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Test no 1: ABBPS (Type AB behavior Pattern Scale)

Personality: Personality comes from the Greek word persona which means theatrical mask
worn by the actor represent the type of role he has enacting. According to Gordon Allport (1937)
Personality is a dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical that
determine his/her unique adjustment to his/her environment. Cattle (1970) said the Personality
is that which permits the prediction of the person will do in given time or situation. So,
personality refers to the overall impression that an individual makes on others, that is, a sum total
or constellation of characteristics that are typical of the individual and thus observable in various
social settings. Personality is the pattern of enduring characteristics that differentiate a personthe patterns of behaviors that make each individual unique (Feldman, 2002).
Type A personality: Type A individual as ambitious, rigidly organized, highly status conscious,
can be sensitive, care for other people, are truthful, impatient, always try to help others, take on
more than they can handle, want other people to get to the point, proactive, and obsessed
with time management. People with Type A personalities are often high-achieving "workaholics"
who multi-task, push themselves with deadlines, and hate both delays and ambivalence.
Type B personality: Type B individuals as a contrast to those with Type A personalities. People
with Type B personality by definition generally live at a lower stress level and typically work
steadily, enjoying achievement but not becoming stressed when they are not achieved. When
faced with competition, they do not mind losing and either enjoy the game or back down. They
may be creative and enjoy exploring ideas and concepts. They are often reflective, thinking about
the outer and inner worlds
Purpose: The purpose of this test is to find out the personality type of the subject.
Materials Used

A set of ABBPS consumable booklets including manual

Pen, pencil, eraser

Test description: This test can be used for research and survey purposes and for individual
assessment as well. It is a self-administering scale and can be administered without the help of
highly trained tester. It is extremely suitable for group as well as individual testing.

Introduction of the subject





Marital status:




Educational level: Bachelors

General Mental and Physical condition: From the observation, the subject has good, mental
and physical condition during the interviewing/assessment period.
Testing date, time and place:
Date: 13th September 2013
Time: 1-2 pm
Place: Maharajgunj
Test administration: After preparing all the necessary materials the test was conducted in clam
and quit environment, brief session of introduction was conducted with subject to give him clear
instruction regarding questionnaire fill up. Test taker was available to monitor and supervise the
subject all the time to avoid the misunderstanding.
Instruction: This is a simple questionnaire which contains the different questions related to the
daily life of any individual. You need to answer it according your experience or choice. There is
nothing like right or wrong answer, it depends upon your own personal experience. It is assured
that this information wont be disseminated to anyone but will be used for the benefit for my
study purpose. After given the proper instruction to the subject, the test was conducted in a quite
Introspective Report:The test is a bit complicate to give answer and know the statement also
like not clear, confuse, etc. Im also interested to know my personality type and enjoy just
reading the form and selecting the answer in own understanding.
Data Analysis: According to the obtained mark by the subject, the data is analyzed in the
following table:

Table no. 1: Type A behavior pattern













Table no. 2: Type B behavior pattern



Complacent 8-13
Nonassertive 6-9
Impression: According to manual of ABBPS the subject has total score 52 in Type A personality
which lies in normal range and got total 57 in Type B personality which lies within the normal
range. From the above score it seems that the subject has Type AB personality. He behaves
according to the situation.
Discussion and Conclusion: The subject has got total score 52 in Type A personality which in
the normal range. The subject obtain normal score on factors like tenseness (13), impatience (9),
Restlessness (8), achievement orientation (11), and Workaholic (7) which shows the subject has
balance characteristic in these factors but lower in factor Domineering (4). The subject has got
total score 57 in Type B personality which lies within the normal range. The subject obtain
normal score on factors Complacent (13), Relaxed (11) and Patience (12), while low on
Easygoing (11), high on Nonassertive (10). That score shows the subject is bold enough to have
attention of other persons and have ability to wait and work with ease.

Test no 2: AICS (Adjustment Inventory For College Students)

Introduction: The adjustment inventory has been designed for use with Hindi knowing college
students of India. The test seeks to segregate normal from poorly adjusted college students of all
grades in respect of five areas of adjustment (Home, Health, Social, Emotional and Educational).
The test is helpful in screening the poorly adjusted students who may need further psycho
diagnostic study and counseling. Charles Darwin in his Theory of evolution states that there is a
continuous struggle between the needs of the individual and the external forces. Those species
which adapt successfully to the demands of the environment survive and multiply while others
who do not die out therefore the adaptation or changing of oneself or ones surrounding according
to the external environment is the basic need for survival. Adaptation or adjustment is to fit,
make suitable, change, arrange, modify, harmonize, so making an adjustment between two
dissimilar things means, to adjust or modify one or both of them to be harmonious to each other.
In some situations one of the factors may not be changeable so has to be adjusted in some way to
suit with others. Wearing clothes according to the seasons is the simplest and the most primate
form of adjustment. But if we have the capacity we could make the environment adjust to our
needs as we don in air-conditioned room. Adjustment seems simple but plays a great role in our
lives. Those of us who can adjust to the needs of changing conditions can lie happily and
successfully while others vanish, lead miserable lives or prove just to be a nuisance to the
society. Sigmund Freud in his terms and theory had based the EGO as the in charge for the
balance within oneself and toward the society. The extra activeness of the ID or the SUPEREGO
brings difficulties for his society to accept the individual thus keeping him as a misfit and
creating maladjustment in the environment.
Adjustment means the modification to compensate for or meet special conditions.
-James Drever 1952
Adjustment is the process by which a living organism maintains a balance between its need and
the circumstances that influence the satisfaction of these needs.

Adjustment these days can be termed to the terms of the steps that one takes to be fit in
the society either by changing the society of changing oneself as per the norms of the society.
Overall the characterizes of a well adjusted individual could roughly be listed out into the
1. Awareness of his own strength and limitations.
2. Respecting him and others.
3. An adequate level of aspiration.
4. Satisfaction of basic needs.
5. Absence of a critical or a fault- finding attitude.
6. Flexibility in behavior.
7. The capacity to deal with adverse situations.
8. A realistic perception of the world.
9. A feeling of ease with his surroundings.
10. A balanced philosophy of life.
Measurement of Adjustment: Measurement as an instrument of inquiry is now frequently used
in behavioral sciences using the following five techniques.
1. Testing Techniques
2. Projective Techniques
3. Inventory Techniques
4. Socio-metric Techniques
5. Scaling Techniques
In the area of measurement the adjustment, the inventory or questionnaire type
techniques are the most popular because they have many advantages compared to the other
techniques. Testing techniques can be only used to assume the characteristics of the
individual at the conscious and Projective techniques in the unconscious. The two separately

are not able to give a clear picture to the adjustment. The Socio-metric only measures the
adjustment to the society.
Purpose: To screen the adjustment in college student in respect of five areas of adjustment.
(Home, Health, Social, Emotional and Educational)
Test Materials used

Re usable booklet of AICS


Test Description: This inventory has been prepared to screen normal form poorly adjusted
students of all grade in respect of five areas of adjustment, altogether having 102 items in total.
(Home-16, Health-15, Social-19, Emotional-31 and Educational-21)
Introduction of the subject








Academic Qualification:

+2 running

Physical Health:


1. Some questions relating to your personality are given in this booklet and the answers are
to be marked on the separate answer sheet provided.
2. You will find two cells against each question on the answer sheet, from your side the left
hand cell is indicating the Yes response while the right is No out of these cells you
have to fill in the cell of the answer which is applicable to you. Since no item is true or
false, what is correct in your terms ill in the cell only? If your answer is a yes fill in the
left cell and if your answer is a no fill in the right cell.

3. There is no time limit but try to finish as fast as possible.

Introspective report: At first I didnt know what type of questions were about to be given. Well
when I saw the questions I felt great. Its all about how you feel when certain problems come
before you, so its nice, its about physical mentality.
Scoring Table
























Result: Obtained Score 25 (Good)

Impression: A Good score on the overall and an Excellent score in the categories of Home.
Score is in the higher range of the good grade on the emotional and educational area and average
on the health and social areas. Excellent score in the areas of home shows very well condition of
the clients adjustment at home. Average in the areas of health and social shows hes doing well
in those areas whereas a high range score in the area of Social Adjustment shows him as an
extrovert and is good social setting and relationship.
Discussion and Conclusion: Adjustment in home seems to be excellent to the subject. This may
be well adjusted and interaction pattern and behavior of family members is good. The average
level in the social area may be the reason due to the excellent adjustment in home. Generally
excellent in home seems to be good adjustment in the societal relationship. Finally, the subject is
well adjusted person. His excellent in home adjustment became play a vital role in the
adjustment in other aspect of adjustment area such as social, educational, health and emotional.
So, home adjustment help the other area of adjustment and the subject is good in interpretation.

Test no: 3 MGTI (Mixed Type Group Test of Intelligence)

Intelligence test is a standardized test used to establish an intelligence level rating by
measuring a subject's ability to form concepts, solve problems, acquire information, reason, and
perform other intellectual operations. In modern times, the first scientist to test mental ability
was Alfred Binet, a French psychologist who devised an intelligence test for children in 1905,
based on the idea that intelligence could be expressed in terms of age. Binet created the concept
of "mental age," according to which the test performance of a child of average intelligence would
match his or her age, while a gifted child's performance would be on par with that of an older
child, and slow learners abilities would be equal to those of a younger child. Binet's test was
introduced to the United States in a modified form in 1916 by Lewis Terman, and thenceforth.
U.S. has been the forerunner both in terms of using and popularizing Intelligence tests all over
the world.
According to Wechsler (1939), the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act
purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with the environment.
Robert Stemberg (1937) said that intelligence comprises the mental abilities necessary for
adaptation to, as well as shaping and selection of any environmental context.
Purpose: The Purpose of the test is to measure the intellectual ability of the subject, to assess the
general intellectual ability of the subject to form concepts, solve problems, acquire information,
reason, and perform other intellectual operations.
Test Materials Used

MGTI Booklets and Manual

Answer Sheets
Scoring Key
Pen/ Pencil

Test Description: MGTI (Mixed Type Group Test of Intelligence): The Mixed Type Group
Test of Intelligence developed by P.N Mehrotra, Moradabad and published by National
Psychological Corporation, Agra, UP, India is used nowadays. As any other general IQ tests this
test also measures general IQ of individuals and had verbal, non verbal and numerical
components. The test measures logical reasoning in terms of distinctive abilities expressing the
abilities to comprehend analogy, classify objects, verbal ability, logical reasoning etc. The test
consists of Two Equally Divided Parts each consisting of 50 Questions so the total number of
questions in the test is 100 of which Part 1 has questions relating to Verbal and part 2 relating to
Non Verbal ability. The time limit given to complete the test is 10 minutes. The classification of

test scores is provided in the table below. This test (M. G. T. I) has been prepared in a spiral omnibus form providing selective form of items in both parts of the test. It is used on school
going pupils (Students) to bachelor 1st to 3rd, 4th semester students between age 17 to 23 years.
This test is based on Wechsler - Belleau Scale of intelligence. The author has included ten sub
tests, five each for verbal and non- verbal. Under each test there are fifty items in selective forms
and is conveniently called a mixed test of intelligence.
Introduction of the subject




Marital status:


Educational level:

Bachelors Degree

General Mental and Physical condition: From the observation, the subject has good, mental
and physical condition during the interviewing/assessment period.
Testing date, time and place
Date: 23rd September 2013
Time: 1-2 pm
Place: Samakhusi
Test administration: After preparing all the necessary materials the test was conducted in clam
and quit environment, brief session of introduction was conducted with subject to give him a
clear instruction regarding questionnaire fill up. This M. G. T.I is primarily a group test but it can
be used for individual testing as well. A good instruction is given to both verbal and non- verbal
on the test form. The test subject has to mark the result on the answer sheet supplied to them,
which is given in digit form. The full test is limited to and should not exceed 20 minutes, 10
minutes each for verbal and non - verbal test. No extra time should be given to any test.
Instruction:In order to fill up my questionnaire I need your help and this is a simple
questionnaire which contains the different questions related to the intelligence. You need to
answer it according your experience or choice. There is nothing like right or wrong answer, it

depends upon your own personal experience and views. It is assured that this information wont
be disseminated to anyone. Read the instructions on the cover page of the booklet carefully.
Dont write in the test booklet because you have to put answers in different answer sheet. There
are two types of test. Which you have to complete in 20 minutes (10 minutes each) you have to
select the most appropriate answer and put the number of the correct response against the same
question no. of the answer sheet. Time is short. If you are unable to answer any question, Please
don't waste your time and jump over the next one. Don't seek any help from others while solving
the test. If you desire to change any response cancel the previous one and clearly pick another
answer.After proper instruction was given to the subject, the test was conducted in a quite
environment. When the task was finished she was requested for the introspective report and
released from the laboratory room.
Introspective Report: I am really very excited and interested to know my IQ. But I find the test
a bit complicated to give answer due to some particular questions and due to time limitation



Limits in terms Classification of

Deviation IQ




by PE





+1PE to -1PE





+1PE to -1PE




+1PE to -1PE





+1PE to +2PE

Bright Average




+1PE to -1PE



Verbal test


Data Analysis
According to the obtained mark by the subject, the data is analyzed in the following table:

Total raw score = 35

Total score of verbal test = 113 (Bright Average)
verbal test




Limits in
terms by PE

IQ limit

of intelligence



-1PE to -2PE


Dull Average



+1PE to -1PE





+1PE to +2PE


Bright Average


+1PE to -1 PE




+1PE to -1PE

90 -110



Part filling

Data Analysis
Total raw score = 29
Total score of non verbal test= 105 (Average)
Total score of Intelligence Test = (35+29) =64=107= Average
Impression: After using the test - M.G. T.I to the subject I can conclude that he has a superior IQ
but average in tests. Though, he has performed almost equally in both parts of the tests, there
seems to be a room for improvement in analogy part.
Discussion & Conclusion: In part I subject scored average in analogy, no. scale, and
classification and reasoning while bright average in vocabulary. In part II, he scored average in
arrangement, digit symbol and part fitting while dull average in analogy and bright average in
classification. His total intelligence score is 64 which mean that he is an Average person.



Introduction: Neuroticism is a higher-personality dimension related to poor stress coping, irrational

thinking, poor impulse control, and worry. It is a strong predictor of psychological problems, especially
those related to affective disturbance. The group of conditions, sometimes referred to as neurotic
disorders, are characterized by symptoms such as anxiety, insecurity, phobias and depression.
Neuroticism is a fundamental personality trait in the study of psychology characterized by anxiety,
moodiness, worry, envy and jealousy. Individuals who score high on neuroticism are more likely than the
average to experience such feelings as anxiety, anger, envy, guilt, and depressed mood. They respond
more poorly to stressors and are more likely to interpret ordinary situations as threatening, and minor
frustrations as hopelessly difficult. They are often self-conscious and shy, and they may have trouble
controlling urges and delaying gratification. Neuroticism is a risk factor for the internalizing mental
disorders such as phobia, depression, panic disorder, and other anxiety disorders, all of which are
traditionally called neuroses.
Purpose: The purpose of the test is to measure the neurotic tendency of the subject.
Test materials used

KNPI booklets including manual

Scoring key
Answer sheets

Test Description: Kundu Neurotic Personality Inventory was developed by Dr. Ramanath Kundu of
psychology department of Calcutta University in 1987. The test includes 66 questions related to
behaviour of an individual in different categories. The categories are attitude towards self, self
acceptance, appraisal of the self, appraisal of the people and world around, interpersonal relations, visible
psychoneurotic symptoms, stress tolerance, anxiety level, emotional balance and overall integrity of
behaviour. The questions include the description of some of the behaviour under each category. There is
no specific time limit to complete the questions but usually the test is completed within half an hour. The
response can be given from 1 to 5 depending upon the experience of the subject. The subject needs to give
1 mark for the response to yes/almost always, 2 to the response no/almost never, 3 to the response
usually/frequently, 4 to the response sometimes/rarely and 5 to the response occasionally/an average
amount. The subject has to give own answer after the understanding of the statement clearly. Accuracy of
the results depends on the truthfulness of answers and thorough co-operation of subjects.

Introduction of the subject





Marital status:


Educational level:


General Mental and Physical condition: From the observation, the subject has good, mental and
physical condition during the interviewing/assessment period.
Testing date, time and place
Date: 29th September 2013
Time: 1-2 pm
Place: Maharajgunj
Test administration: After preparing all the necessary materials the test was conducted in calm and quiet
environment, brief session of introduction was conducted with subject to give clear instruction regarding
questionnaire fill up. Test taker was available to monitor and supervise the subject all the time to avoid
the misunderstanding. The following instruction was given to the subject.
Instruction:This is a simple questionnaire which contains the different questions related to the
behaviour of any individual. You need to answer it according your experience or choice. There is nothing
like right or wrong answer, it depends upon your own personal experience. It is assured that this
information wont be disseminated to anyone but will be used for the benefit for my study purpose. After
given the proper instruction to the subject, the test was conducted in a quite environment. The subject was
requested for the introspective report and released from the laboratory room.
Introspective Report:The test is a bit confusing to give answer and also some questions are difficult to
understand. Im also interested to know my neurotic personality type and I enjoyed just reading the form
and selecting the answer in own understanding.

Data Analysis
Scoring weights given to different response categories


Response categories
1 3

Scoring weights given to all items except 41, 51, 55, 56 and 58

Scoring weights given to the items 41, 51, 55, 56 and 58.
Classification of population

Interpretation of raw scores

181 and below
Slightly Neurotic
Moderately neurotic
241 and above
Highly neurotic
Obtained Score
181 and below
The total raw score obtained by the subject is 128. This shows that the subject is normal and do not have
any symptoms of neurotic tendency. Description of behaviour patterns under each category is given in the
following table. Since the subject obtained normal score the data is interpreted on the basis of categories
of behaviour.
Attitude towards self
Self acceptance
Appraisal of the self
Appraisal of the people and world around
Interpersonal relations
Satisfactory and stable
Visible psychoneurotic symptoms
Stress tolerance
Anxiety level
Emotional balance
Overall integrity of behaviour
Impression: Since the subject has obtained a normal score there is no need to control any behaviour since
the subject has no neurotic tendency or behaviour.
Discussion and Conclusion: The subject is normal and do not have any neurotic tendency. The subject
scored 128 which lies within the normal range on the interpretation of raw scores (181 and below). So the
subject behaviour is interpreted as a Normal.

Test no 5: Becks Depression Inventory II (BDI II)

Introduction: Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a pervasive low moods and loss
of interest or pleasure in usual activities. The diagnosis is made if a person has suffered one or

more major depressive episodes and is based on the patients self-reported experiences and
observed behavior. There is no laboratory test for major depression, although physicians often
test for physical conditions that may cause similar symptoms before arriving at a diagnosis. The
course of the disorder varies widely, from a one off occurrence to a lifelong disorder with
recurrent episodes. The most common time of onset is between the ages of 30 and 40, with a
later peak between 50 and 60. In western countries, approximately up to 60 percent of all people
who commit suicide have depression or another mood disorder. 3-4 percent of people with major
depression eventually commit suicide. Depressed individuals have a shortened life expectancy,
being more susceptible to conditions such as heart disease than the non-depressed. Major
depression occurs more often in women than men.
Causes of Depression: Depression has no single cause; often, it results from a combination of
things you may have no idea why depression has struck you. Whatever its cause, depression is
not just a state of mind. It is related to physical changes in the brain and connected to an
imbalance of a type of chemical that carries signals in your brain and nerves. These chemicals
are called neurotransmitters.
Some of the more common factors involved in depression are
1. Family history: Genetics play an important part in depression. It can run in families for
2. Trauma and stress: Things like financial problems, the breakup of a relationship or the
death of a loved one can bring on depression. You can become depressed after changes in
your life, like starting a new job, graduating from school or getting married.
3. Pessimistic Personality: People who have low self-esteem and a negative outlook are at
higher risk of becoming depressed. These traits may actually be caused by low level
4. Physical conditions: Serious medical conditions like heart disease, cancer and HIV can
contribute to depression, partly because of the physical weakness and stress they bring
on. Depression can make medical conditions worse, since it weakens the immune system


and can make pain harder to bear. In some cases, depression can be caused by
medications used to treat medical conditions.
5. Other psychological disorders: Anxiety disorders, eating disorders, schizophrenia and
especially substance abuse often appear along with depression.
To find out the depressive state of the test using BDI II
Materials Used

Re-usable questionnaire of BDI II

Pencil, eraser

Introduction of the subject







Academic Qualification:

Bachelors level

Marital status:


Physical Health:


Condition of Mental Health:


Test Description: BDI II is a 21 question multiple choice self report inventory that is one of the
most widely used instruments for measuring the severity of depression. The most current version
of the questionnaire is designed for individuals aged 16 and over and is composed of items
relating to depression symptoms such as hopelessness and irritability, cognitions such as guilt or
feelings of being punished, as well as physical symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss and lack of
interest in sex. The BDI is widely used as an assessment tool by healthcare professionals and
researchers in a variety of settings.
Instructions: This inventory consists of 21 groups of statements, please read each group of
statement carefully and pick out the statement in each group that best describes the way you have

been feeling during the past two weeks, including today. Circle the number beside the statement
you have picked. If several statements in the group seem to apply equally well circle the highest
number for the group. Be sure that you do not choose more than one for any group, including
items 16 and 18.
Introspective report
I dont feel anything.
Scoring Table
S No.


S No




Loss of Interest




Past Failures



Loss of Pleasure


Loss of Energy

Guilty Feeling


Changing in Sleeping Patten

Punishment Feeling



Self Dislike


Changes in Appetite

Self Criticalness



Suicidal Thoughts of 0


Tiredness or fatigue




Loss of interest in Sex




Interpretation Table
Mean Values





Mild Depression



Borderline Depression


Moderate Depression


Severe Depression

40 and above

Extreme Depression

Total Score of Test: 12= Mild Depression.

Impression: A bottom line score of 12 has put the test on the level of Mild Depression. 12 being
the low score of the Mild depression category the point this scored by the test seem bit too much
in regard of his appearance. Score of the highest on the categories of crying that saw that he feels
like crying but he cant. Not a character shown by one who thinks he doesnt feel anything. All
are of the normal range scores.
Discussion and Conclusion: Mild depression on its scores as interpreted by the test seemed
quite unusual as put for the test and his presence. His introspective report, I dont feel a thing if
were to be considered should have put him in the normal range scoring the least and a zero as far
as possible. Or the highest if he were too depressed to even feel a thing. But his ability to decide
and separate between the statements and justify them accordingly is likely to put him in the
better happy part. If we are to review the scored categories individually all the scores of 1 that
scored are past failure, loss of pleasure, agitation, loss of interest, indecisiveness, loss of energy,
irritability, changes in appetite, concentration and tiredness or fatigue. But his score of zero in the
category of Guilty feeling is a bit difficult to analyze. Since his feelings dont feel a thing now he
is falling back to his time (more than 2 weeks old) when he actually might have felt such and
thus marking the answers accordingly thus showing Mild Depression in the result. Else simply
his introspective report and his presence seemed enough to put him out of the depressed


Test no 6: Word Association Test

Introduction: One of Jungs first English language papers on the subject is taken from his
lecture notes from an address given at the Clark University in Massachusetts in September, 1909.
The lecture has been re-published in numerous books. In the lecture, Jung presents his method of
using 100 words to identify abnormal patterns of response as a means to identify psychological
complexes, along with what he calls intellectual and emotional deficiencies.
Word Association test is a projective technique in which a person respond to a stimulus
word with whatever words comes to mind. A variety of factors indicated the presence of a
complex; these factors include physiological responses, delays in responding, making the same
words, slip of the tongue, stammering, responding with more than one word, making up words or
failing to respond.
Purpose: To find out the intellectual and emotional deficiencies.
Test Material used
A set of Kent-Rosanoff Free Association Test (Questionnaire and Scoring sheet)
Pen/ Pencil
Clock/ Stopwatch
Test description: The word association test was designed by Kent and Rosanoff in 1910. The
test contains 100 common natural words. In the test, a list of a word is read to the subject, and
he/ she is asked to respond with the first word that comes to mind. Response words are analyzed
for their common place or unusual nature, for their possible indication of emotional conflict.
Speed of response is considered important. The test is a tool for the exploration of thinking
Introduction of the subject
Age/ Sex:
27/ Male
Academic Qualification:
Physical & Mental Health: Sound

Instruction: The Word Association test consists of 100 common, natural words. First, you
prepare the test materials and pronounce the list of word to the subject. Subject is asked to
respond with the first word that comes to mind. An answer sheet is provided to write a first word
of the subject. You include the time in answer sheet when you pronounce the word and subject
response the first word.


Introspective report: I didnt know what type of questions were about to be given. Tightly,
when I heard the word I felt all words are related to life.
Scoring Table
S No

Areas of Response

Cut-off Score

Obtained Score



Below 25- Normal



Matter of fact

Above 50- Normal




Below 25- Normal





Total Time taken= 00:04:52 seconds

Impression: The subject has got normal score in emotional, matter of fact and verbal response.
The subject is Normal in his psychological health and seems funny and happy.
Discussion and Conclusion: Generally, 25% emotional response is normal, 50% and above
score in matter of fact is normal and 25% verbal response is normal. 3 second time is normal for
one response word. The subject finished the test in 4 min 52 sec. the subject has got 22 score in
emotional response which is normal, 73 score in matter of fact is normal and 15 score in verbal
response is normal. The subject has normal score in all area of response.

Test no 7: Minnesota Multi Phasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)


Introduction: The first attempt to measure personality through a questionnaire was made by
Galton in 1880. He developed the questionnaire for studying mental imagery, that is, the inner
world of perception and feeling. Thereafter, the first systematic effort to develop a personality
inventory was made by Woodworth in 1918. This inventory was known as the Woodworth
Personal Data Sheet and consists of 116 questions all relating to neurotic tendencies. The
Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality Inventory is one of the most important self-report
inventories, which was conceived in the 1930s by Starke R. Hathaway, a clinical psychologist
and J. Charnley McKinley, a neurophysiologist. It was initially published through a series of
articles in the 1940s to serve as an aid in the process of psychiatric diagnosis. It is called
MULTI-PHASIC because it was designed to detect several psychiatric problems.
By the 1960s the MMPI was firmly entrenched as the leading personality test and used
as frequently with normal subject in counseling, employment, medical, military and forensic
setting as with psychiatric patients. The MMPI original purpose was to aid in the process of
psychiatric classification and the procedures followed in its development made it unsuitable for
personality assessment in normal individuals. MMPI has been widely used with normal as well
as psychiatric patients.
Purpose: To find out the psychological problem of the subject using multi-phasic questionnaire.
Test Material Used

A set of MMPI (Question sheet, manual and scoring sheets)

Pen or pencil

Test Description: The present test i.e. Multi-phasic Questionnaire is a self-report inventory test.
This test purpose is to classify the psychological problem within the normal and psychiatric
patients. There are 100 questions and its response is only true or false for the subject. These 100
questions are related to the psychological health problems. Mainly nine areas that is
psychopathic deviation, repression and sensitization, anxiety, schizophrenic, paranoid, manic,
depressive, and hysteric and lie has been covered in 100 questions.

Introduction of the subject




Age/ Sex:

21/ Female

Academic Qualification:


Physical & Mental Status:


Instruction: This is a simple test where booklet has been given to the subject. The booklet
contains questions relating to owns personality and answers are to be provided in separate
answer sheet provided. Two cells be finding against each question on the answer sheet that is true
at right hand cells and false at left hand cells. This test is completely confidential so please
answer without any hesitation. No time limit is given. Yet, try to finish as early as possible.
Introspective Report: I am interested to know my psychological health. While seeing the
MMPI set, its too many questions. I found difficulty in answering as only two options are given
true or false, whereas my answers use to fall somewhere in middle many times.
Scoring Table
S No


Raw Score

Cut-off Score



Below 14/ 14 above

Repression normal but sensitization


6 & above

Manic Normal

5 & above

Depression slightly


8 & above

Paranoid Normal

11 & above

Anxiety Normal


5 & above

Schizophrenic Normal


17 & above

Psychopathic deviate Normal


4 & above

Hysteric Normal

4 & above

Lie Normal

Impression: According to obtained score the subject has little bit repressive. The subject has got
normal range score in sensitization, manic, paranoid, anxiety, schizophrenic, psychopathic
deviate and hysteric. Above all the subject has normal psychological health although she was
confused many times due to limited option given.

Discussion and Conclusion: Many times the subjects answers use to range somewhat in
between true or false. Still found her answers genuine. Under the eight individual categories the
subject have normal score in sensitization, manic, paranoid, anxiety, schizophrenic, psychopathic
deviate and hysteric. Yet, the score 8 in repression and 3 score in depression and 0 in lie shows
her psychological health was totally sound. Being a student, the subject has normal category
under total score of the test.


Test No 8: Ravens Progressive Matrices

Introduction: Perception is the process of organizing and attempting to understand and analyze
the sensory stimulations. The uppermost band of the rainbow is perceived the same by everyone.
The names given for it may be different but the physiological way it is perceived is the same the
neurotransmitters received the information received from the sensor provided in the five sense
organs and are perceived but the way it is interpreted is different as per society, culture and
language. Due to the positioning of the globe and the environment there might be slight
fluctuations in the perception but more or less subtracting the noises of the environment the
perception is the same. Perception in short can be termed as sensation added the way we
interpret the sensation. Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices: the standard progressive
matrices (SPM) published in 1938 is a test of a persons capacity at the time of the test to
apprehend meaningless figures presenters for his observation, see the relation between them.
Conceive the nature of the figure completing each system of relations presented and buy so
doing develop a systematic methods of reasoning.
The scale consists of 60 problems decided into 5 sets of 12. In each set the first problem
is nearly as possible, self evident the problems, which follow, become progressively more
difficult. The order of the items provides the standard training in the method of working. The 5
sets provide five opportunities for grasping the method and the sustained interest and freedom for
fatigue, the figures in each problem are boldly presented, accurately drawn and as far as possible
pleasing to look at. SPM was designed to cover the widest possible range of mental ability to be
equally useful with persons of all ages, whatever their education, nationality or physical
condition. In view of its wide applicability, it was expected to have certain limitations. As it was
designed to be used with children as well as adult, the first and second sets in the scale and the
introductory problems of the third and the fourth sets provide a reliable estimate of a persons
capacity to think clearly when he was allowed to work steadily at his own speed from each begin
with easy problem and end with difficult ones. Everyone whatever his age is given exactly the
same series of problems in the same order and is asked to work at his own speed, without
interruption, from the beginning to the end of the scale. As the order of the problems provides the
standard training in the method of working, the scale can be given either as in individual, a self
administered or as a group test. A persons total score provided an index of his intellectual
capacity with relatively little influence from the cultural that in the absence of stimulation. The
consisting development of logical reasoning tends to remain latent, or to develop somewhat later
in life. It is not expected that the result would be highly reliable if the scale was used as a test of
intellectual efficacy with the standard scale.
Purpose: To measure a persons ability to form perceptual relations between universal symbols
and study the observation skills and clear- thinking ability starting from the easiest and gradually
progressing in difficulty.


Test materials used

Re-usable booklet of Ravens Progressive Matrices

Answer sheet

Test Description: This SPM consist of 60 items arranged in five sets (A, B, C, D and E) of 12
items each. Each item contains a figure with a missing piece, below the figure are either six (set
A and B) or eight (sets C through E) alternatives pieces to complete the figure. Only one of
which is correct, within a set the items are roughly arranged in increasing order of difficulty. The
raw score is typically converted to a percentile rank by using the references of appropriate
Introduction of the subject


Age/ Sex:

29/ Female



Marital status:


Instruction: Fill in your particulars on the record from. On every page there is a pattern left out
and all you have to do is to choose the right pattern that completely fits the big pattern above
from the options given below and record it and the answer sheet given. The problem is simple in
the beginning and gets complex as they progress further. There is no time limit but try to finish as
quickly as possible.
Introspective report
Was fun and bit nervous in the mid.
Scoring Table






Result: Total Score= 54

Percentile= 94%

Test No.9: PAI (Personality Assessment Inventory)


"Personality" is a dynamic and organized set of characteristics possessed by a person that uniquely
influences his or her cognitions, emotions, motivations, and behaviors in various situations. The word
"personality" originates from the Latin persona, which means mask. In the theatre of the ancient Latinspeaking world, the mask was not used as a plot device to disguise the identity of a character, but instead
was a convention employed to represent or typify that character. Personality also refers to the pattern of
thoughts, feelings, social adjustments, and behaviors consistently exhibited over time that strongly
influences one's expectations, self-perceptions, values, and attitudes. It also predicts human reactions to
other people, problems, and stress. There is still no universal consensus on the definition of "personality"
in psychology. Gordon Allport (1937) described two major ways to study personality: the homothetic and
the idiographic. Nomothetic psychology seeks general laws that can be applied to many different people,
such as the principle of self-actualization or the trait of extraversion.
Personality Assessment Inventory is a multi-scale test of psychological functioning that assesses
constructs relevant to personality and psychopathology evaluation (e.g., depression, anxiety, aggression)
in various contexts including psychotherapy, crisis/evaluation, forensic, personnel selection, pain/medical,
and child custody assessment. The PAI has 22 non-overlapping scales, providing a comprehensive
overview of psychopathology in adults. The PAI contains four kinds of scales: 1) validity scales, which
measure the respondent's approach to the test, including faking good or bad, exaggeration, or
defensiveness; 2) clinical scales, which correspond to psychiatric diagnostic categories; 3) treatment
consideration scales, which assess factors that may relate to treatment of clinical disorders or other risk
factors but which are not captured in psychiatric diagnoses (e.g., suicidal ideation); and 4) interpersonal
scales, which provide indicators of interpersonal dimensions of personality functioning. The rationale
behind the development of the PAI was to create an assessment tool that would enable the measurement
of psychological concepts while maintaining statistical strength. The development methodology was
based on several advances that the field of personality assessment was witnessing at the time. Due to the
fuzzy nature of constructs (concepts) in psychology, it is very difficult to use criterion-referenced
approaches, such as those used in some parts of medicine (e.g. pregnancy tests). This is why construct
validation is very important to personality test development. It is usually described as being involved
when tests intend to measure some construct that is not "operationally defined."

Purpose: to identify the personality of subject


Test materials used

Consumable booklet of Personality Assessment Inventory

Answer sheet
Information of the subject
Marital Status:
Masters Current
Economic Status: Employed from middle class family
General Mental &
Physical Condition: Normal
Lab of Tri-Chandra College
7 p.m.
Test Description
Personality Assessment Inventory developed by the institute for personality and ability testing
and printed by The Psycho-Centre, New Delhi under sole and exclusive license from IPAT,
U.S.A. There are forty statements about how people feel or think at one time or another. Three
options are given for each statement. Table for converting raw scores to sten score are used for
analysis data.
Test Administration
The test was administrated with a single male sample. The subject was assured about
confidentially, made clear that there is no right and wrong answer, the subject has answered in
relax mood. After convincing about text, the following instruction was given.
Inside this booklet there are forty statements about how people feel or think at one time or
another. There are n right or wrong answers. Just pick the one that is really true for you and mark
a, b, or c answer. Remember, use the middle box only if cannot possibly decide on a or c. Note
that, dont spend time thinking over the statement, just mark quickly, according to how you feel
about it now. It will be better if you can complete within ten minute. After finishing the text the
subject was requested for the introspective report and he released from the psychology lab.
Introspective Report
All the statements are interesting and related to my daily lives, in some statements I feel hard to
answer but I have completed all.


Interpretation of correct raw

Page no
With Correction Factor
Total Raw Score
Standard Score
Result and Conclusion
The subject score 7 from page no 2, similarly 13 from page no 3.In total, he score 20. Looking to
norms for converting raw scores to sten scores, table no 2.1 for men only. The correct score 1922 lie in sten 5 and 20 lie between it. Out of 1 to 10 in total sten 5 lie in middle. Hence, his
personality is average.
Subject seems normal and happy.

Test No. 10: ANDI( Adjustment Neuroticism Dimensional Inventory)

General meaning of adjustment is the process of living itself or a dynamic equilibrium of
the total personality. It is a lifelong process in which he enters into a relationship of harmony
with its environment. Psychologically, adjustment means a person, interactions with his
environment. Fortune is the individual who is adjusted and considers it so. Every individual,
great or small, old or young, is confronted with the problem of adjustment. The problem of

adjustment starts right from the birth of the child and continuous till his death. The problem of
adjustment is both internal as well as external. The problem of adjustment is related to arriving at
a balanced state between he needs of the individual and their satisfaction. Needs of the individual
are multidimensional. Adjustment is a relative term. Opposite of adjustment is
maladjustment. According to Laurance F. Shaffer, Adjustment is the process by which a living
organism maintains a balance between its needs and the circumstances that influences the
satisfaction of these needs. According to Coleman, James C., Adjustment is the outcome of the
individuals attempts to deal with stress and meet his needs: also, his efforts to maintain
harmonious relationship with the environment. Smith, H.C.: A good adjustment is one which is
both realistic and satisfying. At least in the long run, it reduces to a minimum the frustrations, the
tension and anxieties which a person must endure. Traxler, Occasionally in the use of the term
adjustment we imply that the most desirable state of adjustment is one in which the individual is
perfectly happy and satisfied with all aspects of his life and one in which he has reached the level
in all his contacts with his contacts with his environment that he would be glad to see persist
thorough his life.
Neuroticism is the tendency to be in a negative state for long periods of time. It is a
fundamental personality trait in the study of psychology characterized by anxiety, moodiness,
worry, envy, and jealousy. Individuals who score high on neuroticism are more likely than the
average to experience such feelings as anxiety, anger, envy, guilt, and depressed mood, and they
experience these feelings more strongly than those who score lower on neuroticism. They are
sensitive and respond poorly to all types of stressors, are more likely to interpret ordinary
situations as threatening, and minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult and problematic. They are
often self-conscious, worrisome, success-driven and shy, and they may have trouble controlling
urges and delaying gratification. They typically care about how others perceive them and want to
be liked by everybody. Neuroticism is a risk factor for the "internalizing" mental disorders such
as phobia, depression, panic disorder, and other anxiety disorders, all of which are traditionally
called neuroses. Individuals high in neuroticism tend to internalize these neuroses because they
are highly self-conscious and want to be viewed as perfect.

Purpose of test:
The main purpose of the test is to study neuroticism dimensions for adjustment like self esteem,
happiness, calmness, neutrality, independency, feeling of being healthy, innocence etc.
Material used
Consumable booklet of ANDI
Pen, Pencil, Eraser
Manual Scoring key is used for score.
Information of the Subject
30 years

Marital Status
Economical Status:
General Mental
& Physical Condition:

middle class family
Normal and Healthy
3 p.m.
Lab of Tri-Chandra College

Test Description
Adjustment neuroticism dimensional inventory ( Hindi version) developed by Dr. Ram Nayan
Singh and Dr. Mahesh Bhargava and published by Nandini Enterprises, Agra ,India, was used to
access the neuroticism dimension for adjustment. There are one hundred and five questions and
each question has three probable answer are given, i.e. yes(y), uncertain (U) and No (n). The
dimensions are: self-esteem-self inferiority, happiness-depression, calmness-anxiety, naturality obsessiveness, independence-dependence, and feeling of being happy -hypochondrianess,
innocence-guilt feeling.
Test Administration
The test was administered with the single sample. The subject was assured about confidentially.
Assure him about the important of test and answering ways. He has responded in relax mood.
After convincing him, the following instruction was given.
There are all total 105 questions, and you have given three options for answering, Y for Yes, U
for Uncertain and N for No. The separate answer sheet is given to you. You have to choose one
and x the box of appropriate answer which you like best. After finishing the test the subject
was requested for the introspective report and he released from the psychology lab.
Introspective Report
All questions are interesting, it will be better for me if question are in Nepali language.
Interpretation of Raw Scores

Raw Sten

4 to 1

sten Higher sten obtain

7 to 10




esteem, he
people think


High self- inferiority,

He thinks that he is
failure, high sten mark
high self-inferiority.


believe that life
is gift, interest in

Pessimistic, depress, Average

dissatisfy from life,
High sten means the
psychological diseases.



from Intense fear,
calm, peaceful

Obsessiveness Neutrality




Feeling to be


Self esteem



Result and Conclusion

The subject score 11 on self esteemself inferiority, 6 on happiness- depression,12 on calmness
anxiety, 9 on neutrality- obsessiveness, 8 on dependency-independency,8 on feeling to be
healthy-hypochondriacs, and 10 on innocence-guilt feeling. Similarly, the sten obtained on these
mention dimensions are 6, 5, 6, 3, 5, 5 and 6 respectively. The sten 1 to 4, indicating better

adjustment, 5& 6 indicating average and 7 to 10 indicating maladjustment and Neuroticism

inventory. Here, subject sten score shows that he is average in all dimensions except Naturality
Obsessiveness and he is more naturality, this all indicate that his adjustment capacity is better.
Subject seems normal and happy and he is easily adjustable in every kind of changing


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