Progress Test 4A

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Module 01-08 Progress Test 4A

1 Write the words in the correct groups.
article / borrow / cartoon / discus / earn / forest / glamorous / gorge / handsome /
headline / marsh / pretty / rugby / spend / swimming

Newspaper: article, ____________, ____________

Money: earn, ____________, ____________

Sport: swimming, ____________, ____________

Appearance: pretty, ____________, ____________

Landscape: forest, ____________, ____________


2 Match the adjectives (15) with the nouns (ae).

brightly-coloured (f)

a) vegetables

baggy ___

b) house

fizzy ___

c) rain

terraced ___

d) trousers

organic ___

e) drink

heavy ___

f) clothes

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. Use each verb
do / get / have / make / take / win
Last week, my uncle won 1,000 in a game show.

Stop ____________ a noise and be quiet!

It ____________ us four hours to finish our project yesterday.

Have you ____________ anything to eat yet?

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Could you ____________ me a favour and help me carry these books, please?

He ____________ a good deal when he sold his motorbike.


4 Complete the multi-part verbs.

I havent seen you for ages. Lets meet up soon.

Its been raining all day. Do you think the outdoor concert will go ______ tonight?

Im on a diet. Ive given ______ eating sweets.

I looked ______ all my papers very carefully but I didnt find his letter.

They fell ______ love when they met on holiday.

I was surprised when John turned ______ at the party. I thought he was abroad.

The teacher gave ______ the dictionaries at the start of the lesson.

Theres nothing for teenagers to do here. A lot of them just hang ______ the bus

Shall I turn ______ the radio so we can hear the latest news?

Im going to have a relaxing weekend and just chill ______ with my friends.

10 The match has been put ______ until next week because of the fog.
/ 10

5 Underline the correct verb.
Does he belong / Is he belonging to the school chess club?

Theyve been training / Theyre training for the competition since last year.

We study / Were studying Roman history this term.

The classroom was empty. The lesson had finished / finished.

Next Tuesday, theyll be planting / they plant new trees in the park.

My new jacket has been / is made of leather.

The exam started / has started at 10 oclock.

Theyve lived / They live here for six years.

Im going to do my homework.
She said she was doing / was going to do her homework.

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Sue was studying / studied in the library when I saw her yesterday.

10 The football is / will be auctioned after the match next Saturday.

/ 10
6 Complete the sentences. Choose the correct modal verb (A, B or C) for each
My little sister _C_ draw cats and dogs, but horses are too difficult for her.
A cant

B neednt have

C shouldnt have

B should

C couldnt

We dont know whats in the locked case. There ___ be a lot of jewellery or money.
A could

C must have

Luckily, they ___ get out of the building before the fire spread.
A were able to

B might have

I feel sick. I ___ eaten all those chocolates.

A couldnt have

C can

Im not sure who won the competition. Mike ___ won.

A had to have

B could have

B must

C has to

Our flight is delayed. We ___ hurried.

A couldnt have

B should have

C neednt have

7 Complete the sentences with these words and phrases.

after / because of / but / despite / however / in case
Tom likes cats but unfortunately hes allergic to their fur.

____________ the icy roads, we were allowed to go home early

Why dont you take a jumper ____________ it gets cold.

____________ telling the company about the fault, I received a full refund from

They didnt have a holiday last year. ____________, theyre going away for a
fortnight in May.

She came second in the race ____________ having an injured knee.

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8 There is one mistake in each sentence. Cross out the mistake and rewrite the
sentence correctly.
She used living in a small village but she lives in London now.
She used to live in a small village but she lives in London now.

There are two computer shops here but none of them is open today.

What does she like? Shes a really kind and friendly girl.

We can save time by get a taxi.

Do you think the Manchester United will win the match?

My friends suggested eat at the new Italian restaurant.

9 Match the sentences and responses.

Thanks for your help. ( f )

Didnt we say wed meet outside the cafe? ___
How are things? ___
The interview was a nightmare! ___
You shouldnt go there alone. ___
Do you fancy going dancing tonight. ___

a) I thought we said inside

b) Im sure it wasnt that bad.
c) Good idea.
d) No, I wont. I promise.
e) Pretty good, thanks.
f) Not at all.

10 Complete the conversation between a sales assistant and a customer in a clothes

shop. Choose the correct word or phrase (A, B or C) for each gap.
Assistant :

_C_ I help you?


Yes. Have you got any 1___ cotton shirts, please?


Yes, theyre over here. What colour?


2 ___ blue or green Oh yes, these are nice. And theyre in my 3 ___,
too. Have you got this style in a 4 ___ shade of green please?

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No, 5 ___ we havent.

A Will
A short-sleeves
A Both
A size
A thinner
A excuse me

B Do
B short-sleeve
B Either
B fit
B weaker
B Im sorry

C Can
C short-sleeved
C Or
C match
C lighter
C not at all

Track 8

11 Pete and Sonya are talking about sport. Tick () the correct information for
one of them.
Tick the information for the young man, Pete.
Pete is a student at
A school

B horse-riding

C surfing

D rugby

B hockey

C tennis

D ice-skating

C ice-hockey

D sailing

B April

C May

D June

B 2nd

C 3rd

D 4th

B doctor

C scientist

D vet

B climbing

He came
A 1st

D Willis

His last competition was in

A March

C Wilkes

Pete would like to try

A snorkelling

B Wigg

Pete doesnt like

A football

D university

Petes favourite sports are

A cycling

C art school

Petes surname is
A White

B college

He wants to be a
A dentist

/ 10

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Track 9

12 Listen to the Fashion Show commentary. Decide if the sentences about two of
the models are true (T) or false (F).
Are the sentences about Richard and Fiona true or false?
The fashion collection is for the autumn. _F_
Model 2: Richard

Richard looks smart. ___

Hes wearing a long jacket. ___

His jacket is made of corduroy. ___

His T-shirt is plain black. ___

His trousers are white. ___

Hes got a baseball cap.

Model 4: Fiona

Fiona is wearing an ankle-length dress. ___

The dress has no sleeves. ___

Her jacket is made of cotton. ___

10 Her shoes are made of leather. ___

/ 10

13 Read about a famous athlete. Complete the gaps (1-5) with the sentences (ae).

Jesse Owens
_f_ His parents were poor. His father was a farm worker and his grandparents had been
1 ___ On his first morning at school in Cleveland, a teacher asked him his name. He
replied J.C. She thought he had said Jesse. From then on, he was always called Jesse.

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The sports coach at this school saw Jesse run and immediately asked him to join the
school track team.
2 ___ He paid for his studies by working as a night lift operator. On 25 May 1935, Jesse
achieved something that had never been done before in track and field events: he set
three new world records and equalled a fourth, all within the space of 45 minutes.
3 ___ He was the first American in the history of the Olympic Track and Field events to
win four gold medals in a single Olympics.
4 ___ At that time, black Americans did not have equal rights. Jesse worked as a
playground caretaker and later as a jazz disc jockey. He also earned money by running
against people, cars, motorcycles, horses and dogs. He toured with the Harlem
Globetrotters baseball team, running against horses in an exhibition before every game.
5 ___ He became a successful public speaker and started his own public relations
company. He also sponsored and took part in many youth sports programmes in
underprivileged areas. He died in 1980 but his work continues in the Jesse Owens
Foundation which provides financial assistance to young people.

The next year, Jesse triumphed at the Olympic Games in Berlin.

When James was nine, the family moved to Cleveland.
In time, his luck changed.
In 1933, Jesse went to Ohio State University.
On his return home after the Games, he found it difficult to make a living.
James Cleveland Owens was born in 1913 in Alabama.

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14 Read the text again. Mark the sentences (T) true, (F) false or (DK) dont know.
Jesse Owens was born into a poor family. _T_

His parents were slaves. ___

A teacher was the first person to call him Jesse instead of J.C. ___

The sports coach at Jesses school thought he was a good runner. ___

Jesse had to work at nights to pay for his university studies. ___

Jesse studied politics at university. ___

He got a good job when he returned to the USA after the Berlin Olympics. ___

He only lost twice in his races against horses. ___

Jesse gave money to help young people from poor areas take part in sports. ___

15 Read about the French fashion designer, Coco Chanel. Choose the best word
(A, B or C) for each gap.

A life in fashion
Coco Chanel was born in 1883 and _C_ in 1971.
Her career began in 1905, when she left the small town of Saumur and moved to Paris.
There is some mystery about exactly how she 1 ___ her living in the period from 1905
to 1910. She 2 ___ have worked as a caf singer or stage actress for a time.
In 1910, she set 3 ___ her first small hat shop and later founded her fashion house. 4
___ her work with high fashion, she designed costumes theatre.
By 1935, she employed 5 ___ 4,000 workers and owned numerous buildings throughout
France. At the height of her success, Chanel 6 ___ live at the Ritz Hotel in Paris. It
became her home. Even today the rooms she always used 7 ___ the Coco Chanel

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A dead
A earned
A must
A up
A Also
A more
A used to
A are calling

B was dead
B did
B might
B out
B As well as
B above
B had to
B were called

C died
C won
C should
C over
C In place of
C over
C may
C are called

16 Read about Emma and her brother. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the
same as sentence (a). Use no more than three words.
(a) Emma likes fashionable clothes and so does her brother.
(b) Both Emma and her brother like fashionable clothes.

(a) Emma gave her brother one of her rings and he gave her one of his T-shirts.
(b) Emma gave her brother one of her rings in ____________ for one of his Tshirts.

(a) Emma doesnt like going shopping by herself.

(b) Emma doesnt like going shopping on ____________.

(a) Emma said, Ive always loved buying new clothes.

(b) Emma told us she ____________ buying new clothes.

(a) When she was at school she would spend all her pocket money on clothes.
(b) When she was at school, she used ____________ all her pocket money on

(a) Last week somebody dyed her hair pink for her.
(b) Last week, she had ____________ pink.

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17 Read the instructions for a writing competition. Write about your favourite
Writing competition
My favourite person!
You could write about a friend, a relative or someone you know well and admire.
Write five paragraphs. Tell us about

their appearance
their personality
their likes and dislikes
something about their life
why you like them so much

Write 100-150 words.

/ 15

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/ 120


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