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Issue 6 | August 2014

Featured Articles


of the month
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Pg 6

2014 Maveric Systems Limited. Restricted to internal circulation only

F R O M T H E E D I T O Rs D E S K
As you may have noticed, CLOUD CHRONICLES had to go offline for a while. We are pleased
to bring the sixth edition of CC to you which is not only record of achievements in short span of
time but also the mirror of creativity and imagination. This can serve as an additional
communication channel for imparting knowledge. CC provides a platform to enthusiasts. The
articles in this newsletter are impressive imprints of their ideas which have found intellectual
expressions in their words. In this edition, we have brought in a new column which portrays the


experiences of a Maveric in and out of the organization.

Wed like to thank everyone for their support and interest in revamping it. As we look over our
shoulders at the months gone by, and again look ahead, we tend to agree with S.T. Coleridge
for Language is the armory of the human mind. It contains the trophies of its past and the
weapons of its future conquest. As for the future, just keep your fingers crossed!
RUCHI Shitut
We appreciate you taking the time to read the newsletter. Share your suggestions / feedback at

Enjoy reading. Cheers!

PRIYA Gautam



Nothing is ours except Time Geothe

2014 Maveric Systems Limited. Restricted to internal circulation only



From The BU
Heads desk

Arjun is a native of Vellore, Tamil Nadu and has completed

his Post-Graduation in Business Analysis & IT Consulting
from NIT Trichy. Arjun worked for
3 years with TCS prior to his MBA. He has rich experience in
Telecom Data Migration projects. He was a part of an end-toend data migration project for Indias largest Telecom service
provider BSNL. He has also acted as a Product Manager for
Ericssons trouble report management tool and has

ARJUN Balaraman

experience working with Business Intelligence team.

Associate Test Lead

Apart from work, Arjun is a voracious reader and movie buff.

He loves to take many responsibilities with a strategic vision
of completing all the tasks with at-most efficiency.
The month of June-July saw a
string of recruitments in which
the prominent updates for
Telecom BU is the joining of
three MBA graduates in our
Bangalore office. These people
come with a rich working
experience in Telecom domain
prior to their Post Graduation
from one among the premier
institutes of the country.

Pulak is from Delhi and has worked with Tech Mahindra for
3 years before pursuing his MBA in Marketing from Great
Lakes, Chennai.
During his span with Tech Mahindra, Pulak has worked in
Quality Assurance Functional, SIT and E2E testing
handling multiple projects on order management and ecommerce/online retail sales for AT&T. He was also a
module lead for E2E order management of Wireline and DTV

PULAK Sharma


Associate Test Lead

Basically being a very chilled out guy, he is a keen learner

The three employees are

and loves to spend time with his family and friends. His

Arjun.B, Pulak Sharma and

hobbies include travelling and engaging in fitness activities.


Goutham is a Computer Science Engineer and from the

On behalf of the

development background. Prior to Maveric, he has served

organization, I would like to

with Infosys before completing his Post-Graduation in

extend a warm welcome to

Marketing and Services Management from Symbiosis,

all the three of you and


wish you all a pleasant stay

He started his career in Infosys as a JAVA trainee in Mysore

in Maveric.

before moving on to Pune for working in .Net support area.

He has worked across various domains within Infosys, the


last being part of a Change Management team for BT Global

Associate Consultant

Services in the OSS/BSS Telecom space.

Goutham believes in exploring and learning new things. He
has tried his hands in almost all the sports, musical
instruments, photography and short film making off late.

2014 Maveric Systems Limited. Restricted to internal circulation only


TRAI recommends sharing of all telecom spectrums:

Batelco Bahrain delivers 4G/LTE roaming in KSA:

In a move that could help companies significantly reduce

Data Roaming in Saudi Arabia Delivered in Partnership with

cost of mobile services, telecom regulator TRAI


recommended allowing sharing of all categories of airwaves

held by operators including spectrum allocated at old price of

Batelco, the Kingdom of Bahrain's leading

Rs.1,658 crore or assigned without auction. "All access

telecommunications services provider meets the needs of its

spectrum i.e., spectrum in the bands of 800/900/1800/2100/

customers travelling in Saudi Arabia by providing LTE Data

2300/2500 MHz will be sharable provided that both the

Roaming services. Batelco was first to launch the beneficial

licenses are having spectrum in the same band," Telecom

service earlier this year. Batelco's customers can enjoy 4G

Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) said in its

high speed mobile internet while roaming in the Kingdom of

recommendation on Guidelines on Spectrum Sharing.

Saudi Arabia, thanks to an agreement between Batelco and

Mobily KSA. There is no need to subscribe for LTE roaming

Ericsson to offer end-to-end telecom solutions to Egypt

as subscribers with local LTE services can benefit from the

Ministry of Electricity:

high speeds automatically. Besides the direct connection

Egypt's Ministry of Electricity will deploy technologically

with Mobily, Batelco customers can roam on other 4G

advanced electricity sites in partnership with Ericsson and

networks using a new IPX technology based on mutual

the Egyptian Maintenance Company. Ericsson will integrate

agreement with the other roaming operators. Batelco

several Ericsson and Third Party Products (3PP) technology

General Manager Consumer Division Muna Alhashimi said

into around 180 electricity stations in Upper Egypt and

that many of Batelco's customers travel in Saudi Arabia

Middle Egypt improving electricity services in the area.

during the holy month of Ramadan and during Eid holidays

Egypt's Ministry of Electricity has

or to perform Umra, and accordingly the 4G LTE Data

selected Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC) on a turnkey basis.

Roaming service will be a great benefit for them.

Technologies supplied by Ericsson will include the MINILINK Microwave System, Network Management Solution,
and Internet Protocol (IP) System, renovation of existing
towers and construction of new towers, amongst
others. Ericsson will also provide a full set of services,
inclusive of site survey and preparation, installation and
commissioning, spare parts management, reporting and
documentation. The result will help to improve the efficiency
of the electricity sites reducing energy consumption,
increasing control, and increasing the lifecycle of the

Its better to do the right thing slowly than the wrong thing quickly. Peter Turla
2014 Maveric Systems Limited. Restricted to internal circulation only



A brief overview about the current and prospective projects in TBU unit is given below-


Maveric has been contracted with

Viva Bahrain:

Wincash: Drop 2.1 has been

Etisalat-Egypt for a CRM

Successfully demonstrated

completed and gone

transformation project and its

Automation of USSD/SMS/call

live in more than 3 shops

expected to kick off by August,


Drop 2.2 SIT and UAT design is

2014. The key deliverables of the

UAT round 2 is in progress

completed and

project include:

Data migration & dry run

pending for review

Siebel Assurance (SME)

SFA: Drop 1.1 has been

Test process consultancy

completed for SMB (Small

Performance Testing

and Medium Business)

Test Automation

Drop 1.2 is expected to start from

Defect Management\

assignment kicked off by team

Release 5 plans, design &
scripting is planned to start early
in August first week
Execution of release 3 & 4 plans
are in progress

18th August, 2014

BSCS: Drop 3 UAT is in progress
SIT design has been completed
for Drop 5 and execution is
expected to start from last week
of July, 2014

The bad news is time flies. The good news is youre the pilot. Michael Altshuler
2014 Maveric Systems Limited. Restricted to internal circulation only



Thus BSS/OSS is the core of Telecom Business and hence
every CSP looks very aggressive to have best available
portfolio to attract different customer segments like High
Spend, Medium Spend & Low Spend to run their business
and keep growing.

PRABHAT Upadhyay
Increase in competition and leaps in technology have forced
companies to adopt some innovative approaches to assess
themselves with respect to processes, products and
services. In present world, solution which is best till now
might not be sufficient going forward is the market trend.
So, companies are trying hard to look market leaders and
also seeking good partners in helping them understand
what, when & how to offer solutions, with minimum
BSS/OSS is the core of Telecom Business where
communication service provider (CSP) does infrastructure
setup and provide telecom services to end-users using
Quotable points
about Star of the

various service offerings like Order Management, Customer

Management, Product Management, Rating, Charging,
Billing, Invoicing, Collection, Refills, Notification & Reporting.
Business Support System (BSS) comes first where CSPs
install/implement required products & solutions which are
either available with them or buy from any business
partner/vendor to cater their business need. Operation
Support System (OSS) comes later when
installation/implementation phase is over and the product is
ready and operational like O&M activities, Trouble-to-Report
(T2R) activities etc. Generally any Product/Solution before
"Go-Livecomes under BSS and after "Go-Live" when
handed over to the operations team to manage data and
service on daily basis comes under OSS. Also any

Sanura has shown marvelous commitment and dedication

in delivering SFA & Wincash performance testing
engagement. There were lot of technical and Project
Management challenges, and the engagement was on an
escalation mode when she joined the onsite team. Her
problem solving ability coupled with determination,
attention to the minutest of details and some guidance
from NFA leadership enabled her to do a quick service
recovery. She carries around her a positive ambience,
which when coupled with hard work, dedication and
flexibility ensures timely and high quality delivery.

upgrade/swap of the system falls under BSS and then

handed over to OSS team for managed services.
All the flowers of all of the tomorrows are in the seeds of today. Chinese Proverb
2014 Maveric Systems Limited. Restricted to internal circulation only



Cloud chronicle was revamping after a long time and in

order to add some spice to the new edition, the editorial
team catches up with Narayya from the Solutioning team of
Bangalore in a fun interview. Nari (as hes fondly called) is a
person who loves to talk has shared his experiences on
various things ranging from personal interests to tips on
surviving in the corporate. Here are some excerpts of the
interview taken by Pritish and Ruchi-

Pritish: Nari, in your opinion what it takes to be a Maveric?

Ruchi: Is your job at Maveric driven by destiny, or it is your

Nari: According to me, the key differentiator is the high

hard work and perseverance?

maturity level spreading in Maveric. One reason could be

Nari: It is destiny. Frankly speaking, I never applied for a

easy access to both seniors and juniors in the organization.

Chennai based company because I never wanted to come

Another important thing is a person being open to criticism.

to Chennai. I dont even remember when I applied for

This is because people are genuine and honest; hence

Maveric but it all just happened.

criticism could be constructive as well as destructive. Until

and unless you are open to criticism, you dont feel to be a

Pritish: Are you addicted to something? If yes, what are


you addicted to?

Nari: My greatest addiction is talking. Im a person who

Ruchi: Are you Brand conscious? If yes, how far and which
brand do you follow the most?
Nari: Yes, I am brand conscious. Initially, I was not but the

loves company and hence its difficult for me to stay alone

for a long period of time without talking. I love travelling but
always expect some company when I do.

first onsite opportunity changed my outlook towards the

fashion world. Levis and Van Heusen are the two brands I
like the most. Theres no particular reason for my liking
towards them, but if I would want to buy some clothes,
these brands would be my first choice.

Ruchi: 5 words that describe your character?

Nari: These are the top 5 list that describe my characterArrogant- I am blunt and react openly when I feel
something is wrong. It might hurt others emotions at times.

Pritish: What is your greatest fear and Why?

Confident- Have a lot of self-belief in myself.

Nari: My greatest fear is not having a job. This is because,

Social- I love interacting and meeting new people.

although being from a good university, I struggled to find a

Jovial- Share jokes and maintain a rapport with people

job. That is why I push myself and my subordinates today


(I understand its irritating). The fear factor of not having a

Lazy- Prioritize work in a way to complete it in the end. Very

job still remains as a nightmare. Societal stress and familys

choosy about the kind of work to be done.

expectations is a real pressure to handle when one is not

having a job.

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
I will not refuse to do the something I can do. Helen Keller
2014 Maveric Systems Limited. Restricted to internal circulation only


Pritish: When did you feel at the top of the world?

Ruchi: If you could be anywhere in the world right now,

Nari: When I secured a very good rank in engineering

where would you like to be and why?

entrance, I cherished that moment and that was when I felt

Nari: I always want to be in my hometown (Kakinada-A.P).

at the top of the world. It was the best time in my life. I

Even today, if someone provides me with a job in my

realized my achievement only when people told me.

hometown and a salary of 20k/month, I would go back. I

never aspired to go abroad. I believe it is only to earn

Ruchi: Which is your all-time favorite movie and what do

you like in it?
Nari: I have a list of movies which come as part of favorites.
I generally dont watch movies more than one time in
theatre. The list includes movies from Telugu, Tamil,
English and Hindi and here it goes:
7/G Rainbow Colony- Telugu

money one has to go abroad. I spend most of my time in my

hometown till date. Another place that I visit frequently is
Vizag which I would choose as my destination for
Pritish: Before we wrap up, few words for fellow Maverics?
Nari: I am influenced by Vignesh (Vigu) in so many ways. I
learned a lot from him. He is a true friend whom you can

Kaadhal Kondaen- Tamil

always look up to. A few things that I would like to convey

Patriot, The Forest Grump- English

as a message would be: i) Enjoy the moment ii) Be happy

Taare Zameen Par- Hindi

iii) Dont crib about things. Learn to say no and move out if
you dont like something rather than cribbing about it later

I like movies which carry some emotions and are touchy in

iv) Dont be shy in expressing your feelings towards

nature. I dont believe in documentaries. In my view, movies


are about entertainment and they should probably carry

some hidden message.

Pritish: What is your win-win percentage in terms of

relationships (proposals)?
Nari: There is no win-win situation in my case because I
never proposed any girl. I had crushes but all of them lasted
for a small duration of time.

In an organization, each person rises to the level of his own incompetence.- Laurence Peter
2014 Maveric Systems Limited. Restricted to internal circulation only


From Idea to Execution
Written by
Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble

The 10 Golden Rules:

1. In all great innovation stories, the great idea is only
Chapter one
2. Sources of organizational memory are powerful Its all
about managing the present and creating the future by
selectively forgetting the past
3. Large, established companies can beat start-ups if they
succeed in leveraging their enormous assets and
4. Strategic experiments face critical unknowns
5. The new organization must be built from scratch, with
new choices in staffing, structure, systems and culture
6. Managing tensions is job one for senior management
7. New company needs its own planning process
8. Interest, influence, internal competition and politics
disrupt learning
9. Hold the new company accountable for learning and not
10. Companies can build a capacity for breakthrough
growth through strategic innovation

Insights about the Subject:

Strategic Innovation is the process of developing a plan for
the future of an organization which encourages

This book provides a comprehensive framework on how to

execute innovation strategies to drive success as growth

advancements in technology or services, usually by

and innovation are inseparable. If an organization wishes to

investing in research and development activities. For

grow, it must innovate. The 10 golden rules are major and

example, an innovation strategy developed by a high

path-breaking work in the areas of strategic management of

technology business might entail the use of new

change, managing cultures and developing theories of

management or production procedures and the invention of

business. The approach is practical, actionable and

technology not previously used by competitors

systematic and the focus is on execution of ideas more than

their formulations.

Key takeaways:
Strategic experiments should be evaluated based on what you learned from them (and not based on what profits you
earned from them)
To guide strategic experiments, and to learn from them, theory-based planning, should be used which includes testing
and revision
Beware of organizational factors that inhibit innovation

2014 Maveric Systems Limited. Restricted to internal circulation only



The Maverics in Bangalore spent a day together at

Guhantra Resort. This was the first location outing from
the Bangalore office and it was attended by around 50
people. The day was fun filled with activities like team
games, field sports, paint ball, bungee jumping etc. The
highlight of the outing was the much anticipated Rain
Dance. Besides the fun and joy, it brought all Maverics
together and served as a venue for building new
relationships & was a day to cherish the memories for all.
Enjoyed Maadi !!!

2014 Maveric Systems Limited. Restricted to internal circulation only


Far away in the sky,
there is a world of thought
where my dreams can fly
That world is unworried
have happiness around
where i feel like a Princess
no pain, no wound, no cry
Some trees of faith
and lovely flowers are found,
where the air whispers and water flows
this magic makes me bound ,
I dance like fairies

on the golden ground

and sing like birds
all year around
The falling of rain
creates bell like sound
this world is rare
but for me it is Real!!!
This world is in my eyes
the witness is my heart
I have the secret way
but nobody knows
where it is Found!!!

Requirements Assurance | Application Assurance | Program Assurance

India | Malaysia | Saudi Arabia | Singapore | UAE | UK | USA

By Priyadarshini Anand

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