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Design Background Spacecraft

A spacecraft is a vehicle, or machine designed to fly in outer space. Spacecraft
are used for a variety of purposes, including communications, earth observation,
meteorology, navigation, space colonization, planetary exploration, and transportation
of humans and cargo.

On a sub-orbital spaceflight, a spacecraft enters space and then returns to the

surface, without having gone into an orbit. For orbital spaceflights, spacecraft enter
closed orbits around the Earth or around other celestial bodies. Spacecraft used for
human spaceflight carry people on board as crew or passengers from start or on orbit
(space stations) only, while those used for robotic space missions operate either
autonomously or tele robotically. Robotic spacecraft used to support scientific
research are space probes. Robotic spacecraft that remain in orbit around a planetary
body are artificial satellites. Only a handful of interstellar probes, such as Pioneer 10
and 11, Voyager 1 and 2, and New Horizons, are currently on trajectories that leave
our Solar System.

Orbital spacecraft may be recoverable or not. By method of reentry to Earth

they may be divided in non-winged space capsules and winged spaceplanes.

Currently, humanity has achieved space flight but only twenty-four nations
actually have spacefaring technology: Russia (Roscosmos, the Russian Space Forces),
the United States (NASA, the US Air Force, and several commercial aerospace
companies), the member states of the European Space Agency, the People's Republic
of China (China National Space Administration), japan (Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency), and India (Indian Space Research Organization).



Idea Generation
There are many type or design of spacecraft that we can find in the world
which produce by the well-known designer or by the amateur designer. Some of them
are nice and can be commercialize to the public and some of them need to have
further research and development.

The idea generation is from the spaceship concept (picture below), but with
slightly changes on the design.

List of Material

Material and Tools

Type of Material

Flower Foam

Hard Putty (Duko)

Sand Paper

Primer spray and color

Dunlop Glue


Wall Filler

UHU Glue

Poly Putty

Modeling Board

Type of Tool

Knife and scissor

Ruler and Pencil

Foam cutter


Model Making Process


Procedure Development

1. Take 2 flower foam and glue it


Cut the flower foam according to

the design of the spacecraft.


Sand the flower foam until it you

can see the spacecraft shape.



After that, use poly patty and

covered all the flower foam that
have been shape with it.


After that, use sand paper and sand

the flower foam that have covered
with poly patty until the surface is
Use wall filler if theres some


Cut the modeling board according

design to make the spacecraft


Glue the modeling board with

flower foam as you can see in the


After that, take the hard patty and

spray it on the spacecraft that have
been attached with the wing.
Spray whole body of spacecraft
including the wings with the hard


After the spacecraft dry, sand it

until the surface is smooth. Use
sand paper that 1000cc and above
so that the surface is smooth.

10. After the surface of spacecraft is

smooth, spray it back with white
colour. Spray it for the whole

11. After that, let it dry.

Then, proceed to coloring the
spacecraft according to desirer
choice of colour.

My conclusion is, making a model using flower foam is to see the finishing of product so that
it can be improve on the design. Model making is a logical next step in the thinking process
for many ideas and requires a unique combination of conceptual, technical and creative
competencies. For this third assignment I was given a task to build a model of spacecraft by
using Flower Foam and the result I had success do it by using flower foam.

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