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Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that causes instability,
disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical systems or living organisms.
Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light.
Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally
occurring contaminants
Sometimes green house gases such as CO2 , methane, CO, etc are referred to as pollution because
raised levels of the gas in the atmosphere are affecting the Earth's climate. Recent studies have
investigated the potential for long-term rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide to cause
slight but critical increases in the acidity of ocean waters, and the possible effects of this on
marine ecosystems. Pollution and changing climate results in ozone hole over antartic n arctic
regions which proves to be very harmful for folks.
Increasing pollutants in environment lead to misbalance in our air, land and aquatic ecosystem
and disrupts the food chain.
Pollution control is a term used in environmental management. It means the control
of emissions and effluents into air, water or soil. Without pollution control, the waste products
from consumption, heating, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, transportation and other human
activities, whether they accumulate or disperse, will degrade the environment. In the hierarchy of
controls, pollution prevention and waste minimization are more desirable than pollution control.
Steps to be taken to prevent pollution:
Stop smoking or at least follow the No Smoking sign.
Use unleaded gasoline in your cars
Keep your car properly maintained to keep it in good running condition to avoid smoke
Never use open fires to dispose of wastes
Have a proper waste disposal system especially for toxic wastes
Take very good care of your pets and their wastes.
Never throw, run or drain or dispose into the water, air, or land any substance in solid, liquid
or gaseous form that shall cause pollution.
Do not cause loud noises and unwanted sounds to avoid noise pollution.
Do not litter in public places. Anti-litter campaigns can educate the populace.
Industries should use fuel with lower sulphur content
Industries should monitor their air emissions regularly and take measures to ensure
compliance with the prescribed emission standards.
Industries should strictly follow applicable government regulations on pollution control
Organic waste should be dumped in places far from residential areas
Inorganic materials such as metals, glass and plastic, but also paper, can be reclaimed and

Prepare a drainage plan and mark the manholes to prevent pollutants accidently reaching the
surface water sewers.
Carry out any activities that could cause pollution in a designated, bunded area, away from
rivers or boreholes. Where possible it should drain to the foul sewer
Use settlement ponds to remove silty water.
Store all oils and chemicals in a fully bunded area to prevent leaks or spills.
Minimise the use of electrical appliances and cut off the wastage of electricity.
Do not use vehicles unnecessarily as they cause pollution. Buy ENERGY STAR products,
including energy efficient lighting and appliances. They are environmentally friendly products.
Discourage deforestation as forests are depleating at a fast rate.
Use recyclable materials as far as possible. Recycle paper, plastic, glass bottles, cardboard, and
aluminum cans. (This conserves energy and reduces production emissions.)
Plant more and more trees to make our earth more green and pollution free.
Use ecofriendly items where ever possible.
Discourage the use of polybags as they are the main polluting agent causing air, water and soil
pollution. Shop with a canvas bag instead of using paper and plastic bags.
Green chemistry should be encouraged to reduce the chemical manufacturing waste and harmful
side products.
Renewable sources of energy should be used instead of coal, petrol, diesel etc. which are non
renewable sources of energy.
Establishment of factories should be on barren land and far from the city.
Waste pollution eliminated out of factories should be treated to make it least toxic within the
factory before release in environment.
Chemical making factories should follow green chemistry principles to act in an ecofriendly
Purchase rechargeable batteries, reducing the amount of trash going into landfills
Buy less toxic cleaning supplies or make your own (Baking soda and water can be used as an
ammonia-based all purpose cleaner ).
Purchase products with minimal packaging
Limit fertilizers and pesticides, especially near lakes and streams
Toxic products like paints, automobile oil, polishes, and cleaning products should be stored and
disposed off properly. It is better to use non-toxic, products for the house as far as possible.
Also, never dispose off such products by throwing them into your toilet or sink.
So we all should remain aware of all the above points to save our mother earth from the
hazardous effec pollution.
We all should pledge not to waste water and electricity; not to cut trees and follow ecofriendly

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