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Advice. Not Products.

Table of Contents
Letter from the Founder & CEO

About Us

Services 5
Endowments and Foundations

Our Advisory Team

Our Approach

Our Mission


Our Advice


Our Locations


Our Research


Our Tactical Management


Risk Management


Managing Your Succession


F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164

Letter from the Founder & CEO

Thank you for taking the time to explore the service offerings here at Fieldstone Financial. I have invested the
better part of the last two decades observing and actively listening to clients, advisors and staff members in an
attempt to establish what I believe to be the solution to the many conflicts of interest that permeate the financial
planning and investment advisory industry. I built this firm from the ground up to provide truly objective advice
to those demanding guidance unencumbered by traditional product driven approaches. In doing so, I have myself
performed each and every task that our highly skilled advisors and support staff perform today. This too has proven
to be an instrumental part in the development of Fieldstone Financial as, like the hub in a wagon wheel connects
with each spoke forming the wheel itself, it has allowed me to interface with those performing various functions
within the firm. My journey has also enabled me to understand how critical it is to identify and work with clients,
advisors and staff members that integrate well in our organizational culture here at Fieldstone Financial.
Allow me to tell you about the collaborative team I have assembled here at Fieldstone Financial. Knowing ones
limitations is a critical element of success in any business. With that in mind, I have surrounded myself with terrific
people who are both bright and engaging. I am often humbled by the knowledgeable team members that walk
the halls at this firm. I am so proud of what weve built so far but, in our collective quest for excellence, I remain
inspired to push the boundaries of this industry so that we can positively impact each relationship we pursue.
You see, when you surround yourself with exceptionally intelligent people who actually care about what they do,
wonderful things happen in the lives of the clients with whom we have the privilege to work.
My door is always open and I encourage clients, advisors and staff members here at Fieldstone Financial to
communicate with me directly. We strive to be among the very best in this industry and I am personally interested
in your constructive feedback as it relates to the service offerings here at Fieldstone Financial. Together, we can
build a firm that uniquely addresses your individual needs.
All my best,

Kristofor R. Behn, CFP

Founder & CEO (800) 888-5164

About Us

Objective Advice from people who care about the outcome

With roots dating back
to 1965, we are one of
the oldest continuously
operating fee-only
financial planning and
investment advisory firms
in the United States.

With roots dating back to 1965, Fieldstone Financial is one of the oldest,
continuously operating Fee-Only financial planning and investment advisory
firms in the United States.
Whether youre looking for an objective opinion about your personal financial
situation, are in need of a seasoned professional to participate in your foundations
investment committee, or require something in between, our collaborative team
approach enables us to select the right people to fulfill your needs.
Because we offer no investment or insurance products and have no hidden
agendas, each of the financial strategies we recommend is motivated solely by our
interest in helping you achieve the financial goals you establish.

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164

Our Services

Custom tailored strategies for your individual needs...

Our systematic
approach leaves no stone
unturned as we develop
a comprehensive,
custom-tailored strategy
specifically for you.

Your initial conversation with Fieldstone Financial is designed to establish

whats important to you. Once we have a prioritized list of goals, we build
our service offering around achieving those goals.
We then set an action plan in motion to bridge the gap between where you
are now, and where you ultimately want to be.
Our systematic approach leaves no stone unturned as we develop a
comprehensive, custom-tailored strategy specifically for you.

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164

Endowments and Foundations
A more efficient, bundled, turn key approach
Our bundled, turn key
approach to foundation
and endowment services
has been tailored to
efficiently provide your
investment committee
with the necessary due
diligence, trading and
reporting tools without
breaking the bank.

At Fieldstone Financial, we focus our attention on endowments and foundations with less
than $50 million in assets where, like you, we can really make a difference. We believe
foundations and endowments of this size require a more efficient, bundled, turn key
approach to the management of their assets than is currently available through traditional
channels. Our bundled, turn key approach to foundation and endowment services has
been tailored to efficiently provide your investment committee with the necessary due
diligence, trading and reporting tools without breaking the bank. With a myriad of
both public and private investment vehicle options to round out your asset allocation,
Fieldstone Financial may just be the solution to your asset management needs.
Whether you wish to fully outsource the management of your investment holdings or
simply need someone to sit on your investment committee, we will work together, with
you, to outline and ultimately address your needs.

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164


Our Advisory Team

Our Collaborative Advisory Team

At Fieldstone Financial
we amplify the individual
talents of our team
members through
ongoing professional

At Fieldstone Financial we amplify the individual talents of our team members

through ongoing professional collaboration. By doing so, our clients gain access
to a continuously improving world class service offering.
Whether youre looking for an objective opinion about your personal financial
situation, are in need of a seasoned professional to participate in your
foundations investment committee or require something in between, our
collaborative team approach to the provision of advice enables us to select the
right people to fulfill your particular needs.

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164


Our Advisory Team

Fieldstone Financials Tactical Council

Our Tactical Council
is comprised of an
exceptional group
of professionals that
have risen to the top
within their respective

Given the ever changing business landscape, it is critical to remain true to our
core mission to provide truly objective advice.
Our Tactical Council is comprised of an exceptional group of professionals
that have risen to the top within their respective industries and offer
constructive guidance to our management team as we seek to maintain and
ultimately enhance your client experience.
From the dedicated, data driven team at Fieldstone Research who perform
due diligence on each investment opportunity we pursue to our advisory
committee who help us to continuously improve our business processes, we
have surrounded ourselves with excellence.

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164

Our Approach

Our Three-Dimensional Approach

Fieldstone Financials
approach to investment
management differs
greatly from that of
traditional firms.

Fieldstone Financials approach to investment management differs greatly from that

of traditional firms. We view investment holdings through a three-dimensional
perspective rather than the traditional two-dimensional thinking. Our primary
objective is to understand your needs, and protect your accumulated capital. We see
growth as a secondary objective.
At Fieldstone Financial we provide our clients with access to both publicly-traded
securities and private-equity/debt offerings to round out a customized asset allocation.
Fieldstone Financial employs these tools in the management of your investment
holdings to reduce the variability of your returns, avoid unintended institutionally
imposed risks, and to control underlying costs.

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164

Fieldstone Financial is
dedicated to the delivery
of truly objective advice,
unencumbered by
traditional productoriented approaches.

Our Mission

Fieldstone Financial is dedicated to the delivery of truly objective

advice, unencumbered by traditional product-oriented approaches.
This philosophy inspires a heightened level of consumer confidence
through our client-centered approach.

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164


Our Advice

Today we at Fieldstone
Financial lead a client
centered movement to
inspire those willing
to invest the time and
energy required to create
meaningful, multigenerational wealth.

From our roots dating back to 1965, it has always been about truly
objective, unwavering advice. Today we at Fieldstone Financial lead
a client centered movement to inspire those willing to invest the time
and energy required to create meaningful, multi-generational wealth.
Through our combined efforts, we encourage clients to author their own
financial story. Its time to expect more from a financial planning and
investment management firm. That journey starts with us.

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164


Our Locations

Given the revolving nature of relationship managers existing in many firms today,

Our growing network

of closely-monitored
professional advisors
enables you to rest
assured that no matter
where life takes you,
Fieldstone Financial will
be with you throughout
your entire journey.

we recognize how difficult it is to select a financial partner with whom you connect
both intellectually - and personally. Our growing network of closely-monitored
professional advisors enables you to rest assured that no matter where life takes you,
Fieldstone Financial will be with you throughout your entire journey.

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164


Our Research

Our three-dimensional
investment philosophy
is designed to preserve
your investment
assets while carefully
aligning risk/reward
characteristics with
individually stated risk

At Fieldstone Research, we incorporate strategic asset allocation and direction through

a research collaborative comprised of industry leaders. Combining the vast intellectual
capital of this collaborative group with our internal quantitative, data-driven, riskconscious approach to investing, we are able to fully customize our three-dimensional
investment philosophy, which enables us to comply with your client-specific investment
policies and constraints.
Our three-dimensional investment philosophy is designed to preserve your investment
assets while carefully aligning risk/reward characteristics with individually stated risk
preference. The primary objective of our research is to avoid having to time the sharp
swings of the markets while participating in the majority of market advances and
protecting portfolio holdings during a declining market. Our investment committee,
meets weekly to discuss ongoing portfolio construction and to contemplate proactive,
tactical portfolio modifications based on current and projected market conditions.
Fieldstone Research is independent from Fieldstone Financial.

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164


Our Tactical Management
Are you leveraging tax savings opportunities to
bolster your retirement accumulation?
We take a proactive
step toward controlling
your future with advice,
consultations, and
strategies geared toward
your success.

Small business owners are frequently conflicted in their choice to either fund
ongoing business initiatives or their retirement accounts. More often than not,
the immediate need to fund business initiatives prevails pushing retirement
further and further away. Taking a proactive, consultative What can I do?
approach to managing your income tax burden rather than the traditional
What do I owe? approach employed by most accountants, might just be the
solution to your retirement accumulation dilemma.
If youre ready to take a proactive step toward controlling your future, contact
us and well provide you with a complimentary, objective second opinion.
After all, were small business owners too!

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164


Manage Risk
Risk Management

Our asset preservation

strategies are driven by
stress tested portfolio
models that have been
used by institutional
money managers.

Asset bubbles have become all too common in the institution driven investment
markets. We dont have to look too far back to see both the rise and fall of the
investment markets. All too frequently individual investors seemingly end up with
the short end of the stick. Is this all by design?
Our asset preservation strategies here at Fieldstone Financial are driven by stress
tested portfolio models that have been used by institutional money managers to
more accurately forecast outcomes. We routinely review our portfolio models with
an eye toward what might happen should specific scenarios play out. By utilizing
this approach, we can have more productive conversations with you which result in
investment decisions designed to meet your individual needs.
If youre ready to take a proactive step toward controlling your future, contact us
and well provide you with a complimentary, objective second opinion.

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164


Managing Your Succession

Our succession planning

strategies are designed
to help you begin your
quest for your ultimate
retirement, whether
today or long into
the future.

Regardless of industry, all successful business owners ultimately face the same set of
problems: How do I identify and retain key employees that will help me to achieve
the level of financial success and day-to-day freedom I desire? How will my business
continue to operate without me at the controls? How will I extract the equity value I
have built within my business so that I may retire in the level of comfort I have earned?
As a successful business owner, these issues either already haunt your daily life or soon
will. Our succession planning strategies are designed to address each of these mission
critical questions and provide workable solutions that you can begin to implement in
your quest for your ultimate retirement, whether today or long into the future.
If youre ready to take a proactive step toward controlling your future, contact us and
well provide you with a complimentary, objective second opinion. After all, were
small business owners too!

F I N A N C I A L (800) 888-5164


Continue your journey with us.

(800) 888-5164

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