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Martin 1

Victor Martin
Mrs. Farkus
Honors English 111
4 November 2011


Everything was silent. There was no sound in outer space. Suddenly a gateway opened up and a large
spaceship just came out of it. A drone came to the queens lair and said Sire, we have finally reached our
destination. This is Earth. The earth looked like it was in its early state It had a huge continent that was on the
entire planet. We cant rule this planet, said the queen. We have to go into the future! Drone, have this ship
set course for Planet Earth in 100 million years.later! The drone did what he was told to do and made a
wormhole to the future. They soon went into it and the queen laughed the whole time. Once we get planet
Earth, we will rule the entire universe! shouted the queen. The wormhole soon disappeared, to the so-called

It was a big morning. Ivan McKinley was fully prepared for this day. Today was the last day of the
eighth grade. He was ready for three months of summer break. Soon his mother came into his room. Are you
ready for your last day, honey? Mother asked. Yeah. Just need some more packing to do, said Ivan, grinning.
Okay, but it is almost 7:00. Mother had soon left the room and Ivan soon packed other things like his video
game handheld. He then checked to see if everything was in his backpack, and then went downstairs to the

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Ivan was a very intelligent child, with straight As all the way from the start of kindergarten to the end of
eighth grade. He loved school. He soon got some vegetables and fruits to his pet iguana, Ian. Once finished,
he ate breakfast, and his mother drove him to school like any school day he had. As he got to school he soon
saw his friends. His friends were Daniel Goberu and Jake Hanna. Daniel was a Chinese exchange student and
Jake, like Ivan, is really smart. Are you ready for this day? said Jake. Yeah! Ivan and Daniel shouted with
exclaim. They each brought their handheld games with them to play at the classroom. As they came to their
homeroom, the class was filled with balloons and there was a table with pizza, cake, and juice. Wow! said
Ivan. Is this for us? No, said Mr. Hanford, but you can get some drinks for yourselves. Ive got plenty of
drinks in my closet. The three boys came to the table and got some juice. When is the longest period for
today? Jake asked. It will be fourth period, said Mr. Hanford. Fourth period will have fifth, sixth, and
seventh period, which will mean that parties will happen. Soon the bell rang for second period. In this class,
Ms. Gokoda set up a movie for the students to watch. This was the time where the boys got to play with their
video games. Soon lunch and recess came after that and they then played soccer. While everyone was having a
great time, that beautiful sunny day just turned into dark clouds. The weather was changing into cool
temperatures with strong winds blowing. Ivan looked up. This does not make any sense, he thought. Soon a blue
light shot down from the distance. A large machine came out of the clouds and landed on the top of the U.S.
Bank Tower in downtown Los Angeles. More machines came down, this time destroying everything in its path.
They were destroying buildings, even skyscrapers. One machine came to the playground. What are these
things? asked Daniel, but nobody knew what they were. Were being abducted by aliens! said someone.
Look! theyre destroying the playground! said another. Everybody get inside now, said Mr. Kingston, the
school principal. Ivan, Jake, and Daniel ran for their lives to the school, but another machine is destroying the
school. So the kids ran home trying to evacuate the city. This is terrible, said Ivan, running to his house.

The terror continues. Ivan finally reached his house where he noticed that the door adjourned. He
opened it and inside was completely silent. There was no one home. Mom? Grandmother? Grandfather?

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Where are you guys? yelled Ivan. He sat down at the table, looking sad. I cannot believe this, thought Ivan.
Why would they leave their child? He soon lamented this devastating event by crying a bit. Soon he went up to
his room to pack important supplies in his backpack. Soon Ivan heard something. The ceiling was shaking. The
roof of his house picked up by a big machine and smaller machines climbed into the house. Ivan zipped up his
backpack and ran down the stairs. The machines were after him big time. They had saws as their arms and laser
beam eyes. Ivan put a table in front of them, but they cut it in half. Soon they were surrounding him from all
corners. Ivan was soon outnumbered. Ivan didnt know what to do. Suddenly his hands were glowing. They shot
out electricity to the machines. They were all destroyed. How did this happen? said Ivan. Do I have super
powers or what? Soon his hands stopped glowing and were back to normal. He came out of the house and saw
that his entire subdivision, Stardust Hills, was destroyed. Well, most of it. Ivan ran to a bus stop and got a map
of the Los Angeles area. Maybe if I go south of this place, I can find shelter, thought Ivan. He marked an X on
the map. It was located in the Mojave Desert. This place was Palm Springs, where his other relatives live.

On the next day, Ivan fell asleep in a small tunnel of a canyon. He was in a very arid place. He did not
know where to go. Ivan was feeling a bit upset, until he noticed that the desert was changing color. Huh?
Whats happening? asked Ivan. The desert was turning into a red color. Mountains and hills started to rise up
and lava shot out of them. The lava was beginning to flow towards him. He suddenly ran to a tall tree which
was close to a steep canyon. If I could climb onto that tree, I jump off of it to the canyon. He had only seconds
before the lava filled the land. Ivan jumped on the tree and started climbing to the top. Soon the lava filled the
base of the tree until the tree was about to fall. Uh-oh said Ivan, and he was trying his best to keep his balance
on the tree branch. He finally made it to the canyon but the tree branch broke and Ivan was about to fall. He

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caught himself onto the edges of the cliff. He pushed himself up and was finally safe. Ivan got up and saw how
the desert was filled with lava. Soon, the lava hardened and the land suddenly changed into a dry, green color.

The trees turned from real trees into something robotic. The rocks were now cube-shaped. Ivan never saw this
in his entire life. He was amazed of how the desert changed from yellow sand dunes into a lava filled lake and
finally into a green mechanic land with unrealistic things everywhere. Suddenly, a streak of dirt rose up from
the ground. A tall robotic tail came up to the surface. Just then Ivan just realized what it was. It was an
enormous robotic scorpion.

The tail suddenly fell towards Ivan. He started to run from it, but it was too late. The claw on the top of
tail grabbed him. Come on hands, do something, shouted Ivan. Soon his hands were glowing, once again.
Instead of electricity, a large beam with the colors of the rainbow shot out from his hands. The colors were very
bright and vivid. The beam drove into the scorpions core, and a large explosion came out from it. The claw
dropped Ivan to the ground, and scorpion was destroyed. Suddenly the robot turned into yellow sand, with a
cactus coming out of it, too. Ivan did not get up. He was really injured and tired. He did not notice that a
spaceship landed in the desert to rescue him from the other robotic animals that were coming to him.

Ivan woke up and found himself in a garden. It was placid. Everything was peaceful. Soon Ivan noticed
a blue man with green ridges on his head who was meditating on top of a tall rock. Welcome, Ivan
Kangchenjunga McKinley, the man said. Um, how do you know my whole name? asked Ivan, curious about
the strange creature. We have been waiting for you, he then said. We will train you to maintain your powers
in order to save your world. It is time to tell you that you are the protector of planet Earth and universe. Ivan
was blushing. He didnt know that someone like him will be the protector of entire universe. I have noticed
that my powers have been doing their own things. I cant control them, said Ivan. Dont worry Ivan, said the
blue man. I am Zephodose Spikeridge, leader of the Intergalactic Association for Planet Protection. I have
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heard the news of aliens from the prehistoric times come to rule Earth. Come with me, Ivan. I have something
to show you. The two walk to the control room. In the room was a large window that had a view of planet
Earth. Ivan was delighted to see space for the very first time. As he looked to Earth, it looked like it was dying.

Whats happening to Earth? asked Ivan. Earth is dying, said Zephodose. It is being turned into a
mechanical world. They were called the Vortex alien species. They were a peaceful, but a higher intelligent
species eight million years ago. Soon a political party called the Xetrov Neeuq. They started dictatorship on
their planet and had a large dictator twelve times bigger than the average vortex drone. Her name was the Vortex
Queen. She soon controlled almost every single solar system in the universe at that time. This was what they
called the Vortex Empire. Hey, said Ivan, I just discovered something. That political party name was Vortex
Queen spelled backwards. Hey youve got a point there, said Zephodose, grinning. Anyway, the empire
invented the very time machine. Ivan, they want your planet because it is the origin of life. All life existing to
this day has origins from Earth, and if anyone destroys or dictates planet Earth all life in our universe will be
destroyed. Ivan noticed that Zephodose was starting to frown. Ivan, you can stop them, he said. Unlike any
other person in this universe you have two main powers: electricity and rainbow power. Rainbow power is the
rarest power of all powers, only existing on Earth. Have you felt angry or mad? Ivan nodded. Well you can
make a Sonic Electrical Rainboom. It is the mixture of your main powers. Once you do that you can destroy
anything, but it can only happen if you are filled with stress, anger, or even sadness. Time is running out, Ivan. I
need you to focus and concentrate so you can know how to control your powers. Are you with me? Ivan
grinned, and gave him a hand shake. I am ready to save Earth, the universe, and beyond, said Ivan, with
excitement. The training area is over there, said Zephodose. Meet me there. He soon ran through a large
door. I am so ready to do this, thought Ivan, but how can I save the world when its already getting destroyed? Is
this going to be easy?

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Soon they practiced and practiced and soon Ivan got better. He finally knew how to control powers.
While Ivan was practicing, Zephodose ran into the training room. They have done it! he exclaimed with fear.
They have control of Earth! The Vortex Queen is coming to call out the dictatorship on the planet. She is
coming from prehistory on a time wormhole right at this minute! The mother ship is coming! Zephodose was

in terror. He did not that she was coming right now. I dont think Im ready for this, muttered Ivan. But you
have to be, Zephodose said. You are the protector of this universe. Many solar systems out there are waiting
for someone like you to free them from slavery and evilness. If you dont save Earth, then youre destroying
yourself and all of existing life to this day. Ivan was really upset. Well what about my family? asked Ivan.
They left me. I am in a state of oblivion because they have forgotten me. Dont you see? I just wanted a great
last day of school. But now I have to save the world form ancient aliens? Well, look at my planet! Its already
been controlled by them. I am only fourteen years old. Im not big and Im not strong. II cant do anything.
Ivan sat down on a tree stump held his hands to his face. Come on Ivan, said Zephodose in a tranquil voice.
You can do this. You just have to believe in yourself that you can do anything you want to do. You have a great
family, Ivan. They are still trying to find you. You left to fast that once you came home, they were gone. I have
been watching you since you were born. You are a great kid, Ivan, and you need to let go your fears and be
brave. Ivan thought a lot about what he said. I might be small but I am smart, thought Ivan. If I can make
straight As my entire life then I can save the world the Vortex. Ivan suddenly rose up, looking real powerful.
Zephodose, Ivan said, Lets get Earth before the Vortex Queen gets down here. Yes sir!he shouted, and
set course for planet Earth.

Everything on Earth was terrible. Most of the people in L.A. were slaves building factories for the
Vortex. Some people were hiding in basements and the dilapidated buildings on the ground. The only building
standing high was the U.S. Bank Tower, which the machine that landed on it a while ago changed the name to
the Xetrov Tower. For right now it is the headquarters for the Vortex. In the rubble were two boys who were
Ivans friends: Jake and Daniel. Its a good thing were hiding from the aliens, said Jake. Yeah, except the
fact that we cant find our parents, said Daniel. Suddenly they find a spaceship landing on it. Oh no,
whispered Jake. The aliens are back to find us. But the person who came out of the ship was Ivan McKinley.
Ivan is that you? asked Daniel. Well of course its me, said Ivan. Soon a lot of students from Ivans school
came out from their hiding spots. Soon Ivan looked around and asked,Has anybody seen my mother?
Everyone nodded. Someone said that she went to the San Gabriel Mountains for shelter, said one person.

Someone told me that shes been searching for you, said another person. Thanks for the answers, said Ivan,
in sarcasm. I really need your help, you guys. Ivan told them everything. Hey I found a missile over here that
still has a lot of fuel in it, said Jake. Everyone walked to the place where Jake found it at. The missile was very
big and would be excellent to use it. Everyone, bring the missile to the observatory, yelled Ivan. Ivan and the
other children brought the missile to the Griffith Observatory. Ivans plan to the defeat the Vortex was to fix the
missile, then go to the mother ship and fight the Vortex Queen. Then he will send the ship into the past where he
tells everyone to shoot the missile through the time wormhole. Ivan then jumps off of the ship where the missile
will destroy the mother ship. Easy enough, thought Ivan. So Ivan soon added an atomic bomb to the outer part
of the missile. He also found a jet-pack reach up there faster.

Soon Ivan was ready for the Vortex mother ship. He was equipped with a jet-pack. Good luck Ivan!
said everyone. Ivan was blushing. He soon started the engines of the jet-packs and went to the Xetrov Tower. As
he reached to the top of the skyscraper, he hid the jet-pack and took his backpack out of the pocket. When
looked at the drone, he was surprised to see what they look like. The Vortex were looked sordid, they were
green and dirty. They had peanut shaped heads and four arms. Right now there were two drones at the top. They
were surrounding the teleporter to the mother ship. Now is my chance, thought Ivan. He soon strained with all
his might to gain power. Soon the drones heard him. They suddenly roared and ran towards him. Soon his hands
glowed and thunderbolts hit them. They soon fainted and Ivan ran to the teleporter. Ivan turned it on and, in
seconds, he was at the mothership. Ivan turned on his walkie talkie and told everyone that he was there. The
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mothership was very taciturn, everything was robotic. Ivan needs a way to get the time machine. He secretly
walked through all the rooms until he finally finds it. It was a small handheld device. Ivan put it in his pocket.
Suddenly an alarm rings. Soon drones pick him up to the jail, but Ivan placed his hands toward them and a
rainbow beam shot right through them. They fell to the floor with Ivan running. He soon kills almost every
single alien on the ship. Soon, he reaches to the core, where he notices that everything was dark. Suddenly
lights filled the core and a big Vortex head was floating towards Ivan. Its the Vortex Queen, thought Ivan.

So you are the protector of the universe, huh? said the Vortex Queen. I have been waiting for you.
If I defeat you, said Ivan, you will have to make everything back to normal. If you defeat me, well, do
whatever you want. Okay, she said. Fair enough. But its not going to be easy defeating me! She laughed
in terror. Armor soon was attached to her. She spat fire balls at Ivan, which he dodged them. Soon Ivan shot a
rainbow beam at her. It did little effect on her, but it did cut some of her armor off. Ivan then used a whole lot of
electricity on her. She then became very angry. She made the platform rise up to the top of the ship. Ivan, just
then, was about to attack the Vortex Queen, but he was then mind-controlled by her. Filling unlucky, huh?
said the Vortex Queen, laughing. Ivan couldnt take it any longer. His entire body was frozen and hurt very
badly. Come on, Ivan, he thought. Do something. Suddenly, he came up with a great idea. So he set himself up
for thinking about bad stuff that happened all week long: his family betraying him, the scorpion, how the Vortex
are taking over his world. You destroyed my town, said Ivan. You think you can mess with my mind? Well I
got something just for YOU!!! His body rose up into space and his eyes were glowing. Soon electric sparks
came out of his left hand, and rainbow beam coming out of the right hand. He put them together created the
Sonic Electrical Rainboom for the very first time. The mixture of powers made a large beam, which it shoots
out towards the Vortex Queen. She ducked although it did cut parts of her head off. Then circles surrounded
Ivan and they got bigger, destroying parts of the mother ship. Ivan felt the turbulence of ship rocking back and
forth and fell towards Earth. Uh-oh, said Ivan. The ships going to crash into Earth! Ivan felt the time
machine in his pocket. He took it tried working. How do you work this thing, shouted Ivan, until he presses a
button to hundred million years ago. The time wormhole soon opened and the ship fell in.
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As it got out of the time wormhole, the ship crashed landed on Earth in the Jurassic Period. As Ivan left
the ship he noticed that there were dinosaurs roaming the land. I am in prehistory right now, he said to the
walkie talkie. I am almost ready for the missile. Suddenly, the ship soon destroyed with the Vortex Queen
coming out of the smoke. You think you defeat me? she said. I guess I can dictate this planet Earth, too. I
would have a tri Earth area! NO! exclaimed Ivan. Soon back on Earth they heard Ivan say now. Now!

shouted Jake. The missile soon fired and went into the time wormhole before it closed up. Soon the missile
came to the prehistoric land. Uh-oh, said Ivan. The Vortex Queen looked up, it was a missile aimed for them.
You idiot! she said. You want us to kill ourselves? Umm, said Ivan. Soon she ran after him and he was on
the chase. Soon the missile stabbed in the Queen head first. It soon exploded and knocked Ivan off the ground.
He fell into a crater that leaded to a pool of lava. The explosion was expanding, destroying everything in its
way. Ivan soon turned on the time machine fast, pressing the buttons as best as he could. He aimed it at the lava,
which soon turned it into a time wormhole. He soon fell into it.

Soon the clouds cleared up, and everyone came from the buildings. Ivan said that if there was a triple
rainbow, that would mean that he has defeated the aliens. Everyone looked all around. Hey I see it! someone
shouted. The Rainbow appeared in the sky three times. Soon the wormhole opened and Ivan came right out of
it. You did Ivan! said Jake. Ivan was so happy to his friends, but he still couldnt find his family. Soon
Zephodoses spaceship landed in the rubble. You did it Ivan! he said. I have talked to the rulers of the
universe about this, and they revere you the honor to be the protector of the universe! He soon put a golden
crown on Ivans head. Ivan was very happy. Everyone cheered, shout his name at him. Well what about the
Vortex Queens promise of making everything back to normal? Ivan asked to Zephodose. Oh yeah, forgot.
Will you do the honors to press the normal button, Ivan? Okay! said Ivan, and he press the button where the
downtown Los Angeles came back to life with lots of buildings and the Xetrov Tower turned back into the U.S.
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Bank Tower. The terrestrial land changed from green and mechanical to back to something beautiful and
colorful. The machines have disappeared and everything was clean. Nothing was destroyed. Ivan? asked a
familiar voice. Ivan turned. It was mother, grandmother, and grandfather. Mom! exclaimed Ivan. He ran
towards her and they hugged him. Everything was back to normal. What about the Vortex? asked Ivan. Are
they now free to go back to their planet with peace and the all planets in other systems were given freedom?
Yes they are, said Zephodose. In fact indigenous people of those worlds are cheering for you Ivan. The
Vortex Empire has broken free will be gone forever. Soon summer started and Ivan was excited. Time to start

this summer great, thought Ivan. He has made everything in the universe stabled and that is what he wanted. It
will be like this forever. Ivan will keep it this way. This is Ivan, forever more.

The End

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