Παύλου του θείου και ενδόξου Αποστόλου αι ΙΔ΄ επιστολαί

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Tr A Y A O Y Tor OEIOT KAI ENAOZOY ATOSTOACY ATI It EMIETOAAT EPMHNET@EIZAI MEN EAAHNIETI 110 TOT MAKAPIOT ®EOoo*? T AA K TO Ff APXIEMIEKONOT BOTATAPIAE Merugpastdou 3b eis viv x09 jude xowordpar Buirexror, 5 Lyuses ere Depdpns xamyhaidaoe, rape wo iy paxceie rh ike yeouuers NIKOAHMOT ATIOPEITOY Al TINED ANTITPA@EIZAI Ai’ ANAAQMATQN TOT AOIsIMOT N E oO ® rt T oO T MATPIAPXOY KQNETANTINOYNOAEQE H%y epiroy Toros Eb6Syran oF cusdpoph § abriier W Teweyrord ray Taw reagan Tomeeien 5 Kueitte, § 1 Ekeyurdre Tavexduzpe Kenzer IQANNOT KANMOAIEZETPIA ErMBoTAO? KAL EE AMOPPHTON TOT ZEBAETOT TON PATEION ATTOKPATOPOE KAL BAEIAEME NOAONIAZ, IMEQE AIA@OPON TATMATON POTTIAE KAL AAAGN ATTOKPATOPON KAI BATIAEQN K.T. A, “Aue BE cuv¥pouf xal dar Sardorir “Iepoyedav re nal Aaixav. TOMOZ AETTEPOSE Tip apd KopySive Ddrépoy, tlw) mpdc Taddvac, sw mpde "Edesive aw mpc Didrwrracive, € my TPC Kohaorade reer xp « Erods Bg Lire W iraxiswv ‘Tpoyard uv STE®ANOT KAI NEO®TTOT TQN ATIOPELITON EIS KOINHN AITANTON TON OP@OAORAN QPEAEIAN. ENETIBHEIN. TIAPA TANG @EOAOEIOT T2 EX IQANNINON. 181 9 18319 e*KTPTAAOZ EAEQ @OEOT APXIETIZKOMIOE: KONETANTINOTTIOAEE NEAT POMBE KAI OLKOTMENIKOE MATPIAPXHE. * Me: tir rerrindy % Luyapeddr Evyypaundror, boa d és ABacndress doidipos xip Nixéinuos, 6 xarl 2 ‘Ayidvyper "Opes w'AQro: mg daanreais BiaDdneas dyaras, Er Jerorican, 2 iERaxs rimers, eenxoridn H weed air cuvipabrir dxdpricw Tar He Eig “Iepar BiBdtar x3) Loyypappaner, wi vie dwrorére Ewalaesss, rar eis mt we 'Amo- séhu Maddy, wi Kizrw mir Xaotmar, & eLeuplras mee old cohorts rir ca€qncsor Or0- zrdswr Evyypappdrer we ‘Ayle Tpyyoem wi Madapd, dv rhas astxdora mm zrdsa, we Buewapuosa spde xgucioe, wéroie dzpdras 0 Bamabare drepsynorc, cig cB cuRsEduoros 6 qeiurnses Smeg “Anipy vis xpeig Téyns Bice * Teyoc Sor ontritor, LoyeoeMdey % tis Storeyaew abayrusramr, ricer crandrany 2 povsadinér. TS aim b¢ adds Naxodiyes adr0g ts) yoasios G dEidxptwe } ii Euoyh mv eig rer FYoXzipa copwrdray Epulweay EvSupls éxcire wi Luyados, 5 Biagdpay dar Crournparisds , tx re sig asexdore bx- Redouctns Eepac, deise wap aunt cunerayucin, o damSemcsn dpyorindrare, © diag dmoompendeers yah imebnyiosss BramenoniNucsn, WH perd we xeyose. rod Yadsipos Dimpos exdBorae riv & mig xa9" riuds Marprapyinoie Toxoypageiors, 3/ siueripas cpeeriaig d= Riareirrw. wpovoias mepl rd currcivorra xard Luyly marr rp Xerserdpw Wapduer, 6 Bid roripn Sanaing Xescouspinar % grrondrwr Omqoycedy MesBair EcwBponniv, Tad- mas mis “lepds § uxwpercis BiGrus, dv i zordme wiv xérapror apGusy anapriler, oxd Gide é Maxaplns éxeives aiapreyéucnes,. mpolSem xaparduaiag Téxore éxdava, © afl Rem th énicavion ds ras. spoycreis hatbeac, dmoredac © atid wl Euyypdupame. "AN ixebi meesdoes moinira wscoebioarar, aseBddorw ayer Te rov mg Tumoypae Qing “Exdéveng wipes 3 pla) 8, dd x xivduree drorpiyery wits © mb mparbrume sromBecicy mawnimasy, dv eden TOW’ tiudynece & xowagerig excises Arto, of mapeyres Bee “Orieiretes lepondvaxor bx ni ‘Ayrerdun "Opes bre xp Enpures, © 6 xdp Necouns, éradel § padural pricier wi Maxaelm,. x} wg MapanaraSiinlu ‘lepat Sracatorrc, iv 1B sther Bia Vance avmic 6 gciurnsoc CoroAlad ex arp irw, bri 84 inasdy eebGerHoy dxorms mls Seopireis mporparas % biaarddoas rin Mavayrentw 4g) ZeGacpiwrere Tpo- xariyy ude xupod Tpryceion, mo ev af ‘Arsartuy "Ope iguovyatorme, rah ae ‘Iepas Evrdéews zasroy wir ined Npoxelmy Ociwntrar Narépox (x), panpds o¢drorrat ébcr- roelas, wah dzépyorra pcs akalimets » & aidpsris, x) éxrémwow wiv, ae purer, os aadary re 2 dyrisw hecxopetar Luzwgsrar txelrar Oiromorypdnar « , Ecxalpas pir @ iucis concoucr Exxdnrsasixac ra! adnae ‘Ooiémre , wg) ter! iyxaptian g Lroyiir aporperdusSa mace wis eyed. Eoucser; LaeBior 8 OpSosebors Ops- yorker par ye mpd: wabmar mig xard mimus Apyueparixds Tpsisapobers , &'Aylg Ndi Hart dyamnmis Zuradergcis, srrnpogopucror. rr Sedpescy cxondr wie avnir Ornmres 5 G Be, Umbp tig xowiis UeeAeiag dyairac Unedusuccer, uiadapassos Toate, Sahaarodermepi nds nanwxiacy Barren ainks Lpceds, ) reerneidrres girogpcras , % Sco1 x23 ciorBh rie v2 rpénor ixsor map iaumig rd BiadngScim yeperoags BiANa, tyxerelewer mpec aime wehs ries Uisarus % dupiBorias agin, tis xf rapéraBor, 6 oi OxdSeo Lorne Lacpiar, © durdporor,. cunpyhowru avmic yard vic detous giderieiac mpéc débucw wi ipyu de A6p » yirducees Surdpoumal orrdicefds. @ grroxdrwe weet rid Tumcypaginlus “Exdorty » tra Gi werd wéSe Biamipy diarayi ww guroSks éxciry Ardpéc, 2 woRA zeeh hd our Doylad ¢ dxdpricw adn mevorundmoc, Ad Bp wépag alowr, 6 ef ‘Oneyords deeBas r0- gars as SE asniy avamnyalions Luxsitc Ewmelas , yah 4 atiniy ‘Ooisme, roxdrme me tohewws, éxariAQuar xaiparres , © dy deisel, niv covarriAauparouctor abvic dramdeior wipurss, © pd wabnur of nav nadav rirwy cuvaizios mic Otpavis aiwScer drrmdias, 2 Xesg 29 Kuelg iudr 8 O6h, Fi xders wd dxespor Iraog, Oi Uys 2 i Mroyla we uae usrerdome cm werd waster adnir gorl’. Ex Miu} Mapris , "leBixridros E'- (2) O3 pal dandy wb Tpduuer evcerinds os Kopi Pripeeies fewer Morerugiar 0¥ “Aywniua. "Opus Mpeisasror Tac dpu ‘ csepiyicoy av dixeos ‘Tops ochiecnaer oi fadeerss bw ‘lipqudverce © wp Els wioay viv pir EASE J OSdyyes ales, nal els ra 5 wiper, ric Olxspirns vd pigare adcd (Fad. on. 18.) Tey Auadvrd cor riv Aéyor 78 Oed dofdeus” umaSien J os 73 0 elval cor woud Hudpas & roxrds. Tywirers d8 abrér. Smov yelp f wapi Osos Adacxaria, dnt (Asaray. ray’ Aroséd. Biba. t. Keo. €.) as tpckeroy yerduusvov* 4S Qeds Tepes Ts Ae Ne ee TOT ENAOZOTP KAI TIANET®HMOY ATIOZTOAOY AI AEKATEZSZSAPES ENIZTOAAL. Oropurdure "Apxsemonsme Beuryaplas "Enuela cig iv mpss Kop Siee: Seontpav me "Amosdhe Tlavdu “Emisohiv , peragpacSdice eis 12 daddy (1). ‘LndSerig 71s pds Kop Sisssdeureoas: “Emisohiis (2) HoT Tov Spuedeouny, Ocodisarny,, Ceotek OAM fesiuséor« Ee alria, Wd wd zeta typade pds rod; KoetrSloug zli) 2drépar muri 'EmisoNlus 5 Seer "Anéroner, Grae rela mpdmr yor, Bid rf narl re wy cogsr Oxodderrer » Omer Cropiranres , imerziSu 6 wlyas Mladdos eg rho mpbrly wm “Emisond 1d cadyy cig KéewSor, dpyomdpnce 34, ud md vd exives aunty w Iveipa we “Apscd rd xamyiveran cig Ba deayrandrepe , AW md md vd iinodrodSueav eg adm» respacuol” Een Empeme v2 dizoroyn9} cig weds Kogw Sieve Bid ald rol re redeln dpyomocian, wei did nim Experde&n rd ypdly yh Beurépar “Emisorlid ete admevg. Aevirepor Dé, Bid rf wb re rch Yyway xarrirepor of KoelrQior awd tla) mpairlu “Emeonid, xaresuycsres pddice bid rl) duapriar 13 Aagévmes ld Murpydsroy, ag) AuzuSerres, Bed ) éwaps@redav vd yé- oy eis mir rémor mous rein mapasoula* bid mir Enpeacy 6 Maddog vd txautey ad ands dud Bdiripae “Emisoniig Bi 8,70 nade éxarmydper avrovs drav dudprusa, ibe Expos yeh 12 we dxaurtoy brav BiapSdSuear” BGen vbe xamryopuriad cae i Exesont alm, adel cic Nya rwe pépn amd 1 rédos. Tel- (4) Enutivee dpi Exironi aden renipa, drat xen (2) H Exeond, Som typdpy x02 ois Manizir » cain csgun, 105 fr dypale oc Exiscnas ce & Watney tre xy’. wert at “Aviratir & Kuofou. (Tou, & Tradl werd 9” epi Ocezensninas epson 5 9 Bdirk= ais “Exannzuere ‘Isceins. par, 33 air apes KopirSins apsimns , as apes 6 Onabuipioos« Epistole di $. Paclo. Tom. II. A 2 YMOOETIE THE MPOE KOPINOIOTE B’. EMISTOAHS. Telrr dé, émedd, xand mir Olxoupotior, of KoglrSiee émdardivm dad mils worms we cxloware, wh wdnse dxd mis cE “lovdalar dmepnodvors Xersiarods, yg) émpeoe yar ued cis @ ypdupa med maraucd Népov, esduiler 88 dBidoopar rlad ydew nd "Te od Xewcd, xd dxiPremor cig mic xavxauctous nant mpcwrer, wi drimdlorms wy Thadror uc idideln, yh ovdcrde rdyu abiov* Bd wim éxpedoSn 6 “Axésoros 1d ypd~ ly we) rl) Beurdpay rate "Emicorls* pd rho éxolar éxara pod avmc, did 2} 4Ee- Raroy dzd rlud eunaras pools ms mer perrpyouturlor éxcinor, mpordter d¢ ards ra be Sir wh rd cuvarasploavrae md éxdvor, ws werarodsarre. Aiddencs B8 adds mai eel mi Néuou, ygh Atperyebre Ded xpérer vd mpordxour prov cic 3 Gausdperey ypdu- pa wi Néuov, ama vd épevver 7d de aS ypdumars xexpumposor sdmpa md Teed mms. Kal 8x1, @@ 0b & Xeusds iSce, Eye weerodere Krizic, yg) Bid wim Bob mpé- we rd Coub of Xerrriasod nar lid waraénim mi Néyov, ddAd vd ylrovrae xae voteior ei bha* xarvyopirrag 3% mts xamd mplewmer navzaposee spevdarosérous » draenei boa nand IraSce inip mi Eiayyeov, teh Binpeirae wis dareclas ént Gce* terme wapayrcidas oie atrods v2 yeld duapreiver, BAA rd yeraredy of dear vorrsg, Tedetdrst vin ErisoNud pb eyagictar « EP. — } } ¥ = i 3 iW wih We wi Deg ARe Mes h Me Rea oe ERS PRE a ae ed a ER OB Eee H-NET A: EIZ THN B. PO KOPINOIOTrS. atteteeeees eee: ee neeeee es KE®AAAION. Ay KEIMENON, 1.» Maddog “Artésohog “IneS Xess8, dil Sedijuams Ock % Tre » Stas 6 adergus ©. Pie He NE Pens Ewas & ah meciry “Emcor ioaripuree § Sele Mathes bri dmeuden ele KépurSor iy TizéSeor, terme 884x490 xddw admy éxot yleccen éxeiSev, Bed mim cig rhs dev- tipar ravrly “Exisorty tvévor ay éaumy me Be mer avy TrudSeoy. Se S PrudSe0ey ixaus mig KoewSioug <2 Bousudees Bi Tye ry peri m8 ng) ixo- ruSas tir 16H els: aiénies ud we rd shidpSare, woe cpduam drt axons bid Bip, Mow, 6 Mauros euracsSet wh eledoiuad mip daurdr mu. BM Bi, & drayrise , Bey ord wod svoudCes rip TiugSeoy rénvor 8" ypdides wap pds Odcrrnrioug, meer is Sx1 be Maret réuvoy abi rdot uss ( did. 6. 22.) TOTP OP ay Cnonith en eure yer typade yap cis.mads aims KoeuSlous & rh. xpary Enisod} sued ats a prde Upxor Kuelou spyaberar, og wdyeb"> (at. Kop, 16% 10.) oie BP rh apolar Exrisonlu', rir sroudees adchosy mu* xdusarcas atrdr daa adde spec, wg) and ado rhwiar Broue, aldéerpse, yah esBaepucr « 41 5,20 bnei mopeus » UH ExxAncin roi Ocod aH bon ev KoetS—* Niiniv tts, ¢ Magalies. 2 1 ic \isauses Cote qetandro d 'Anésobas. ‘Exxnclay Wabonideer “wie KoesSiec, bid sd diden advice Swed excivor of Xexsedvol dat Ayu Koesuedlor dvaperabdray, az) ‘Exxdructe Bor ety bre Myerraa* iis 11 Exidacia Bia 1d ein, eusatig, 'S comustabrr » B0r mis “Ayiais dirs wig Sow ev BAp oh Arya B &rSuudras b 'Aadsodog Bdug wig ‘Aylovs, Foe is misods Nessvavode, we wee SeeMefous ets Erlw why “Axaiar (1), cha woh, Bid rd ripley wg KoosrSiove® ined 19 wicou vis mpes admis Emicodis, yaiperd xa) Bdovg nhc dRov;" yh dike B2, Had at HB tr nowy cig Brug yaurperioude me, SunaSpoiles Brac wz Medomorrurious cig. dudsorty , © cuuluylars “d mpde rémc, Bid tt xowais ror Frayer, bid tim ag) nova: Sree mig larpdiess 3 dmcior aim xdurer wapqualac ® eis we Taddras, wa) thems “Efpataus , Hat (1) Teen i thos oi Maps crowiteran Anata, Spe ds lab eee (Pop. ce a6.) 3 4 EPMHNEIA EI THN B’. MPOE KOPINGIOYS. KE®. A’. aupenirrac avrods, Shug nods cvondoas Bi 'Aylus mis mimadc, Beixrer pd aly Myer Biron, br biro10y einae and Saproc aunts Bob erat abies vd Adey dnd wer Tladdor, atv nods river dzmarpar, © xarperioper « 2. 4 Xapis viv, agi doin, obxd Oca Tlarpds rudy, xgl Kuplov » Inrod Xessov “. T, Mzouer, D ti mporpuriueo iucls ls eds, miv "Exxdnolay abe Keoly9ou5 aby vd fae Xeiprs wy Eipriyn ri Osod, yg} 7 Kuetou ‘Inré Xessd, cic trade meoh wero 32 sirouce wrardrspor 95 eis eld apse KoasSing purl (Ker. ad. six. 3.) Spa exe 3. , EvAoynts 6 Ov0¢,.%, Tlarie 7 Kuels udy ‘Ines Xpisé “ Lseseyion tis oie mpdat “Emisorde 3 ‘Anésoree rd Umdyy eis iv Képw Sor, Ener eth) apyondpnoce, Uxdardiccs bri Exouw mod rd dunwSar of KogtrSior ‘Bid vbr dpyoroeian mw, cirdy dnod Lous mporig xaRirepa xd acnl:, yah auyaives 1) Ts frioxdasevas (pd rhe) apscian m. Otdarms dormér rd amodoyndh, O 14 beep His we KeowSiougy Sr iuvedicSn sd Uxdyy mpeg donc, xd mespacpols moc; xa 0 vivo AsSnear, xduvet wporouesdrly 4g) coplu’ sla’ darcheylay mw. Evyacsee, diver, cig ny Ores, Berg wd Adrpacce dad xusduloug* dial vig wyapiriag Bi racmey ainypamdes Oxsepsior, bre ixeine bro dunddites any rd wld indy eg admis, trv peydda xa 22, % mepacpol* dxd mi éxcia, ized © ind SepdSu, wyaessel rv Ordy. Ipine 36 6 aiayrica, 92 xdups sipuld ig ri, y Orde %* yah treme od dpylons Ord nie » B ny Tlamp mi Kuele“ (1) Eni 2 drayreays mime trapela, obra 546 Ord; Manip mo ny Kuedu “ Bcd edyatrer xdvoda drower vénpe Bib, cd 7, 8 Ode B Manip, we aunt, dros ews, xard pot rl) ds Spent, drat Ovds, nant dé tir Orcmra, coat Manip. » O Tlarip ray ofxripudy, % sds olone wapaxaroens, O' Marin; adver, air olaripuate ys res ances, bed Bekon cig dud abcovg modrde cinzipyds x treog, se éxou ws aseBiBacce did avrds mis aéprag ei “ABoUy cig 106 Sroing sxardBlu, © pi iblare vd dmodatcw ude wapnyeelar eg mis SrLeIs 100 + ZwiSerar Bi ixour of “Apis vd droudCour rv Oedry dad xls eepyectag éxed aumis 49H xdup cig ainds* ydew Abyov, Star adm) smiewor eis wr morquor, sroust our Ry Gece Divaply sous, OC Umepacmisi ms" » dyaniowse ques Kieu, 4 ice pe. (Fad, 10. 1) ag) mad yy Kieras Umeparmisic me Catg uu. ( Far. x5’. 2.) “Orar Bo rue ready and rhb oxdmew rir Royionar 4g) dimlw, srodLour nay Ord gurirsss tore » Kuesos garieuss pw" (Far, xs’. 1.) resourrpdrws to) 8 Madreg ralpe #39 crouse Ber air Gedy, Maripa oierippar, 19) Ory deme wapardberue, ard me cusPeBecks dxoi anoret Queen cig ary y ye) EAASH, 49) éerapmyoph9n azd my Oeby (2)+ Bree 28, @ asayrdira, remewopporuilan rei psyddou Madrou* 315,71 alrdc, dyeadd vg) thon rpaiQn dnd rods meipaspeds bod ixcredSer og adniy bid ro xipuyua we Edayyiniov, sung ramewogporary Bed Adyer brs DurpdSuea dxd ainic, xaSay trav déior oe ue, ANd Ayer, ehurpd dia ard atin’s Bid mvs olxrippos we Ors « 40 fx) Ade ob iden aéyw rol 6 Ordserme épun- caps Uddoxwr, de cured yes icv Manip, jp Be 1 fuss rois , dineynese § Orde’ domud_e Kaizen Tomas xj Gander | guar; Kai Tlenip oi Kuoiov sist ‘nod Xessd, (2) 0 34 Orono Spunrdia ob , 6 Tap é Kuojs syst "lused Xess, iv ainsipuar dvr! mo 4,3 ae olxripu rilr 5 ; 9 10) wr iNor srarikur » wh arenas OxTIQUCE wo Tiel suse xe onucscs EPMHNEIA EIS THN Bi NPOE KOPINOIOYE. KE®, A’, 5 ge yO apacangy suds et aden oh Srinba tude“, As Ger é Matdo:, err 6 Orde bad Bod pe diver vd Srfauw, ddd ors uae rapnyopd » Gray TrBépeBa* éxeBs 6 Ores wae aire vd FABdusSa, did vd AdBa- ee mir Ser 2 Bray ude 1H dis umpoluzipcr, © aubuuedouon 12 dronduaper, rére Hae Tapiyepe y a) wasrore Bob wader mapnyoparrde Uas* Bid iw 2 6 Mairec Bod cimer Grr ixcii2s Oni lar goody was émapryspnecs, dRA dod Uae wapuyopd, mdrmers BHA Bird by cig madrl rial Said pdrluy ¥ eig éxeirlun, add eis Rd pag SAL « Els 16 dulurSan ids mapenardy rede ty aden Shiba, dia cis » mapaxdirens, ig mapaxarausSa avzol ind Os". Ory, réyet, id ri inci ueSa dso 12 wapwyepolueSa dnd my Osin, bid aim 6 Od; pas Tasnyepea* AE Bid vd siumepeper wg ues 1d mapnyopiiuce sxelvee Srrod x6. aorrat iz weipacsinds, dd 7 diner was mapdberyua* Syoun vind ld repnyogiar ared duvet’ eis as 6 Oedg* dee xg) doce Xesciarol aBedgo!, Brémovres gusva Fete zapnyecsucwor dvd mh Oriry ph drrondurere, pxdi unpoluxine ede Salles das Boesudtere (1). ME ry Adyor 30 rime Belyyer 6 “Anésonec, melon Grat we Ipyor sar Arzosdhay* Byhabi br1 Grat, ai 9d mapnyopir we reSdupesous, Do mapauney adele tig dsbelar , © incuorly (2), © Sy xadds of LA dandsones, vd SiBurras eig rl avd maucwr rai regi, aah phew cig we olxde rus xaSiporo 9d mapaprimus deedvg ms Xessvards, dad xperdlovrax mapyyoelar, x) mapaxirnow cig 1 rd Uxouciey » 5. "O11 xa Ses wepioreia wi 5 Xe raSiuaw de juds, dow nJid 7S Xesss megposeva % jf Tapaudnors say “ Arwen, Myey iad d drayriica, mis Ife 2 md ad9n a mde meparusy énb iucis, of ‘Andsoror SoxsudCoper * ph xamantoys % mvaprboxvons + $i 6,41 xp mecnastie. ow ds inde ai Biles, yah of mepacuel aiml, roy mesostivow ey inde Gal rae puyoeiae dad my Occr* deh eiwe Bf dzrae muSipam, ad wo Xess we maSipare , iva xi dxd wim sapryophoy move wdoxcrmas Xersrares* Bi 6,71 1d waDigam, Myer) aurdy bat sucig waoxener, crue aSvuare ni Xess, wh nar’ aun) xowrol ynduese rar maSyndmn re" dst, aur apiza 1d frau psyadwnirn wapnyaela eis coche Keston wy rt Cmopcbas ms Salles, mt maSipam we Xesd wl x8 paver mdoxers éxei- ra ened trader 3 Xesds, ahd dxdun yg mecrasdrepe* meesarsdee yap, Niyet, To nm Xewot radiuare sig spac + irr meerarérepa maKoucn apes dad txdra beso Xeisds trader. AisSaiScs B46 “Axdrorog soley Adyar peydder Gxt, usta worby 8 cuenpirer Nyarras* Ex il X Bd oe Xerred megiaseder.f mapyyoota iar * Bror 24p ra cig mv Xeusdy wb apuepsso1” wah Bod Ayer bx i wapnyogla Gye éodperpoe bi whe Srifers dod wdexoucr, adr’ Gru weeuartler wish rds SAYeG pag, teh dred bar wd wORd éxeliar peyadurtpa « 6. 5 Ee (1) "Oem. wi lab dsomuinaiy cs ob ox wh site yy ousisis napayeder aprzpiperme ©, O80 95 6 uae poriv nod dud ait sapere. ( a. Ted. ¥, région den Quaid y,x€m we xhiSer ar clans ao 23.) Gk Beas alzins ouyyupsiras vd Sniferrar of syd oh nupbi ww a wupanrigas tou eepuver las ye . oy tuna we, aurisus Bi re mevoig xxemuecor p20- (2) '0 Bi Ovtdveres Ses dpuardia ok ined oie myer, oo wer, ae bik To's dads igus sae 5 Ueanoes mr BY dnwy Ossr ‘zowdrgas wis augae ugayerias sy KRHOT, 6 * EPMHNEIA EIZ THN B’. MPO KOPINOIOTE. KE@. A’. 6. y Ele SAGoucSa, voip Tis yudy wapaxdiceas, 2% cornpias (1). As apres, Mytty 18 mepdereeSe, D rd cuardaniLer Ge, Xpimravol, Bid rs SALLerg Groi iy 6 ro Xeisw 'Andsodec mdoyw* Bid ri wdeyw mime 3:3 rl sbeebs cas ma prycelar , ng comelar’ eeidi cic rlud eEnoiar was roy sa woh anpdrmopes 1 Buayyé- Juor, fobs vd sleroedlueSa eg tovzlar, ywels rh mdoxapen xguuiar Dridur’ mips Bi, aes xapdrmmcs 1 Evayyéner, bid rd cairauce boas, ta) vd mapuyopirwmer re Vugede cag 31d pdow wi xupdypares, @ tiv tx mod anplyuars mpokommporar miduarindy Byader, bid ram aiampes es Sree B maparuods » Kal oredr, mig SAMLag dma. polouce "bid rhs Ginis eas swmelas” EGov éaeis of bi hur culspcoor, dep ample Bi admis rd rapdrreoSe, a Tig crpyeuiins br Srouoh air aay xuSmudewy, Sy % iusds ” medacoes*. cumele eas, Myer, aim, dvepycirar dxampSérerae, bye ysror pe ale eBinlad was Sroporlad, red drotar Seiyrouce eis wis SriLes srad mderyouce, ad xgh pd sla) wee wiv eas croporl* re i cwmela i ainieas, BoP eva tpyor tg) xaripSapa spose bor wi xyptrrorme 1 Edayyidioy* did xgi beds my aaSoncbar dg a wipyyped wa? Bi 8,11, eaSae dyad mdoya 6 GNGopae, Bid rl xupdrme, Erle wh does OiBeoSe , wh wi urd rand Sroutverar, Bid ri 4xSu76 1 Duby ws wipuyne, O exissloare cs ni KXeurde. Meydabu Be dperld 2 dvdelar papruped brs exes of KoelrSua, émesdh pb wer parpds ta) rife Be zorr we nipuywa ni Edayyerls Kal of eaais spay BeBala nee dudy ot Sapipcn Adyer, ReBalag iz dodgy dedga!, Sr1 Bob Sdrure oadsvdiire dnd Be mepacues. Kal xop aor Dappoduce, Bre Bor Bérers mapay Sire, did ri BAb mere ids wes mdoxouce SNoere roi weipeayes » Ele wapanarsuecde, Unio ri Udy rapaxdicreos % cornpias “ (2). eid} Gimen dewripes , Sri Bie yweas SMdueSa, Bid vd wh qari Sri Ayer xviva goprindy Bap cic curds, bed wm mipa mporSérre Bf, bre G bd Adywras raph popeueSa* Hrs i eBialuas wapryoela, hi dolar rauGdrouer dzd mr Oidr, cat cig Ber atny xaipdr © Rrwkoas Tapnyoela” Bi8,r1 driews ausic Q AdBauce ériybo magn yoelan 1) dveow, adnh i sdivkuas dvesis, crae dpesr? sd wapnyzehay O ieds* bd wig Ee ccynomardive amd la} advla) deo xg) mapnyoplarrlad ‘Bunlal wag « 7. »Eldéns Gre Somep xowwvol ese wiv waSqudtwy , ob xgh Tis j, Topaxdnoens maior. 290s, Myer, Sear jpeg BiaxdsSe, wh wdguuer, wh iods doxdeSe, day yd wagere wapouolas pa eds, we) 1d didaso De" musvmepsmos, teh Bear isis wa pi raparaniysde. This 4 wepmccniusde Ort neal sixd mis mapaixdusid vj wapuyreher yore Ht awerinds ive wert dina 76) 28 xa ve) eposvestana @, Ose ia for 9p 7m DnidoeSe y UEP is Susy ae mbaeriousr 5 x comelas Snidousde . Bens (a) Ennewovecs aycime tnanecagizin Oh 606 3 repryopiunse yw bid rbd Dexdr pee sapere 9) Airisoc’ iniew yoga, aecresniuide’ Fol, om bid tla sbindraas, Tl éxoiay ciuede Badwet 871 Sin FapanansysSe Uap ms Busy wepenniasar 1 a4 WOieS NTE MAB ETE« : EPMHNEIA EIZ THN B’, NPOE KOPINOIOTS. KE®. A’. prropedpeSa dad wr Ocdy, 49h iccis vopilers mag daodaphdrere rad atrlad apne yoekay (1) + 8. ,,O8 yelp Sérouen vuds oyvodiv, adergo’, ump tis SAbeus a» MMar Tig -yevoucing auiv dw on ’Aoin, Str x08’ UrrepBorus » fBuphSnuey (2) deep divauy, Ose eomopnSiva iuis nat : md Sy E eit dvertpa avigepce doglews Bre eoxipale Safi 6 Seiog 'Awdcodec, Sid rit wipe (35 mpoodioeiler © wolay Gridu eBoxluale, yg} cic rly aunty xeupdr Sclyver pe wire cic aris, Bri reve ayamg- éeidh mir Hyamnuctar Qik Arar Thior rd exrepdrou chas cis rer kor mis meessaress wy (3). Kal xormd ei¢ amd, xdurer yg) drcdoylav Bid oh dppomdpnce od dadyy eis curds. Eig rlad “Asia 32, ayer, brs rod ixododnecr aim i SANG, wee} vis dxolac ime xg) ede rlud mpordpar “Exisonlad, Bre dyolac9n cig avrr Scpe meydrn rev mipdsrrav, of Evarsion Suas trey moRel. (ds Kop. 15> 9) (4) Gaterra BF 2d evpatry cha Yr aun, xa’ dmepforlu, x} wi dmip dulaper® aS Be onpaires cha nah 78 aur mo sénua Bt, émod Abper chat wilror’ 6 weparpse bx00 EraSev 6 'Axérono¢, ber x29" ixepforld, iyur usydres* treme, éxcdh dyae Buvarty vd faut © peydros 6 weparuds, § 1d ixoviperut Erg yesvaiag ad xdetva Buverir, xe) peyaréluyer abdpa* Bid rire Méyer 6 Madras, Sre 6 mespacpds oad sucic Coxrudoapcs y Fez WB weyers , 4g} weesardrepes cizd tld Sutaulr as" ree ror dBdeaxme, xg) moos onig, Ore dred éLwropiSmuce © axe avzly elu) Cals* iro, Sst dae B26 érmloaues arter bri Exouen va Cizaper. Tér roiiny weipacusr 6Mpoghms AxGi3 croudler aépres y @ xconoriuam rE "Mbu, 2 maylbac wGardev, dead dad youd ry Sram, Ayar * n Sines “Ade mexenturacds wes mpoloSaedy we mayides Sardre. (Far. 1£'. 5.) 9. 9AM auto eo caumig a dndxpue m5 Sastre expixauen Hs, dyer, Erdesper eis viv éxumiy wag wh tiréeema Hr rho neler, 2 Lipo, © andgac éxod tikay aint w apdymare oxsddr gavalerm sre Exonce sh dneddran Be’ cig rip éaurir pas 38 érdPoper adrla may xeicw gi iter w Sardrev, For foe ae wdrey re depiouce, 5 bus es rhe) @Bixlad was dxdvorar és49n m4 anégects aden Th pee thi! érolas txzpas avr idee medouame re wy Sdrany xaS' iar goftel- forme * megucrérepry Suws amd mv odGov 1% deyieuduas, mt mpdppar dob éxprycipnear* IN bad oe wepag Douudeaper ne Sdramr (3) panes Poa wy" (3) 0 Bé Dérus Aeyay E01 éaae OMéwerns use es: rapnyeaiussa, dase dircibie S11 SIN wenn Si a) taes Eran wizum a SaiLas wh EHpAT- bse" mepeyceie Bi dra dob vd avTpadin conise ars aie mupnapes, § oS vd Meisnarras pir ae wiser on rupeouar , ve Seepiner Ui duns yd dre fojar wh yroveiiurme » Duapeuton yet tla BoiSaar 4 Ou, ai pe lai eawide. (2) Er dike Bap touee 4g (3) Bid cb ci yypauyeder” ev 6 Bentn , a8 Navexgebincase thimee 1a Saranion doz, i8t Be panpign @ ipaud cw dperipnes ld we SI marlin ge ois pines Tey eis pis wésbas. wKai dainsy Aanin os er exer com? 7g » Avaie, ire Misain, 2 79 'Aleosa wit gi- BA, OB» WC pipe eymigurs (Ban Be 170) Kai 6 Zari dye 5, céskor giner, waucasent per apava (Zee 22s 17.) ae pep drat bier ae huis ginins BYE ounwerizer of eres 95 ld snide uty @) eld exonegia® & ‘ rer é Tledher 5 xalpur pam xanpinay , 9) aneiat pte TC Pape + tay ue cai, ald sda, 93 pay ls bred Lopckivszer ¢ Arvoportaes Atudzeier be Esioy. na oo ros Madan, os Smniaur ad Mpstu to Kepes aaiy 1S, GY'O 5 snus debra Sande riya, ob aie nes Sarde oh il ba Cs rip canbibr use vi diye Gri i aoStiue We Upier y Saramr drenasS0, trot okie y émniady , eran 1. Ti decnouue dereir aj of deyawe aiace oo Sa réwv, dye aed ddan, 0 Huds of Thm ew deve teary iq pster shepenutiny dad gh tkiteper 4 Ligrerra: uf ol Mev melo, @ raygifersr ot Sera. O bi sie Xyuresouoe raLasunpe riya” aaepnissqutes wb ies iaeibente thing nd brome eA'TauneySeesde os wr bau yary trv Gepue § nee 8 EPMHNEIA EIS THN B’ POE KOPINOIOYS. KES. "Dvn wt memoDores Sue ey" caumvis, aI emi 1G OG“. pd pi Sapgapor eg ir taurde was, wh cic ras Benders ac, died vd Sapitucy eg we por dy Oxdy* wire bf Meyer 6 Mlabdac, Sys wae aumie deb KEdpey wi mipx expericSn rd doy" axerbh motos mierasbrepor dnd my adder iesuper Bri mpénes 9 Sapper es pdsoy ror Otdy; aid Ayer www, did vd BiBEy ods BRoug eis w édiedy ms mpéowzor y 3 pdSnua tim G mpec reras, bid rd rie reSemloy 12 maxevogperir « Mua ri 38 maw tye, 9 éxtoaper eg rbcoug Sarampspous xurduutss ; did rd wd Saco heeds, agi puerar”. Lo. TB_evdporrt mis vevpode 8s dx ridnodrou Sardrs epeierarro Tenn ing teduplter abe Kop Steg nlp nied vis dvasdenag Adyar y Bud nip dolar vis dine rong Sdacxaniag cg rd apes "Eisele, GeBaudrarrac winds 2 xd rh wapérm Tpdyuane imi Frazyor” 6. Och, Myer, pac ABIpwcce ad rom ueydror Saray B30 cine airduvory AA Sdvarer* BiGjr1 ered wi esdearss rae WOR mpAy Lay Gh Yoyner” Bid samo 6 Vairec Beiyrer Bri adrh: Gras ofa mpayua dae ylvera xdSe indpar « ‘Bid ri Brar 8 Ocde xpablky cha oiSpumer and mg wudag ri Sardmu, cs mas éroiag YoSace, Bed Belyrr Go 7, cpsh andvaaw* Gero euverdiCoper 12 Myauer Bd ws rooms eg Sadar dnwdxioucses drSpeimrus, Eri Adouce repay didsaci. Eig 8y Prmbeaoe Ore nad Er ddrerau A'zd wi rbyia mire 'Amosdrov parQadoucn, B11 i Cai my Xessvaray mpémes ra Weizncrar rabroxe cig. dydva’ 1 8,20 Mywrras dp 4 Madras ber Sere Mas EALSeped- cet) dard dha 6 ede, mponuplrres bre wéier vd AdGy mAIS0s, Sheen B mesparuay » 11. 4, Zuvmoupysyrav % Susy Unie iudy of deioa “. Boots 5 asyoc dni ven draripny Bunebi ry ina pi meroiSéreg Sen ip daumig Foaiven bri ine xamyooia cic pecinsc, ya) ainywansdss ipartporce adrods, id room BG Sepameder rer Néyor atiniy , wg) immareirar te eds ainav dix) Bid ysyarlv Bose ‘Sesap wi mporaciay. OidacxdueSa 34 dnd i396 ramerropporusiln, sxerds Ertmopcn bre Frag Madde éypeidCero rig mporsuyds miv KoessSior® bia ri 3 wap tig “Exxdnolas 3 3 aakSug wiv Kessunrdr puojcés mpsc rér Ouse mpactureh , Ear yirera xaSee mpimery Tpoanis dyer Sulayur, Ose éa8 6 Uips Tadnog ve ixy ypelar ard aueir (1). "bs itm yelp dew aivol in cai «8 ue oo Sani igixeuee” cr Hult oi ops'y= cavtgjverre, Eri ewendyede Tarmus" eT co cunnest pies sorime xihaiay the rj ira pn wereidéing duce ip ave viuer y Tre ph Fearn Grudi) 9j ramunpls nie rp apa SC oale napus 1) ire ye Sma Bi inlas aivien éovyxapusey 6 ‘ ‘we aupuouit” woiar Se 14 Maudy eeyssistzy is dunn Juauisce” 9p i 4p Suauis arte qnair y & daSeeig comiras (8. Kop. 18. 87.) 0 8 Oublorws, dxdepre of Serdar, aie ab Serdee igor inuivdise, cuupsres we fy Ore gurexmr opisSie wi them ,cpiboe Bi apychiog ois per vexpar cvasicws epmusrdose , Wacxwy as Biaor Us a6 eat veneds typ, @ wir Meyirwr ine ‘yon deena mutase (Cz) Aid ci 95. ay Koqupaior Tirper Roxoxduen or ei eles guranlasy i xond enoadiyes mir Xescueri hassel Hid nad weprpion a Toes Fuss yy6 wee dr Tlirpes & unex meoye Be ay exrenis queues dad aie, Exxdnains drapes as Ouse Uwip dora“. ( TIpag. 18+ 5.) EPMHNEIA EIS: THN. B’. NPOE -KOPINOIOYS. KE®. A’ 9g pba ex -roMdy mporsmav was ids yoleyrue drt aoey eyo » UsMy Urea rusy “, Ddsparts Myer ids 8 Ord; ded rly ahduver wi Sandee’ woh Side was Avrpalres cig ai wlRory iva 4 Bid milo oder yesopcin eis tucks ders, hm i xdpls dd nar zonsr wr Uxip éud zpocsuxouctar, wixacisnS} and 7d apewwa, spain dnd Te Gendeas’ 91 ar6 red Binks pov eumesar ye) dnodizpurw tld Bed mar ipdy vas, yord- uchlu, eis Broug ivds éxdpioce 6 Kuesos, ine mod mpscara ta) Cxexeucna eyape Slew rip Otdr Bid Ady ps. MarSdrouce 84 daa mo firey mom, dye Héroy pd mapane- Deiper wir Orde ivag Bid wiv dor, ddd ei 1a eixacisipce auzy Chas Bd wy Oho, Bhiae 345.0 drapraisay Bri eis ria) del uch cice 6 Waaros bru éoulSu dive we wer paruds Bid wis oleripyute Ord ipa 80, eis mig sdxds rar KoeusStar vb) comolar oo. mi ineypdoeran: éxendd apie ual) wd sb Sdn Irt0c, 1d xdusupicr D ince 1 ddvese Has xe, Gi rd rapacadeyce . Bde 84 tim dndun Sri 6 Taide dre Shor vB ap Bo aampSduame, her ths mir repacper dnoduepdcent tbaxce eis mig eae rar Koesr- Stor, bid rd ph nlc adap od OmepupardSiv* Bre adder redelas may arelotwrce amd wi rardpQupa wo, bid vd wh aie xduy ducderipec. Older, Myer, pi Dorpdect 6 Ode ard mie meparuts % we xudubec, crfews & keels eyubonSiire ole ducted iv mpor- Ahr cas, rg) Beizwere rah kos mir Buvarlad cae eauspyiz cig tm 12. HL yp xaynois siusy aden és, 8 wapriptor ig cuwady- mn TEAS TuLay “, A sis Myers dren dnd was xdarer vd mapmyopiueSa, igus i eureiburls yas, ¥ dnote Eaerghe ae Bot DaxdueSa Y remparuols Uxopclouce, bud ma rosnpd ippa Swe dope Sauer, add Bid sla ciperlad tgi bid rd iy ody cwmelar . ‘H mporpz rovrde mapnyeeia ons cixojice, Fre dad whe Oady> aim S43) mapnyoela dai mipa Tyouer, wpedpxerar and zlib xaSapémme tig euuerdiineets ware, Bid amie ‘© xadynzer srowdeer me piavele euveidncw, Bdyrorms pd reir ay Myor, thd emled Bebacora sis exer y Fr Grae xaSapd i curetduels rw. Ore eo hetddrnti, agd ddxpusig Oro Hapropd diver, i Euueiduaic nas; dd of xavxduee; rr pd xd9¢ axrbmm, How wd droripeurr yrduly, ng) ub xz90 cdingivaay, jiyer'u? xaSapsorre Sravolac, ints bel dat sarlea Borer § Uadeesew, aR tr sal, drolar Bigeree o Oose Gs, Be rradsbu, réywy drdmre agi idneiverar cuvarespdgnpor ub teas. Taira be Aye 6 Madaog Bid nie Bodlovg Ld damordrug » OUx & Zooin capris. mh eureldners usr paprupdl, maz curarecpdgnuce ud seas, Byr pd Dewrémm Ade 107) Wai we meeMroxas, x0) copionam: Bid 7) avrd erat 4 Taped copia, cic rhe Droiar, éxeidi of Ld Bamdrohor éxcives Gxepnparcdorm , atinis Gum toarriog axofed Ret ravzlu, x9} dospégerat « » AW & yolpert Ocod aivespalonuen ev 73 Keruy RG saci, Mdper, drespdonuer, St wbsor cig beds, GA a} ei6 Shor abv Kéapov , pi rll map we Oxi pace Séirar eg spas copier, pd me onada Sulpare, w dre fine (1) Or: Bi i anixeinaz apie oot Onis Aiyurar, pu ald Geormudder oh Sundar ou yy Tee tae ay Orinennds 1g dap IKOmL (Dine. 10, ) Epistele di $, Paolo, Tom. II. B 10 EPMHNEIA El THN B', MPOE KOPINGIOTE. KES. A’. Sime xeois 1 Ot. Meyarwrim 31 rapnyoeia drat, rd yrueily ras eg rir cured air we, brs Bob xdures ngniva mpaypa pa arSporisln Sutapir, ad Ue Seiar ydpsr « pUepiosoréous J meds Judis. sc drecpdonser , Myer pi rlad adew re Ost eg éedes bri norm’ de mt owucia, Sacpane, tripe as tod; wi Edayyéror, xaels xguulan whrpanlad . Brire.32, wayrare, bri éxeivo Soi mw xavipSoua, % dpe mm Malay, adris 1 aragipa de miv wdeur 3 C100, aig ior sxelons xaripSoua» 13.05 yep Emre yedgouer viv, din h ad drayodoxere, FY » extywsonere ; Boseas sinasn ce riper peytne éyaciuse Ud byw ne 6 'Ambsonog Bid oe pi, lah quas, ber aim dra xbumos rdyur pdvav, ¥ Sx4 mpapdnar , Bid tim Myer B+ drt Jes wl lun ede opdoouce yw dova buabdlert woh che ms E'nisodde pe aairac, di. pare 34 xg) mpodaBbrras Bid aig dnote, épdosus, 49) cuavaspapi uss Bid, xiv yr bic bod dvese bere bid Déye pe, BOD civaa Gvarria: we wd ypdupare 4g) mle 'Emirodds fs" trot ixdeos bs Hulu ele x8 mpdownor, rar cuvarespepsuly ud 4eas, 6 admis el pat ripe drar ods ypdpa- Meosnad B4 Frlr croucas 16 purér* Ors dxsiva rol Tora od ppdeouce , wi dncia draysdensre, fir erSunllerSe pérov sie ws "Emisonds uw mete BP crdyrarr, croudlerar i orOduneig, © Beurdpa prado, wi mpeyruruciou mdyuamee* dyxard Abyerar dudun aidyvoric, Dh mpm yar TO ARTs wh éyrooucts. Ma ri Nye, 11 iaeis GSuuiCerSe made pd wy Exivords ww; tosis add re ibedpere mac el- vat indus, D ywels 1d ypeacdive redelang Cyne wee} rodner, pdm rd jrar Qa spe sig bade, tah eyracpcie. wEAmite 8 bre % bag rédag exrpdrer Se“ 14. KaSos agi emeyrwre musis td ptpous". E, nv Osdy dgnpdror Sdor wo war bAndsonos* Bi ,r1 éhaila, Abyet, cig wy Ocdr, Ber Shreve yds yravioere wis eueSa moire, soleus pds delyrovr yg ji ‘Emisonaic pas, & i xpordpa yas Can BrBaadsos* Bi 8,11 dxd ydpos wdror éaeic wads. éyrueloere y rot pag SBoxipacere, mes word édei¥auon Husis cig brag mecsnd rive yg oAlya onpddra Luis drapimy* mim B¢ Ayes mareiopperdvras 6 Aésono (1)+ » Orr xadynun Busy cower, xaBdiren % Uudis iudv, 0 TH sue » pe TS Kuels jar “Inod Xessd Diver, Sédere qragleers; brs uae xadgnaa Windy was, rs bre roodms ixarcs uae, doe b73 vd cas Bidw dgepuld rd xavxarSe diéub, ors Exere modmy Aiddona- dor, bs rug Deb ods ebidaze agriva asSpariv0r, Lre civae Carros ygh Borspds. "Emer re Bid 1d wh Qarh Err Alper 6 ‘Amésoros Did Adywmu peydra tire Q Umepioara Adysa ~ xdpres xotrde xd nadgnua Bayes” Srt davis elaGe xadyrua ddiadrwy* 818,71 bye SE Do xavyn9e mae dncumen morinss paSwrds, éxi bed cadsvorrar, Ure dmanurrae ard wig Ldbucrosbnug~ wore Bi, 8 67d Siro xavynSe aig érdc, agi teeic ais epohe 3 Kad roa poh, eis rid mapicav Coir, wddisa 32 rire sic rir siudpar éxelvln m6 Kpioews* Bid x}, ripe pod, of momo! ag) Ayrwser drSparror, BNzxover pdror ms xeArnyoekas y ebvoseat Alyy Sot elcome exer 6 nos 15 duxcieur, ais ant of Meine ye n ager waver ob yragiceTe, bid 12 reeds buenas ape air Ldbereccnel + ewig Tos Koqudive aris See acriBaner werrenis EPMHNEIA EI THN’ B’. IPOS KOPINOIOYS.. KE®: A‘. Ir gw dreidiapiic Exot xdavours x28" iudr of dedanésotor* 49) leas ude xemyopien E cont of Ihoe, 208 32 tic vlad iudpar mie Kelseacs ya ob 16 iyur od Eeoxsrac Sir ther oare 2 tya, brs Bed eluat, reais, x29 of Jeubanésorer pd vamyopier* © datig 34, Dre yoby xadynua adindr es, ded rl iz. aunig dod éxeio Sree 15. ,, Kal morn Te memaSioa: (Bovrcum erxSav wpdg vudis we 2, Tporepoy M. rolar memol Suet yah Sdpios Nye, D Madore Madre, Bre HSedec vd dadyys tig ws KopwSioug; ma m9 12 pl agedpw, Myer, eis vlad cveldnoie we xgybva arosypsr” BE rb rd euas xadznud cas pb 7 vd po cuwarespapine eis kos us caperelas a Qisr, aad wt xdew Orad- apigpl 2d doce Geds wdpropas Ghar aime Wir wader Bid mim, Adyar, HGerov rd AIH, Sapidrmas ei, doa: "Dox devregeey oyeipir Eagnre ret Bid rd tyere Bmdiv yapdr, lar, did rly mpebrliv'Emieronbe’ bxod ods Fseda (1)* i bdbrpar, bid thal wapuelay pa 16. 5, Kal di judy dieaSeiy als Mauxedorian Aveete rar 85, mas sig viv zpcbrlu Exisonlul cimce 6 Naddeg brr Sho TAS fis dvds, érar biaxtpdew lu) Maxeoriar, 633 88 Adee Ext HQedor vd ENSw aporirepae gis drag, ri Dover Gvarridverar b Ardsodos ating cig my éavrbe v8 ;. woh ychorm |. 34 8,71 deh cizev, bri mpolypada maz ixw vd dmdyw cg Maxedorlay Bid plow bod; mv Kou Siar” GX dace ért iSehor wim. 'Exadi do ya) 13 yi cae Typada tne, Mya, Spws fradiaton 2 W900» 22 GA9w eg. éodg, wgh xpd 1S axdyn 12 ibd Tl MaxsBoviar . Keb motny diy dudrura ra Se cis fede y Dod aSenicw ld ixsrxsrls Me, aise bx g ra rerediow clu uxdcxeciy ws mbrbn iSédknce mpd we Brag Seem, xaups » Kal wid and Maxedoviag EXSGy rpos Us agi vo’ Judy ‘rpo- » TepSivar es tld ‘Tovdaiew “. sedis zt mpalsly "Emisorli nen ddioctoasy br desic tyere rd ud’ mpomtuert éxcly Gre Sire ra Crdyw, voRinwos, pirws cint uch, Ext Siw Umdye cig rd “ledatar, dram Ui drapnagQels dnd x "Ayior seine 14 indy cig ERe wipes, Yaag 4SOe oe af Adsng* mbpa 28, éwedi dadzuye wi oxored ya) Bed Umayer cig r00t KoewSioug , Bed wm Sapparms , Myer es avnls- “Gry F9ercr sal vd xpomeugSaG dxd rdyx oag cle rlad Tedatar, ath’ 6 Ord; Sob HS¢Ance 9d FAS rerelag eis toads, dre rd mpomeueda and Aoys cas cig tld 'Isdalar* duue B8 x ma dxdruSae 17: » Tobit Sy Bedduovos: ( 2) mitt dow oH edapeser expnrciutn; wt & Bovreionat, xami ooexa Bovrdoua; ira 7 tag. euot wT val, val, nat we 8, 8% E,; Parpd Myer 6 Natroc vlat aiziar, bid lu! dolar dpyondpret rd dxdyy cig rie KeewSioug, x} Avyes* Bid olay airiay bed GrSov cig feds; dpdye Bid ri dar éhagpds (1) Exe ay 1 ASeer xen Geran dua chat Sniper eapecinn , fy xen cl Keoing, ded las erdinly Exicen som, Enuiveet 41 rape op Otcloginy , avri rd, fs Madan, @Ad die chs epsint wepusies, iv & Ted- yee, arth Qpianerer. aris UT aapiran w@ Eiayyinor, wi (2) aaa ‘Vijpenre raped 9 Ouingiry . 2 12 EPMHNEIA EIS THN B’, [POE KOPINOIOTE. KES. A’, ig mie Aoyirudr, 2 aixorowerdfrnroc, dha wos Myw mir ular gopdr, ddra be yw tla) dln; O40" dpaye 34 xard odpr2, igus dvSpemivac ourdouar, 8 xvBipranar pd tla) Biniv ws yralune, Ose smod, ixcivo éxe dxepaciow eig ror Aayiousr wx, éxen0 Wg) 1d reeudow, adore sal, ade re by; dre roire By crac? Bid 1) dyouae wD xukep- viuae did rh" Ayer Trade, 4g) Bob bye eFuelar 2d anyaisw bre Stho, ad’ Ore ps aposdén 7b Wnsipa* dee brs, woais gopais cis éuche, xb rat, deb Gyoe sal emeds Bob galrerat rive dperdr cig rd Mosiua rd "Ayior. Od bt 3, 8, drat xorrd ele gucha B° Bud ri éxdivo éxi bya Beh Sérw, wird we mposdler vd xdpa vd Teeipa. Bére 88 copier wi Mauda, mabe éxcivo dred of xarmyepteres aviv ABaméconor, éxapsar airiar xarm yoelas nar’ avi, Byrahi wb sd xoryeDh vd Cxdyy es KéewSor, ya) Ererra od mld Umdyy, mi, Myw, é Maidoc Baier ebp ig wi syramls rar Aree mw rd ply cEsoidy dummy r3y favs 8, GAA vd Oeperat xd wd Mveipa mi "Apter, Grou av éxcvo SEAn« "AN Seer dropien ruds* nad rh; éxGro bad dado yem 3 Maddog rr ixer rd Uxdy yn Gig KépurSer, xwels rl dvdpyerar ,’ aah xivnow 7S ‘Aybe Trdipars Uxdxere, 23) 30) REdpoe ixeivo ors pda vd yoip; cig 1 dmoion ipeic droxerrdueSa, bri, val, doh 78 REdpor* éxerdi ka Bob rd éyrdesCen* EGov yg) émapardrce vd rdGy éxcive émod Boh cunigspor eg avzdr* xaSae mapsadrer mi Oxiv vd cuxaS} dard aunty b exdho} aie eap- x8¢) tres of Gearrioducros es 3 wipuypa, xa) dod conndeSu, Bed 7) Sob hmv ounplpar. Cs Kop. 18’. 8.) Kai cig mle Mpdbers 84 galrerar Bri 6 Madras Sérweneg vd dmdyy cig aR mépos, éumodicSy aad x} Tedua mw "Avior ., ASérre¢ yap, Adyer 6 ‘Tepds Au 9 #45, xard tld Mociar, éxelpator xard ri BiQuriar wopdec Pat, 2 vx dasce avnig w» 0 moeiua, (Med, 16’. 7.) Tam 38 txapsce 6 Oeds eungepsonoe, did vd pn mpocd- xe dig mie “Amosddus of dv Spare dade eis Orcs, xaSade re tmador of & rh Auxaon'g xariniirres, 9) avduakor , roy wc) BaprdBay, Sia, rap 88 Madacy, “Epgedy, os gadreras cig ws avrac Mpd¥ers. (Keo. 1810.) (1) a 3B. 4) Me (2) Exabi 28 nant aor Waizvr, usopeel dxopier “dpa ye é Tadnes as aie Beadieray x as sou iiberdive, nant sagna mi afundiee fe dla oie deceims avmir Nie + dan at aodypare yerines de ic erdguerine’ of ae oxonind » Td du wa trdmatind as 8 at, ere oh Biye es ig Tiveas 5 15 de ats dormis. Opcive og mi apm nnd, he yeh drat towrria es 7d Hrdex 8 Avion, ey i xed nip qoute owniuws Bia Biapivre 5 te" Seeeiiarm ar deveis oy pi wivat yh Bid. seh cypurelar® ve) denac vieiy, nama apne ped yer frarria we we Undue , sit wom 6 Maines éf adidny dg 6 od aveyesia aS0 ais gltews » ot wh foaria ds <6 Tncua’, éSerdiem wondus 6 Tedxes ibe ad sir Bédnow oe "Ayla Thdivans” See ted esse ad ce elie, epi, gdh ed dyapriaa® ana 3, eras duapopenitd’ wed ard el srdiperina, 6x6 bums 15 Coavrie oie of rrdparin x8" Gein diae eo buifanm mide me poeta, guy ‘ai y rica Surety evblpamey 9 mt er cor a epriyiagatinr , Niyouee det 3 Masnes igh yd cay Boyusour oie TH i Wardiew, dance Osi : we" ahd whier ixipvere, wh dpneioycras w) ereceducies te aim 0 tye y priula te Ribas © ( a. Kopd, Ge ie ais iad 28 Xeysos soucdsondiions , Fed ager len yd Beurdieran, ake 18 gursray casas, US nat &, ée 0 Bae ba Hy Muitsns wepeyyihne » piety a Ken C10.) Teh WHY ap KIKe ay Everton His just» eou~ wo wey 3 Taine, dad xem edu (Berdiero , Bid td etepion, wi'ed Sanenicy adem” os HE Boe wed v2 rimsran, 9 eriemm” He vd dade yy rederd, xy durddilew dnd os Thaiua’ iSene vd wba dodevi § TyecSees, 19} tioSevu* iSene ve jalud see Evaro Ws wizye, 9 eral 9 brah fects dim fis dumbasing bee Bandioe fet Be ddiquar. Ope og rin ys 8g. @ Keg, ais apie ‘Pou. 93 civ 18, 7a 8. Koper, ie ois Ousveronads epson . J on OF Ovsideyms ime ipumdia fv yy Bie ceSunce vara, dt 78 yes apis der 22 ite xeipcc ius ore Suppiman ie mt we prtdzeas werdonas Sse, ral wes vite, Wal Wh je dpiada” 03 By dingy, iw Sm lal rea srbendiny Tre dx wanris goire old FeiSeuie oa price. Tim yap riya.” 9 Berdioust, xem onrxd Dbondiowes tre f rep uct Sry tay ae Ss Deo 6 pte tats ae expnds emiSepias JyGxd abn near edperea Aayiousry xdr a iter gwen" 5 34 copzérwe, Berd 3, Serer Berdinras , suniiw 3¢ obey poder dotpasy ox Privisnes 9 Geos EPMHNEIA EIS THN B'. MPOS KOPINOIOTE. KEo. A’. 13 18, ,, Thisds do 6 @cds, Bre é Asyos sudy é ods Uuds, de eybve Ral, nai ob Eos aca pisr aristen 5 ‘Androneg* dxduSor ydp mp sd caf rude" drlowg, & Maxders Nadie, ixciva én Abyesc Bob divas GiGaia, RS woRAT, gopaie yee rely B eefenerar dx1, eoBiusSa, whens ag) 6 déyos wou Mg) 1 wipuyd ew sya re1iT vay 8 bt: yur daantcamr, 6 dGiGauor. Tadrw dovrdr vip artisaciy Nas, Myer" Sr Th Hoh vd UmonyeSa eye 10 280 cig éxs 5 ram dr tis rlal yrduby vlad Goal wa, B12 zoiim x) dztruxer 76 exoni, aah Bob HASov~ 13 BF nxpuyua, 40h 6 Adyoc pw, 30d, Firat Bind, ad rar we Ocd* BSo0 advae abuser vd yéveur Lduare we we Ons mpdyua- wa. Aid wim § Adyar misdg drat 3 Oté¢, Hur ddnic* See dedi sloae 6 Orde Crw- Sic, dower J 3 Aby05 ww Oed', wy émoion dye éxnpuba vig éxdc, Bos sloae Lede, aa Frame, wh aBiBaros, agi more pod val, cord B46, xi" GAN dlrae sdrrore arnDIs y wah BéBaas. 19. »‘O yelp m5 Oc Tids “Inrois Xessds, 6 w Uudy oi iby wy. 2 poy SeIs di eu, % Sidsavs (1), % TioSes , ovx eysvere wil, % 8° AMA val ow avTG yeyoren®, A vrscdue Alves 2G J Seios "Axésones , srolog Adyos Bob tyure val ah Bxu* yar oes Ayosy mips wed ixapdrrem Urls, mipa 22, aReorpdnac* aE Eye wdvey vai? tyow dxypixSn Pebaiws 43) dvaparardines. Neyer dormir bri aime 8 My05_ drat 6 Ynods Xerces, 6 Vids yah Abyos me Ost: éxeidh airbs rev An i cwdSec1c mi "Aros0 Aine aupdyparos . “AexSuci B4 yg) nh wARTOG Exeivar Sxl bulpubar rév Mbycr adrby* 2 Hel, Baird xdup sla papruglar m akibzisos* éxedn y bx) ‘séuaros Btw wapripes, yh tear, saSivsra mar sina. (Mar. rie 16.) Kat diho 3 bid 1d BddZy move KeewSivs ramewogpordsn* ici § mets % mrmine Nadros ws ebieds mo wadunie Srodbes, rg} xdyvet ounsdidaonddus , éuoles pd wr tare ws 20. "Ora yelp Emayyedia OS, cv adnS, w val, % ev ars, », "Auld, 75 Och meds day dt judy “. E 2 wipuyua we Edayyerlou moRa cae ixeira dmod ixayyé horas ixbeyorrat Grd mr Quir’ lor dsdzazig vespav, yoSeria, eduane dgSapeiz, § xado\tas autir, Odaides we Rorme aisvoc. Adyer Doman 6 Maihos y Gx Sys weror wi xipuyua mdovore Gra ath, wai Reuters axypixSn* aha 4g) ai bv ro xuplyyart exayyerlar eg) Szorxtous Ont cas BiGaratsy eh wasrore ji auraig* bid ri; bri show vnoeysous B Ors doa B 6 Os indaxsrer, & abrg 1G 'Oep Eywor 93 ral 10h rd6 ‘Apiy Nyer Fxoues wi féBacr , xg} dperdfduny (2) bedi Beh Gererbvorrae’ pd rhe’ Braj rode wpm, ira dxokeSiey wi vd ph mdewSiv' aA rererorra pd rid dulap ne Oss» Berus var avmd-uhauog, x) Dob evae spdx0s vd wh wrewSo5, xg) vd ph peber Pfam ai dmoryiver; m4* ydroy 86 Bid rh 6 Orig elvax tasBustapos , 1d wee herd. sot jt) OB Cuisines aiyuy der é Enraanic dias , dipaosstas dvr 4 ice Einas eel a Sroiu’ éviuncor Spe ve ela Srotnwiven o epee Kipehalv, i ante sine ais 96 Ngoaronixds apams , on, ahd ap} 6 od, atlus (2) © 46 Orcbvesws oda 4 apcsins Sekoroysas wp Modal 9 Oui ad deeyyenier, cpar draseaicy 0 xeeieras ao nxms €0987i«, Con arradiones , Oupan wa Kew 4, dome 7%) exayyeniet Ove pie? Gad Wm base caw Ore did oy Mi nbs. dirp 18 OW ixees we vai" yj bv dung og 9 TiS xayepiae” 53a Xap ag UF dows p igus "Ayas.* emvapizouce Susy. Te i suse aioe» ody’ danas apecdSanee, wane dubdener Fate 6 eppedixsueres Tesdie, apsooti we 14° EPMHNEIA EIS THN B, POE KOPINOIOYE. KE®. A’. v0t_4gh rhe. Cmorxéoers, dri xdups GR’ bri ab Uxooxsoers aura, euar mpde dobar Os. “OSe# nai 6 Osdz, @F Bxt Ded dio, AIA’ Sums Did mv sini Bae cE draws Sider rl wredees* Tas Bb Séder mz radon; did pdow iar mir misér, ree Bid ise war tic, ide we mises Lepyersix gh xaeimwn ms* Bi byes iusis of isdlorme pi vd BexdusGa Bid wig Misews wt imayyedduore wapd wm Oss, yudasSa alrice €'¢ my Osby 1d wercidoy Te imayyerlas 0 dmorxioes wm. “Avizws dandy af éxayytMar tH Oss dra Fifaiae, wodG waror 6 Oeds, Gd mel W Oct Adbyos Grae GéBaos* F x9) Baws vociras 1 Bf ripav* mertsi, poe Beka Oot, Td Bid phew iiuady apooayoposl eis adrér* Did wdow ydp ipa av misav, bogdCera 6 Océ. (1). 21. 5, O dé BeBudy fuss oy iuiv ds Xesev, ag yeloas muds » OH. , 22. 0 % Topauyladwevos Huds, nad dds wr dgda@dva 7e Ted Bates ev THis xapdias nor ..“* E aah chron aswrépw 6: Maddog Grr 6 Oeds reResdvor rag émayyedlas & ror ydoes m » rapa xaaordaler tm © Myer, bri 6 Orde rar dre Bide Q aura wt vd sdxerde évelg Ribas eis aly Wis wi Xersw, € 670 avms 6 Mddenaddzeas’ © 6 Cede evar bad wae Fxpise Duds twepdyicer , Hyuv mas traps Npoplras , & Bacieis 'lepeis (2)* (ered ra rpia raypame aur dxeiovm wd sopindy taser). Toiiires yap eivae xd9e Xeusiards Si anricSi, yer elrax Mpoghmng , bid xi sides éxeiva éxd épSaruss capainds Bo) cider © inuces excva 62d adr capuinéy Bix buwoon” erat ‘lepeds, Dud 1} ypeased 9d paar Gio rhe daurt me Sualay Cécar, dolar, eidperor mf Och, xz9de Adyar 6 adsts Mav- dos (Pay. 16, 1.) era SBarirede nde Xersrards, did x) dywew yss xard ydewr we fxvparts Baoiriag* bid th pdher vd yosy cig rld daly Cale’, wAvporduos mag Barre reas, © bid x) cig wld mapioar Calud,, Bacsrever aqh cLeoidler mie xxuds Noperpous 8 dra avdrpos and Ehor wey Kéouor, gh we wi Kéops rpdypam. KaSae Dorman wr araicr xasper of Tpcgirar, xa) ‘lepcis , ya) Baosdejc. éxesorm qe wd aic Suns Eraoy™ Fle. aah mip speig of Xersrasol , exzieSnmor we we Mvedpa wm "Ayior a vourty Gator, Bi we vd bdoxce 6 Ord; eg mde napdlacuag rr dpiaRava 2 rb eedyupon wi ‘Ayie Made Hams * ec BF my appahare x8) Wd pipes Boner cis tiudc, Bias Sérer dice xg} 0 Bron. “Apgaara B¢ Adyar Bra md xaeelepare we 'Ayls Moeluanc, mf didducea eg ms abioug & rh xapdoy Cay émeidi, nant my admy addy Naddor 5, bx pépus yivdbexo- ay HOP, wah x tps mpopuredopeer * ( da. Kop. £y/. 9): mbre 38 Sércpce AdLouce 7 xi Aetor, Bran 6 Xeisds QarepuSh cig rld Boban my xard ry aldra wv pO Rorm. MA ro- uilere dome Myer, & Xerciasol, brs jpas Guede dad ed; drerxlSyuce mis drayye Dias, % bid tem lows QofdiaSe drt Séroucw gaviuce Leica’ exert, ¥vdb Hues aus- Sa bres wae cnetbouce ots 7a; éxapyeNas madras, dA’ 3 Orde cinae ded % Undexerat ® supler eis rds Urorytows m w inas, © éodc* BSor adnis daar éms pérher vd mrere- oy § oda bow cmeayéSn- Bi bri eeaSer apie vd Urantoys, & draysase, mis Be vociras rls 6 d4y05 res xamd Daerlir wi purty yur, br1 8 nls b CeGadr, 8 xeloasy D eopaqieducree sae, aun; reredror G ras Cdiadsw ézayyerlac , Qdxorxiocs (3) 23s yy Epes (2) Adrera B d B ude nd rondiy aye od bid pow iyi iy “Amecarer, oir aupitcvme oh Evayyiner, iGbuteccy 6 Otés aie Erayyinias ce. (2) "Heer inquee 6 Oeie caus as Xossuante Mp ° wim, xf Basinns yj ‘lepts , oo xem clus ‘Dial spor : CAgex. 6. 10.) Reyeursly TIpepureier, 1g Barada, 95 Trpwousla” nam eavirly yap wster dra Upcpiras, ej Beaune, od evan, rei xan’ Emwbit site se) "Tene Geo, nayBever wb jeisue ) Thi xdeyr wine rikewr ont, tou" clot 46 36 Grdasae HUEY He tis Tpopnrder, xp Bacincas, vy ‘Lepuouine” ade xae yy Xesedr, wh Koioas Heads » Onis dowte Ere b aw rlas xeuémmpor meh aScrinsnyger vexpcéln Tpepe~ ere dvaymday Keaalera acm ,, yesem tuts ve Tear, 95 Basirder, 73 "Wnpuauslu* ime 72 wl Ov yiry Uxoriyuns @ aid Miya awh 8 Xpuees iris Nig rv Biveres vd gobo EPMHNEIA EIS THN B’, NPOE KOPINOIOTS, KE, A’, 1s 23. "Bye Jf pudervpe ty Oxdy ProahSua eri cud dul Wu: » XW» O71 adiueros Uusv dx rr FAS dg KeewSoy “ A creete yernives DBP + Bed a}, draripw pod eee § eddes, Bsr Bid wm Bod B- Ser eis, KéetrSor Bid at Bed ror eg ain chwclar rl) eBralat wos oat surrodle' bu. dvd B Breiua wb “Aysor” apa 8 Myers brs dumewcvos » mordivms bid toe, Be) The 2075 tig Adow mg dnoekas droneniueSay br1 ¥ and wy wld Urdyy 6 Thaidos ele KéewSer rvreucros 23 mordirmas Bid me KoesrSiuc, xg) adnd Myw, try died we ‘Aye Tireduams* treidi ni Maina 1 “Aywor towSce sxive ave 1d pla) drdyy cig Koon Ser, apeRdmay rlu) Bid rods KoewrSioug duirlw xg cvunérecw éad tyr v8 AaBn% Fgh B21) xarl ob rh) dpxlad nh Toeiua w@ A'yior auncbite rip Maidan 9d pled dndyy Cdsepor 38 D adris ésoxdo On dad Adyum, Sr wim evar vaINinpor, ESev yah iuctes. BAlne 3b tla} wopias si Madan’ éxeibi yap’ of KoelsS101 Weyer cig mv Matar, Ger bid sim Bor TAS«5 y Lid zh was dudonses “6 Mairog Akyer cic avmi; mB Gvareion Ber Bid ire Bo INGer, Bid rh ode dyad, x beh Siw vd ods Aumow. Tdm Be xd Myer, bid a! Ime wsgsaal tis sli KéenSer be dudpmror, % Bo cuemader, wis doles WSC wededey 8 Madras y dar émtyavee eis Kee Ser, ri sguonce aunty adiopSdre nai cuemronaer “Expéepere devdsy iva Srar éncivos DiopSwSou we € ats omdyy , G Bed elon XGee plas aiviay vd ws’ xadeccy. 24. » Ody, brit xugsetousy Judy ig Tisees, eine cunspyol comer 1 Tis saps uy" E25 ixtives & Abyas émi ence druripw 6 Maire, tyous a, Err ods Aumipar Boh Bidw vd ods masdivew , dgaireto Grr elrae avSerrinds 9) cEuorainss* (Bi vy intl, peg Ome rurds DumGirat a3 36) Side vd marddey, avr rue dworashe 4a) 1d be mae, Bdioy. J dud wim iarpdlea mipx BF rho epaxiimm ws dbpu Aya, G11 Amer wos ode Avawpat, B dob Sirw rd oa raudsow, bx! Bid =? dune duciarig, abSebne te Nie stds eas, ( ined i Mists doar wie xpoaipizeas, 2 xgrevas ed miayadla od miedien 5 fxcivoy 7% Bob Sire) dha Srov bri ca; Mumspat, wi dod Sow td ede waddier Bed rh i ABimloas yapd dros Pinius* 2 did wim Bed WASor cig KéewSer, Bid vd ph was Ade cic Adal, 3 anohuSos Bid vd wh omWSd © dyad, WW E,rt bra me ndpre Bed hd aiali was apdr* gh Bd rime! Iuewa og Bcd Sor, Ina delenwrnle exe dap, Seucing and rir goBteieudy pdror Exe ads inna, oe biaquddte ce xapary 16) Bob as Aumiew (1). TF yep Wise Essa userid Aare cig adnig 139, Bid vr} mls cardwruke wodhd ele tla! pebrlw "Enso. becive 34 dat Neyer, dyer msirer sinun’ ds wed at vig Mista, Myer, telucede, a es niya ins Bid it aber soi- dak av fngsim intvar cd Kueiv, dy dee ape awcce 4 Maines cxpisene wai “Ayiar Tyid. as "Arecchee yy (ded Gye rerthnw tld tear, Maip yas, § BeBauin ude de Xess, veg y, rier a Tard yw vp cuae’ cuss Bi mesinen oy eines dud od “Ayia Hrwiuarssy aie Tai ona ‘lnwcedig » foc ob eionsde Birman UTCOX, 2 a Eusparice O Anions erg a Ns. + (Aen. xd.) Kari oy aise “Apyeorlio « 19.179. diy, br, bid “air jude ” (x) Eigabiv wi alee aig Mo arene) lbecruras w wocinor 74 Ovioa 4y 84 yap vids li eas ded i ty ewe nde Murs” x09) 6, 07 i ‘epiae xojonrer vals Gaferci. yémicweeuce y ine doodtvinn DeEdure, cusiat 9 A Moros ay cteeris. bupsas Tnounrec yy 10s woe ott raoutse, toeynes mies nea alt of nse x8 Sisrslur. Guat tipune, aa be opera egnernéucvans ar apbadine ed 'Ayioy yams enouaritt Uhdr waneyis Woven po Tveiparog *, Tobre ie og Musiesor Surix 30 xed 16° EPMHNEIA EIS THN B’. MPOE KOPINOIOYS. KES. A’, J) Bud tim Bod dor vd oe xamyoplew cig aiml* cig Eda Bi ivardbuede Fred deb uwpSeam, Sedov rd ods addew, ¥ daoddduz i3ee xaes mi énoie, ig Auras y dy DumiSuna dd Abywoas, Bid mi minim dpapriuame oxe xdpvere. KE@AAAION B. 1. yy Exp dé tuours tobm, Tw mn woAw ey AUmy CASAY pds » Upais “, Nowrse, w 5, waa Beixver 6 Amdsodog Srt yo) Hore shui Su amd wis Koen Sieg 1)* Bob dare BF qusepd bri ud Bumioare doe, @AA-ud Gov xpdzor* Hyouwn , Bt ba iw do) BASor, Bid 1d pl i umiw adn, 7 émoion des wo ab aveh vdya* ixedi Bid wim BiBaa Q ais time mis KoewSls wi ci tripe, dd ri 2 admh Brixoun admy ph md duapriuara éx3 txapvas* dyxadd, Myw, sim ter 7 ait) rbk- pa, buss ed dae shoor iximdyxzinie , xa8ds ior od ‘hy Ureyco, Ses pd druwbeare « De 5 Ei ‘yde eye AvTé_ wud, ngh tis esi 6 Wopalvorue , dui 6 Aumsevos €& cus ‘ Ayes, Myety ode Aumd Bid vi ode Emirs, 2 ode dwospiooua , aR’ Suae Bi add vim dopairouaey drs, xaSdz galverasy eis old zyelad wt & igen, Bid we m dumdiaSe, rar syd os azosplowpia, Y vas émermad* 343,26 xgrivas dos Boo pi dopairer ricor , xaSec us dippalver ixcivos Sra dumeirar, Srar pe Prbay 12 cpyila- Hees gavepdros yap pes rlod Adalw dad AapAdves, Bre Bod wd xarapperdi~ 33ce, éreids 1G Bid wir Biber xarde drmidag drs Fyer sd BiopIuSF, xamt wim G sucka Aopatrer. 3. ,, Kal Pypanbe vuiy ave tem“ (2), THis, ayers ae Lopate; br rumdperoe 12 uh oie waddow, 312 sim Boh Be Sor. IF 88 im Fypadns ek rad Emvvonla) ravelu (3). , "ba wi eASey, AUT oyS, ag’ oy Eda me yalpar“. ia mim, Mya, typale nipa cis feds, tid rd BiopSoSime wh did'rd wld TAS0, ® dielonwrras cas advopSens, Adolw Adfw did Adyuoas, of dmoior ees bapere, vd for didere alrias, bx1 Adaugy dd xapac § Aeporusys. wo MeroSes ent mova duds, Ort a cud yope wevmey usr eow “, ‘ypaday Abyer » Sajildirmae ers Sérere LiepSeSine, D ix rig BopSdosse wag mens Stra xapo g tnd 4 ereius 38 mddv yape, trae yapd rol Y roy eds? ase wed (1) 0 Ft Quobiegroe, nies bre ren ou dereva ays SMacaee bru aed sim oft trict Sy ‘rconls ealrln ald dwriper, ahd deel perl, Fraud eevee drm insti Sires ke fable isto a o Teh" oi va wiv tage dumper ge aeds pi NEM. spude, hee eet ricer! reine Cd, ” (3) Bee bee sg "Kennd. 3. a1.) Mécad beaie: Aloe Bheyine gumpé- Eis ‘reier Bi piper at Emigehis adres sie “Aréconce, fri Be n are!s “Ariranags inan dra’ &e wee dps ui feSion oj wasbine arity tperaiy Fypedenr Gri”, Kel ewe funnies bypeda ais ew" prion tenure toss ode sae ETC Sather noe EPMHNEIA EIS THN B’. [POE KOPINOIOYE. KES. BY. 17 wr carey drantpw drs Bed FASos, Bid vd wh AuwNGS* byt droAimevrac mw sdundy (wou Tuppipor y, ad x iBindreas* $7 5,71 iedipwy bei, ddr pd [IW 7d walpw, dyer rd Xapime xb 'ieeis, D kd pa idk vd Auwipar, xe rd dvanBine O bees. 4. Ex ‘yop moms Brinews , ngd cuvoysic xapdlias Eyparba duly * dia omSy daxptioy ". E tbh cirer dvartpw bri Exois dumérar Bi bud vos ue Lopate, dd rd plad gzoud , bri ied dois & Navde, Bi. add aveddlere od dumje Huds, Bid" rd xeiperas* Bid rim Abyer HBG 6 'Amdsoreg, Bre a dyad WORE DumIum, O meerardmpor and érae bri duapriven’ 348,71 ode iypada rio) Enisonls radrly (1)* byt amd Sain de BEG, GRA amd Sri wold > oy Sy wh ddxpua dwrdc, aE ul Sdxpua moma, 5 Hd cunexlud xapdiag* ims i ddan axénye rl) xapdlar us, cuntyeoa 49) swroxupire airle, G bid wm wapxniSma vd cic ypdda, xadas @) has marip eh sarpds, Smo ixy rd radon, tod xédy rl aArnyld mi dime, nant dda spémss owdrary te Bid ri 6 Gdeme do Seeci, gi bid 2) dvaydCerar vd xb4n, rd nadoy rll wrnplal rae xarl dior Suse rpémor xaiper Bid rbd érmida dma dyer, bre wdIdes 1d byitiy 6 ibs mW. Torerorpdzas maSaiva £ é76' 6 Mrdiuarinds va; Manip S larpds* Bid r) Auravras feds bri duaprdvem, dumipa g #yd* vant or rpdror Snac, yalvo we) Lppatrouas Srar éveig AumieSe, Sid sla éraida éxe Tye br wiAsn va di0pSuSin. Ody Ta AumnBie, oi iva yd tl dydaw, fy tye we Selroorpus ds duds“. CE dtornSia wi Adyu ter rd cing, Bri ods Eypale, Sy1 Bid vd NuwnSine, Dd Bd vd BuspSwSin~ 6 34 Nairoc Bod ence Frls, dhe yAuraiver wiv Adper, SeAwsrarg rd zpaléy atnls cig meSe, pd wt rd mic Beiky bri mecrasérper dard aune dnd me a dug waSumls me» x bre ade ws Aum y, DRE we rumei dnd aydmlu, yeh byt ad y 0, 2 Suuds, 81 5,11 emtcion, Adyes, weydius dydang eras, wid domsuat ty bid th foc duaprdvere, agi x rd aveddle vd ede émiriud, wi in tie 1d ode Dome? 31 5, 0 & deh cas iydrar, Bifua i3era ods dghow ddimuc, 9 drohidws Wwe eas dotow H aduopSeims. 5. Eldéris heddirnven, dx cud Aedtmmey, oI’ oles pukpss, oa med emipaps, warms vuds". : M: wd Adyia mim Sie 3 “Andeonoe vd yes dpdaw pd ri moprdcarma rl) Mn zpeasre, mee wi drole Eypater cg rlat pairs Exisonlal* iredh § nant rl) apo. Sayles we Madde, Sror of KoeirSiot dmespdoncar éxcivor ¢ Bob mir eunarespioorm a serxaueptr. Aomdr ixedi 2 wade énposdxSnear dvd mr 'Axécodor pd dparicors 8 rd cuvaresplowrrar ub avrir, bid 2d wh cxasdadioSoud cig sr Mairer we diner Aor agi waripBudor, xgi dom ucs', émmiparm, Dove 8, ceyyepousre did ww Hadroc cogsram paraxeeilerar rv réyor BG, & xdpver @ mic Koes Sus ovyxorrwric Bs ev xuplotas wm pnrpyepinre ixcire, Myur* Ser xaSabe ai'g rode Evanece suds ws wi vir duaprian wm, FxC1 D xowde ddr xaporont dug pi tle! perdvoray o) ovy- onets ms. Bi 8,21 Bed tdmuce, Myer, pérov iucha, AAA xgi bods Brug bx pipes yew Myon ss, & weeds iAdmwre® yw B¢ wm Eri ode ACaNECe GALyor rs 2 ter xo5, (1) '0 Hi Quclinies rigs Er § Tahoe Mya pers inne pivpetee y and ahd aly rexamuunm mec iypels wel vem aon m seein Exon, rut iar peier meyer tuewes Bi ods 1g wharln si 6pedpcmpor iter de apes xadiluw yeu. it ws Seohir Exicuner, tiga we Sinan bbeaun ivy se Uy cease novives Golde Gh abcele tater hdornn Epistle di $. Paulo. Tom. Il. c 18 EPMHNEIA EIZ THN B’, NPOE KOPINOIOYE. KE®. BY naz. Ded 1d wld émipopricw Repos word inatw eis vbr moprdisare atrty* éxeibh rf aude , D kodg ércanre mapopcing po enodar smepBorreds Sudabie aR’ Bus Bid vd lsd éxipepriow dees TONG narnyoolag ets. riy Guapmicarm ains, Bid tim Ayo , br ax pec 9 rigor ods #dzurcy (1) « 6. Teorey 78 torre f eeerysie aro ij ind ay Thadvav As Myer Baeieucsas & Madros Gri Gras inardy x3 émiriwioy air 9 4 Karéras dre Tywes ad bruc, etg viv moprooasme, O pnrpyoulerius ai daeisws eg my reidror* xaSas mivrerpénes dscisac dsdualer alm xf eg tld mportpar "Emad ahd wre Hed bxei Bop HOerce 8B vd eit bvoud re* #9 BF raipa Ber mtv cvoudler, rumeucvos ® cuprorarmae alroy* 31d rio ubl es xgvoda ucpos mig Emisodig mums avapspee gar pa rho duapriay mw, W8dexavtas we Tim Wh igas, vd CmeSa cunmades es we wera yokvTas 1) cunTereniuctes « 7. Ouse Tevavrion maMoy Vadis yaekrarSu, % Tapaxarhera (2). su pbror, Mya, Moar v3 éxiripior oD aby Kasdva wh rroprdicarms , } ouusraspe- QBs wd aurée= aA yagloars ce ainly xB do rr weesordzepor y mapuyophoase adr * fyow drardQee adn'r dd rlad mpordpas re Admlw, xgi iaxpsieartmr* xa8dz xg) chs Gri Beipn rid, Beh my dgivee udror EAUSEpey aid roy Bapucr, aL xal ~pds niro1s mapauireirar ra iaxpdiop & mle mdvydcmes 31 8,r1, Bid 7d poh touioy & dyiaprioas Bre fouyxepion did th eaporoyi9n inavic, D éuererdneey dprerd* bid wim Beizves 6 Mai dos, ert éxelvos AauBdree wapd wi “Aros dAw rlal cupxeprew we duapriasm, 8 moor dire. rlu’ pardvordy we, Bcor dim’ vlad xetew dre xdura 4 Amdzodes pds me cupran resdrag me KoeurSiss « : » Mires 77 weesoooripy Autry xxtImeda é TSS". pire, Meyer, 1d adpere vbr duapmicarre airy od chy mapnyopisen, © rd we jarpdcare, bid ya uh xamamiw9} dad rh Waly % dadysacw, wrdy axd xgrcéa Qy- elon, 8 dade and xzuplay Qoprsvar Sardasns, ih wodr axd agrche opodpdy xerpare y ® payalar Apoxls® § bes dnd sig woddic' Adan } dwopreeens mapanirduceos y i xpruacS} psroc me, xaSale expeudeSn x 4 ‘Ivbas, Ht axoranicy ind vlad Mew & Xe SH, © yoiy "ERluds, wt Uropdpwrras mir wérov we dudrpe éxeryuis» 2 Fle xpnuria~ SF ee uepaderipar xaclar Q xddacw . Blas 30, 3 dvayraca, was 6 Matres marendror ry dpapricarm pb ri Adyia raire, Bid vd wh goby duerésepas wb rlud cuyxeipnrin ie dpapriac res Bid x) weds 1d Moy els auriy* Soh eos érupyupnra, Bud rh EEvwrues pe rercdarra ry uoduepcr tis duaprlacow, ahd bid vd ph ways ndrtsw yespsrepov nancy Bed my doSeberds cu (3). Enuctwoae 36 bre Boo mpémes vd broetCapen rd émiriwia nig Karérag xard aly gdow w duapmiuams+ GRA xard mv didSerw ws duapeivovms, xa- Sais sei oi Seior Karéves wim duoellact* xi uddisa 6 ph. mic 'Apias ygh Olxuporinig #', Zurdbe. (1) 0 BF Onidgror aleue iguanas’ cindy, meggorardper atmbu wins” yest Bi Sua droustee ui Ere nrnabi d warrpyeuinam anciter trsuasey j, alu dguoir, waCore anc peommerias Thi dueprie ow cin tis Exxrusian my wires as Xepsia~ 5, bunsds” babiawne a wy clad aur KoguSiny enviar” Bice witas abe KegpsSies’ 6 B4 Thavnae apr fry i emerig ase ft oes eas incu dwt dndrasee tniver warns cree jy man whacray” waves yep aver amespaguaat 86 Ext pint alt Kepusige* rie yap: duel ©, e2d wipat 5, Adae" svaedoor Taxus wi yedeur 6 axeterpapes dia + (2) "Tew" tinian ey Be Balad evanicay einy Brau” emeedire Ui, (3) Ow jones os Te ard ipunnia’ yy azoyranan txcdese, we marred ATOM ai wie nilage wet 9 cll oF psmpersies xiao, Tle yy suas". : EPMHNEIA EI THN .B4 MPOE KOPINOIOTE; KE®. BY. 19 8. ALS mapaxand duds spo ds adrey dyin - As perder *éor & Nhaires ale Addexarcs, d\d wupaxard we KoewSiuc, nae Sas efag Umepaarishs mapanard we Kerrde Bid sd BovSiccu rva* Q th we wapana. Dei; 28 Rupdooun cig rly dpapmicum aydalw, hyo +2 LeRadroun dydalw eis ac rir 19192 wh my dex Goud bvor dxrae © ds Eroxe. ME wd Adie BE raom bdyea D xlal dperlad mir Koes Gian* sesh txcivor éxd rocer aydmar mpérspor my moprdicarre, ase oxi 2 12 euuBorGour adnr cis rlal duapriay, Osepov réoor wy gulenrar xh mie arespignoar, See sa 6 Maddog éxperdo&n rd we waparadj Bid rd wr dyamioouns 9+ » Eis mob yop agi ypala, fra yh tus dompd vudy, J a ds way Umrxool ce. M: .z Abpin mira gofile reds Koos Sleug 6 “Amésodec, Bid 92 golnSeus hd xan mbixlo is rapaxcis, 1g} dadrag 1d suyxuploous wy arSpumey* bid my Alper, was Eypala did vd Soxyidow rlu) dperlu’ mpoSuular éxe lyem cig wh vduou nan m* Hyow bid sd Boxdew avlows, xaScz tmaxicam npémpor, yah émeuuleare my epapricarma, trl & nipa Unaxtonre cis 12 ty mapryepietrs, 1G rd PePaucorrs ef inr tiv dydmwreac* roo yap bxd0l mw, ef cig warm Umiacel ises Kad weder dns 6 °AL zésoro; Ber Eypaler cig aunts bid em, ad Wud rls cwmelar W auapriearms* Suus Bare Bob frdarsrme rinors y xdyrer xdew 2 cig rie Koo Slee, ) ms. ema. 10. 4°"Q dé m1 yaeilerSe, % bys M wd Ady10 mire padandros td ditisaew, © gudoverniar dxd Tows bere dxo- AxSiey* ine wid drriaDoui of KoelsS1e1 yah ra ph Séroun rd ovyyuptoow rer dyapricasta* Bié,r1 dp, ixcirus Med mamemines parc aah dpywyes vie wie txelror xderme evyyupiotas, ir éavrir m B adres dxéduer ‘eg Excirucy B dtp, brt tig txeinor éx8 toes xdprere xdew, eis adziy xdprw xe D aye.» w Kal yelp bya, alas xeydesowar, 3 xeyderouon, of duds (1), by » TeoraTy Xess“. vd ed pi voutroun of KoekvSior mag aurel Gras ateror 9 ckuciusal § vd cuyxeph: Gur ti dprpmoarm, % rd ph mv cvyyapioown, 4g) Bid tm apertroun vd Moony oh ESpamer dd xe emiripsor® Bed xivy 6 Natiros Beigver cig adie #2, Eri ainiy dap ras Be wai icuyyalevace auriv, dice dri ic 23 aig vd pb) sporoph rinds vd carried} ele adr, da édor ra rin or; xopivou’ Be vd wh AvawSeer B6 me, Udr05 T Br fovyxd~ 45. Aah énapakdaden atnig y bid wim Ayer desduSas, Ser dye éruyyeipnee adray dud tad dyd-rloy lu’ ébralad cag” éxcbh HEdkpn trt i cuyxeipners alm eae dptch cis dod (2). "Exee bid ra wh Quay wdnir, eri Bid Thi) aydnbir wiv drSpinar trey xdproe Br dusprioaa, Ui wim exporSece Bye mpordmyXocd* hus xard Or, 5 ae de rd desoxcplu erdrion i Xessh, wi Gedy vd us txpdsalon éxcinoc, toiwrerp izes sy Dr Sparen ear yyapnaa’ Pr yor mpordmwXerss sociraty arr) weig Ear Xewse, Kat Aevrds aviow: cic BEar Xesod piserae vi cuyydpuor wi duapriowns wu, mag Boe mpires 1d cup xoprdy xonas G avd Sruc eas, bid ri BokarSh 6 Xewdss Ite "ba. (1) BM ( Sy nexsionsue® yer wescne patsiva alnyuarabic, di oi KegivSier jxae bh dios arysoue g destuat, bi tyse ies ger bs eh Meine ie pice oe Tin, Todi, ine evyxepion os euastizerm » C2 ersuat ‘ (2) 26 Ouediienms atyus 6 acyes ws oi “Ay 20 EPMHNEIA ElZ THN B’. NPOE KOPINGIOTS. KEG. BY. 11. "be pat theovexSdue vad 18 Sarovd * 8 yop ads mt vor » ware ayvosuer (1), Tl iza, Nye, vd cuyxuphoaper BAe my dusprlcarm , Bid rd ph yelp xo % adm we BAAN, 12) CAryordioy 6 dexSuds ais molurns TS Xesk* mpocguae 3 arduars Thad dmdnear ineine, watorsklay we DiaBéru> Bid 7] 6 AldBoroe Sov dpwdler pdvor mt mpbm Bare i cra Bindne , Free ms arises % dowBac, ad dpmier gm eixdpas, trot fads ws Xesvands* g wddice avlows yoy aria © i Breipas uéSod0s , Kyou ¥ map Wear ywopesy Sperpos, O dwepBorws emt 7H peravoig Adan, ad rl) émolas yordrar § dabyracigs Bid wim & roluam w Acabddy 6 Maddog ciréuage, vlad orgasm rad rlu'@ deridwm, Bid sl ui cxiua, % mporwndion Graelac, droves wis drSpemuce Gers Beh xpyusiler pdror mas drSpelaes eg vlad dmdrerar pe rls moprclar, ¥ yb dd alu duapriar, aa % wd rd aysrpor Waly, rhe yuoperly did rl duapriar. Nog Deméy Boh evar weorezia i mornela ne, cis xeupéy oxi 39) dad dxcira tas xduvouce dipeig aig xadd, aus pag dove, bray web xdurmucr ywels udrpor, eg] wd rep- Borlas (2)5 12+ 5) EASwy dé els tlU Tpwdda ds w EdayyéAsoy tod Xessol, 1% Spas jor avewypnévns ev Kueso“ Le / 13. ,,Oux foyama aber, 7H TAmarinov, tH ga ev pely ws Tie 3, TY Thy aderopar pes“, E.. adwripe 4 Maddos Sri sixohdSurer cig adriy SAL peyddn & 7h 'Aela, & bre WAAL Sepsn deed avrlul nipa 88 adr Ayer, Sri EXALBn yg xamd Ror rpdor, us ri vd wld kpine ry Tier 313,71 dear rivds Sob Eyy xdroka dutreemer adedpl rd wv mapnyopioy cig rlal SALLw mw, thre 3 respaopds» xb a Sri y piseras cig curd xespo Ripa" Ses, phys rampoptin, Myg..8 Koebdio, mac bob iuiSna 1d DSw os éoag, bid 7) izeca cic eas meessarers O dvdynas, # dwoias bed we dplrwcr vd.aH paiva brs Sinn, Big ths Tpudda 3 Ayer mas dniyer, dys dada wi bs Froxery Bad Bid vd wnpubp we Evayyédior. Was Aciméy, & Madre, Bod éxipubac; % wddica dad cor dvolySu ya) wépm, xaSds Abyerss éuipuba Ayer, Sys Bua cig modus xaepir, Bid ri Bed dpiina my Tiros, x2) ex mire dod Frafov ders eg rll Juxld pay ror é87/Blo woRA Bid-rlad dmerian ven O sépnrw AR dpdys, did vlad drvciar wi They dpixas G pander Maire, ipyor we Ops, wai Bed éunipubes 1 Evayyéruor ; Sys, Myer, Sod agixa bid wim wh kpyor md Ord GRE Mow wim, did 1} euxodilem 1 xipoyua we Evayyerie, dmeidh § Ting Beh for wapain 31 871 ky poe g woke émtIUuwr #2 aH pokey i drusia suas 2 WAerbes w Tits Lyivce ohizar suafdior® xa 8,71 mod icv ripper eg taro, Bray Trey mapev. ww AW drrombdievos altois, CEnABov cfg Maxedovian, Hee is Bdrenpa words xaupdr xypderor cig iy Trodda, wb w vd iseroxwpiew Brat tld daacias rg Tis" Bi 6,11 mepme poh wsyddn advolySn vig Hiseas, 9 7 Epyory tres ead Ge), '0 Seepipos Magquct Sou riru st ob firmly (2) Bud aie dear of Terie, Gry i005 ynsoxay oi romp oo maneriem, 9b mis yer af Urefodal, 3 ai did H yewmros aay dpetor vonspor ax aril ¥G Smt tar Buystun droreniauam” 30 dl DPE $url Mie pragir wiepreyasyicees, Enis see 5 ea : nM KIS TE puysing "Arordng zpsamsrtes Ooty yy YOULCS 5°00 Pp cele at rene ayrocoure Kips on. ais Finer ie Quoneyins} EPMHNEIA EIS THN B’. NPOE KOPINOIOTS. KE®, éacivor dui Yperor vf misdleou, tee motel + Buus dnd wm éumedi€orm (1) * 21 tla! Stprew i ewuspys Ti th» TS J? Och yoless, 7H tale SerauBhoves vids dy 16 » Xeasg “ Ez. mode Adwag dxaciSuncer 6 "Axésoros, bat wuordSucar cig any, Myo rhs cig rhb “Aclar yeroucsin, lus cig tla’ Tpwdda, x) mpds wroic rlad dwlu dre tho. xiuace, bid ri Bch éxiyen cig KéewSor, xa See éfarder » nine xdewr did od un Qari Gre desSusi mls Aimag admis wg ‘Dplusin’ s aBupencsos, Bid rim Nya BS br Lyagies cig tly Oech, ext mason Seraufdies 3a, hyou yas delyves OBekos , oD roemmtc, gh meesgareis? Selaubes 7ap Myerary Fra 4 Baeiddic, ¥ 6 Apyicpdmyes wa Baoan, yreloas dad wy aédspor sixnmic, x9} spomarixos, eprd ec rt wdoos sig Tidreos pe seoroumlid usyirluy wi BéEary © apoindrmen . Kai sds, Myer, 6 Onde was nave meespareis yD owddescy ome we rl named xi AvaBérw inl © rpdzaor did sd a ‘a shucoae dryulat, 4g) rerapporioes dma plrorras cis Huds, acral drat 36a Giniper ixadh rin nadzar Q aiare 6 AusBodos, dmar iucis arinaldpiSa . Ey Xeisp 1 Nipes ar yivorras maim, Hyouy bid rhe Xess, gh Bid we wipe wo Edayyerivm ps & Xess sociros andun, br1 tyes & XeeG SerauldcueSe, trot BebaliueSa* Bi Girt Sucic plporms, sly Xessay cig. wiv iavrbr was, sed cha sanrixds spbzatery pd al énch ve Bika SkaldusIa wines of sine Lasdlorns. Kal cu doulas sig yrdoeus dot8, parcpouiirs di iudy ey may- at ome” per Me» awordeypor drat ¥ yriierc 33 Oni, viv colar zréers ijele oxregdvopce cis Brus as asSpuinus* 8 KaMOn einein, Bod garspdroyce 1h Thier uspor s GRE pcvor ae depld § dediar wi pipe (2). Exedi # Be i rapes i BBepery pros w Os, Boh Gra rod gavepd, Q xaradanal, ae duodler wl rhe eden oad ylveras did x29pimm , wah Bid wi airhyyams* Tyou dru deapis, © used, we cree Sais A, zésodag. 5 BMbzoucr apes Bi éxdazpou aah by airiypari™. (als Kop. 1, 12.) Kees Dowdy ixcizes éxd érgpalreras shod Ladi Seen piper éxdi far a pips oes pod Srv chien piper ix erm dew: Opa a ela Eucanusinsy oF 5, 2756 aie adobies oh 9 Bucsenn °F rr.) hid 16 wsdee 3 Ht 9) Saénre cixi a hibud , tas apemic, Tape wind at . wo Stui a Seiet alebies, Rubwendste" se tel " ' wy eine pee exis. . aang eae ius vie Unonapsion ix civ csusr 1p (1) 'O Bi Quabiones nivu, ir taubi 6 Time Seypaip raceme, coxerus tae wiel a incent arvana ds ois KeguSive dud “Juyialas aizis dpi 3) S00 dude, (Our. ede wi "Aspe cu Bed gee GAS xaSaie sSep parzzir it “Aowtiner diya Thadaoe. 5, wrpioeneipue toh xape, Tio, drs areré Deg ste irae dear CEs Kas, frauds, Alyy, 6 Time ded-dyer any dxdpe Ti Kéoyrbery Sud sieo 6 Tadhoe dpint ae Tucks Seo icdpnsce, os wi Exar sdnupyin ce bt Tier, oY did oi Eueme be iy vy Sayles WE yrdrene lad go Tapoiaas txdhese pride, ‘by xem vay bide p33 STi gic Tides YatWS piper arn stab wee excire ravSave ¢ kami cla cixive we 3 pARUY TIN xpoE out 7 cular inviea® samreyarren 5 spéncrln sd ax’ ipsan ais Be dgute weohat Aira Bi wh 5 “Ansgaripdas Kugsnos tpuloniay ob B a wir Api Axosiany ees st ‘nets Xeveis, sou as yreaver 318 Ont ai Haspie’ od yap éronicn dry Spree rweeenie otic sis 5, rare i at Merépe, tid Sah pore aor, ves ites i wih oS yiper Dia is Suedonae yyxj xeri wat urs ions ce a agepahcames Fen, nw nero anuchroen y and Boaxiss radgror ( BuBr. &. cor Prxgupsy ) 22 EPMHNEIA EIZ THN BY, NPOE KOPINOIOTE. KES. B’, Lesensucsor, ded xararaplive Buag vi sian, % odow ixer ab pier incivos mrarorpén mac © 1ucey bre pod drae Orde, aedipowce” ri B8 cinax 6 Ocds xard rhe sirlar, Bed wedioouer. Normdr wucis cf 'Ardsoror ciueda airde cha Basrdaxdy Susiariesce , wi dg Srreiny reno auyadiouen, seek gipouor watiuas yah whl detiar of mrdparnd wspa, % Septdpanc, tryoun rh) Ladiae mg wi Os0d yrebzeg. ‘AQ’ E dose aimee drartpw brs BSexsbdiipee, € debaldueSa mdrmore 2 ciz 2d9¢ xaspéry nipx' O29 Dyer, bet 2 eae BexLower res di Byebmes ez adSe wire” B18,71, ndSe reads, xdd6 roroy ovat pepe me tind mi mideuaried yrolopam yah da Se ity mir Axosdnu* dre bid ww mpd ma od dnoyctaucr asdpelas mis SA Le6 gh Nias broil wdc axodwSov5), Did th rbeor mond bekaldueSa dudpn cig hd mapioar Lalu), mpd me vd IASp al we duoe « 15. "O11 Xessaii eladia éouod 5 Od &w wis oylomcis, % & » TIS aTorAMotans “ H tim Mdyer é Taira, Ext ude of "Androror srporpépoper wiv daurty was Suclar y Q amo9vicnouce Bid wr Xersér, dad ores avrty wb mic drude w Fardmpass HM yery brs trdve eg rhe) oQayl é Susian wm Xeisi, wer iusic of ‘Axéroha BaddueSa tizae Sunlauay & bravry SypraéueSa risisy © SumstLouce nah mis dAne + 1 réne ga B6 Gor wi Adys elvae reismee br adv oCartae psernol dnd 2 xipvpua wi Bday prey afr yrarrae, 2) Evan yédvor Suse pater, wh Eyer ere vii ebielal rs dperlad % hadley ipes of rm wptrnrnc, wchouce “ravwn ixcve éxG ucS2, habia. bre Rabi w Xero" Boor Bi ydvorrar, ond lad ebralas mg amisiar xg) xzxoyroular yavor- ra" B kaSde x gd, 2H G pexpity ig do Soric 6pSarure, Sums 906 mabion ee rau xaSds wh pine, xfr ye) galverar mingdy norm aig wie ames, ta) Brauucéla vlad yeiew Exorre:, Sues * ae udrn pond” Ilr Bb Evayy thor, raven Ge rae waibes » © camelas apdEcrcr, adv 2 pecmnol xdrarvar pe we sd yeh mickey oie ade wé* irr mapouoioe @ ipeis oi x9 Edayy enor xrprrenc, dadla. dpsSa, & bys dares fiedla, and dubia cig iv Osdr* bruv be b Ont; dxogagile wos ues GpeSa daria, wroieg Ste Sravriw Dh © 1d cing brs bed Gpede rerdicr (193 16, Os pot, dowd Sardis, els Saiamy’ ols d, domi Lois, ” ds ol E,.00 4 eirce dsaripo bri eue&a eladle cig we dxoRopetes @ xaiueles, Ud sd yh rowioy virds bri ya fucnes cae sixpéetexres xovrd aig wir Oras y 812 wie yes dxohed= Seg 48, ori thd Wablar url rhe) PBrnlal was y aor pod vie) Béyorrory Bud rd 0 Sous Gor d8 rlad Barras, Bid rd dmareo Sous" naSes 2 wi pulpm rhe) eadlar , Bee yorra:'nd yopiriz, 2 ol xdvBapot y ahd bid 12 arnycud, vd Sarem Souk, de Heyne Gus ef “Isegraoi* br rpézor wei 6 Xessds wérpa onasddrw dropaCera, bid 1? welenrae cig 185 anisug aries 12) xpypsicnds* yg) w@ mip, pee xpuede: Agumpus'er, mag BB axdvSac xaranaic (2)+ wy Kat (1) 0B Méyas Basinace dguladion Bid ol de yyeuricn wil daurg imeypiguy i xxcosSnparr* eanaicy Névor snp iurchoucser , Ehec wide jyui wy Ory ove xersr abs aizien arayar” widen ped Boge 398 Souinue 3 Taree § at yar Xewrs Wabi sauce gape is wr Quit, wp casien er cwrSyeser xd Sy) wan yy xdeu 8 my Orp vy TaTaTe Sovape titompe apeyuem, ded cexrldl, cwpay erterln y Base aust g vial daulal wis qnioes als gee Bd» “gy nibevr Began» oe usage i Trend 3) npares ee dlr (Zin 904. at Trmad xe) wages ih ousien mirlin S aeanSazera ” (3) "Agalyara Bd daae y smite de Alya 6, Ne dcimiee aylcoye deat! iit Kuaig * & 2 om Vpnyseier oe lad tquanier cod weetcn 6 din apy Got eepraeour ev wiri, yy Kaml obs apraien tascy biden, 4 Comte paendras dno deat eng (EEX. 37+) BR yy Pinwy f Saeapipes W elzraa* Srey AO we Reyes iqusidins € Meyer Baainacs py BE yy pery ab nardinn so) messed xpaeseny fever gy iiver axvyipdires ivrg weuin ene ay ménei7” 5, 4p éxaripar dpyaleran” anh wee MOIS foruae een EPMHNEIA EIS THN B'. POE KOPINOIOTE.. KE®. BY 23 Kal mpeg mame tis ixawes ‘reidh dave utydda rézie éMairos, br SermpBde suede, 2 BokaléusSe, Gore eiye- Ba dada, wadun 69 rane mamend Myer, ort og and ma dnd OK yerdnora ps yardia 6 Yuis, Dol tron dpxert i Bunluas adobe, drieac doi,jnr 4 WOH BWrepic, Gwe wd reewoe* TOs yap vat Grow wards, O Se wig eins ums aperis D Burduews » 17. » OU yop eopov, bs of woAA! (1) xaTMAKores qr doyor » T Os“. Tux: bd Barosdaous #39 garepdras 6 Séiog Tairos , of emcior rls, TE OS xdew Ere yory ai does Binds m5 namipSepa Een) Myer? bri Bid wr dzor, was bo) Grae rude cis adm inards, eis mv Otdr doutpara m mar, Bud ri Be dum aivdy oi 4- dardsoror rd xamvdda, ord prasapida 1b xdewua, © ay Bapedr we Oni” wd vlad dbw be w xamdo, alvypandag gasepdron rac of Yd Bandzonor aBéderar lad adnSt 8 adohor Bbacxadiar B Evayyerle, ud wi Ldbovopicuar mis tw wopias” nade wah ci xdawror todéioun, % oulyoun 7 xpacl we 1 reper" agi mas maior wi wd dompa rl) xderr ws Oes, rho éxolay Inpere rd BiBoun DSuped g dapodornms” ripeic suas, Ape, Boe GpeSa ris. EIev dxodk’Gus sPlpere »» AM’ ds BE ciAsmeneiag, odd’ ds ex Os , xamvdmioy 73 Ocd, op » Xessd Aaddue ~ am siucic Madsuce dad xaSapdy x} dBodov yreiplu , 2 fxsiva bai Aysuor, wi Dé. omer dead rd md duper da’ sir Ordr, Bxt aired rd rd xampSéreycr aucis amd r3- yeuas, we mis Binds was Buuduers> 2 oe Xeisp wt Adyouce, wre, Oxt we thd Weald eas, gopiar, aha we rl wi Xess copter ¢ Sulapiy mee conpgiueSa, % nie deus iBdoxouer” x bi, egdirier wi Ons eines Did 1h BoE p elas ayQUmm , Qh eOmappuziz- Ser wig xaptiag me” ricer Meyer, eat xaGapa y cidinewis ¥ xapBia was, dee ome ay earepcrouce & tumporSou ri Ord (2). KE@AAAION YT tes, Apyoueda ToAW eauTds cuvisalay “, ‘wedh drwripy eae trdra rdyia 6 “Axésonos Did Aébys Tey Vid wir Adyer BS 61 bre Yous tidy ASehe ctf ti Grae mira bred Atyac, @ wandee Madre; doors nw fav pdwripe hd tips pinta, & By 2ia00* bow 9 o curign a9 a1 epee gSeptrar” Sow m@ é Weiner, ow Stor f= y,sdiver wpayyardicres pixie Seuinues wee ais a seria’, xen! Tis 4, exayu ey eneSpon ce wemry F Saverér, § Tid ng 3, 6 Meine i mais xer’ inv Unebuyuecs” 6 ie ae any * by A’aikerdzos 5 F Epusrine 5 of géperves 8 as Ripe wit wee wie soley wis B deicion “Ses Mabuuee yay ort SD ded wld aloe bs Tindal éaialin ula ve paragepovens cis ols! are ins Supiaye» navSepar Bila vs os Smartt Cori of maSéucccs de wip rsyes se" boy Bt 19 Bas iguyedb dior 2995 Cows Sardine aie Saray, Exudj ébide 12 alan Ouedigares. afr” 5 fis a Xeped oll wl 55 96rd wiauser néneawe y ixGres bea ed we pn MIAT Spcagapeuen daz, AM SyC SearTes cf wee yy remy wis eyracies, FPoKIar ce Tie SAAT! wy a a BMeyAaerres axcrainies comejes* ais 799 tie yy aicine'*, (Kegs Vis Us dawr. alr Orcrey. ) suis ances dececienyenitrey 8 261 ei” (1) Thine a8 Oetbvciry pdt, i of nara eyed OM aed dace empl oy Gawdln® gan _ (2) “One Bhd druxginuey tres oh Quer niperary weet Bay als 78 ae Sivan co pupeu clad Weayian. Epa rhb Uacemuiwsy vy teyluniay a ,, ire Hed wre be Mijer BF Cys 8 ucger, Agr of pix axehibpes ie (air. d. 10, ) 24 EPMHNEIA EI THN 8B’, NPOE KOPINOIOTE. KE®. P, faveés cov, agi Caspntansdecar, 33) pd add Cordis 1d custoys ei6 ids wy éaumls 04; Tadrly dommér vlat aistsare ‘Maré Sciex 'Amdsodog amonesreras, rv Bei Myopes mime Uxeprparddueresy © Sirermeg vd curneaper wixe nr dauntr yas x0rWd eg Gods, wig dytSa xarel* @Rd weer Bed xpemalineSa ousatnde "Emisodde mpds tds, det Gra , tede mis iBius dxouce avs} vuserinte sper "Emsodic, 280 deodeSag tam Di ye rand udpos bv mig iuzporSey prSreouesors « nElun yeioucr , dsries, ouserixdy. Emsodsy aecs vuss, 9 3E » URGY CUSuTinaY “; a Adyae raiira Myer § “Andsones ud Aapeiar xapdlas, xdprwrrae my déyey miwdun- riarper* airiypandes 32 garepdror ws Yddaroséhes, of molar ws md rd pled Tyo was vd yrocilarrat cic nig asSpdung cid we Dundee xard tppa xe) xampSduara, Saapray mracds © LAdG Exisords, © rae éwlyarray cig axelvec 6rd Weer, Owe pmels iruristivm ¥ tyraelort mist chiar tarot. "Excivo omar emi Myer i866 Maddog i Bapeiar xapdion, ras tim* Er1 B20 Coat dpnar'e 6 woos xauphs Gad pag éodsves som ic teas, © pig dmiBaker br: deb Guede |dbie Axdscdor, ad vai wpe w= Aur dpxikouer rd cusadroper iy éaurir wag ma: bod elueSa rusmr; # ph wes ap ye xraakéueSa rd ixipioauer dur curarinds Emisoddc , ai drole 1d cunsaew © 7d Garspbrecwy nas ac xarite, 8 ddwSeis rormd ee ide; hin @ Grarrle, whaas xpeate- HiSa rd Tauce palinas Binds cas cusarieds Exisords, af drier vd pag cunisder 8 rd was passpdveow sig we Dducy Ses dusSa xarol, O ane; dys, BoP xperal oper Sa madms Exisedds ousarinds ms Cults mac, Sm dxé Adyuaas, dn cexd dive (1) + 2. »'H Emisoad rudy duds ése, eyyeypappedn oF tdis xaepdiang vIRGy, yworxoucin , % Waywarnouci Utd Tar” oySparor". H aisle, rébyer, Bid rlu) éxolar Bob xperateusde drer cusarnds 'Emisohde mpde fac, Gras, Bid rh éoeig of Iie GoGe i eBreditas cusaried "Extronk~ yg) kxcro dx0d Hear xdyoww wi curarind yedumare, curaivorme suds, xg) albiciung monirme, wim w xdusere ioeis of Yur Grexducrer and Bdue, wh deuducear* ® eis éxo10v remor Here ryalroper, marmaxs eas weereipouce wakinac, ardr cusarmbs pac Exisodid, bid 3) was Txouse Shue yeypapuctes utea cic vlad xapdiar png* dvelyorns asrla’ ae Aim Brier 2 veduuay Wizrouce tis, Brus va) inl cas dperlas dre, tnerdh ded rh iBing ign cusarinlas ws ¢ Zarrasled Exes odes, oi éxola we euneg ee; iy aus oxe Bey pe HEdlpoun, bid vim Bir yperdCouar daz’ dddzue curarinds Emisordc dnd Adyuoas 5 fra bid plow ainiry paged tis éxelous dn Bir ub yrweiou. Midw By trod fvcis, cig thas Buadour, agi &Q¢uvoly ws adploree Se zabome yeypansivo!y Bid rim bir xealouse 2 wd cusiswow aides mods ioas pend ypdupand my? bid 1! rd ypduparcs rag xpadleras, far wnyaisy sig avSpdmee éxd dur wr ik pouw, D dx Srar wuyale ay tis éusions Omi wr iEdipous* ¢ Uud rl, av pa yw cag ome pb cuuisdn tie rode avs, nas Hex xperacdS dar ypdunare bid rd ub cusizoun eis beds: Eoie Be wise tleSe dvnrumapiror sig rbd xapdlar ws, Gre dau Ber SuslarSe dnd anal vd cae DeoSim Mapruped bv wi ma Déyea madre sig we Koo Shug d Maddog, Bye pdror mae mS ‘xpis dads” ob bnoioy Sarah das Euperor ie 1d owerdiuen vd oucedaucy ord Fi BE Gonanerinae draynad S bows reins Tt mad sya wh eeepc ere ra dae By pe XP Segre | Serine ah at His" Hei ag ag yp mead Jeceieounas poptuuion” » Seed Onlogieg iowrnioe Si Mey eds alate 6 Wet re8 , xm 1 Xpuousower, did vi coe énrenatr tnevéerper. EPMHNEIA EIZ THN B’. POE KOPINOIOTE. KE@, Yr’, 25 ws dyamd, Gd Bas bxsivor eiyov dperids Q xampSdyara’ reba Beryvor sig Sous rig aeDperuc re Oiharxddy adnay Nady 7 atlope* Sid of wr feSyray f aperd so- riker rev abdexaror, xaSds gs. iv wauriy nari, Eerpomiiles Ty Aiddexadsr we » 3. x» Pavepsuover ori ége Emisonn Xess“. TH, niger, tosis ofr roe Xessuero shee Exicond of Xessd 5 éweidd & Néwos 2H Grmdaig-ri Xess, pireow dade ypdupame yeypauuirass, 2 eerervmautian, pow Hs mh; xapBlageas, xg) puddrmrran anbdreras and tede Bd my Epyar tol Tor apaypdner (1). » AtixomSaica Up iudy,-eyyeypanuoln 8 uéhan, ote TA eer 7! Od Give” ox ev “thakl NSinus, aM’ cy wrakl xapdiag 1» Totpmiveus ‘edi i35 Enefce airtar 6 "Amésonec 1@ ovyzeiry wr madariy Néyor yd 1) Evaye prior» dpxnd ixle od Mdyer* drs xaSelz 6 Madi dyune Bideovac Q Unupimng 1 men Deus Népe, bled spsis éxbrapos Buduorce 2 dmapirar 7S xypdyyans 1 Boayyeriee @ xaSds éxeinoc éxeriunee mag Ww mraxac, we dskpas Brradiy Ge gh iueig tarede: xiauer 4g) Exduaper iximbeiag ig sled 1 Ebayyehle cxoboxhs rac tdmdeoas wap: Binge ab 6 ply Népos éypdon pb werdns axd wor Mudolis, ob 34 Evayyé ror éypdon eis éoas pi “Ayer Mvsipa. "Oop darrdr Buapiper mMviue aid wh peddrr, rah dudon x05 xapdin 12 drSpelars, aixd iy dluxor Bor, rece Biagipee i xauern AlxSven 38 EcayyeAie, dd aly madaead ro Néue. T33 &e hak! xapdiag eapeinass”* dvas she ua deepharty, & atayndorerat im’ yee wrak! caprivais + x8 35 ,, xapdiag teat, bid udow? & dwoikd divas & xapdinec wéeeirass , xa5ds eras mir cadapar 8 memapeptinar Apaiar a ESvadir’ Bea wim wis xapBiag nar misdy Xerciardy rl; arcuace eapeivag a aleSurindsy G dards, x Bexrieds we Abu zi EdayztNe, xeel wr émeler mpo. eptrdace 6 ‘Ik exsid , Myar|t y Kal dgend ar tap8iexrlad ASiiln bx rig caps, Umar , 2» ® bebrw dur xapBiar caprirlu“, (‘Ile As’. 26.) (2) a 4 wlleroiSrow J? madrlw Lyquen dio 73 Xessd apis wy Oxiy" 5. 4 Ouy, Sri ixawel doped dy’ savmsy doyicarSaiti, ds %E fav. fy Eoveai teks 22 wc stec AiagQian, i Edayyerle drerepey 2 peryadteepm sived wa avg zaduas MaSirns, aréreSor dar od euhoyie 95 Er agi rd ciny" 1 deiner Ye ues ei ’Amdsones Biker a 142; Miadtnng. wi Edayyeriov, pay aArepor djueSe dae we Maiieldd émeb isdn droves vic wadauds GaaSiens” wim b4 iguivem ae Inv Aéyoe Umepipavos* did wim 6 Maddog Adyer pd mmeTEes0@poruddu , Siv wmeig drove éBexdruec xorpSoua tos Tyower* ad's rexciSvels was, Rov Te reena wel xacymts pag, Gros id plow w Xeiss pes wiv Otdy bid vi 6 Xersds cas aizi0¢y wgh mpdEcres WW 14 xa0e xilueSa acs aig mr Ords* ¥ xgreba Cindy pas xanipSopa Yoh drat edi xb mapapsepde Bn sglig Kami Bi, it Orcicnor Sour isuludivras of aie inite wysei mit ypcgoues womejen, (‘He. Fran” acs ob dutta remuuina” adat yao =.) ddr ppt wee pp uapbie air hinaar here nel & Teeuam werryee w@} inicedlui indie yy ypeece 'y Treiuwrs eed Car" pixeuer 8 xaS' nas cunesoer iyiy, sls ae seth wetter, lat wermyed yas wg] Sardaces pe sbouertis” tte yep duds on waaay deandburts, tp we Secywesins por dyquee (2) (0 U6 Mina Besinues ipuindian @ wd He Epistole di S. Paolo. Tom. II, 26 EPMHNEIA EI THN 8’, MPO KOPINGIOTS. KE®, 1’, wim pdp Bedet pd ad od ebay bre ude Beh dueSe ixavel od euRopie Sauce sizom and Abywuas, xoele rho BorSear wi Ces. ("Opa x rl) épubuciar wi 13. sizu a fl. Kew garals mig mpds OumAITIns Enisoriis ya} thd Urornuclurw ). 6. 47MIN Hh Exawdrns siudy dx TE Oss" Ss %, ixeurow juss Araxd- a» 98S mang Ara Siixns “ H Budawsc, lyer, oH Hretuas Gras ded wiv Osby* Bid x) 6 Oede Grae dnd pig duce, © pas Ixzper inrmdetuc cig 3 12 yoheucn Aiduoros ng) dnnptras wo pieyae Aw wie © Sine mpeyuare, wig rhag Dra Shens» Od yedumates, AMa ThA noms Ka i noes 6 wereude redyarnds Tor, ines i89u dnd si Tdluang dud oh Mae ciag, Soh Hider Sua ya Msiua "Apis, 22905 wb Biber i ba Qindhen we Edzyyerie, @ 6 Maddog" Gre wuts Boh KusisdiSnucw ad my ety, Ere érd- xalde 6 Maioic* ahd sumed Super riv Seow we Ted Ta Acerév Myer Ai Rope mv Siow mi ypaigunmes Bans dmeadi of ‘Amdsoror, dx0 pdrov Aidarxev medparixd, © See Sdzyuqme- pu sere, ahd agi mds yapas Padorrss éxdvw cdg rod; Bawritouchous, Hdidar eis aunig Tipe Ayo. TS yap yedupa dmoxrdva, we df Theiun oomed marude Newos Myer, ddr edgy rire dnd dpapnien, 40) 13 gairducror mapausnpdy dpapmue ( x0905 Tm Wb 1d copnalcéy rds EUAa cig rhs Nutpar we Eahliw ) See partror aumir (1)* 7 D8 "Apior Mvsdye tis vag AraQvnnc, Beysrae Fedvor dno xSee xdpy mi wugla tard, tai bid wdow mig KodupBiSpac Ayia Barriepame Bieasbyas auny (2), % wy vexpadcims axé rl duapriar, Cwomorsi- Ty Be TO see. de aie “AoSpaie dre yeypepurser , * wh ipa oer. 675, of Teoria Seu nabs ebat SovmudCogs Evra sie wl huspar af Leaddew, tw aed és Neunv enSednnacs adr Gh H Ewayeys” yy Kei kesyayer ads view 5) Zuveyw ws 0¥ iG tis Tapaasehis, »j PSedcancee umn de 3394 F Ewayeys Ai Soe. tee aie Taoedoaney a3 peuimte Kou 1g Mucait* (Ano. 14. 36) Grom Bi og ee dydoor Kugtrauey 26 xe ‘Tosvsln Eveyyiniey dew a pos Newer tron vd nSedoua3 yet Sasin ate adrepdia pods $34 Kin ees bee xerizonee alti, ad aaar axdrugen Ope v5 dew iraroy Keparuscr of Mend , gece 'A. esos doy” my Kieu Senos dnayer wip eroding iy €06 ob Spat» wy drancam wine, ( 106 Dmmepi tetas bndadiy ae i Siders dey Saves oor Kopi) pie ny "Hts Yeeuue Uv enya sa Niwe, 6 ud 1g wiv Mile ewncs, iyot Ths xa rena wrdue. seca & News tesyngin® alan yap Carron” al a 79 cuviporcya 9) § Nisoes Cyaysenes gipet © ptr vie sdutse wojanoeu Or 25 wanes nai dr aman tives ve i Senyiog jim eae Yana ie Gs Sore, oy te dader dronrdnera as Lugnn” anid qaoyad aves swim, wh x1 drarre, OU Siioe Mabine Mya? nn yoruua gna arontdina, oS 34 Looe Corroid* D408 0H cw dxverdar enende deonredn Ty weriegst yo Ride nar évipo ct wi ais, @ ouuerixiy od Newry bier, iywr @, yeeuue, to 8 Tne, ware wtih dus gare” Eri sie ayapeniy wipuce op ptenegeurey xaw piu Coir, cout apupibes Rareluery *. (Kip 49. 24s (2 narra Quercy.) Aire beg 6 Mayer Bernune'y yep Yiduuey panic § Niwocy drourdne” 8 bi Mawes. vider wml onuere oe Kigie, Cerzoni” xaSds ame gu DH adpe x worn ahve” Tonue 101 @ Cooeyar™ ay piaew wou Tdveisr, wi Guitss*. (Ady, mio Berriouane nie Gerrilera cy oe 7p Eveypiniy oi Kupie) 0 ti “Ancgerbasas Roost Sy fre” yy Venue wes yp ouuala oy ex vope eed, alin Wad) old ee wraiuary 9g Ons dae Feder» ge! bn oir edayyinulay dy ie 1d Tires dol oltyucelin xenamifnace ¢ Xpest (BigA. tain Daupipar igh exreyat "Ines ) EPMENEIA EIS THN B’, NPOE KOPINOIOTE. KE. ry 27 7. E188 i Sianovia 73 Sanire de ypeiupari omrumawoin & 3 Mas, cycle ev deka“. Agi ante drwrlpe rls Brapopds dma ixer i marard AixSien dnd hod obey, x29" 0,11) éxciry wes dypdon wo sari, aim BF éypdon ye od Meine 23 “Apion” gh dxciow woh trundSy cic mis méxpac, aim 38, eg mig xapdiag® ‘yah excen poh iQardv- rer, alm 4, Cooma Q'S, Mywy more Ehetke, ripe ObG Sérer va BeiEe, Bre we) 8 d0ke wi Elayzerly dias weparentpe and rd iobar wo mares News tradi 3 6 Neuss aicSurld axe d8Eav av mporpyouctl dx w mpordre te Mavotac, 2 3¢ Evay- ydor byee vonrlud rls 3éEar, rhb dwoler Sod BNéwe cide aizSumis* Bid wir é Tad 1a) Adpee* 20g cind cuRopirude Sper Sedyrer vlad Cmepoxlad sag B4Ens we Evayyenie , Brt 8 Néwos Frey Bideovog pdvor % Smpémg re Sardns, 4g) Sob cee Ext § Néwos ror mowing, 16h alziog ti Sardm, Bid vd pl Bboy AaBlO, Q airiar ei ake aipernce 12 wer xamryopout” 31 8,21 a wed dpapria by mounrral airia ws Sardm, 8 34 Néwos Bide alas washetay i Sardine i tx vie duapriag yornBorme. “ARE © wpds wows 4 Néuoe ppdupara ydror Trev, wb Swoie, Sys pdr Bod Tider aguulan Boiduar vie We ayork ouires nani wis duxpriac, ( xx8es nip Udirar BokSer eg me dyantousres co oF ig, dixSiny nd Ayia’ Barrlepams: ) and © axdun aibarelzms dgbharny te ppiupare mia wb; crumelas rir duaprardrmy Bid vi; rt dey coreromapicéy, M- Yety eis sepeds mizpas x Biaxoria wi Sardine, bwhadl d rahaed QusSinn’ drlowe Dorrdy G Néyos iaiims drragy éyoridy pi d8ear, ti tyuce Hrdoloq woop padhor yd eis oF Blayyerhs divar brdekos, 3 dovynsing w Neue Unepiqure (1) ¢ ‘Ose wi duiar Sa crevices és fos “Iepain dg 8 péownor » Marios, did. ced dékay 7 porems adré rus xampyaedln “. md Nbyia Terie xampoper Grerae Sino wie alni trv riocy maxeig, 2 yordpol, Ose Sra vBl rhd wie Syrled Bieav we mpordre Matotws @uularm rd Brimow* div dae d¢ Gre 6 NOUS) ab at writnes Gyov ria 36- ar, ddd w xpdramor wi Meiotac mi Basdoarms mi; maxes’ 8871 8 Meteie ial ver brbokos, Bye al wAdues we Nous did 2 aurls rbd BMeay @ Muiolas xaree Bdber 6 “Axdsoros érondlar acrld xarapyuutelu: Bde Bi Sri Bbv Gwe tli) Bézun zla! xaxlod, ahd vlad xampyuulrlas, tyour rlab dpyiear, xg} whos AauBdrurar , 1g) 08 Bapdroveas wdrmrs. “EGpaius 3 Seiog “Axdsonos , 316,70 8. MSs bye maMor if diaxovia TE MA watos four do deka abes eco diurtpa rr Néuor Rranosiar Sarda, ists dmv dxddeSor vd inf D8 Edayyinuer Braxorlar Cwig* 6 2 'Axdsore¢ doveas nb pixpdrepor, new psyanirepor, Groudeas aunt Yraxorlay wm ‘Arie Tdiuams > Bi 3,26 i réa AcaSiey oi Ede yerte, der Bide, udror Cala) aid Bide gw psyarizepor wig Cwic, bros oS Medea mo Apion , oh ais Corks, xopmyde* OIG wa Rov Aeron Abyer vi Biaxovia: adm we Msdipame , 9tre1 pd my wd dear, “wapd 6 Neos, 6 Baxordr eig my Savane % » EF Ouobdoner épuuraian oS pxsiv yy sry 29 stv viv xenaSepucsie Seupnie, 78 aeet Brexcriar 3. yy That Sar’ aj usunesar quow isu” 3 dvereioas rainivrons 6 Newer jas waruaouyaie, og Pelt epirs jamrepcrn ry Se ngapiany S- yyae ave, sey ard ram Begin, yal tim a i éyeccehnauren 5 toa, Sxedy we’ cla etmaar ELW creyepormieer” dor Weis tv 9g mpeadny bc. Muar og patudupivar cod xeRus ‘rere to po tan fReGate » wee gather of od Say duenordrrss 4, duran Oug y #ebdoSy we apcowrar'*, (4 p eduasss wines ancanise, iceur*. Miya Bi ay ts ger x3. Faduiv, ee 76 fwey* Kop & Mizar Becinwcs” 4, Keinor aandincy 9 tpeaputimasr » Sennen Teno 1S tthe wa luau) - 2 28 EPMHNEIA HIE THN B’, MPOE KOPINOIOYE. KE®. I’. “g. EP yelp i dioxoria wig xamaxesotus dike TOG maMor Hf dea » xovis, ‘is dixuioruins reegosdia &y ddky. These ob ai sdnne'y w@) BG Adyar b Madr0e* dedy yap rd ipulud’y be caer dsurtpe bri ypdupa re Nénw dwoxrcivee, Abyer 839, br1 6 admis Néuoc ror Siaxope- aig xaraxeloems, xaS'd Suradi troy reuddrinds mig duaprias, ya) bye moinrinds, ire x29 8 txalbde whe duaprivorms, x) bys mais rer adrioe vd daaprdyoun of dySporor* Byaxorlar 38 Biaaeeusns 79 Edayytivor avéuaces Bid ri avsd, dys pdror #ddSepdvor wig ar Spdruc did rid xéhaew, dia 4g) Sixatuc xdpver rec dpapwdue Bid 7e ‘Ayla Bar tlepams* 8Sev, dv 8 Neues G4 Bianoria vig xameneiotag 13 Sardm, tod kybokos , ORG paldor Edayysdor, % diaxorta sig Sixacoousns, bree evar tydokor 10. Kal yolp ¥ ded&asa 0 dedokarpetoy oy rir 73 ipa, ole 1 Keo Tig UrepBaideens ddr. K. al, Myer, euynetew rlod madaidy wi rbd sbar; shen moi var i cxepoxt iyee i vba QeaSien 76 Evayyedla ad mle Néuor, ‘ase de rp wipe rére , wyoun & ai euyxelee mime, ebb Sire voucSH wae Eye D8Ear rercterg 73 dedobarpsvor » ros 6 maruds Névos y Bia rlad mepGorinlad BéEar ra EiayyeNus Bi 8,71, dyxard ya} 8 rarmds Néwos dvae BedoLaopirec auirks nad’ dauriv* bytcs normed ets tla vepQorr, ula) Bé€ar 15 Evayyedie, deter galssra (1). BAtze 31 Er: 9D poder bad xamBiBile Rr madaséy Néyor, ps ri Adve radme 6 'Anésonee, GN’ Suas i aid mdnw rd Boe mr cusaizer Bid oh ad cuprelees yirorrae, byt eis mpdypara Sx dra abn dréuoit, aah irepopui, IN’ eis xpayware bars Grae cupyeri, x3) Suooud dvausratnar , xard 7g ypanwarinde « 11. yy El yd 1 xampysiucooy diet dokng, woIMG UsMoy 7H wetor , » & dE. K. BE Dov evRoysrpsr amodeiyver 6 'Amésorog rl) dmepoyld rity sbag dad ths maderds* Bid rl, dvizws, Ayer, & Néuog dad iss vd mabey 1d ye0p apyds, #2890 pd 38a, ORG paIor ® Evayydrice era brboor, a éxoioy tye rd Bae Biry mdrmr bas sit cureddas ro Kéous. 12. ,,"Eyovns Sy touirly caida, wo waginoix ypsucdu E..0 mols, dxepBormlud ddEar ivapripure wae tye i rhe AiaSixn 79 Eday- psiov, of 36 anlornec mt Déyia rare loos ine dépous va feud Bébar aie Serle, a aoScecic Brree eke rir Aoprrydr* Bid ram db Madres Abyss 85, br, ude of Xora vo) bai émisdicaper cig ri Evayyédsoy éraida txouer. Molar B88 érmiba, } worm wld ; br iEibSmucs peyarlrepa xaclepara and éxciva bri ibn b Maidens gh Bid roim iusig of ‘Axésoror wold magiuriar pemyeeléueSa wpdc tie rho pan Surdouches wap inde Xesssarie, xuels 12 drocedueSa, xg) rd xpurniuede rereiag and teas, 40) rd cxemilauer wi mpbowrsr nac, xaSde min 6 Maioic ioxixale 1 apse carésrs, bid ra pi 13 oud of doSevcic éeSaru0l nly ‘Efpaiar deadlier, 30d go- PeueSa bre tur 1d BrapSous of épSarqoi cas ciad hd Sewelar pas? Bid rt adm) dey erat clue ss las épulanier aod yyrowesien, dxeBnizer ds viees* So wend wee rp 24 Seobiper’ jyeemire Seo 985 pxricury de Sons, oo MPMUBOie in Bake , Ge 9 AAS reran 15 ATE ge sr euiGera, EPMHNEIA EIZ THN B’. POE KOPINGIOYE. KE®. Fr’. 29 Gra doSevde ¥ ddulaw, xaSas ir of épSaruo} niv BGpator’ 6 yap Medeic, do” 8 Bdlrspor adi Du wis wrdxac, yg) beartln dd m2 "Opes 1 End, Oye 1d apbronsy mv moor, Aaunpér, 87% Sob MBulasw of ‘ESpaios rd mrnoidcoun cig aby y xg) vd cunopee Alcouw, tas Ori b Maicis HBads oxizacpe éxatw cig 13 apsowrér®, *aSebe pairs rar cig lel “Aylar Tpaglas*,, Kad dder 'Aapdy, 2) wavres of mpeeBirepa wy Maviela, ww ld BoE sepesn oF SLi5 aH xpduams of mpordlae , 2 egoBiSucar tyyicat avrg. kel txtduece tx) xb apéoaror att xddonpa* ladiea Yad eivenopdism Madi Char nt! Kuely Aadev atrg, weep wv xddoppa, tag wi ixmopsterSarr © cEedASdr éra- wre mass mis dois ‘Iepair, doa eeereibam ate Kies" agi Aor of yo) ‘Iopaid nmérumor Maiziag br BebLarat, yg) meexdSuxe Matric xdiuuua bx) xb mpéewzer x davri, tag ab ciotASn cuRarer avrg % ("EE AB. 30.) Tadrlw B8 eld isoelar Sragipes 6 Maids 8g, % xrduarads AAnyope vi éevpacree . 13. 4, Kal of xaSeéme Musi triSu xddyuun end a mpdrunoy yy aTS , pds 1 put oeviorar res ios “Iopuin eg we aedos 7 2 manip yetucie Hee 20 ara xpeia, Myc’, rd oxeraldueSa suds dd ryuoac, ra 9d; 6 Mate ons toximals wb mpicwnd: m pi oxémacua did vd ph mir Brno of "Efpaios* exes focig GaSe Bunan) vd Brdaere rlui sonrlud BéEar mavrlu ws Evayyehiw, thd droit Hues of “Andsoror Exopce* prov b7d érdm 4 Bdea rd EvayyeNle Gras dapmpor’pe and tli} BéEar wi Matelas, Hrs éocic Bular9e rd soi rd Musieca 1 On, ra) 13 Ecayyéhior, g uae of “Axdsodes Beh xpealéueSa vd cxexdloucr aint dnd MSyxoas , drat us cxizacua, pi lid dedpear, xg\ cxorendda wiv Aéywr yg) vonudrav. OF 3¢ EBpatos wb x rd rey maxeic, & xordpol, Sob eBuulerm vd Bows wh rd soxacSous Sr 8 Néuos Exe rides x) bas Sider wciny dpyds (1), Bi G,70 0 xddugua onwaiver wr rae xu) rout mir Efpatwr, xadaz Séresc uddve xg) dnd i dxdeSa Adyin we "Amocddou + Meernoi &¢ Erle Geonrar we pry * Gr4 xg) avs vd wld ipxopors of EGpaios 9 idoxd rhb War mi Maictac, éoastpore mae 35a exetre Tye widog* 31 8411 mi rd pled ePrinem dad wig dhe, xard wi ube Béea Fry dovdy 49) Fle bwAdw, Sri coat @Aryoxpénes, ue vw rd lad épalver wBi was Fv BéEx. Elze yap brs 30h Busser of Vepawdires rd oud cig nw 'ridoc we xamepyupire, eds rd repos bt, ered) Bod To Brexor oj lepanNizar wiv BéEar ri Maiedas , roreér atrog dye emadcaw y diZa éxel- 14 9 Gras onyoxpérieg ror, Sse éxd 3de daa dpyiet, wg Enavrwr. 14s AI" —_—— ee der 1 6 ei Biayyinico Aerio, win os ar Kai 6 Ocodveioe réye coun 8 sie av Navy dard oy yy suse ( of “Anicohor dna ) od tapyasn' (eu x ce wir “ASpasin QueSixn, 5, Xjuuames, xeddnea ixéios (6Mucaie din.) ie Neues xaripyvsee aiirld , wi Buepopors pense. peoie pip huedeysusse” warty, of isdlanre we $3 mpnadinas” 1369") 8 hd Mas Po tempos ques axcnaiusw ayhne* Syner Ue 6 2 gaits xaryppadn, oi xe, 6: ms 9065 oe las Vubeiur xicier $ Sasmme Mucois anes Newety wi rd nernpyadh inves, jyemSeaxilur, éxvridu aG apcaueg a mebvume , < tty os a aitve. “Ons st obr of 5, Siddonor cai Noww o@ tthe thay a Bovivcrras® roitioe Neyor xerysyiSnanr, dad Tiros rod xempe ye rénee yap Nees Xpiese We Saueovine rare! rg se yrmse 3 ded Mostar Néwce » swabs Serpe a= Sy ediorni” ("Pay (-4-) tiem pep dou 7760 © yt re a Snes Bee érarmyna” a Be 6 Néuoe wi- jyrioaa cis git lepeih te ab wih nermpyypece= ; sexempy aceon 749 fon On) Turics wevcever” i xampyauirey t6r Uxd os Nope ne juceer warts sr Xpsdy®,

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