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TravelFlight 01

Flight 01: On an Airplane

Hi! How are you today?
Todays lesson is about On an Airplane.
Lets make learning English fun!

La leccin de hoy es acerca de "en un avin."

Exercise 1 | Vocabulary and Expressions Vocabulario y Expresiones

Directions: Listen and repeat.
(Instrucciones: Escuchar y repetir.)

Vocabulary and Expressions


Could you please help me find my seat?

Podra por favor ayudarme a encontrar mi asiento?

Can I have a blanket?

Puedo tener una manta?

May I recline my seat?

Puedo reclinar mi asiento?

Aisle seat

asiento de pasillo

Window seat

asiento en la ventana

May I see your boarding pass?

Puedo ver su tarjeta de embarque?

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TravelFlight 01

Exercise 2 | DialogueEl Dilogo

Directions: Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

(Instrucciones: Lee el dilogo en voz alta con su profesor.)

Scene: Mr. Chua is looking for his seat.

Mr. Chua

: Excuse me, could you help me find my seat?

Flight Attendant

: Certainly. May I have your boarding pass?

Mr. Chua

: Here it is.

Flight Attendant

: Your seat number is 13D. Its the aisle seat on the right side.

Mr. Chua

: Thank you!

(Someone is sitting on 13D)

Mr. Chua

: Excuse me. Im afraid youre sitting on my seat.


: Oh, sorry. I got the wrong seat.

Mr. Chua

: No problem.

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TravelFlight 01

Exercise 3 | Dialogue 2El Dilogo 2

Directions: Fill in the blanks below. Have a role play with your teacher.
(Instrucciones: Llene los espacios en blanco. Tener un juego de roles con su profesor.)
Scene: Mr. Chua is asked if he wants to have something to drink.

Flight Attendant

Mr. Chua

: Yes. Id like to have an orange juice.

Flight Attendant

Mr. Chua

: Would you like something to drink?

: Sure, here it is.

: Thank you. And, can I have a blanket?

Flight Attendant

: Yes, I will bring one. Just a moment, please.

Mr. Tanaka

: Thanks.

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TravelFlight 01

Exercise 4 |Filling the BlankLlenar el espacio en blanco

Directions: Fill in the blanks below. Have a role play with your teacher.
(Instrucciones: Llene los espacios en blanco. Tener un juego de roles con su profesor.)

Scene 1: A passenger is looking for his/her seat.

Passenger A

: ___________ me, Im afraid youre sitting on the wrong ___________.

Passenger B

: Really? Let me ___________. My seat is 26A

Passenger A

: I suppose 26A is a ___________ seat, not an aisle seat. So yours is next to this seat.

Passenger B

: Im

Passenger A

: No ___________.

___________, I misunderstood.

Scene 2: A passenger is asked if he/she wants to have something to drink.

Flight Attendant: Would you like ___________ to drink?


: Could I ___________ a can of beer, please?

Flight Attendant: Yes, ___________ it is.


: Thanks.

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TravelFlight 01

Exercise 5 | Free ConversationConversacin libre

Directions: Take turns with your teacher in answering the questions.

(Instrucciones: Tome turnos con su maestro en responder a las preguntas.)

1. When was the last time you took an airplane? Where did you go?

2. What beverage do you usually drink on a flight?

3. Which do you prefer, taking an airplane or a train? Why?

4. Do you sometimes get scared of taking an airplane?

5. Do you have any unforgettable experience on a flight?

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