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Giving a Client a Bath

Time: 20 – 24 min

Equipment: washbasin, soap or cleansing lotion, soap dish, two towels and two wash cloth,
clean gown or pajamas, powder, deodorant, skin ltion, oral care items, hair care items,
shaving item clean gloves, laundry hamper or bag


1. Wash hand
2. Identify client, provide privacy, explain procedure
3. Chek Physician’
4. Don glove
5. Assess for ability to participate in bathing even if on alimited scale. Assess for
precence of IV line, chatheter, tubes, cast, and dressing, Assess for ROM
6. Prep the Environment
a. Gather equipment and take to the bedside
b. Raise bed to a comfortable working height, ensure privacy, regulate tempof
c. Place articles on ever bed table
7. Prep. Client
a. Assist the client to use bedpan or urinal
b. Place the blanket over the client, covering the top linen
c. Loosen top linen at the foot of the bed and remove from under the blanket
d. Place towel under head
e. Help the client move to the side nearest you
f. Remove clients gown or pajama
8. Wash the clients Face and neck
a. Fill the basin ½ full of warm water
b. Put on clean gloves
c. Make a mitt with wash cloth
d. Wash and dry the client’s face
e. Wash the clients eyes with clear water
f. Wash fore head, nose, periorbital areas
g. Wash the postauricular area
h. Wash the front and back of the neck
i. Remove the towel from beneath clients neck
9. Wash the clients arm and hand
10. Wash the clients chest
a. Cover the female clients chest
11. Wash the clients abdomen
a. Expose only the area being wash
12. Wash the clienst Leg and feet
13. Provide preneal care
14. Wash the back, buttocks, perineal area
15. Help client put on clean pajama or gown
16. Assist hair care
17. Assisst with oral care
18. Make the bed with clean linens
19. Ensure clients safety and comfort
20. Leave the clients environment clean and uncluttered
21. Remove and dispose gloves
22. Wash hand
23. Chart

Clients teaching: encourage client to perform as much personal self care as possible

Female Perineal Care

Time: 10min

Equipment: sterile cotton ball, cotton ball immersed in soap solution, sterile water, anticeptic
solution, sterile forcep soaked in antiseptic solution, bed pan, kidney basin with disposable
paper linning, gloves
Indication: Cleaning of the vulva and perineum


• To cleanse the externall genitalia and anal region

• To prevent infection
• To promote hygiene and self esteem


• Prepare matterial
• Wash hand
• Identify client, provide privacy, expalin procedure
• Don glove
• Place bedpan under clients buttocks
• Assist to assume a lithotomy position
• Drape client with top sheet or bath blanket
• Pour warmed water over rerineum
• With sterile forcep take cotton ball soaked in soap solution, start cleaning from inner
to outer part
• Rince with sterile water
• Repeat cleaning and rinsing if necessary
• Dry with celluwipes using same method
• Remove the bed pan
• Dispose of articles or equipment used
• Make sure that the client is adequatly coverd
• Ensure client safety and comfort
• Remove and dispose gloves
• Wash hand
• Chart

Nurse Alert: the most efective way to performe this procedure is with the client in bed

Contraindication: severe vaginal swelling orpain, cervical radiation implant

Client teaching instruct on good perineal hygiene.


Time:10 – 15 min

Equipment:Razor, shaving cream, two towel, washcloth, basin, clean gloves after shave

Indications: Facial hair growth

Objective: to reduce bacterial growth in face, remove facial hair, promote comfort


1. Wash hand
2. Identify client
3. Don glove
4. Place client in sitting position
5. Fill the basin ½ full of warm water
6. Position on toel behnd the clients head and the other over the chest and shoulder
7. Moisten the wash cloth and place it on the face for one min to soften the whiskers
8. Remove wash cloth
9. Apply a thick layer of soap or shaving cream to clients face
10. Pulling the skintaut where necessary, shave with firm and even strokes from
sideburns to chin
11. Remove any excess shaving cream with warm water
12. Remove towels and position client in a comfort and safe position
13. Clean and store the razor
14. Remove and discard gloves
15. Wash hand
16. Chart
Nurse alert: pt on anticoagulant therapy should shave with electric razor

Contraindication: client with facial wound. Refrain from interchanging shaving equipment to
prevent cors contamination.

Shampooing Client in Bed

Time: 15 min

Equipment: shampoo/ conditioner, two bath towels, washcloth, bath blanket, comb and
brush, inflatable basin, water pithcer, wastebasket, water proof pads, gloves cotton balls

Indication: hair should be wash ever 1-2 week depending on client condition

Objective: to stimulate sclap circulation, remove dead cell, and scalp oil.


1. Wash hand
2. Identify client, explain procedure
3. Fill basin with warm water, place to the bed side along with other materials
4. Provide privacy
5. Prepare for Procedure.
a. Place water proof pad under clients head and shoulder
b. Remove hair items or accessory
c. Place ben on flat position
d. Inflate basin under pt head
e. Drape on towel under pt shoulder
f. Uncover upper body,
g. Place the wash cloth over the pts eye
h. Place cotton over pt ears
i. Place receptacle in a position to cathc water.
6. Shampoo the client.
a. Poor water under clients hair untill wet
b. Aplly small amount of shampoo
7. Rinse the hair with warm water
8. Aplly small amount of conditioner
9. Make a turban
10. Change the clients gown
11. Position pt for comfort and safety
12. Dispose of all equipment appropriately
13. Remove nad dispose glove
14. Wash hand
15. Chart

Nurse Alert: use dry shampoo to clean hair of acutely ill client

Contraindications: the client with cranial injury, cranial surgery, or condition that require
intracranial presure monitoring should not have hair wash.

Client teaching: client should be told when he may wash his hair.
Paramedical Department
Borongan, Eastern Samar

Final Outline
Giving a Client a Bath
Female Perineal Care
Shampooing Client in Bed

Presented to:


Subject Instructor

Presented BY
Candido, Lou Kristoffer D.
BSN student

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