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This message is for all the youths of the Kingdom of God all over the world, meaning all of

you youths who are saved by the blood of Jesus-Christ the Son of the living God.
I pray that all youth Pastors who hear or read this message will make sure to deliver it to their
youths and pass it on to as many youth Pastors as possible.
I received the message while I was under the anointing of the Holy Spirit on January the 18th
2015. I do not need to go into details but as soon as the message came to me, relationship
immediately came to mind. At first I was thinking that it was for High School Students but due
to an experience that I had on that same day, I came to believe that it is also for youths as young
as 10 years old as long as they can understand the message. I also felt that it was not a message
to just be aware of but it needed to be delivered, however I had no clue how that was going to
happen until I was motivated to post it on-line.
The message is The youths of the Kingdom need to know that they are not
too young to fall in love with me. I quick figured out that me must stand
for either God, Jesus or the Lord. As days went by, I was praying,
meditating, thinking and asking God what was the real purpose of the
message, I was directed to some scriptures and the following : In Matthew
22: 37 Jesus said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and
with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. I believe that this scripture goes
hand in hand with the message. Falling in love always involves the heart and
of course when it comes to the Lord it goes even deeper. The specific way
that the Lord requires for us to love him is clear that He wants to be first in
our lives. Youths, I believe that the Lord is calling you into a relationship with
Him for this is the only way that one can fall in love; you cannot love
someone you do not know. The Lord who knows us inside and out already
loves us to the fullest and promises to be always with us so if there is a lack
in our relationship with Him it must be from our part. He desires for us to
know Him so that we can understand the depth of his love for us. Knowing
the Lord and the extent of His love cannot be discovered just by being told of
Him, but rather by developing a relationship with Him which can only happen
as you spend time in his word, in prayer, resting in His presence and
meditating on His word. I encourage you to read and study the whole bible
for it is Gods love letter to us to get to know Him. Other than being our
Savior, you will discover that He is real, mighty, powerful, a miracle working
God, a healer, and most importantly a loving and a gracious God ; in Him you
find peace and joy. As much as someone may love you and wish to do for
you unless you are willing to love that person back a relationship will never
develop because it is for sure that you will not make time to get to know the
person. I would advise you to read the New Testament first then the Old

Testament or ask your Pastor or parents for advice. Always pray for guidance
before you start reading the word. I also encourage you to seek and position
yourself to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You do that by asking, for
in the book of Luke chapter 11:13 Jesus said our heavenly Father gives the
Holy Spirit to them that ask Him. The Holy Spirit will guide you in all truth;
He will give you understanding, wisdom and revelation of the word which will
transform your life. He can only do that as you abide in the word and the
word abides in you. In the book of Joshua Chapter 1:Verse 8 it is written this
book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate
therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is
written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou
shalt have good success.
Besides hearing the word when you go to church, make it a habit to also
watch some Christians Television programs at home to hear some great men
and women of God during the week. Christianity is a lifestyle. Whatever you
spend your time watching, reading, studying, meditating is what you are
more likely to become. When you are in relationship with God you become
grounded in Him and you are very much aware of the presence of the Holy
Spirit in your life. When you leave your home and go to College, your peers
will not be able to influence on you and cause you to pull away from God.
When they invite you to places, or introduce you to things that are contrary
to the word of God, you will not follow them; and even if you would choose to
give in at times, you will be uncomfortable and quick realize that you are out
of place. When you are identified with Christ, it will no longer be I should not
do this or that but your spirit will automatically reject that which is not of
God; just like Joseph whose story is found in the old testament you will run
away from such things. Pleasing your God will be at the top of your list
which will keep you in the right path. You will not give in to the world as
many Christian college students do, for the fear of God is the beginning of all
wisdom. You will be the one to influence your peers and will also be the
ambassadors that you are called to be for the Lord Jesus-Christ.
I often hear youth Pastors on TV or from the pulpit stating that they do not
understand why regardless of how much they pour into the youths, and as
much as the youths are involved in church, yet once they get to college the
majority of them end up in the world. It was after I received the message
that I really put their concern in perspective, and it became clear to me that
though the youths may be raised in Christians families and good bible based
churches, most of them do not really embrace God as their own. They are
more likely riding on their parents God, their youth and senior Pastors God.

They may be involved in ministries and are enthusiastic about the

environment but they do not really have a personal relationship with Jesus.
They go to camp meeting and other Christians activities, and are exposed to
powerful worship and preaching of the word, but yet for most of them, it is
only a moment. So once they leave the nest, they cannot take their parents,
their pastors or the environment with them, wherever they go they crumble
and get easily tossed, to and fro. The death of our savior Jesus Christ on the
cross did not only save us from sin but also made it possible for us to be all
that God meant for us to be to begin with, but it is up to us to find out all the
benefits that are available to us, and the bible is where to find out about
But above all I believe that there may be other specific reasons why this
message is being delivered to the youths. Most of us Christians usually wait
until we are in our mid or late twenties or even later to enter into a serious
relationship with God and its been going like that for decades. Could it be
that this generation of youths might find themselves facing things that weve
never faced before at a very young age?
In 2nd Timothy chapter 3 it is written that in the last days perilous times shall
come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without
natural affection, false accusers, incontinent, despisers of those that are
good, 4 Traitors, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. 6 Led away with
divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the
truth. And also in John 16, Jesus said to the disciples, the time cometh, that
whosoever killeth you, will think that theyre doing God service.3 And they will
do so unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. If you and
I are paying attention at whats going on in the world, we will admit that we
are in perilous time. If we are in perilous time, it means that we might be
living in the last days.
Unless you know God for yourself and be confident that His Son Jesus-Christ
alone is indeed the way, the truth and the life, you will not be able to stand.
Not only you will fall for false doctrines, you will easily compromise your faith
for just a few more hours, or a few more days or years on this earth which
will lead you to eternal damnation/hell once you take your last breath. How
important is your relationship with Jesus-Christ? It is better to leave this
world now with Christ than to leave it in one hundred years or so without
Christ. Youths, I believe that God is calling you to get ready to stand strong

so that if you were to have to choose between Jesus and another way you
can hold on to the truth even if you face death. You need not to be afraid
because for us believers in Christ, to live is Christ, to die is gain which
means it is only a transition from this life to eternal life with the Lord.
Also, In the book of Joel chapter 2: 28 which we are reminded of in Acts
chapter 2 verse 17: the Prophet Joel prophesied it shall come to pass in the
last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons
and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams. Just as many other prophecies came
to pass, this prophecy will surely come to pass and it might be sooner than
we think.
Whenever the Lord poured out his spirit, it was always for a special mission and for Kingdom
purpose. Throughout the bible God has used young men and young women as Samuel, David,
Joseph, Esther, Mary the mother of our Savior and many more. When we read their stories we
can see that they all had a heart for God. Could it be that the Lord is looking for a generation of
youths to get ready, so that He can pour out his Spirit upon to reach out to their generations with
the Gospel; and that is one of the reasons why this message is being delivered to the youths of
the Kingdom? A relationship with Him will cause you to live with expectancy and being able to
hear His voice so if He was to call and ask whom shall I send and who will go for us? as Isaiah
you will be able to answer here am I send me Lord. _Isaiah 6:8
So boys and girls, young men and young women, you may be the ones who will reach out to
your generation in multitudes as you stand up for your faith. The message is delivered to you
today; it is my prayer that you receive it with heart. As you pursue God the Father, may you
grow in the knowledge of his will in wisdom and all spiritual understanding. Remember! You
are not too young to fall in love with your God. (Do not be content to just be children of the
Kingdom, but you need to believe and take the whole counsel of the word of God. (Refer to
Matthew 8:1-12).
Parents, please help your children get into the word to get to know their God.
Youth Pastors, please do not underestimate the importance and urgency of the message.
May the Lord bless you!
If you just read the above and you have not submitted your life to Jesus Christ as of yet, I invite
you to do so now for this is the starting point to develop a relationship with your maker. For God
so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should

not perish, but have everlasting life. Jesus died to save us from our sins and fully restore all that
God intended for us to begin with. Nothing can satisfy your soul but Jesus.
Pray! Dear Jesus, I repent of my sins, please come into my life, wash me, cleanse me of all
unrighteousness and set me free; be my Savior and my Lord. God, I submit my life to you. I
thank you for loving me and for sending your son Jesus-Christ to die to save me from my sins. I
confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in my heart that you oh God has raised
Him from the death and He is alive. Please give me a hunger for your word. In Jesus name I
pray, Amen.
If you prayed the above prayer with all of your heart, congratulations! This is the best decision
you have ever made and will ever make. Find a church that believes that Jesus-Christ alone is
the only way to the Father to go worship your God.

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