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VMBO Blok 4

Besha Mahmood


What is VMBO?
The letters for VMBO stand for Voorbereidend Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs
(Preparatory Secondary Education.) At VMBO schools students discover what they
like and what they are good at. By learning a lot and / or do they come in contact
with various fields. That's very important, because if they can choose well after
four years what subject they will teach at the MBO (Secondary Education).
Not all students who attend VMBO schools are the same. One learns easily,
others prefer to work with his hands. At VMBO schools pupils get education
offered in the way that best suits them.
Such a way is called a Leerweg this is kind of a pathway. Below is an overview of
the different pathways from VMBO schools. With each pathway is shown in
percentage this approximately consist of theoretical and practical training.
Mavo / theoretical program (TL)
100% theory (+1 vocational box if you wish)
Theorretisch beroep (GL)
75% theory
25% practice
Kader beroep (KL)
50% theory
50% practice
Basic beroep (BL)
25% theory
75% practice
In the 3the and 4the year of VMBO you can chose a sector your
intrested in
These are the sectors you can chose from:
Care and welfare

Profile VMBO and VWO student

CEFR level 4 skills
Before you start a course, it is important to know what your English level is and
what your English level should be. Your level can be determined on the basis of
the ERK, the Dutch abbreviation for the European Framework. In English, the
Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
The CEFR describes what you should be in a foreign language, to show you that
language controls on some level. The CEFR describes five language skills:
reading, listening, interviewing, speaking and writing. These are also the skills
that will be tested during the final exam.
The CEFR has six levels:
CEFR level: C2 (Mastery)
Comparison: Native speaker
CEFR level: C1(operational profinciency)
Comparison: HBO / WO
Level ERK: B2(upper intermediate)
Comparison: VWO (HBO)
Level ERK B1(intermediate)
Comparison: HAVO
CEFR level: A2(pre-intermediate)
Comparison: VMBO (MAVO)
CEFR level: A1(beginner)
Comparison: Basic

Endterms level secondary school( onderbouw)

Endterm of the second year student with BB,KB,GL/TL need to at least have a A1
in listening,reading,speaking,writing this is a comparsion to basic so they need to
know the basic by the end of endterm of their second year.
For the Vwo student they need to have a A2 in speaking, writing and a A2 to a B1
in reading and listening this is a comparision to pre-intermediate and



VMBO Student
practical oriented
Learning by doing
Relationships with Teacher is important
VMBO pupil is clearly different from Vwo pupils. VMBO pupils have great practical
talents. For VMBO students are their own experiences and adventures are very
important. VMBO pupils depend strongly on the peer group, the group of students
with whom they interact. VMBO pupils are easily distracted. When the teachern
holds a long story, the concentration falls away. Therefore it is better to let them
do things. They also have a talent for asking unexpected questions. Because
what do you answer to the question: "Miss, what do you earn? '. Some topics are
sensitive. Vmbo pupils are do-ers mainly learn by trying things out by itself and
experiences. They learn by doing, stumbling and improv

VWO student
Sees the teacher as a coach
be learning objectives independently reach over a prolonged period
Is intrinsically motivated
Does need coaching in cooperative missions
is task-oriented
Vwo students are more thinkers VWO pupils often have logical-mathematical and
verbal intelligences. A student with the learning style of the thinker learns mainly
by thinking about things and make connections .Thinkers like to first understand
something theoretical, they want to know exactly how everything fits together.
That does not mean that these students would not be practical. They only want
to especially sift through things themselves.
Your student likes to know why he has to learn. Tell him.

A thinker needs peace and order in his workplace. Work in groups is not really
devoted to him.
Give your students time to the how, what and why to discover.
Your student has challenges (complex issues) need: always the same substance
bored quickly.

Profile VMBO teacher

VMBO teacher likes it and sees it as a challenge to teach VMBO pupils who show
a great diversity of talents and backgrounds and who are motivated to concrete
actionable content that they see the point.
VMBO teacher is constantly looking for ways to reach students and encourage /
motivate at individual and group level. In addition, it appears to be a mix of two
key ingredients: relationship and inspiration.
The teacher in VMBO is always in contact and build a relationship with the
students. This can be done by the teacher receives at each lesson, students at
the door He makes contact, a chat and ensures that each student is given. During
the lesson there is much eye contact while working independently and there is
time for informal conversations. The teacher knows that (more than in the
general secondary education) is a good relationship between the teacher and the
student is suspended for learning and the teacher plays an important role in.
Many students learning for the teacher. From the contact does the teacher to
develop aspects of attitude, knowledge and skills.
The teacher has the interest, the background and the situation of the students
and uses this knowledge to make contact, motivate, respond to disruptive
behavior, and guiding the group process.
Context-oriented work
An important aspect of vmbo teacher is shaping context-based learning: creating
lifelike simulations, giving assignments that are meaningful and make practical
assignments. The concretization of the theory in keeping with the world of
experience and language skills of the students is an essential skill. Also
connecting theory to practice or practical skills is an important part of the
beroepsdi- dactiek in VMBO.
Three components essential for VMBO teacher styles are:
commitment, about your profession
look around and work-oriented context

VMBO course book analysis (include checklist)

Hier komt je bookfair opdracht en de checklist.

Minilesson (lessonplan &materials) for VMBO

Mini lesson hier met the meterials


Je moet ook een justification schrijven waarom jullie hebben gekozen voor
deze mini lesson kleine reflectie

Feedback from peer teaching: best practices

and list of dos and donts
Hier komt feedback die je tijdens je mini lesson had gekregen en ook
feedback van je bookfair en schrijf klein reflectie erover.

Questions about teaching at VMBO

Wat voor docent ben je ?
Streng maar rechtvaardig, mijn lessen zijn heel dynamisch, mijn studenten worden actief aan he werk
gezet. Als een echte aanpakker; Altijd ondernemnd en initiatiefrijk. Ze vinden mij erg ruimdenkend.
Mijn lessen zijn creatief en origineel. Ik zorg voor betrokkenheid onderling.Omdat ik veel vragen stel
en goed luister naar de student. Ik vind het belangrijk als ik zelf ook iets leer. Verbanden leggen ussen
verschillende onderwerpen. Ik beslis pas als ik alles eerst goed heb overwogen.
Wat weet ik van mijn leerlingen?
Leerlingen in de VMBO hebben weinig doorzetingsvermogen waardoor ze sneller of eerder
afhaken omdat ze denken dat ze het niet kunnen.
Leerlingen zijn minder zelfstandig ze kunnen wel veel zelfstandig uitvoeren maar ze moeten dit
eerst aanleren.
Leerlingen hebben geen eigen identiteit waardoor ze gaan experimenteren.
Hoeveel werkvormen gebruik ik in mijn les?
De werkvormen die ik gebruik in mijn les is verschillend.
In pairs
In groepjes van 4
Gezaamelijk met de klas
In hoeverre zijn mijn werkvormen activerend?
Hoe lang is mijn uitleg ten opzichte van pracktisch werken aan taken (spanningsboog)
De uitleg duur niet lang 10-15 minuten. De uitleg moet niet te lang duren omdat leerligen dan geen
interesse meer gaan tonen je moet de aandacht niet verliezen
Wordt mijn uitleg op meerdere manieren ondersteund: schriftelijke, visueel, auditief,
Mijn uitleg zal visueel en auditief zijn. Door op de smartboard de opdracht uitleg en voorbeeld te laten
zien en door het ook te vertellen.

Op welke wijze werk ik aan succesbeleving bij leerlingen?

Ik zorg voor
Op welke wijze ondersteun ik leerlingen zodat ze in staat zijn de taken zo zelfstandig mogelijk
uit te voeren?
Ze vertrouwen erop dat ze het goed doen. Zit iets tegen, dan kunnen ze het makkelijk loslaten. Alles
voor de ervaring en het leerproces. Fouten maken is niet zo erg want daar leer je van, dus ook in de
In hoeverre bied ik voor leerlingen overzichtelijke opdrachten met behapbare leerstappen?
Ze zijn sensitief en intutief en hebben vaak interesse in spiritualiteit. Ze hebben veel fantasie en
verbeeldingskracht en zijn erg genteresseerd in persoonlijke ontwikkeling en groei, dat van de student
en dat van zichzelf.
In hoeverre sluit ik mijn onderwijs aan bij de belevingswereld van leerlingen?
Door me te verdiepen en kennis hebben over de interessewereld van mijn leerlingen. Door ze zelf
onderwerpen te laten kiezen die ze interesant vinden voor bijvoorbeeld presentaties of verslagen.
Doordat ik ze dit aanbied gaan ze harder werken aan opdrachten die ze leuk vinden en zelf gekozzen
Op welke wijze ondersteun ik het ontwikkelen en toepassen van verschillende leerstijlen door
In hoeverre ondersteun ik leerlingen bij het ontwikkelen van een positief zelfbeeld?
Ik zorg voor betrokkenheid doordat ik veel vragen stel en goed luister naar de student. Ook zal ik
vaak gesprekken houden met studenten individueel zodat ze weten dat ik ze wil helpen.
Docenten met veel eigenschappen van dit type moeten oppassen dat ze niet te dromerig worden. Ze
kunnen helemaal verzanden in hun eigen leerproces en vergeten dat ze ook anderen nog wat moeten
leren. Ze zijn dan vaak ook niet zakelijk en doelgericht. Van de communicatieve docent kun je
bijvoorbeeld leren wat effectiever te werken en besluitvaardiger en daadkrachtiger te worden.



Class(year + level):

Besha Mahmood

Date: June 1th, 2015

Level: VMBO-B
Class: 25 student
Lesson: 45 Minutes
Lesson aims
Achievement aims:
Procedure aims:
Student will expand their lexis
Student will be able to use skimming and
Student will practice with comprehensive
scanning for better reading
Student will be able to adapt an interest in a
Personal goals (i.e. what you are trying to improve in your own skills as a teacher):
Besha - to use time management to plan my lessons more efficiently
Timetable fit: 45 minutes
Teacher activities:


Pupil activities:

5 min

Students will come into class and

Teacher will welcome the students and tell

listen to the teacher. Give answer

to question the teacher is asking.

them about they are going to do today. The

teacher has this written down on the
The teacher will ask the student what is the
best thing they ever did? It can related to


Pre activity
The students will listen to the
teacher explain the task.
The students will work in a group
and will combine the words and put
the matching words and pictures
on the big white paper with the
word web. The words are about the
text which is about Australia.


Main activity
Listen to the teacher explain the
difference between skimming and
Students will read the title of the
text and try to guess what the text
might be about and answer the first
questions about the text
The students will scan the text and
write down the difficult words but
also answer the questions about
the text.
The student will give their answers
and the rest will check their


post activity
The students will write a story
about their own vacation or write
about an imaginary vacation.
The story can be long but they
have to write 10 sentences.

Pre activity
The teacher will explain the task and give
each group a huge paper with a word web on
The students will form groups of 5/4 and play
a game of memory cards. The game is about
the text they are about to read. The game has
words and pictures that the students need to
match and place on the big paper that has a
word web with the word Australia.
Main activity
Explaining skimming and scanning and what it
means and how it works
Teacher will ask the students to look in their
book at unit five lessons 19 about
Runaways. Then ask the student to skim the
text and tell what the text might be about.
Then answer the first questions about the text.
Teacher will ask the students to scan the text
about Runaways. If they come across a
difficult word they need to write it down. Then
answer the rest of the questions about the
The teacher will discuss the answers and give
each student the chance to give their
answers. Also the teacher will write down the
difficult words the student came across.
post activity
The teacher will explain the activity
And tell the students to write a story about
their own vacation or dream country they wan
to visit and what they want to do there.
The story can be 10 sentences but its also

allowed to be longer.


The student will write about the
best things they ever did or
experience using the words the
teacher wrote down on the board.

Predicted problems + solutions:

Some students dont understand the
difference between skimming and scanning
Explain it to them again if possible.

Materials used:
White board/smart board
Textbook and workbook
Memory cards

Materials hier plakken

For me I think it is a good lesson plan because by using this lesson plan the focus is to improve their
lexis and also teach them skimming and scanning which is helpful for the students. The students are
putting words together on the word web this way they are learning more about they words from this
lesson. However students are on their begin stage of writing and giving them words from the lesson to
use can be helpful with writing and to make a start for the next lessons.
Since they are young and new to this they might not remember the words fast but repeating helps and
also giving different kinds of task related to these words also helps with remembering.
The students are able to learn more about skimming and scanning. Also the students learn to use their
own imagination and make stories about thing they like. By doing this they are more in favor of
actually doing something because they can make up thing they like and talk or write about the things
they like and tell their classmates about it.

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