liberation war Ansar used to train the freedom
fighters. About 40,000 .303 Rifles and countless ammunitions of Ansar Bahini was used in the
liberation war against Pakistani soldiers. Our 635 nos of members including 9 officers were
sacrificed their lives for our independence. Some of the members got gallantry award (one Bir
Bikrom and two Bir Protik). 12 Ansar presented guard of honor to the head of Bangladesh
government in exile at Mujibnagar on 17 April 1971.

So, Ansar has got some experiences in the traditional security of this country. Bangladesh Ansar
Bahini has a great role in any war if it happens with this country, as the defense policy says,
Bangladesh Ansar & vdp will act as an auxiliary force during war time. Ansar & VDP will
augment the military strength in war time. Ansar & VDP is fully equipped with automatic
weapon, trained and capable to perform such kind of responsibility if shouldered.

Gazi,2010 Acts & Rules of Ansar & VDP Ittadi Printing Press, Nilkhet, Dkaka.


1.11.4 Organogram of Bangladesh Ansar & VDP:

1.11.5 Legal Authorities for Ansar & VDP to Perform Activities in Human Security: According to Article:
8, Battalion Ansar Act- 1995
1) The role of Battalion Ansar
will be to According to Article:

9, Ansar Bahini Act- 1995
1) The main role of Ansar
Bahini will be to According to
Article 8, VDP Act-1995
The main role of VDP will be

Ka) Help Government or Ka) Help govt. and authorities Ka) Participate in public
authorities under govt. in under govt. in public security welfare duties for the socio
Public security duties;
duties and participate in other economic development of the
Kha) Participate in public security responsibilities;
welfare type jobs for socio Kha) Participate in public Kha) Help in maintaining law
economic Development of the welfare type of jobs for socio and order as well as in public
economic development of the security duties
Ga) Participate in Disaster country
Ga) Render any type of duty
as ordered by the govt. time
Gha) involve any other jobs
to time.
specified by rules.
Table 2: Legal Authorities for Ansar & VDP


Generalizing these three Acts by which Ansar VDP functions, it can be easily understood that
the scope of responsibility of Ansar VDP covers the whole range of human security.
So, Ansar & VDP is purely a traditional security and human security (nontraditional security)
service provider organization.
1.11.6 Other Studies Relating to Constraints of VDPs to perform the Duties:
Still there has not been conducted any research on the same topic. Even there is little
information available about VDP. There has not been found any writing or research literature
stating all the constraints of VDP in a cumulative and a chronological form. Even then from the
findings of the various literatures reviewed hereunder accumulated some constraints:
First of all we failed to make the sub rules empowering Ansar & VDP to perform their duties as
human security force till today with the provision of Ansar Acts. Secondly, we, the commanders,
failed to handle this Bahini in that way intentionally or having shortage of knowledge or lacking
that kind of initiatives. Thirdly, political commitments comparing other uniform services.
Fourthly, the activities we do, the planning we make that doesnt performed by our own
command. Fifthly, honorable Director General of Ansar & VDP comes from Bangladesh Army for
a very short tenure as deputation. When he gets aware INS & OUTS of this department and
when he plans to do everything for this dept. at that time he usually gets posted elsewhere.
Lastly, Bangladesh Ansar & VDP doesnt have any Research & Development Wing, which is very
essential for a vast & multipurpose Bahini like this.
So, there has been an answer of the Question why Ansar & VDP cant establish footprints in
their work arena In spite of having huge manpower.
1.12 Methodology: Quantitative data analysis method has been used.
1.12.1 Type of research design: Close ended questionnaire survey method of quantitative
research has been applied through the whole research.
1.12.2 Information Needs: Information was collected from the individual respondent
1.12.3 Data Collection from Secondary Sources: no remarkable data has been collected from
secondary sources. Some portion of VDP Act, 1995 relating to research topic has been
incorporated in the questionnaire as secondary source. Some data has been taken to
literature review as secondary source Acts & Rules of Ansar & VDP By Gazi Wali-ul-Huq and
internet was the main sources of secondary data.
1.12.4 Data Collection from Primary Sources: Data has been collected from the primary
sources as direct interview of the respondents by structured questionnaire. Data has been
collected by one questionnaire with seven questions from 300 respondents.


1.12.5 Scaling Techniques: Graphical representations through quantitative data analysis

method have been applied as data scaling techniques. Data was tabulated in percentage form
and along with they were presented in graphical pie chart form.
1.12.6 Ethical Issues: While collecting datas from primary and secondary sources different
ethical issues have been strictly followed.
1.12.7 Questionnaire Development and Pretesting: While attaining a class of MHS course of
Dhaka University I discussed a matter with other participants about the possible constraints
of VDP are facing and I sought them if there is any more suggestion or not. The same matter I
have consulted with different personnel of Ansar & VDP. Thats how I developed the question
no 6 of my questionnaire. The other questions of questionnaire I have developed of my own. I
didnt put many more questions as it may make respondent bore. I put only one set of
questionnaire (includes 7 questions in number) for all respondents which includes two
languages i.e. Bengali and English.
1.12.8 Sampling Techniques: Those who are somehow related with VDP and keeping
knowledge about Ansar & VDP will be more appropriate to comment on VDP. Thats why I
have selected the following categories of personnel: (1) VDP members (2) union VDP leaders
(3) VDP training participants (4) permanent members of Ansar & VDP (5) officers of Ansar &
VDP (6) ordinary people having knowledge about VDP (7) lawyers (8) police personnel (9)
military personnel (10) civil administration personnel (11) BGB personnel (12) NGO personnel
(13) legislators and (14) civil society personnel. Samples have been selected on random basis
from every stated category.
1.12.9 Field Work: As previously I had an experience of serving in Bandarban then I took the
chance to visit the same place again. On the same hand, this is the place where Hill VDP
works. Selection of Bandarban as a working area I had a calculation in my mind that I will get
the opportunity to collect information from most of the categories. Most of the respondents I
got in Bangladesh Ansar & VDP Academy, Sofipur Gazipur. In fact I took the decision to
formulate a research on the topic while I was in that place. I got some respondent from
Rajshahi it was my current posting place of service. I had an opportunity to serve in RAB for
about four & a half years. I got some respondents from RAB. I got some respondent from my
previous posing place of service Jhenaidah. As Dhaka is my permanent place of residence now
I got some respondents from Dhaka also.
1.12.10 Limitations and Caveats: Due to time constraints to accomplish the research, more
respondents could be interviewed. There is no extensive literature on VDP which relates my
research topic. Lack of the availability of information about VDP, very limited information
could be incorporated in literature review. I work in Ansar & VDP, my working knowledge
made the research realistic, so there could be some lapses or negativity which would mark
limitation of this research paper.


1.12.11 The data Processing Operations:

i. Editing: Primary sources of data have been collected through one questionnaire
containing 7 questions from 300 respondents. Every respondent responded all
the questions of questionnaire. Each & every answer of all respondents was
edited minutely and manually by hand.
ii. Classification: Main question discussing the constraints was set in question no.6.
All other questions rather than 6 can be classified as supplementary question.
Data has been classified into seven questions separately.
iii. Tabulation: Collected data were tabulated percentage wise and in graphical pie
1.12.12 Indicators & Variables: Indicators are the questions set in questionnaire, so 7
indicators are there. Different variables are there in contrast with every
Question no.1
Question no.2.1
Question no.2.2
Question no.2.3
Question no.3
Question no.4
Question no.5
Question no.6

yes, no
yes, no
yes, no
yes, no
yes, no
i, ii
i, ii, iii
i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi
Table 3: Indicators & variables

1.12.13 Type of Research Report: Academic research report.

1.13 Conclusion: Mainly the findings of the research have been highlighted in chapter five.
Existing roles and scopes of VDP to act as human security force have been described in chapter
two and four. Various mechanisms to establish and preserve human security have been
relatively compared in chapter three. Thus the total study has been accomplished.


Chapter Two

Existing Status & Role of VDP in the

Human Security Ground
2.1 Introduction:
Bangladesh Ansar & VDP is a unique and a
very potential force to contribute in both
traditional security and human security as
well. Bangladesh Ansar & VDP is regulated
by some specific and excellent laws passed
through the parliament of Bangladesh. In
every year a handsome portion of revenue
budget is allocated by the govt. for this
department. Bangladesh civil service cadre
service officers are working here in this
dept. as their parent organization.
Bangladesh military services officers also
work in this dept. as deputation. This is the
only organization in the country which has a
biggest number of manpower through the
village level establishment. This is a
government Para-military force using
modern arms & equipments. This Bahini has
already proved and shown their capabilities
and prowess in the liberation war for this
country. Ansar Bahini members are working
in RAB (the elite force), SSF (VIP protection
duty) and under the command of local

district administration (to establish mobile

court), Police (maintain law & order,
perform Combing operation, traffic
management), Army (CI operations in the
Ctg. Hill Tracts). This is the only organization
in the country which has a legal authority to
render its services not only in the arena of
law & order but also in the development of
the country, providing security of the
personnel and the property of govt. &
private and doing all necessaries for
maintaining peace as well. Very recently
Bangladesh Ansar & VDP has introduced a
masters degree with the collaboration &
affiliation with Dhaka University named
Masters in Human Security aiming to
make a takeoff its personnel for future
dedicator (skilled worker). So, this is the
time to analyze Ansar VDPs role (previous,
present and future) in Traditional security
versus Human security and the constraints
of VDP to perform all his assigned duties as
human security force.

2.2 Ansar VDPs Role in Traditional Security:

Bangladesh Ansar Bahini has a great role in any war if it happens with this country, as the
defense policy says, Bangladesh Ansar & vdp will act as an auxiliary force during war time.
Ansar & VDP will augment the military strength in war time.


2.3 Ansar VDPs Role in Human Security (non-traditional security):

2.3.1 Political Security:
i) Election Duty: In every national election as a security force Ansar & VDP has to take part in
the election duty to ensure the law & order situation of the polling centers and the safety &
security of the equipments & personnel.

ii) Rail road Protection in Hortal: Very

recently government of Bangladesh has
given a task upon Ansar & VDP to guard the
rail properties during the political instability
i.e. Hortal.
iii) Mob Control: Battalion Ansar already gained experienced in mob control and are still
working through political activity like Hortal.
iv)Highway Road Protection in Hortal &
Strike: Very recently government of
Bangladesh has given a task upon Ansar &
VDP to guard the highway road during the
political instability i.e. Hortal & Strike.

2.3.2 Economic Security:

i) Poverty: Bangladesh Ansar & VDP
Development Bank is providing money in
the form of micro-credit. Ansar & VDP
organization is distributing various
equipments i.e. .sewing machine etc for the
self employment. Thus Ansar & VDP is
helping poverty alleviation.


ii) Employment: Ansar &

VDP is a great place to
have an opportunity of
employment. Ansar & VDP
currently deploys more
than 50,000 embodied
Ansar in the various KPIs
to ensure safety & security
of those organizations.
Day by day that number is
increasing. For the every
term anybody having the
Basic Ansar Training and
not exceeding fifty years

can avail that opportunity.

More than that Ansar &
VDP organization deploys
VDP members in different
occasions like election,
Durga Puja, etc. beside
this Ansar & VDP has 37
battalions including 2
female battalions of which
every battalion consist
more than 400 posts.
There are possibilities to
increase the number of
battalions. After then that

govt. has allocated 10%

quota for the Ansar VDP
members in the nongazette post of govt.

iii) Human Resources Development: Bangladesh Ansar & VDP is conducting training on various
subjects for human resources development. Some of them are as follows: driving, computing,
sewing, carpentry, mason, rod binding, shuttering, painting and so many.

iv) Bringing Women in Mainstream of

Ansar & VDP emphasizes on women
empowerment. 50% member of this Bahini
is female. Ansar & VDP has introduced first
female Battalion in the country.
2.3.3 Environmental Security:
i) Natural Calamities: In the disaster management strategy of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Ansar &
VDP has a definite role to play.


2.3.4 Food Security:

i) Educate Through Training: Bangladesh Ansar VDP is conducting lots of training programme
round the year. In every basic training classes there is a class upon agriculture conducted by the
department of agriculture. Thus every individual is being educated through training. For this
reason, having knowledge upon agriculture every individual of this force is acting as an agent
unit of the food production. Having knowledge, they are using the latest technology in their
respective areas. Thats why Bangladesh has earned the fame of self-sufficiency in the
production of agriculture.

ii) Financing Through AVU Bank: The

farmers of Bangladesh are very poor and
they used to cultivate lands of landlord.
Most of them have not their own land. To
maintain the cultivation cost again they
borrow money from those landlords in high
interest. Bangladesh Ansar VDP Unnayan
Bank is financing them in a large scale by
providing micro credit loan, in the name of
every house is a single firm.
iii) Assisting Open Market Sell: in the time of caretaker govt. in 2008 when the food price of
every commodity were hiking day by day govt. of Bangladesh assigned a task upon Ansar & VDP
to engage into the open market sell activities with a view to control the market price of every
commodity within the limit of purchasing capacity of the household. Ansar VDP has got the
experiences in this regard.
iv) Assisting Mobile Court: Formalin is a chemical reagent which is used to preserve food. But it
has a great poisonous effect on our anti body system. Now a day the use of formalin has gone
beyond the control. So, its the routine work for a magistrate to establish mobile court.
Bangladesh Ansar VDP has got the tasking to assist magistrate in this regard. Their work is well


2.3.5 Health Security: In the very beginning of the implementation process of family planning
concept govt. of Bangladesh had engaged Ansar & VDP into the implementation of this process.
Bangladesh Ansar & VDP is the largest organization having 6 million members. Every member of
this force is aware of this concept and they usually take part into their family. Thus Ansar & VDP
is helping the control of population. They are also involved in vaccination process.
2.3.6 Personal Security: Bangladesh Ansar
& VDP deals the issue with care. Its forty
thousand members are deployed in the
various KPIs to ensure the safety & security
of the personnel and the properties.
Battalion Ansar performs Policing while
working in RAB & Police. Village defense
party is largely engaged to provide village
2.3.7 Community Security:
i) A new dimension in operational activities has taken place after signing peace treaty in the
CHT. At present Ansar & VDP members are doing the following duties under Operation Uttaran
to self guard the indigenous community in the CHT area:
a) Self defense and static duty;
b) Area protection & domination;
c) Route protection;
d) Patrolling (SRP & LRP);
e) Protection of settlers (Cluster Villages);
f) Provide social security and infrastructural
g) Helping women empowerment etc.
ii) Terrorism: working with Army, RAB and Police closely. VDP members usually collect the
information about the terror and their activities, and provides those into the Army, Police, RAB
and to others necessary.
iii) Women Empowerment: About half of the working forces of Ansar & VDP are female. Among
those who take part in training in Ansar & VDP are nearly 50% female. Ansar & VDP is the first
organization in the country which introduced the first female battalion. Ansar & VDP has


various projects to empower women like, small cottage industry, block boutique printing &
painting in clothes, sewing, garments industry, sweater knitting, driving, computing, etc.

2.4 Conclusion:
Bangladesh Ansar has started its journey
since 1948. Till his journey many
improvement, construction & reconstruction,
changes, facilitation has occurred. VDP was
introduced in a motto that they will rapidly
change the human security scenario of the
rural areas. But the consequent improvement
of VDP is still to happen. VDP Act has been
accomplished but the sub-rules are still to
make. BCS Cadre Service was incorporated in
Ansar & VDP but the TO&E and other facilities
are still to fix in that way. Designations of
various posts were changed but the upgradation of the post with the equilibrium of
other services is still to do. Rank Badges were
changed but the coordination of rank,
designation and badges still to re-fit. Govt.
made a scope for Ansar & VDP members to
go UN Mission. They were sent in UN Mission
but the follow up UN Mission is still to remake. Ansar, VDP Acts has created but some
sub rules still to create. Govt. honoured this
dept. by awarded national flag. Govt.
awarded us independence medal. They got
a beautiful combat dress. They get ration.
Many great leaders contributed this Bahini

and shaped this as today. In the very

beginning of the journey of Ansar VDP, this
Bahini was acting as volunteer force. This
force is now transforming into permanent
force from volunteer force. Battalion Ansar,
female Ansar, Thana Instructors are now
permanent. So, Ansar & VDP is now passing a
transition stage. Thats why apparently it
seems that Ansar & VDP doesnt act
accordingly. Every independent force has an
responsibilities & accountabilities. As a
permanent force this Bahini expect to have
the same independent tasking and obviously
they will get these tasking in course of time.
In fact, no development can be happen, no
dream can be materialized ignoring this
Bahini which has a greatest number of human
involvements. Every member of this force
firmly believe that in any time any govt. will
largely or extensively engage this Bahini into
the Human Security aspects of the country.
So, this is the time to find out the constraints
of VDP members in performing all assigned
duties as human security force.


Chapter Three

Various Mechanisms in Preserving HS

Condition in Bangladesh
3.1 Introduction: In this chapter various
mechanisms and how they work in
preserving human security condition in
Bangladesh will be discussed.
3.2 Police: So far still now Police is the
main instrument for government to uphold
the safety & security condition of this
country. They are the main element for
investigation of criminal cases. Police is
sole responsible for personal security and
community security as well. Even after they
work with other agencies in the field of
environmental security and food security
as well. The ratio of Police versus man is
not convenient and is not at all satisfactory
in comparison to the nearby countries. So,
manpower is a main constraint of this force
to perform duties satisfactorily. In the
developed countries Police is called to be a
friend of people. But in our country Police
is far from popular in general perceptions.
Thats why generally people do not get
interested to visit or inform Police station if
not the problem is acute. It is often heard
that they sometimes abuse power and
torture and get involved themselves in
criminal activities for the sake of their own
interest. However, Police reforms are
undergoing to change the perception of
the general mass.


3.3 RAB: Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) was

established as an elite force. When Police
was apparently seem to be failed in control
the law & order situation of the country
govt. firmly took a decision to establish
RAB. RAB is a conjunction of 6 other forces
manpower named Police, BGB, Bangladesh
Ansar & VDP, Army, Navy and Air force.
Some magistrates are also works here.
Every body works here in deputation for a
specific period of time. Though RAB
manpower is smaller than that of Police,
RAB is better equipped and has better
trained staff. RAB is mainly Army
dominated. RAB acts as the deterrence
force for the miscreants and criminals. In
the very initial stages of their
establishment RAB could bring into the grip
many renowned criminals through crossfire
whose were out of the grip of Police. So,
they earned blessings of general mass. RAB
can arrest criminals and investigate
criminal cases like Police. So, in this regard
Police works in the improvement of the
human security ground of the country.
Very recently RAB stands before questions
and hardly criticized for the activities of
some RAB members through extrajudicial
killing, killing in RAB custody and illegal
extortion etc.

3.4 BGB: Bangladesh Border Guards known

as BGB works under the Ministry of Home
Affairs to control border security and antismuggling activities. They deploy their
troops in order to assist Police keeping law
& order situation if required by the
3.5 Bangladesh Ansar & VDP: Bangladesh
Ansar & VDP is the largest govt.
organization whose motto is to work on
Peace, Discipline, Development and
Security. Primarily this organization was
founded to assist other security forces to
maintain law & order and to participate in
various socio-economic developments.
Bangladesh Ansar & VDP comprises three
different forces called Ordinary Ansar,
Battalion Ansar and VDP (Village defence
Party. In the initial stages of its foundation
Bangladesh Ansar & VDP was volunteer
force but currently it has been shifting to a
appointment and posts has become
permanent. This force works under the
Ministry of Home Affairs. The expenditure
of this force is maintained from the
revenue budget. In spite of the huge
number of manpower it cant perform
duties remarkably due to some constraints.
In the introduction of the chapter one and
in the second chapter, strength and
capabilities of Bangladesh Ansar & VDP has
been described. As the members of this
force are the representatives of the local
community and understand the local
security issues and as they are voluntarily
participated from the grassroots they could
be effectively utilized in positive ways.


There has not been conducted any

remarkable academic or policy research yet
on Bangladesh Ansar & VDP.
3.6 Armed Forces: Armed forced are
known as the combined forces of
Bangladesh Army, Navy and Air force.
Bangladesh Armed forces are mainly
responsible for the national security.
Armed forces are widely praised engaging
themselves into the human security
activities in the home & abroad. They are
particularly responsible to maintain peace,
security and law & order situation in the
Hill Tracts. When armed forces are called in
aid to civil power they help civil
administration which maintains the human
security condition of the country. Where
there is any disaster Armed Forces get
involve upholding the human security
In heavy infrastructural
establishment where other organizations
have a very limited capacity, Armed forces
get involved. Armed Forces personnel work
on deputation in RAB to maintain law &
order situation of the country and in other
organizations in different purposes. As
Armed Forces earned the faith and
confidence of general people so, they use
to deploy manpower in almost every
National election to make election credible,
fair, neutral and out of fear. Armed Forces
maintain various educational institutions
and medical hospitals to work on health
and other human security sectors. Thus,
Armed Forces are a complimentary
organization to maintain human security

3.7 Justice System: Judicial system of any

country is the principle mechanism to
establish human security. Rule of law
establishes in a society by the judicial
system. Any aggrieved person can seek
remedy or justice here. Through judicial
system we can punish criminals so that
other criminals do not get interested to do
the same offence again. Rule of law and
justice promotes human security where
everybody feels safer and avail equal
3.8 Legislature: There is a proverb,
prevention is better than cure.
Parliament makes human security policies
and thus prevents all sorts of insecurities
from the society. Parliament sanctions
budget and allocate resources that largely
impact on human security.
3.9 Media: Medias are the most effective
instruments in preserving human security
condition. In our country Medias are the
powerful mechanisms as well. Where there
is lack of justice, presence of Medias is
there. When weak, distressed, poor,
vulnerable, women, children, minority,
tribal people do not get justice Media
makes hue & cry. In political security Media
plays a vital role. It is said that media is the
eye of democracy. Media can raise
awareness in both the problems that are
facing the society as well as the solution of
those problems. Media accumulates
information and disseminates them. They
open our eyes and enhance the storage of
our knowledge through news, reporting,
talk shows & interviews etc. media can
hold govt. and powerful figures into


account in case of corruption and

incompetence. Media builds conscientious
extremism, smuggling etc. Often & then
media investigates and helps to investigate
various crimes and anomalies of the
society. Media is vocal in case of river land
grabbing, river erosion, river pollution, hill
cutting, forest destroy etc. We can learn,
compare and analyze the human security
condition by the dint of media. Media
keeps there every step in all the sectors of
human security say economic security,
environmental security, personal security,
community security and political security.
3.10 NGOs:
Organizations (NGOs) are working to
uphold human security condition. They are
executing various micro-credit programs
for poverty reduction and generating
employment and self employment status in
participating in healthcare, education and
women empowerment. NGOs are playing a
prominent role in combating acid violence,
domestic violence, human trafficking etc.
They impart various training programs also.
Different NGOs are working to enhance
human security condition of different
communities like tribal, disabled peoples,
old age groups, poor peoples, villagers etc.
Though there are debates and criticisms
that whether the NGOs are in some cases
acts as the source of insecurity of the credit
holders, still than they are working and
useful. NGOs are working to enhance the
capability in personal security, food

security, environment security and where

not. So, NGOs are the effective
mechanisms for enhancement of human
security condition in Bangladesh.
3.11 Private Security Forces: They are
working to ensure safety and security in
private sector side by side govt. security
provider agencies. They are filling the gaps
which are not fulfilled by the govt.
agencies. They are providing the demands
for extra security in case of private life and
property from the criminals and terrorists.
It is said that private security personnel
most often involved in criminal activities.
On the other hand the number of private
security providers and the volume of works
were increasing day by day. Thats why
Private Security Services Act was enacted.
They employ trained and most retired
security personnel and deploy them in
various garments and industries, Banks &
other institutions, personal houses &
properties. They also serve in request to
provide safety and security of important
infrastructures, VIPs and CIPs. They also
authorize to provide protection and
guarding of money and goods protection.
They have all the restrictions to use fire
arms though they can deploy licensed
armed personnel. They do not keep steps
in other human security ground. They work
commercially and not for all in general.
Even then still there are scopes to work
extensively in village areas in the security
3.12 Public
administration is the main instrument for


government to ensure human security.

There are specialized departments in public
administration to work on every sector of
human security like Police for ensuring law
& order, engineering departments for
environment, family planning and others.
Bangladesh Ansar & VDP is also included in
public administration which has the legal
authority to work in every sector side by
side for the socio-economic development
and securing law & order of the country.
3.13 Local Government: Union Parishod is
the lowest tire of local government. They
provide services to the local communities
in different crime, justice, development
related issues. Union Parishod runs Salish
Court locally. People most likely go there
if they face any problem or discrepancy.
Local governments have the authority to
collect revenue. They prepare own
budget, set up various projects and
implement them. Undoubtedly these are
all largely impact on human security.
Although it is said that local governments
are not that much authoritative, running
shortage of resources, lack of getting
projects from central govt. and co
operation. So, different commissions and
committees were constituted over the
years to reform and strengthen the role,
structure and functions of local
government institutions in Bangladesh. To
date, no significant attempt has been
recommendations of these reform
commissions/committees. VDP could be

included for the better application of

3.14 International Agencies: There are so
many international agencies working on
human security ground in Bangladesh said
international finance institutions like World
Bank, IMF, ADB etc. international
organizations like EU, UN agencies etc.
international donor agencies like JICA,
CIDA, DANIDA, USAID, Red Cross etc.
Organizations like Oxfam, Action Aid, Save
the Children, CARE etc. international
organizations like EU and UN agencies
formulate many human security policies
and keep pressures on govt. to adopt &
implement those policies and monitor as
well. International Organizations like
International Human Rights Watch are
vocal and strongly criticize the incidents
found deviated. In the sea belt area we
could build cyclone shelters and other
realistic projects with the help of donor
agencies. We are currently running various
projects like bridges, roads & highways,


power generation projects and many other

construction projects. International Non
Governmental Organizations are working
to improve human security condition in the
country. There is a criticism that
international finance institutions and donor
agencies often put their conditionality and
priorities put forward govt. policies and
projects distorted and does little in real
sense. International agencies often keep
pressure on govt. to reform in various
administrative reforms and political
reforms etc. which ultimately cause social
3.15 Conclusion: In spite of all these
mechanisms human security condition is
not up to the mark in the country. The
existing security condition in Bangladesh
and the scope for VDP will be elaborately
described in next chapter. So, VDP has
always its scope to analyze its constraints
to flourish and work extensively in human
security ground.

Chapter Four

Human Security Condition in Bangladesh

& Scope for VDP
4.1 Introduction: In this chapter human
security condition of Bangladesh will be
discussed and side by side the scope for
VDP to work as human security force
will be discussed. Some of the human
security conditions are discussed not all.
There are lots of scopes for VDP to work
in Human security ground, only some of
them are discussed here. In the last
chapter of this study there is a
recommendation for further study to
identify the specific working areas
where VDP can work/ prepare a detail
work plan for VDP to endorse in rule
under VDP Act, 1995.
Economic Security: Still now
economy of Bangladesh depends on the
village economy. Farmers work in the
field and cultivate paddy and required
crops & vegetables. They require proper
training and modern technological
knowhow. As VDP is a village based and
training oriented organization, they
impart training on agriculture by the
help of the Dept. of Agriculture in the
name of basic course or professional
course but still these are not sufficient,
needs to involve VDP extensively. The
economy of village didnt flourish that
much due to lack of establishment of
Garments and other industries in the
rural areas. The main reason could be


identified safety and security of the

life and property. As VDP has got the
legal mandate to ensure safety and
security of the villagers VDP can be
extensively engage in this regard making
the rules more specified for VDP. Ansar
Bahini which is the mother organization
of VDP is doing the same in the urban
areas of the country. Ansar members
are deployed in the garments and other
industries and Banks & other key point
organizations throughout the country to
ensure the security of life & property of
that organization. So, VDP can be
announced to engage there extensively.
Employment is identified the main
problem now-a-days. VDP can very
fruitfully contribute in this sector.
Currently, VDP is conducting various
realistic training programs for self
construction, Rod binding, shuttering,
Building painting, masonry, carpentry,
Driving, Computing, Sewing and so
many. These training programs are
helping to generate self employment
security in the country and abroad and
on the other hand its helping to earn
foreign remittances for the country. So,
analyzing the constraints of VDP we can
extensively engage them in self
employment generation. Generally it is

known that security system of the

village is not that much better than that
of urban areas. So, usually the economic
activities of the villages do not flourish.
So, if we can identify & prioritize
constrains of VDP we can very
successfully engage them as they
establishment and the legal mandate as
4.3 Food Security: Our farmers are still
using the old cultivation techniques
whereas the developed countries are
using new technologies so that they can
cultivate three more crops in a same
field and they could grow multiple
quantity of food than that of ours. So,
we require to aware and introduce our
farmers with the latest technologies and
knowledge through training. VDP is
mainly a training oriented organization,
they impart training to the general mass
which includes agriculture and other
agro based training. Use of formalin and
other poisonous substances for
preservation, food adulteration for
extra profit etc are harmful deeds
happening in our society. VDP can very
easily identify them, found them, debar
them and bring them into the law as
VDP has the manpower in every village.
Another one regular phenomenon is
price hike especially in the occasion of
religious people say Ramadan. There is
some ill motive businessman who stocks
various goods in a motive to get illegal
benefits by price hike. VDP can also


identify them and bring them into the

eye of law.
4.4 Health Security: Our village people
usually do not aware about their health
safety from various health diseases like
Nipa Virus, Bird Flu, Anthrax, Mad cow
etc. They do not take care properly their
Childs and mothers lack of proper
knowledge. They are less aware about
various family planning issues. As VDP
is a training based organization, they
impart training on different categories
and their manpower is extensively
networked in every village, they can
have the scope to work in this regard.
4.5 Environmental Security: Bangladesh
is said to be a disaster prone area.
Mostly in every year there happens
Tornado, Cyclone, Flood and many
other natural disasters in this country.
Recently earthquake is an alarming
concern also. In disaster management
strategy of Bangladesh there are specific
role for VDP to play but due to some
constraints VDP is concerned to perform
his duties perfectly in this regard or not.
They require proper planning training
and management skill as well. Anyway
there are scopes for VDP to enhance
human security condition in this regard.
Govt. is currently running various tree
plantation projects in the roadside lands
and other Khash lands. Even & then
grabbers are looting and some other
miscreants are destroying these plants.
As VDP has the root level establishment
and vast manpower so, there are scopes

to engage them additionally to secure

Personal Security: Now-a-days
law & order situation of the country has
been worsened. Safety and security of
the life and property is main concern
now for the businessmen. VDPs role in
this regard can be well designed. There
also happens manmade disaster like
Rana plaza incident, Tazrin fashion
incident where huge numbers of
manpower require involving for the
rescue. VDP could be rethinking to play
its role here on this ground. Human
traffickers actively play their role in the
villages. Innocent villagers get catch by
the network of the traffickers. VDP
could be engage into the task combating
trafficking in the villages. VDP has a very
wider scope to work on the different
branches and areas of personal security.
Community Security: We can
classify different communities in terms
of security concern like village
community, minor community, tribal
community, vulnerable community in
disaster say women & children etc.
There is working Gram Police under
the command of Thana Nirbahi Officer,
but their service and manpower are not
sufficient. Theft, robbery, smuggling,
killing, snatching, suicidal activities,
threatening, kidnapping, transportation
etc. are still happening and the rate is
increasing alarmingly. Main theme of
establishment VDP was to establish
village defense. So, there are scopes to


engage VDP extensively to ensure

village community security. Minor
communities always remain vulnerable
and mostly affected by the political
turmoil. It is said that minor
communities always stands for a specific
political party which bear secular
ideology. Thats why they fall into the
grievances of other big political parties
and the so-called religious extremists
whose ideologies are based on Islam.
VDP has given a task to deploy its
members always in the Durga Puja
Mondops which is the greatest
ceremony of Hindu community. Tribal
throughout the country which is acute
in the Hill Tracts. In Hill Tracts VDP is still
working to establish peace & security
for the tribal. Women & children are the
most vulnerable in time of disaster. As
according to the disaster management
strategy of Bangladesh VDP has a
specific role to play, there are scope for
VDP to engage ensuring safety &
security of the vulnerable people in
disaster. We face another problem for
the children community. That is due to
poverty and uncertainty some children
of age 6-10 do not go school. In the long
run they become burden of the country
and they probably engage in harmful
activities. VDP can be tasked to identify
them and bring them into the school.
democracy couldnt yet flourish here
due to rule by autocratic government
and military government for long time

since independence. Major political

parties of Bangladesh still try to capture
power or to remain in power anyway.
They do not even bother for the
inculcate/practice democracy selecting
leaders in different positions of the
party. Opinions of the voters and their
verdicts remains ignored most often.
Vote rigging, vote stuffing, these are the
entire common phenomenon in every
election now-a-days. Under the cover of
political program various extremist
groups try to find their own interest. So,
missing, kidnapping, killing these are the
common incidents. As the network of
VDP is extended in every village through
the country, there is a scope to engage


them by collecting information of the

miscreants and giving them required
minimum enforcement power to arrest
the said miscreants. Bangladesh Ansar &
VDP is the part & parcel of every
election to maintain law & order
situation of the poling centers. In the
political turmoil VDP deploys to guard
highway roads and railway roads. Due
to some constraints they do not
perform their duties up to the mark.
4.9 Conclusion: Analyzing the human
security condition in Bangladesh it is
seen that there are lots of scopes for
VDP to work extensively as human
security force. So, identifying and
analyzing the constraints of VDP is a
prime concern.

Chapter Five

Findings of the Study

5.1 Introduction: As many as 300 respondents have been interviewed through close ended
questionnaire. Every respondent participated willingly. Major constraints have been
discussed in the last portion of the questionnaire, i.e. question number 6. In fact all other
questions of the questionnaire are the supplementary one. We can relate supplementary
questions with the main question numbered 6. On the other hand supplementary
questions also enhanced knowledge of the respondents about VDP and prepared them as
well to answer the main question marked 6. At the end of the questionnaire there was an
open ended optional question like comments of the respondents. If any respondent is not
satisfied or comfortable with the set questionnaire or else he has another option to remark
the constraints of VDP he can very easily put his option there. Only very few number of
respondents put their optional comments there and 6 respondents which is in percentage
2% of the whole respondents put an alternative option rather than the set questionnaire,
i.e. effective training for VDP members.
5.2 Response of the Respondents in Questionnaire at a Glance:



Do you think that the working areas in law & order, public
security and public welfare duties of VDP need to make
more specific (specific means highway road protection in
Hortal, rail line guarding, miscreant apprehension etc)?
Do you agree, to perform his duties in law & order or in
public security, VDP members require minimum
enforcement power to work against miscreants?
Do you think, according to the above statement of VDP
Act, 1995 VDP personnel can arrest or apprehend
Article 10 of VDP Act 1995 says, to fulfillment of the
objectives of this act govt. can be able to make rules, do
you think by making the rules VDP could be empowered
to perform his duty?
Which one do you prefer more effective, to engage VDP
members extensively:
By making the working areas for VDP members
more specific in law & order, public security and
socio economic development. (Specific means



Do you agree, the role Bangladesh Ansar & VDP currently

playing is insufficient?


(among 300 respondents)
237 (79%) respondents marked
yes and 63 (21%)
respondents marked no
291 (97%) respondents marked
yes and 9 (3%) respondents
marked no
297 (99%) respondents marked
yes and 3 (1%) respondents
marked no
171 (57%) respondents marked
yes and 129 (43%)
respondents marked no
288 (96%) respondents marked
yes and 12 (4%) respondents
marked no
222 (74%) respondents marked
I and 78 (26%) respondents
marked ii


highway road protection in Hortal, rail line

guarding, miscreant apprehension etc.)
By giving more salary/ honorarium to VDP

Which one do you prefer more effective, to engage VDP

members extensively:
By making the working areas of VDP members
more specific in law & order, public security and
socio economic development.
By giving minimum enforcement power to VDP
Both together.

60 (20%) respondents marked

I,9 (3%) respondents marked
ii and 231 (77%) respondents
marked iii

Across the country there are around 6 million VDP

members. Why VDP members cannot keep their
extensive contribution to law & order, public security and
socio economic development despite this huge volume of
manpower? Which factor would you consider most?
VDP members work voluntarily and do not get
salary or honorarium.
VDP works as an associated force.
Senior officers of Ansar & VDP fail to regulate
VDP members in that way.
The prize money for miscreants apprehension or
other activities is comparatively less.
Enforcement power and Working areas, of law
and order, public security and socio economic
development, are not specified in the VDP Act,
1995 (specific means highway road protection in
Hortal, rail line guarding, miscreant apprehension
None of them.
Optional Comments in short (if any)

15 (5%) respondents marked

I,18 (6%) respondents
marked ii,3 (1%) respondents
marked iii,9 (3%) respondents
marked iv,249 (83%)
respondents marked v and
6(2%) respondents marked vi

6 (2% of the whole)

respondents proposed that
effective training could also be
identified as constraints.
Other than that no remarkable
comments about constraints
has been found.

Table 4: Response of the respondents in questionnaire at a glance


Graphical Representations
Q: 1

Role of VDP Currently Playing


Q: 2(i)

Working Areas of VDP - the Need Analysis



Q: 2(ii)

VDP Members Requirement - Enforcement


Q: 2(iii)

VDP Act 1995 VDP - Arresting Power



Q: 3

VDP Act 1995 - Need Rules for Empowerment


Q: 4

Effectivity Analysis in Engaging VDP

Making the working areas of

VDP more specific
Giving salary/honorarium to
VDP members


Q: 5

Effectivity Analysis in Engaging VDP

Making the working areas of

VDP more specific
Giving minimum enforcement
power to VDP
Both together

Q: 6

Detecting the Constraints of VDP members

VDP members work voluntarily
and do not get
VDP works as an associated
Senior officers of Ansar & VDP
fails to regulate in that way
Prize money is comparatively
Enforcement power & working
areas are not specified

None of them


5.3 Role of VDP is not Sufficient: In the very first question of the questionnaire was asked
that, do the respondent agree or not about the role Bangladesh Ansar & VDP currently
playing is insufficient. 237 respondents agreed that the role Bangladesh Ansar & VDP
currently playing is insufficient and 63 respondents didnt agree that the role Bangladesh
Ansar & VDP currently playing is insufficient. In the second chapter of this study it has been
discussed that Bangladesh Ansar & VDP is still performing their activities in human security
ground successfully; so, in this context 63 respondents consider that the role Bangladesh
Ansar & VDP currently playing is sufficient. But the major portions of the respondents
(79%) think that the role Bangladesh Ansar & VDP currently playing is insufficient. First
question is chronologically related with the second one of the questionnaire. In question
no 2i it was asked to the respondents that do they think that the working areas in law &
order, public security and public welfare duties of VDP need to make more specific (specific
means highway road protection in Hortal, rail line guarding, miscreant apprehension etc).
291 respondents (97% of the total) marked yes and 9 respondents (3% of the total)
marked no. That means all most all the respondents consider that the working areas of
VDP need to make more specific for the extensive engagement of the VDP members, i.e.
the role Bangladesh Ansar & VDP currently playing is insufficient. There was a provision in
the main question numbered 6 to put a judgment with 6vi none of them in line of the
first question respondents. In question no. 6 it was asked that why VDP members cant
keep their extensive contribution and there was an option to answer none of them;
those who consider that the role Bangladesh Ansar & VDP currently playing is sufficient
they could answer none of them. But a very negligible respondent 2% of the whole 6 in
number marked none of them. So, it is proved that at last almost every respondent
agreed that the role Bangladesh Ansar & VDP currently playing is insufficient. In the
optional comment column it was not found any comments in favor of the role Bangladesh
Ansar & VDP currently playing is sufficient.
5.4 Hope for VDP: There was a question in the questionnaire marked 3 asking that by
making rules in accordance with VDP Act, 1995 VDP could be empowered or not. 288 (96%
of entire) respondents answered yes and 12 (4% of entire) respondents answered no.
On the other hand every respondent answered the questions relating to the techniques to
empower VDP. They think that if minimum enforcement power is given to VDP and the
working areas of VDP is more specified and if VDP works under own command then VDP
could be a better force to work on human security. So, almost all the respondents see hope
for VDP.
5.5 Major Constraints of VDP: Primarily some constraints of VDP were identified and the
close ended questionnaire was developed in that way. Major constraints were identified
and discussed in the questionnaire are as follows:
a) VDP members work voluntarily and do not get salary or honorarium.


b) VDP works as an associated force.

c) Senior officers of Ansar & VDP fail to regulate VDP members in that way.
d) The prize money for miscreants apprehension or other activities is comparatively less.
e) Enforcement power and Working areas, of law and order, public security and socio
economic development, are not specified in the VDP Act, 1995 (specific means highway
road protection in Hortal, rail line guarding, miscreant apprehension etc)?
In the question no.7 of the questionnaire 15 respondents (5% of the total) made
comments that effective training could be considered as a constraint of VDP to perform
duties. So, its also a point to consider as constraints for VDP to effective engagement in
5.6 Prioritize the Constraints:
In the question number 6 of the questionnaire it was asked to the respondents that which
constraints they give priority most.
VDP members work voluntarily and do not get
salary or honorarium.



VDP works as an associated force.

Senior officers of Ansar & VDP fail to regulate
VDP members in that way.



The prize money for miscreants apprehension

or other activities is comparatively less.


Enforcement power and Working areas are not

specified in the VDP Act, 1995


83 %

6 respondents (2% of the whole) gave conscience as effective training for VDP personnel
is the most important constraints for VDP to consider. So, we can prioritize the all
constraints as follows:
serial no.

Enforcement power and Working areas are not
specified in the VDP Act, 1995
VDP works as an associated force.
VDP members work voluntarily and do not get
salary or honorarium.

Percentage of the
83 %


The prize money for miscreants apprehension

or other activities is comparatively less.



Effective training for VDP personnel




Senior officers of Ansar & VDP fail to regulate

VDP members in that way.


Table 5: Prioritize the constraints

In question no.5 it was asked to respondents which point they consider more effective to
engage VDP members extensively; by making the working areas of VDP more specific or by
giving minimum enforcement power to VDP members. 231 (77% of the whole)
respondents answered that both the points are simultaneously important to identify
constraints of VDP for extensive engagement. This result shows the relative picture with
the response of the question no.6.
5.7 VDP Require Minimum Enforcement Power: In question no.2 (ii) it was asked to the
respondents, Do you agree, to perform his duties in law & order or in public security, VDP
members require minimum enforcement power to work against miscreants? 297
respondents (99% of the whole) answered yes and 3 respondents (1% of the whole)
answered no. According to article- 8, VDP Act-1995 the main role of VDP will be to help
in maintaining law and order as well as in public security duties. So, to perform his duties
VDP require minimum enforcement power. If we do not provide that power how could it
be possible for them to apprehend criminals or miscreants. Some police personnel suggest
that despite enforcement power VDP members can provide information about crimes or
the criminals to the nearest Police station. Some Police personnel say that if VDP members
apply enforcement power they require Police station or even more consequences. But the
fact is that VDP members still providing information to the Police station but they
sometimes do not feel comfortable to do that. On the other hand they can very well apply
enforcement power, if such arrangements are there, like RAB is applying the enforcement
power despite of opening own Police stations. Some other say that any citizen can
apprehend miscreants according to CrPC but the fact is that nobody gets interested to
apprehend a criminal unless he gets or poses the real authority. It is agreed that the more
organization will be involve in combating crimes and criminals the better law & order
situation will prevail. By this time VDP has experienced and earned capacity as we see in
every national election VDP commanders perform their duties in law & order with weapon
and equipments. In the question number 6 of the questionnaire it is seen that 249 (83% of
the whole) respondents identified enforcement power is the main constraints for VDP to
perform his duties as human security force.
5.8 Working Areas of VDP Need to Make Specific: In question number 2(i) of the
questionnaire it was asked, Do you think that the working areas in law & order, public
security and public welfare duties of VDP need to make more specific (specific means
highway road protection in Hortal, rail line guarding, miscreant apprehension etc)? 291
(97%) respondents marked yes and 9 (3%) respondents marked no. That means most
of the respondents consider that the working areas of VDP need to make more specific to


perform their duties. VDP has the largest volunteer manpower in the country but they do
not act accordingly. It is generally known that VDP mainly deploy in duties to guard Durga
Puja Mondops and Polling centers of national elections. Other than that usually VDP do
not get requested by Police or other law enforcing agencies or even for socio-economic
developments. Now the question arises why VDP doesnt perform the said duties by its
own motivation as they are the volunteer force. Answer is very simple if you do not specify
the areas of work where they will be going to work as there are separate specialized
departments to look after/ perform activities in socio economic development, public
security and law & order. In the question number 6 of the questionnaire it is seen that 249
(83% of the whole) respondents identified working areas is the main constraints for VDP
to perform his duties as human security force.
5.9 VDP Need to Work under Self Command: In the question number 6 of the
questionnaire it is seen that the second most respondents 18 (6% of the whole) identified
the main constraints of VDP is to work as an associated force. Though the existing role and
performance of Ansar & VDP has been described in the second chapter of this study,
accreditation never comes into the pocket of VDP. VDP cant take any operational or
participatory plan by its own. Thats why VDP has marginal attempts to identify and
eliminate constraints of VDP and to specify working areas of VDP to engage them
extensively. In this regard another point can be discussed that Director General of
Bangladesh Ansar & VDP comes from Bangladesh Army as deputation for a shortest period
of time most likely say for 2/3 years. Article 10 of VDP Act 1995 says, To fulfillment of the
objectives of this act government can be able to make rules. 288 (96% of the whole)
respondents made an opinion in question number3 of the questionnaire that by making
rules some of the constraints could be eliminated and some working areas could also make
specified and as well as VDP could be empowered. If government desires some
responsibilities under their self command could be delegate by making rules under the
provision of VDP Act, 1995.
5.10 Effective Training could also be identified as Constraints: 6 (2% of the whole)
respondents in question number 7 think that effective training could also be identified as a
constraint of VDP. Contents, areas of training, timing and the duration, instructors and
trainers capacity these are all may be the determinants of effective training.
5.11 Findings Relating to Research Questions, Hypothesis and Literature Review:
5.11.1 Findings Relating to Research Questions: In the research question it was asked that
what authority VDP posses in the existing law to maintain law & order or public security.
The findings of the research satisfy the research question. In the findings of the research it
is seen that though VDP is regulated by an Act made by Parliament but yet rules under its
provision has not been formulated; according to VDP Act 1995 VDP doesnt work by their
own command rather they assist other forces if required. 249 (83% of the whole)
respondents consider that VDP members require minimum enforcement authority and the


working areas more specified to maintain law & order or public security. If you want to get
VDPs massive involvement in the areas of law & order and public security you require to
oversee some other existing law such as The Narcotics Control Act 1990:, The
Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995, Arms Act, 1878, Consumer Rights
Protection Act 2009 and many others. So, in short it can be said that there are legal
structural deficiencies to make VDP a potential force. There are other deficiencies also
such as effective training for VDP, lacking self organizational command etc. Other than
special tasking assigned by govt. time to time VDP members usually work under the
command of other organization. There are very negligible numbers of examples where
other organization has taken VDP members into task. So, if you do not engage them
regularly or even they do not have the legal coverage to work under self command, you
can never expect better result than that of currently playing; thus day by day they become
less interested to voluntarily help other law enforcing agencies to maintain law & order or
public security. In research there was an asking that what mechanism can be applicable
despite salary or honorarium to instigate VDP members in the engagement of maintaining
law & order or public security. Analyzing the findings of the research and the responses of
the questionnaire it is seen that among 300 respondents 249 (83% of the whole)
respondents said that VDP members require minimum enforcement authority and the
working areas more specified to maintain law & order or public security; whereas 15 (5% of
the whole) respondents said that salary or honorarium is required to maintain law & order
or public security willingly and extensively.
5.11.2 Findings Relating to Research Hypothesis: This research has been conducted based
upon a hypothesis that VDP members cannot perform their all assigned duties due to one
of the reasons among Legal structural deficiency (specific work with minimum power),
Budget deficiency, improper guidance by the officers of the organization, Deficiency of the
logistics and prizes. Question number 6 of the questionnaire survey asked that among the
said reasons which one is more considerate to the respondents. The findings of that survey
say that Legal structural deficiency (specific work with minimum power) is more
considerate as every respondent answered the question and among them 249 (83% of the
whole) respondents picked that reason.
5.11.3 Findings Relating to Literature Review: In the literature review (1.11.6)
constraints of VDP found from different studies has been described properly (see page
number 15). Findings of this research can relate with the findings of the literature review.
Those are as follows.

Findings of the literature review

First of all we failed to make the sub
rules empowering Ansar & VDP to
perform their duties as human security
force till today with the provision of


Findings of this research

288 (96%) respondents consider in
question number 3 of the questionnaire
that by making the rules under VDP Act
1995 VDP could be empowered to

Ansar Acts.
Secondly, we, the commanders, failed
to handle this Bahini in that way
intentionally or having shortage of
knowledge or lacking that kind of
Thirdly, political commitments
comparing other uniform services.
Fourthly, the activities we do, the
planning we make that doesnt
performed by our own command.
Fifthly, honorable Director General of
Ansar & VDP comes from Bangladesh
Army for a very short tenure as
deputation. When he gets aware INS &
OUTS of this dept. and when he plans
to do everything for this dept. at that
time he usually gets posted elsewhere.
Lastly, Bangladesh Ansar & VDP doesnt
have any Research & Development
Wing, which is very essential for a vast
& multipurpose Bahini like this.

perform their duties.

3 (1%) respondents consider in question
number 6 of the questionnaire that senior
officers of Ansar & VDP fail to regulate
VDP members in that way.
No research finding is there in this regard.
18 (6%) respondents consider in question
number 6 of the questionnaire that
working as associated force is the main
constraints of VDP.
3 (1%) respondents consider in question
number 6 of the questionnaire that senior
officers of Ansar & VDP fail to regulate
VDP members in that way.

No research finding is there in this regard.

Table 6: Research Findings Relating to Literature Review findings

5.12 Conclusion: Analyzing the findings it is seen that most of the respondents think that
the role Bangladesh Ansar & VDP currently playing is not sufficient. Most of the
respondents think that the working areas of VDP need to make more specific and
according to VDP Act, 1995 they cant arrest or apprehend miscreants and they require
minimum enforcement power to work against miscreants. Most of the respondents think
that by making the rules in accordance with VDP Act, 1995 VDP could be empowered. All
the major constraints were identified. Finally, we could prioritize the constraints of VDP
members in performing duties as human security force. The top most priority has been
identified as enforcement power and working areas of VDP in law & order, public security
and socio-economic development are not specified in the VDP Act, 1995. So, if we nurture
and address those constraints VDP could be a better force to act as human security force.


Chapter Six

Recommendations & Conclusion

6.1 Recommendations:

To establish VDP as a real human security force first of all it is required to declare VDP as a
human security force. After that identify and specify the working areas of VDP. Allow and
manage some authority for VDP so that they can perform all types of socio-economic
activities with their own planning and command instead of assisting when required basis
although despite different specialized departments and organizations whose are also
performing the same activities as routine work.


Here we can recommend some activities for VDP in the different areas of human security
as follows though VDP is currently performing the same activities in the field:

Areas of HS





Recommended Activities for VDP

i) VDP can prepare youths for job
market in the Home & Abroad.
ii) VDP can distribute some tools &
equipments or money through
training programs and Rallies.
i) Lead Mobile Court against Food
Adulteration, Use of Formalin and
different chemicals into Food,
Unhygienic Food selling, Drug Abuse,
Unfair Food Storage, Smoking
Openly, Expired Food & Drug selling
ii) Put some provisions in all training
programs about some specialized
subjects of Agriculture & livestock.
iii) Aware participants of all training
programs about the govt. project
One House One Firm.
i) Lead Mobile Court against Food
Adulteration, Use of Formalin and
different chemicals into Food,
Unhygienic Food selling, Drug Abuse,


Action Required
i) Make some provisions
in the fiscal training
calendar of Ansar &
ii) Same
i) Amend some Acts like
Consumer Rights
Protection Act 2009
with the phrase VDP
will be empowered to
apply the Act same as
ii) Make some
provisions in the fiscal
training calendar of
Ansar & VDP.
iii) Same as ii
i) Amend some Acts like
Consumer Rights
Protection Act 2009
with the phrase VDP



Unfair Food Storage, Smoking

Openly, Expired Food & Drug selling
ii) Participate in Vaccination and
other Health issues.
iii) Aware participants of all training
programs about different health
security issues.
iv) Identify and perform if there is
any other health security issue.
Environmen i) VDP can be made the first
tal security responder in disaster management.
ii) In disaster women & children can
be rescued by VDP members.
iii) VDP can be engaged in relief
distribution and management
iv) VDP can detect, evaluate &
quantify loses by disaster.
v) VDP can be tasked to protect trees
in the roadside, coastal areas and
forest areas.
vi) VDP can identify environmental
insecurities and forward them to
proper authorities.
vii) VDP can aware the safety
precautions about different disasters
through training.
viii) Can be empowered to lead
Mobile Court against different
environment pollution.
i) Can actively work on weapon
dealers & bearers.
ii) Can actively work against Human
iii) Can actively work against
extortion, snatching, theft, robbery,
killing, land grabbing, sex trafficking,
illegal drug dealing, threatening etc.
iv) Can aware people about to
respect others rights and build
conscientious against the criminal
activities in the society through
training, rallies, club Somity etc.


will be empowered to
apply the Act same as
ii) Rules under VDP ACT
1995 can be brought to

i) Govt. disaster
management strategy
needs to revise.
ii) Same
iii) Same
iv) Same
v) Govt. Policy required.
vi) Rules under VDP ACT
1995 can be brought to
vii) Make some
provisions in the fiscal
training calendar of
Ansar & VDP.
viii) ) Amend the The
Conservation Act, 1995
with the endorsement
of VDPs power
i) Amend VDP Act 1995
and make rules in that
ii) Same
iii) Same
iv) Make some
provisions in the fiscal
training calendar of
Ansar & VDP.



i) Night guarding for the villagers.

i) Rules under VDP ACT
ii) Road protection duties for the Hill 1995 can be brought to
Tracts communities.
iii) Can empowers and bring
ii) Same
mainstream of development to
iii) Make some
backward women community
provisions in the fiscal
through training and Club Somity.
training calendar of
iv) Can prepare Youths for
Ansar & VDP.
employment in the Home & Abroad. Iv) Same
i) Can actively participate in
Amend VDP Act 1995
maintaining law & order of election
and make rules in that
ii) Can identify, inform and protect
political extremism.
iii) Can identify, inform and protect
religious extremism.
iv) Escort exporting goods in the
political unrest.
v) Guarding rail properties, highways
and other KPIs in the political
Table 7: Recommendation for some working areas of VDP
iii. Above all, to establish VDP as a real human security force we need to nurture & properly
address the constraints discussed earlier in this paper.
iv. As huge number of manpower is involved with VDP, we can very fruitfully utilize this
manpower as strength in spite of ignorance. As it is written in the VDP Act that VDP will
only assist and participate when required by other departments, thats why VDP cant
flourish their performance, so, VDP members need to allow free slots working under self
v. VDP members wear govt. specified uniform, they use firearms and they work to combat
criminals, so, they require minimum enforcement power otherwise they do not get
confidence. The question of power misuse will not occur because they already utilize that
power when they get deployed under other forces and in the other hand currently civil
services & military services officers are running VDP organization.
vi. To establish VDP as a real human security force we need to conduct further research to
identify the specific working areas where VDP can work/ prepare a detail work plan for
VDP to endorse in rule under VDP Act, 1995.
vii. Effectiveness of the trainings conducted by Ansar & VDP and the various level rallies
need to research. Contents, areas of training, timing and the duration, instructors and
trainers capacity need to reassess.


viii. Club Somity of Ansar & VDP can strengthen the capacity and performance of VDP.
Constant monitoring, strict supervision, maintaining regular fruitful & realistic programs,
specific and effective rules & regulations are the pre-condition of managing and maintaining
Club Somity. Hopeless Club Somity can no longer exist. Club Somity of Ansar & VDP could be
a central place of villagers to unite, organize, prepare, aware, plan, solve and work them.
Organizational leadership is necessary to nurture and effective running Club Somity.
6.2 Further Research:

Identify the specific working areas where VDP can work/ prepare a detail work plan for
VDP to endorse in rule under VDP Act, 1995.
Effectiveness of the trainings conducted by Bangladesh Ansar & VDP: A thorough
Effectiveness of the yearly VDP rally in the Union level, Upazilla level, District level and
Central level: A thorough investigation.

6.3 Conclusion: To establish VDP as a human security force it is very essential to provide
minimum enforcement power to work against miscreants as well as to specify the working
areas of VDP members in law & order, public security and socio economic development. We
had a misconception before the research conducted that only VDP can be mobilized as a
human security force by including them into the regular salary & payment system which is
proven not true by the research. So, we can readily use this volunteer force as human security
force which includes huge number of manpower by giving some attention on them.
Somebody says if we empower them by giving enforcement power then Police force may
reduce their power exercising ultimately. My question is that when the RAB was established
as an elite human security force did Police force lose their power & dignity? Obviously the
answer is no. Security & law enforcement is a vast area undoubtedly; the more force will be
engaged in this area the more sound will be the law & order situation. Day by day VDP has
increased & proven its capability which is mentioned in the introductory chapter of this
paper. Its a general perception of the members of Ansar & VDP Bahini that any Government
will pick up this Bahini and will empower them and that day Government will be able to
change the law & order situation of the whole country dramatically and will be well
appreciated as well as earn confidence and name & fame by the general mass. So, if we
nurture & address the said constraints VDP can be an ideal force for human security in the


1. Research Methodology By Getu Degu & Tegbar Yigzaw of Ethiopia funded by USAID.
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2. Kothari, C.R.1985, Research Methodology-Methods and Techniques, New Delhi: Wiley
Eastern Limited.
3. Rahman, 1996, Aain Somver for Ansar & VDP, Super Offset Printing Press, Dhaka.
4. Gazi, 2010 Acts and Rules of Ansar & VDP Ittadi Printers, Nilkhet.
5. Seminar proceedings on Bangladesh Ansar & VDP By Bangladesh Ansar & VDP
Academy, Sofipur, Gazipur, on 2012.
6. Ansar VDP information system:
7. Wikipedia
8. Bangladesh Ansar & Village Defence Party by BG M Jasim Uddin. The Guardian, June
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11. First round of National Immunisation Day (NID) programme starts today by
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12. "About Bangladesh Ansar & VDP". Bangladesh Ansar & VDP Government of
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13. Ansar-VDP to be given more role to play Published in The Guardian, June 5, 2014
14. Dissatisfaction in Ansar-VDP Published at the Daily New Age weekend Xtra April 16,
15. Annan, Kofi 2005. In Larger Freedom: Towards Development, Security and Human
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16. Khan MH, Bangladesh Human Security Assessment 2005, (UK Department for
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17. Commission on Human Security. 2003. Human security now: protecting and
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18. CERI for Peace and Human Security (CPHS). 2007. Human Security Training Materials.
19. HUMAN SECURITY IN THEORY AND PRACTICE by United Nations Trust Fund for Human
Security available at human security-theory and practice.pdf
20. How Does Chronic Violence Affect Human Development, 2013 by International
Working Group for Chronic Violence and Human Development see:



Appendix: i

(Please read the questions and answers carefully and put a tick mark () on the appropriate
answer. Please select only one answer is suitable for each question. Please select either
Bengali or English. This questionnaire will be used only for academic purpose. This
questionnaire will not make anybody liable to anywhere.)
Q1: Do you agree, the role Bangladesh Ansar & VDP currently playing is insufficient?


Q2: According to article 8 of VDP Act 1995, the role of VDP is:



Ka) to participate in public welfare duties for the socio economic development of the
Kha) to help in maintaining law and order as well as in public security duties
G a) to render any type of duty as ordered by the govt. time to time.
Do you think that the working areas in law & order, public security and public welfare
duties of VDP need to make more specific (specific means highway road protection in
Hortal, rail line guarding, miscreant apprehension etc)? Y/N
Do you agree, to perform his duties in law & order or in public security, VDP members
require minimum enforcement power to work against miscreants? Y/N
Do you think, according to the above statement of VDP Act, 1995 VDP personnel can
arrest or apprehend miscreants? Y/N

Q3: Article 10 of VDP Act 1995 says, to fulfillment of the objectives of this act govt. can be
able to make rules, do you think by making the rules VDP could be empowered to perform his


Q4: Which one do you prefer more effective, to engage VDP members extensively:


By making the working areas for VDP members more specific in law & order, public
security and socio economic development. (Specific means highway road protection
in Hortal, rail line guarding, miscreant apprehension etc.)
By giving more salary/ honorarium to VDP members.

Q5: Which one do you prefer more effective, to engage VDP members extensively:



By making the working areas of VDP members more specific in law & order, public
security and socio economic development.
By giving minimum enforcement power to VDP members.
Both together.


Q6: Across the country there are around 6 million VDP members. Why VDP members cannot
keep their extensive contribution to law & order, public security and socio economic
development despite this huge volume of manpower? Which factor would you consider most?

VDP members work voluntarily and do not get salary or honorarium.

VDP works as an associated force.
Senior officers of Ansar & VDP fail to regulate VDP members in that way.
The prize money for miscreants apprehension or other activities is comparatively less.
Enforcement power and Working areas, of law and order, public security and socio
economic development, are not specified in the VDP Act, 1995 (specific means highway
road protection in Hortal, rail line guarding, miscreant apprehension etc)?
None of them.


Q7: Your comments in short (if any) ..

Statistical Output


Do you agree, the role Bangladesh Ansar & VDP currently

playing is insufficient?


Do you think that the working areas in law & order, public
security and public welfare duties of VDP need to make
more specific (specific means highway road protection in
Hortal, rail line guarding, miscreant apprehension etc)?
Do you agree, to perform his duties in law & order or in
public security, VDP members require minimum
enforcement power to work against miscreants?



Do you think, according to the above statement of VDP Act,

1995 VDP personnel can arrest or apprehend miscreants?

Article 10 of VDP Act 1995 says, to fulfillment of the

objectives of this act govt. can be able to make rules, do
you think by making the rules VDP could be empowered to


Appendix: ii
(among 300
237 (79%) respondents
marked yes and 63
(21%) respondents
marked no
291 (97%) respondents
marked yes and 9
(3%) respondents
marked no
297 (99%) respondents
marked yes and 3
(1%) respondents
marked no
171 (57%) respondents
marked yes and 129
(43%) respondents
marked no
288 (96%) respondents
marked yes and 12
(4%) respondents

perform his duty?

Which one do you prefer more effective, to engage VDP
members extensively:
By making the working areas for VDP members
more specific in law & order, public security and
socio economic development. (Specific means
highway road protection in Hortal, rail line
guarding, miscreant apprehension etc.)
By giving more salary/ honorarium to VDP
Which one do you prefer more effective, to engage VDP
members extensively:
By making the working areas of VDP members
more specific in law & order, public security
and socio economic development.
By giving minimum enforcement power to VDP
Both together.
Across the country there are around 6 million VDP
members. Why VDP members cannot keep their extensive
contribution to law & order, public security and socio
economic development despite this huge volume of
manpower? Which factor would you consider most?
VDP members work voluntarily and do not get
salary or honorarium.
VDP works as an associated force.
Senior officers of Ansar & VDP fail to regulate VDP
members in that way.
The prize money for miscreants apprehension or
other activities is comparatively less.
Enforcement power and Working areas, of law and
order, public security and socio economic
development, are not specified in the VDP Act,
1995 (specific means highway road protection in
Hortal, rail line guarding, miscreant apprehension
None of them.
Optional Comments in short (if any)


marked no
222 (74%) respondents
marked I and 78
(26%) respondents
marked ii

60 (20%) respondents
marked I,9 (3%)
respondents marked
ii and 231 (77%)
respondents marked

15 (5%) respondents
marked I,18 (6%)
respondents marked
ii,3 (1%) respondents
marked iii,9 (3%)
respondents marked
iv,249 (83%)
respondents marked
v and 6(2%)
respondents marked

6 (2% of the whole)

respondents proposed
that effective training
could also be identified
as constraints.
Other than that no
remarkable comments
about constraints has
been found.


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