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Questions and answers about world heritage

The North Frisian Wadden sea, the pyramids of Giza and the Grand Canyon - they all belong to
the world cultural and natural heritage site. For over 40 years the UNESCO for the protection of
natural landscapes and historic heritage sites.
Why was the world heritage Convention adopted?
The history of the world heritage Convention begins in Egypt. As in the 1960s, the Aswan dam
was built, told the three-thousand year old temple of Abu Simbel in a flooding in the water to
sink. UNESCO, therefore, he called on the 8. In March 1960 a major relief effort to the rock
temples at a 65 meters higher place to rebuild. 50 States were prepared, the financial and
technical means to organize. In a spectacular solidarity action were 80 million US-dollars
collected. With the money were from 1963 to 1968, the rock temples dismantled, moved and
rebuilt. At the time one-time bailout made it clear: There are places, whose importance is so
great, that they ideally are not alone in the state to include on whose territory they are located.
The world is losing this highly valuable goods through decay or destruction, diminish the
heritage of all peoples. Therefore, the member States of UNESCO in 1972, the Convention for
the protection of cultural and natural heritage of the world (world heritage Convention), to sites
of outstanding universal value to protect.
How many world heritage sites are there worldwide?
Currently, the world 981 sites on the UNESCO world heritage list: 759 cultural heritage sites and
193 Naturerbesttten, 29 sites, belong both to the culture as well as to the natural heritage. Of
the 190 States parties to the UNESCO Convention on the protection of cultural and natural
heritage of the world are 160 countries in the world heritage list represented. 38 monuments in
Germany are on the world heritage list of the UNESCO listed. These include old towns, castles,
churches, gardens and industrial monuments.
What are the prerequisites for a successful application?
There are ten criteria for world heritage sites, of which at least one should be true. The basic
premise is that a site of outstanding universal value. Many cultural heritage sites are
considered masterpieces of human creativity. They are representative of a building or
Landschaftstypus, architectural or technological Ensemble, a cultural Tradition or extinct culture.

A natural heritage should be a superior natural phenomenon, of exceptional natural beauty

and aesthetic importance. It can be an example of a stage in the earth's history, or for
significant ecological and biological processes.
How long does it take for a request will be approved or rejected?
The Phase of the nomination to the inclusion of new applications will take at least 18 months from February of the current year up to the decision on the meeting of the world heritage
designation scheme in June/July of the following year. The UNESCO world heritage centre calls
on the States parties in the run-up to national Lists must be submitted, on which the sites for an
application intended to be recorded. The applications will be up to the deadline on 1. February
for the following year submitted. On behalf of the UNESCO world heritage designation scheme
to evaluate experts of the International Council on monuments and sites (ICOMOS) and the
world conservation Union (IUCN) applications. On the basis of their assessments to the world
heritage Committee decides on the inclusion in the world heritage list.
Who is in Germany for the nomination of world heritage sites responsible?
In Germany, the 16 Federal States are responsible for the nomination of world heritage sites.
Each application is of experts from the competent ministries of education on their uniqueness
and universality is checked, the standing conference then sets the state of the two proposals
on the so-called Tentativliste. What is the world heritage site in the year of their application to
UNESCO to submit may be decided by the standing conference. Only those who are on the
Tentativliste, has a Chance to be the UNESCO world heritage list. The current since 1998, the
applicable German Tentativliste runs 2015. Almost all of the proposals have now been declared
world heritage. The new Tentativliste is supported by the standing conference will be developed.
How to check UNESCO for the protection and preservation of world heritage sites?
The signatory States have towards the community of Nations committed to, a management Plan
for the protection and preservation of the world heritage site for future generations to create. The
aim is, instruments for the development of the future of the world heritage site as free of conflict
can be designed. In all cases in which it for the proper conservation of a site is required, should
be a sufficient buffer zone to be established. The UNESCO in order to secure outstanding
universal value in front of the constructional and infrastructural measures. In addition, the

States must all six years on the state of the world heritage reports.
What is the influence of the UNESCO in the case of destruction or decay of a world heritage
The influence on national governments is limited, when the world heritage sites of destruction or
decay are threatened. According to the world heritage Convention is only a possible sanction: Is
a site at risk, the world heritage Committee, after careful Research and consultation with the
affected state, to decide this in the list of world heritage in danger. Should be on the status of
endangered world heritage site, nothing will change, in the extreme case of the world heritage
site will also be removed from the list.
The uniqueness of the sites currently 981 UNESCO world heritage sites put into perspective?
The increasing interest in the past years reflects the success of the world heritage Convention.
The list is for a fascinating map of the cultural differences, the historical and regional
characteristics and the mental and physical power of humanity. The people have for thousands
of years, numerous cultural artifacts left behind. Future generations will be the world heritage
site with exceptional services dominate. Critics speak of an Inflation of the world heritage sites,
but the UNESCO limited annual entries. A bigger Problem are imbalances on the list: The most
world heritage sites are located in Europe and North America. And there is also a
disproportionately high number of historic city centres and Christian monuments on the list. Are
under-represented, however monuments of the history of technology, by indigenous peoples,
embossed cultural landscapes or natural areas from Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific
What is being done to a regionally balanced list?
The UNESCO since 1994, the global strategy was adopted. This will help you a geographically
and culturally balanced list. It does nominations from countries which are not yet in the list of
world heritage listed in priority. So, the gap between Europe and North America and other
continents to be compensated for. Since the adoption of the Global strategy in more than 50
countries of the world heritage Convention ratified, including many African and Eastern
European countries and many island Nations in the Pacific. The list is now much more
representative: 190 signatories are 160 on the list.

Supports the UNESCO world heritage sites financially?

The inclusion in the world heritage list is not usually associated with money. However, there is
the UNESCO-Welterbefonds with every year about four million US dollars. The money donations
signatory States voluntarily, it usually comes from poorer countries benefit from their resources
are not so strong. The UNESCO also seeks to other sources and promotes the cooperation of
the Contracting States by the world heritage partnerships. So support German foundations and
organizations for development cooperation of the countries in Africa for the sustainable
Management of the world heritage sites or provide Expertise in nominations. The German
government also has the investment programme National UNESCO world heritage sites, with
over 200 million Euro was launched. From 2009 to 2014 supports the Federal Ministry of
transport the receipt of German world heritage sites. The Federal government helps the cities
and municipalities of the sites to obtain and to maintain.
What is the value of the Welterbetitel?
The list is primarily an Instrument of international understanding and international cooperation.
The world heritage site is in an international network. At the same time, the ennoblement of a
world heritage site, a special gain in prestige. World heritage sites are tourist attractions are first
quality. Especially for smaller, more rural places is the Welterbetitel an important added value.
The German world heritage sites since 2001 the Association of UNESCO world heritage sites
Germany e. V. brochures, trade shows, Internet and print advertising. Many German world
heritage sites have only a small Budget for Marketing. The German UNESCO sites abroad
would do well to cooperate with the DUK and the Welterbeverein with the German center for
What is the cost of the application to the Welterbetitel?
The costs always depend on the financial and personnel requirements of the respective country.
They are, therefore, from application to application, is very different. Many States already invest
in advance of an application in the protection and preservation of the site. Also the costs are
vary from case to case. In principle, however, that the applications for years, becoming ever
more demanding and complex. For example, was the request for the Aachen Cathedral in 1978
three Pages long, there is a nomination today from over 1,500 pages of documentation, reports

and Compare.
What is the future of the world heritage site?
UNESCO wants to vlkerverbindenden goals to greater stress. In the future it will be more
cross-border world heritage sites. Especially countries that are so far in the world heritage list
are under-represented, should be international to be better supported. Furthermore, cultural
landscapes and industrial monuments can be taken more into account. The challenges are the
world as a whole complex: wars and violent conflicts, natural disasters and climate change,
Migration and urban development, require sustainable solutions for the world heritage sites.
According to a 2007 study published in the UNESCO's world heritage centre has also climate
change steadily. Monuments of nature and biodiversity are affected as well as archaeological
sites and historic buildings. In Mali at risk such as the desertification of the great mosque of
Timbuktu. Risks to cultural heritage sites also arise from the rising sea level in London or
Venice. Heavy rainfall and temperature fluctuations eat away at the substance of the temple of
Hagar Qim, Malta. At the same time, at risk of mass tourism sensitive Ecosystems such as the
Galapagos Islands.
(Status: December 2013)

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