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Fitting Stress Analysis

Analysis Approach
Pedro Chou
February 29, 2012


Results from Linear and nonlinear material models


Fringe plot options stress averaging

Graph plots
Contact body results as global variables
Cross section stress plot

Using contact bodies for mesh refinement

Using rigid contact bodies to apply loads

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Model Review


Material: Al 7050 T7451

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Material model

Aluminum 7050 T7451

E = 71,000 MPa

Poisson = 0.33

Density = 2.82E-6 Kg/mm^3

Yield stress = 455 MPa

Plasticity modulus (H) = 744.91 MPa

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Create Fringe Plot Options Form

Averaging Definition provides different options to

determine the result values at nodes (*) shared by
adjacent elements. The dots (red) represent element
results at the node (*), not at element Gauss points.
All Entities -- all result values at a node (from all elements using that
node (*)) are averaged producing a single value
Material average the result values at a node, where the values
corresponds to elements that have the same material property
Property average the result values at a node, where the values
corresponds to elements that have the same element property set

Node = ( Element i ) / n

Elm 1

i =1

Elm 4

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Elm 2

Elm 3

Create Fringe Plot Options Form

Averaging Definition
Target Entities average the result values at a node, where the
values correspond to elements that have been selected under the
Target Entities form of the Create/Fringe form
Element Type -- average the result values at a node, where the
values correspond to elements of the same type, e.g. Quad4
None -- no averaging at nodes
Elm 1

Elm 2

Elm 4

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Elm 3

Create Fringe Plot Options Form

Averaging Definition options

When both deriving and averaging of a result invariant, e.g. von Mises stress from the stress
tensor, are to be performed the user has the following options
Derive/Average -- calculates the result invariant (Derive) at the integration points, extrapolates the
result invariant to the element nodes, for all the elements, then causes plotting the average (Average)
for the contribution of each element to each node
Average/Derive -- extrapolates the component values to the element nodes, averages (Average) them,
then calculates the result invariant (Derive) using the average nodal component values
Difference causes plotting the absolute value of the difference between the largest and smallest of
the values at a node. The plot is sometimes called a Stress Jump Plot when plotting stress. It is a
quality check method. Must use Domain option other than None to make this work properly.
Sum causes plotting the sum of all values at an element node

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Create Fringe Plot Options Form

Extrapolation of element results to the elements

nodes can be done as follows

Shape Fn. -- result value at the elements nodes is

determined from fitting an extrapolating surface through the
known element result values
Average -- result is averaged within the element, then the
value from averaging is assigned to the elements nodes
Centroid -- the centroidal value from the extrapolation
surface is used at the elements nodes

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i Node

= ( Element
i)/ m
j =1

Create Fringe Plot Options Form

Extrapolation (continued)

Min -- the smallest of the integration point values is used

If the only result is at the centroid, the minimum value is set equal
to the centroidal value

Max -- the largest of the integration point values is used

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If the only result is at the centroid, the maximum value is set

equal to the centroidal value


Comments on averaging
There are pluses and minuses about averaging
Great way to determine if the mesh has enough density to predict the results accurately. If the
results from averaging appear to be the same as those from not averaging, then the mesh is
considered adequate.
Smooths peaking results or results approaching a singularity

Blind averaging can hide peak results
Never average

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Across different material boundaries

Across different thicknesses
Across elements with different coordinate systems
Across elements not in the same plane
Amongst different element types

Patran Fringe Plots vs Nastran .f06

Settings that need to be used to have Patran display a fringe so its values
are the same as those in the Nastran .f06 file
Centroidal results read into Patran
Display Attributes: Element Fill; optionally, shrink fringe 100% and show fringe values
Plot Options: Domain: None, Extrapolation: Centroid

Nodal results read into Patran

Display Attributes: Discrete/Smooth; optionally, shrink fringe 100% and show fringe values
Plot Options: Domain: None, Extrapolation: Shape Fn.

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Results linear material model

Max avg VM stress = 917 MPa

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Results linear material model

Max non-avg centroid VM stress = 490 MPa

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Results linear material model

Initial contact status

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Results linear material model

Contact status full load application

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Results nonlinear material model

Max avg VM stress = 561 MPa

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Results nonlinear material model

Max non-avg centroid VM stress = 390 MPa

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Results nonlinear material model

Max plastic strain = 0.011

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Results nonlinear material model

Initial contact status

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Results nonlinear material model


Change scale
factor and style

Contact status full load application

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VM Stress Path Plot

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Mesh Refinement

Fine mesh around areas of stress concentration

Transition fine mesh to coarse mesh



Glue contact bodies

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Using Glue Contact for Mesh Refinement


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Contact Bodies

Deformable Contact Bodies

Body is deformable
Stress distribution on contact body

Rigid Contact Bodies

Body is rigid
Position controlled
Velocity controlled
Load controlled

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Deformable Bodies

Each deformable body consists of one or more finite elements.

A deformable body does not need to completely correspond with a physical


Nodes or elements must belong to NO MORE than one deformable body.

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Rigid Bodies

Each rigid contact body is defined by a number of geometrical

Curves for 2D analysis
Surfaces for 3D analysis

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Rigid Bodies

Velocity controlled

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Rigid Bodies

Position controlled

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Rigid Bodies

Load controlled (Force/Moment)

First control node translations
Second control node rotations
DOF for 2nd control node are UX (ROTX),

Apply forces/moments to control


Alternatively, control nodes can be

constrained to obtain SPCFORCES

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Contact Bodies

Nastran uses the concept of contact bodies for general contact

Contact body 2
Contact body 1

View A
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Contact Bodies

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Contact Detection

The user defines bodies (deformable or rigid) which are potential

candidates for contact during the analysis

Grid points and segments defining the boundary of the deformable

bodies are automatically determined

The contact algorithm automatically detects grid points entering

contact and generates the appropriate constraints to ensure no
penetration occurs

Two contact detection algorithms are available in Nastran

Node-to-Patch contact
Beam-to-Beam contact

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Node-to-node Patch Contact Detection

Following contact examples use the node-to-patch contact algorithm

Shell surface to surface


Shell edge to surface glue

Beam to solid glue

Solid to solid contact

Shell edge to edge glue

Solid to Shell contact
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Shell edge to solid glue

Beam to shell glue

Beam-to-beam Contact Detection

Following contact examples use the beam-to-beam contact


Shell edge to edge contact

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Beam to beam contact

Node-to-Patch Contact

Node-to-Patch contact

A node from one body comes into contact with a patch on a second body.
The touching node is the slave. It is located on the contacting body.
The touched patch is the master. It is located on the contacted body.
When contact is detected, a contact constraint is imposed. The touching node
becomes the tied node. Nodes on the patch become the retained nodes.

Touching (contacting) Node - Slave

Touched (Contacted) Patch - Master

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Node-to-Patch Contact

The Master/Slave terminology is important to understanding how

pairs of contact bodies are set up.
Master = touched contact body
Slave = touching contact body
Rigid contact bodies are always the Master.

Defining which is which in a contact pair can be critical to achieving

good contact results. This is not always clear in Patran.

Contact Search Methods will review this topic in detail.

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Possible Contact Situations

distance tolerance

View A


Node outside element patch, outside distance tolerance

Node outside element patch, inside distance tolerance
Node inside element patch, inside distance tolerance
Node inside element patch, outside distance tolerance

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1) Node Outside Element, Outside Distance Tolerance

Bodies are not in contact

Contacting node remains in current position

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2) Node Outside Element, Inside Distance Tolerance

A multipoint constraint is imposed in order to close the gap between

the contacting node and the patch

Remains in contact if normal tensile force is less than separation


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3) Node Inside Element, Inside Distance Tolerance

A multipoint constraint is imposed to resolve the penetration of the

contacting node into the patch

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4) Node Inside Element, Outside Distance Tolerance

Node penetrated

Increment will be recycled with modified step

Important: If this situation occurs at the beginning of analysis,

contact will not be found

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Contact Table

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Nastran Entries

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Using Rigid Contact Bodies as BCs

Fasteners and anchor surfaces

modeled as load controlled rigid
contact bodies
Control nodes constrained to extract

Load on the fitting applied through

pin-load rigid contact body

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Checking Equilibrium

Applied nodal load:

FX = 8315
FY = 0
FZ = 1335

Control Node X Component Y Component Z Component
80011 -2325.406738 -1634.408936 1828.627319
80021 -535.624756 -3579.358154 903.632751
80031 -3297.656982 -754.215637 -948.724609
80041 -2156.312012 774.207886 1006.236877
0 5193.774902 -4124.771973


6.1E-05 -1334.999635

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