Deschamps - Sutter - Canto Guide To FPGA Implementation of Algorithms

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Deschamps/Sutter/Canto Guide to FPGA Implementation of Algorithms

Guide to FPGA Implementation of Arithmetic Functions

VHDL Models and Examples

Chapter 2: Architecture of Digital Circuits

All examples of chapter 2
Introductory example 2.1 (square_root.vhd). A simple test bench (square_root_tb.vhd). Algorithm 2.2,
square root, version 2 (square_root_2.vhd). A simple test bench square_root_2_tb.vhd).
Introductory example 2.3.1. A 7-to-3 Counter (seven_to_three.vhd). A simple test bench
(seven_to_three_tb.vhd). It uses a basic carry save adder (CSA) (csa.vhd). A simple test bench
Final example of Elliptic curve scalar product. First using explicit datapath and control separation
(scalar_product.vhd and scalar_product_data_path.vhd); and a second implementation not using explicit
datapath and control separation (scalar_product_DF2.vhd). Both implementation uses the multiplier and
squarer (interleaved_mult.vhd; classic_squarer.vhd).

Chapter 3: Special Topics of Data Path Synthesis

All examples of chapter 3
Section 3.1.2 Segmentation. scalar product in GF(2^m) using pipeline (not a synthesizable circuit)
Section 3.1.4 Interconection of pipelined component. Example 3.4 of scalar product in GF(2^m) using self
timed pipeline (not a synthesizable circuit) (pipeline_ST.vhd). A simple test bench (test_pipeline_ST.vhd).
Example 3.5 a self timed ripple carry adder (adder_ST2.vhd). A test bench for ripple carry adder
Section 3.2 Loop unrolling and digit-serial computation. A sequential restoring division algorithm
(restoring.vhd). The partially unrolled version of the restoring divider with s=2 (unrolled_divider.vhd). A Digit
Serial version of the restoring algorithm with D=2 (restoringDS.vhd).

Chapter 4: Special Topics of Control Unit Synthesis

All examples of chapter 4
Section 4.2 hierarchical control unit. Example 4.2 computes z= (x^2 + y^2)^0.5 (example4_1.vhd).
Section 4.3 variable latency operations. A scalar product in GF(2^m) example (not a synthesizable circuit)

Chapter 7: Adders



Deschamps/Sutter/Canto Guide to FPGA Implementation of Algorithms

All examples of chapter 7

Section 7.3 radix 2^k adder. A behavioral model (base_2k_adder.vhd), instantiating muxcy component
(base_2k_adder_muxcy.vhd). A test bench for base 2^k adders (test_base_2k_adder.vhd).
Section 7.4 carry select adders (carry_select_adder.vhd and carry_select_adder2.vhd). A test bench for
carry select adders (test_carry_select_adder.vhd).
Section 7.5 logarithmic adder. Example 7.1 (carry_select_adder3.vhd, uses also carry_select_adder2.vhd as
Section 7.6 long-operand adder (long_operand_adder.vhd). A test bench for sequential adders
Section 7.7 multioperand adders:
Section 7.7.1 Sequential multi-operand adder (multioperand_adder.vhd). Multi-operand addition with storedcarry encoding (CSA_multioperand_adder.vhd). A test bench for sequential multi-operand adders
Section 7.7.2 combination multi-operand adders. Combinational multi-opernad adder
(comb_multioperand_adder.vhd). Combinational multi-operand addition with stored-carry encoding
(comb_CSA_multioperand_adder.vhd). A test bench for sequential multioperand adders
(test_multioperand_adder_comb.vhd).eight operand adder (eight_operand_adder.vhd).
Section 7.7.3 parallel counters. Six to three counter (six_to_three_counter.vhd), a 6 to 3 counter
instantiating lut6 component (six_to_three_counter_compinst.vhd). Twenty four operand adder
(twenty_four_operand_adder.vhd). A test bench for 24-operand adder
Section 7.8 Subtractor and adder subtractor (two_s_comp_adder.vhd; two_s_comp_subtractor.vhd).

Chapter 8: Multipliers
All examples of chapter 8
Section 8.2 combinational multipliers:
Section 8.2.1 Ripple carry parallel multiplier (parallel_multiplier.vhd). A testbench for parallel multipliers
Section 8.2.2 carry-save parallel multiplier (parallel_csa_multiplier.vhd). A testbench for parallel multipliers
Section 8.2.3 Multipliers based on multioperand adders. n-bit by 7-bit multiplier based on multi-operand
adders (N_by_7_multiplier.vhd; uses also seven_to_three.vhd and csa.vhd). A test bench for Nx7 bits
multipler (test_N_by_7_multiplier.vhd).
Section 8.2.4 radix-2^k and mixed radix multipliers. A radix 2^k multiplier (base_2k_parallel_multiplier.vhd). A
radix 2^k using CSA (base_2k_csa_multiplier.vhd). A test bench for radix 2^k
Section 8.3 sequential multipliers:
Section 8.3.1 Shift and add multipliers (shift_and_add_multiplier.vhd and shift_and_add_multiplier2.vhd). The
test bench for the shift and add multipliers (test_shift_and_add_multiplier.vhd and
Section 8.3.2 Shift and add multipliers with CSA (sequential_CSA_multiplier.vhd). The test bench for the shift
and add multipliers (test_shift_and_add_multiplier_CSA.vhd).
Section 8.4 Integer multipliers:
Section 8.4.1 mod 2.B^(m+n) multiplication (integer_csa_multiplier.vhd). The test bench for for mod
2.B^(m+n) multiplication (test_integer_CSA_multiplier.vhd).
Section 8.4.2 modified parallel shift and add algorithm (modified_parallel_multiplier.vhd). The test bench for
the modified parallel shift and add multipliers (test_modified_parallel_multiplier.vhd).
Section 8.4.3 post correction multiplication (postcorrection_multiplier.vhd). A test bench for post correction
multiplication (test_postcorrection_multiplier.vhd)
Section 8.4.4 Booth multiplier. A radix-2 combinational Booth multiplier (Booth1_multiplier.vhd). A test bench
for radix-2 booth multiplication (test_Booth1_multiplier.vhd). A sequential booth multiplier
(test_Booth2_sequential_multiplier.vhd). A test bench for sequential booth multiplication
Section 8.5 constant multipliers. Sequential constant multiplier (sequential_constant_multiplier.vhd). A test2/5


Deschamps/Sutter/Canto Guide to FPGA Implementation of Algorithms

Section 8.5 constant multipliers. Sequential constant multiplier (sequential_constant_multiplier.vhd). A test

bench for Sequential constant multiplier (test_sequential_constant_multiplier.vhd).

Chapter 9: Dividers
All examples of chapter 9
Section 9.2 radix-2 division:
Section 9.2.1 non-restoring divider (non_restoring.vhd). A testbench for non-restoring divider
Section 9.2.2 restoring divider (restoring.vhd). A testbench for restoring divider (test_restoring_divider.vhd).
Section 9.2.3 binary SRT divider (srt_divider.vhd). A test bench for binary SRT divider (test_srt_divider.vhd).
Section 9.2.4 binary SRT divider using carry save adder (srt_csa_divider.vhd). A test bench for binary SRT
CSA divider (test_srt_csa_divider.vhd).
Section 9.2.5 radix-2^k SRT divider. A radix 4 divider (radix_four_divider.vhd). A test bench for radix 4
divider (test_radix_four_divider.vhd).
Section 9.3 Radix B dividers. A decimal (B=10) divider (decimal_divider.vhd, ). A test bench for decimal
divider (test_decimal_divider.vhd).
Section 9.4 convergence algorithm. A goldschmith divider (goldschmidt.vhd). A test bench for convergence
divider (test_goldschmidt.vhd).

Chapter 10: Other operations

All examples of chapter 10
Section 10.1 Binary to radix-B conversion. A binary to decimal sequential converter (BinaryToDecimal2.vhd,
uses ch9 models: uses: doubling_circuit2.vhd and lut4_behav.vhd). A test bench for non-restoring divider
Section 10.2 Binary to radix-B conversion. A binary to decimal sequential converter (DecimalToBinary2.vhd,
uses ch9 models: uses: multiply_by_five.vhd, and lut4_behav.vhd). A test bench for non-restoring divider
Section 10.3 Square root
Section 10.3.1 restoring square root (SquareRoot.vhd). A test bench for restoring square root
Section 10.3.2 non-restoring square root (SquareRoot3.vhd). A test bench for non-restoring square root
Section 10.3.3 Newton-Raphson square root (SquareRootNR4.vhd , uses: restoring3.vhd). A test bench for
NR square root (Test_SquareRootNR4.vhd)
Section 10.4 Logarithm (Logarithm.vhd). A testbench for logarithm (Test_Logarithm.vhd).
Section 10.5 Exponential. Exponential models (Exponential.vhd and Exponential2.vhd). Textbenches for
exponential models (Test_Exponential.vhd and Test_Exponential2.vhd).
Section 10.6 Trigonometric functions. Cordic for Sine cosine example (cordic2.vhd). Test bench for sine
cosine using cordic (Test_cordic2.vhd). Cordic for distance calculation (norm_cordic.vhd). Test bench for
cordic (x^2+y^2)^0.5 (Test_norm_cordic.vhd)

Chapter 11: Decimal Operations

All examples of chapter 11
Simple decimal ripple carry adder (ripple_carry_adder_BCD.vhd). A test bench for decimal adders



Deschamps/Sutter/Canto Guide to FPGA Implementation of Algorithms

Carry chain adders. Behavioral model (cych_adder_BCD_v1.vhd), FPGA optimized model

(cych_adder_BCD_v2.vhd). A test bench for decimal adders (test_adder_BCD.vhd).
One digit by one digit multiplication. Binary arithmetic with correction (bcd_mul_arith1.vhd and
bcd_mul_arith2.vhd). ROM based implementation (bcd_mul_bram.vhd, bcd_mul_mem1.vhd and
bcd_mul_mem2.vhd). A test bench for decimal 1 by 1 digit multiplication (test_mul_1by1BCD.vhd).
N digits by one digit multiplication. Using LUTs or arithmetic 1x1 multiplication (mult_Nx1_BCD.vhd). Using
BRAMs (mult_Nx1_BCD_bram.vhd). Test bench for N by 1 multiplication (test_mul_Nx1_simple.vhd and
N by M digits multiplication. Sequential implementations (mult_BCD_seq.vhd and mult_BCD_bram_seq.vhd). A
combinational implementation (mult_BCD_comb.vhd). Test benches for N by M digits multiplication
(test_mult_BCD_seq.vhd and test_mult_BCD_comb.vhd)
N by N digits division with P digit quotient. non-restoring like divisor implementation
(decimal_divider_nr_norm.vhd, uses also: decimal_shift_register.vhd, adders and multipliers of chapter 11).
SRT-like divisor implementation (decimal_divider_SRT_like.vhd, uses also: decimal_shift_register.vhd,
mult_Nx1_BCD_carrysave.vhd, special_5digit_adder.vhd, range_detection3.vhd, bcd_csa_addsub_4to2.vhd,
decimal_CSAS_4to2.vhd adders and multipliers of chapter 11)). A test bench for decimal dividers

Chapter 12: Floating Point

All examples of chapter 12
Section 12.5.1 Floating Point Adder/Subtactor (fp_add.vhd; uses: fp_right_shifter.vhd and
fp_leading_zeros_and_shift.vhd). A test bench for the FP adder with a stimuli file (fp_add_tb.vhd;
Section 12.5.2 Floating Point Multiplier (fp_mul.vhd). A test bench for the FP multiplier with a small stimuli
file (fp_mul_tb.vhd; dataMul.txt).
Section 12.5.3 Floating Point Divider (fp_div.vhd; uses: div_nr_wsticky.vhd and a_s_cell.vhd). A test bench
for the FP divider with a small stimuli file (fp_div_tb.vhd; dataDivFloat.txt).
Section 12.5.4 Floating Point Square Root (fp_sqrt.vhd; uses: sqrt_wstiky.vhd, sqrt_cell.vhd, and
sqrt_cell_00.vhd). A test bench for the FP multiplier with a small stimuli file (fp_sqrt_tb.vhd;

Chapter 13: Finite Field Arithmetic

All examples of chapter 13
Section 13.1 Operation mod m.
Section 13.1.1 Addition and subtraction mod m (mod_m_as.vhd). A simple test bench for add sub mod m
Section 13.1.2 Multiplication mod m. multiply and reduce. A mod 2^192-2^64-1 reducer
(mod_p192_reducer2.vhd). interleaved multiplier (interleaved_mult.vhd). A simple test bench for
interleaved multiplier (test_mod_m_multiplier_simple.vhd). Montgomery multiplier
(Montgomery_multiplier.vhd). A simple test bench for Montgomery multiplier
(test_Montgomery_multiplier_simple.vhd). A behavioral model of mod m exponentiation using montgomery
algorithm (mod_m_exponentiation.vhd). A simple test bench for exponentiation
Section 13.2 A bahavioural Division mod p (Montgomery_multiplier.vhd). A test bench for mod p division
Section 13.3 Operations over Z2[x]/f(x)
Section 13.3.2 Multiplication. Multiply and reduce multiplier (classic_multiplier.vhd).
Interleaved multiplication (interleaved_mult.vhd). A squarer mod f(x) (mod_f_squaring.vhd).
Section 13.4 Division over GF(2m). Behavioral models (mod_f_division2.vhd and mod_f_division3.vhd). Test
bench for behavioral models (test_mod_f_division2.vhd and test_mod_f_division3.vhd). A synthesizable


Deschamps/Sutter/Canto Guide to FPGA Implementation of Algorithms

bench for behavioral models (test_mod_f_division2.vhd and test_mod_f_division3.vhd). A synthesizable

binary divider (mod_f_binary_division.vhd).

Chapter 15: Embedded systems development: case studies

All examples of chapter 15
All the example projects of chapter 15 "Embedded systems development: case studies" are in the preceding

Chapter 16: Partial reconfiguration on Xilinx FPGAs

All examples of chapter 16
All the example projects of chapter 16 "Partial reconfiguration on Xilinx FPGAs" are in the preceding link.

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This site was last updated 01/31/12


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