SPSS Assignment 1: Getting Started

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SPSS Assignment 1: Getting Started

This tutorial will take you throught the first steps needed to use SPSS, a general purpose statistics
program. SPSS is installed on the Windows computer in the computer lab in Olin 207.
To begin, log onto one of these computers using either your Wofford account and password or the
generic lab account. Next, start SPSS by clicking on START at the lower left, select All Programs,
select SPSS Inc from the submenu, and then SPSS 16.0 under SPSS 16.0.

You may be asked whether the program should be allowed to start. Select Allow is you see this screen.

Next, you will briefly see an SPSS splash screen.

After a moment, this will disappear and be replaced by a menu asking what you would like to do. This will be
hovering over a spreadsheet.

Select the radio button Type in data and then click on OK. This will take you to the spread sheet
where you can enter data. In the first column, enter the following data:
1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2
SPSS will add decimal points and trailing zeros to each entry, but you can ignore this.

Your sceen should look something like this:

Once you have entered the data you will create a histogram. From the Graphs menu select
Legacy Dialogs, then Interactive, and then Histogram

The Create Histogram menu will be displayed. This page will allow you to define and format the histogram.
If it isnt already selected, select the first tab, Assign Variables. Then drag VAR00001 to the empty box
above Panel Variables. Your screen should look like this when you have completed this step:

Next, click on the Histogram tab, uncheck Set interval size automatically and change the Number of
intervals to 5.

Finally, select the Titles tab, add the title AP Placement Scores and Whattasamatta U in the
Chart Title: box and in the Chart Subtitle: box, where I have Rocket J. Squirrel, enter your name.
Then click on OK.

You should see a window displaying the histogram.

Now, from the Analyze menu, select Descriptive Statistics and the Descriptives

As before, youll want to use VAR00001.

From Options, select the statistics you want.

This will add descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation to your report.

Print this screen by first clicking on the printer icon or selecting Print on the File menu. Turn in
the printout from this exercise.
You can now exit from SPSS. You will be prompted to save the output and the data set, but you do
not need to save anything. Just select No whenever prompted to save information.

Repeat this process with a data set of your choice of five or more numbers. Turn in the printout for this as well.
Section 4.7, Page 74 describes how some statistics calculators (and programs) use n-1 rather than n
when calculating SD. What does SPSS do? Write your answer on your printout.

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