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Reid A. Berdanier
Key words: vertical-axis wind turbine, VAWT, Savonius rotor, Bach rotor, multiple-stage
From its conception by S.J. Savonius in the early 20th century, the Savonius rotor has
been implemented as a vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) for a wide array of cost-effective
uses, including pumping irrigation water [1] and producing renewable energy. In addition to its
considerable advantages due to simplicity of design and low production cost, the Savonius rotor
design is favorable due to its low starting torque, allowing for the machine to cut in, even with
low wind speeds [2]. However, increases in efficiency are needed before this technology can be
used more broadly, particularly for applications in developing nations or remote areas. In the
years since the developmental work of Savonius, many have done research on alterations of the
original design for performance enhancement, including Bach [3], Modi [4], and Menesh [2],
with particular interest rising from the promising results of Bach [1].
Upon further investigation of the Bach rotor design, Ushiyama et al. [1] found promising
results in terms of decreased static torque distributed across a range of airflow incidence angles,
higher rotational speed, and increased power characteristics, when compared to those of the
general semi-circular Savonius rotor. Moreover, recent Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
studies comparing the two design models have found similar benefits. Ishimatsu et al. [5]
confirmed the results of Ushiyama et al. by showing that Bach designs maintain higher values of
dynamic torque and power coefficients over Savonius designs, as a result of both twodimensional and three-dimensional CFD analyses. One of the most prominent benefits of the
Bach design, though, is its ability to avoid negative values of static torque a problem that
appears at certain flow incidence angles for Savonius designs [2].
For both traditional Savonius rotors and Bach rotors, notable research has been conducted
on the ideal parametric characteristics to provide for best performance. In particular, Ushiyama
et al. [1] investigated the number of buckets for the rotor, as well as the effects of varying bucket
overlaps and aspect ratios. Due to the interference caused by the presence of more buckets, two
buckets were found to be ideal. The results of this inquiry have been recently reinforced by
results from a similar study performed by Menet et al. [6]; the authors were able to define many
parameters, including rotor height and attached endplate radius, as functions of rotor radius.
One of the disadvantages of these drag-type rotors, though, is the large fluctuation
patterns of static torque. In order to counteract these negative effects, a number of options have
been investigated, including the implementation of inlet guide vanes beyond the outer radius of
the rotor, and stacking of multiple, phase-offset rotor stages [1,7]. By incorporating such design
additions to a traditional Savonius rotor, it has been shown that fluctuations in static torque can
be considerably mitigated, while allowing for the development of other benefits, such as higher
rotational speed [1]. Of these two conceptual additions, however, the stacking of multiple phaseoffset stages is most applicable, due to the limited range of tip-speed ratio for which the
inclusion of inlet guide vanes provides a benefit; outside of this range, the presence of guide
vanes is found to be a hindrance to rotor performance [7].
I propose to test the effects of combining a Bach rotor design with the concept of multiple
phase-offset stages. Six rotor designs will be created (see Fig. 1) with two semi-circular
buckets: one stage (S1), two orthogonal stages (S2a,b), and three stages offset 60 degrees
(S3a,b,c); with two Bach buckets: one stage (B1), two orthogonal stages (B2a,b), and three
stages offset 60 degrees (B3a,b,c). In order to avoid adverse performance effects related to

alterations of individual stage aspect ratio ( AR = dh , for rotor

stage height, h, and diameter, d) observed by Hayashi et al.
[7], all stages in this experiment will have equivalent heights,
such that a single-stage rotor will have overall height H, a
two-stage rotor will have overall height 2H, etc. For each of
the six rotor designs, other parameters, including aspect ratio
and rotor diameter will be held constant and defined
according to the findings of Modi et al. and Menet et al. [4,6].
In order to experimentally investigate the performance
characteristics of these rotor designs, each of the six test
rotors will be introduced into a wind tunnel testing
environment. Under standard atmospheric test conditions,
data corresponding to torque (both static and dynamic), and
power output will be recorded over a spectrum of wind tunnel
velocities, in order to identify the optimal rotational speed and
tip-speed ratio, , corresponding to each test case. Based on
the findings of the Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United
States [8], the wind tunnel velocities chosen for testing are
V = {2,4,6,8,10,12} m/s a range of values encompassing the
Fig. 1. Rotor blade phase
entire spectrum of average wind speeds across the contiguous
for test designs.
United States. Moreover, by implementing a rotary encoder,
it will be possible to appropriately attribute static torque readings to the angle of rotor rotation,
relative to zero degrees (as shown in the orientations in Fig. 1). Combining these experimental
results with numerical results from CFD makes it possible to adequately determine the
effectiveness of the proposed designs with some statistical surety.
Based on the beneficial results from Bach [3], and those of multiple phase-offset stages
[1,7], I predict that a combination of the two design concepts will lead to increased rotor
performance. The implementation of multiple phase-offset stages with Bach rotors will provide
a more consistent and positive value of static torque for all angles of wind incidence, while still
performing better than multiple-stage designs implementing traditional Savonius rotors. Further,
I predict the best results will correspond to (B3), the design with three stages of Bach rotors,
each with a 60-degree phase offset, and that this design will provide increased values of
efficiency over those of similar designs. These predicted results will increase the costeffectiveness of implementing VAWTs both domestically and abroad as means of pumping
water or producing low levels of power, particularly in remote sectors and developing nations.
I confirm that this research proposal is my own original design, and I am its sole author.
1. Ushiyama I., et al., Bulletin of JSME, Vol.
5. Ishimatsu, K., et al., 14th JSCFD Symp.,
29, No. 258 (1986), pp. 4130-38.
C06-2, (2006).
2. Komatinovic, N., Master Thesis, Tech. Univ. 6. Menet, J.L., N. Bourabaa, European Wind
of Denmark (2006).
Energy Conf., Proc., London, (2004).
3. Bach, G., Forschung, Vol. 2, No. 6 (1931),
7. Hayashi, T., et al., JSME Int. J., Vol. 48, No.
pp. 218-31.
1 (2005), pp. 9-16.
4. Modi, V.J., M.S.U.K. Fernando, J. Solar
8. Elliott, D.L., et al., Wind Energy Resource
Energy Eng., Vol. 111 (1989), pp. 71-81.
Atlas U.S., (Solar Energy Res. Inst.: Golden,
CO, 1986).

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