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Activity Programme for the Project We sang songs, made clip and ad film

*All the legal consents and appointments will be ensured before project implementation.
Location of the activity : Devrek, Zonguldak, Turkey
Participant countries
: Turkey, Bulgaria
Responsible organization : Devrek Anadolu retmen Lisesi
Project activities will be carried out by equal and full participation of partner countries.

Activity 1: Meeting visitor participants & accommodation

Date: ../../2014
Details: The participants will be assisted while they get accommodated into their hotel. In the
evening of their arrival, a welcome party will be held by host organization. All participants will
meet each other in a fun environment, music, dance etc.

Activity 2: Press conference, discussing project content, revision of the activities, Questionnaire of
Date: ../../2014
Details: A press conference will be held with participation of all local press members. The press
members will be informed about project objectives, content, and expected outcomes.
Then partner groups will discuss the project content. They will add more measures to contribute
project process, or revise the activity plan according to suggestions of participants.
The partner groups will form project coordination unit and project evaluation unit. Both units will
consist of equal number of members from partner countries (2+2=4 members, and +1 chief from
coordinator organization = 5 participants per unit)
Project coordination unit will undertake division of tasks, proper implementation of the project
activities, budget management.
Project evaluation unit will make daily evaluations of the activities, prepare reports, and submit
them to legal representative.

Activity 3: Ad and clip production trainings at KANAL-Z Tv.

Date: ../../2014
Details: Representatives of coordinator institution had previously contacted KANAL-Z
administration, and had got verbal agreement. The partner groups will visit KANAL-Z Tv station,
and will attend trainings about ad and clip production. The trainings will be in verbal explanation,
observation, and practical studies.

Activity 4: Photography and video recording trainings at Devrek Public Education Center
Date: ../../2014
Details: Teacher/trainers of Devrek Public Education Center will provide trainings on
photography, camera control, combining records, cut/copy & paste applications on videos.
Trainings will be verbal explanation, observation, and practical studies.

Activity 5: Creating scenarios for clips and ad films

Date: ../../2014
Details: Scenarios will be created for a clip and for an ad film, by support of music teachers and
literature teachers of host organization. The ad film will be focus on introduction of National
Agency, and Youth Programmes. Besides, a popular song will be performed by a participant, and the
groups will prepare a clip for the song.

Activity 6: Recording clip and ad film

Date: .., .., .., .., .., ../../2014
Details: Participants will form two mixed groups; and each group will work on one of the tasks: clip
production or ad film production. The filming works will be planned for different locations, then the
recordings will be combined at KANAL-Z studios, by support of experts. One of the participants will
be the solo singer of a popular song, and the rest of the partner groups will take roles in
background roles in the clip. The clip and ad film produced will be broadcasted through KANAL-Z
Tv channel on prime time zones.

Activity 7: Picnic within nature, creation of final report

Date: ../../2014
Details: A picnic in natural environment will be organized for the partner groups; so that they will
enjoy natural beauties of the region and will gain natural consciousness. By the end of the day, the
participants will create final report of the project.

Activity 8: City tour, delivery of certificates, farewell party, evaluation questionnaire.

Date: ../../2014
Details: A city tour will be organized for the participants, by which they will visit historical,
touristic and natural locations around the city. By the end of the day, the host organization will
deliver certificates to the participants.

Activity 9: Departures
Date: ../../2014

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