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PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Testimonial Excerpts


I received a deep cut in my index finger and thumb (my unsuccessful attempt of chopping
onions) After half an hour of using the Plasmotekk NanoField Plates, I observed the healing
process had begun and by the next day, hardly a trace of a scar remained. I also observed to my
happy surprise that my blood SPO2 (oxygen/blood saturation) levels rose from 96% to 99%.
- Dr Salil Bhatt, Auckland, NZ
I came to the sessions with arthritic pain in hands and joints, bad liver, severe psoriatic arthritis
on legs. I noticed the discolouration in my legs, now lightening, with patches going back to
normal colour. I Suffer from psoriatic arthritis in my hands and was unable to make a fist with
either hand. After 2 sessions, the pain dissipated in both hands. All joints, knuckles and wrists
now feel free from pain. I had a liver transplant, 2 years ago. A couple of weeks ago had a biopsy
that showed there was no further deterioration. My liver function tests were all in the normal
range. I have more energy. Cut down on prednisone required down to half medication.
John Mayers, Auckland, NZ
As a diabetic, it is especially remarkable to see a foot wound heal faster than normal. As a heart
attack patient and diabetic sufferer, this technology has made my life tolerable and the
necklace has become my mobile first aid kit. I recommend the bed to arthritic sufferers with joint
pain and heart patients with shortness of breath or breathing problems. Asthma is something I
don?t miss.
- Lionel Brown, Auckland, NZ
First time I was introduced to this technology was when I burnt my abdomen from boiling water.
The skin in the area immediately turned red and blistered. This was approximately 10cm long
and 1cm wide. An hour after the incident, my friend brought me a small Light Tower. Following 1
hours treatment I found that most of my pain left and the red color faded. I said My God, whats
going on here? Thats fantastic! My friend only lent the Light Tower for 2 days. I forgot the
incident as Ihad no pain. One week later, I thought I should look at my stomach again. It was
really unbelievable.The skin was very smooth, same as normal skin. I am very happy to
recommend it.
Carol Lin, Auckland, New Zealand
I had breast tumor operations twice between ages 18-25 years. However, the tumors continued
growing. My chest was hard and painful through just a soft touch. I have worn the necklace for
nearly one year now and Ive found the tumors in my chest are all gone. My chest has no pain
and has become very soft, smooth. An interesting thing is that my bra size went from 10-12 then
to 14now. I have to change my bras several times in a year. Also very lucky for me, I am able to
have a boyfriend now. I hope I will have a very good personal life in near future.
Mary Shaw, Auckland, New Zealand
All feeling back in finger after 12 x 1 hour Plasmotekk sessions over 12 day. Chief Plastic
Surgeon (Hutt Hospital, NZ), stated he had not seen a finger that had been completely severed
heal in such a quick manner as this

- Dave Johnson, Wellington, NZ

PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Testimonial Excerpts

I suffered chest pain from pleurisy. (The last time it happened was 20yrs ago). I felt tightness in
my chest when I entered the wellness center. When lying down on the bed, I felt my chest
expand.Within half an hour, I could breathe deeply with no pain. I was full of tears because this is
an amazing product.
Susan Chang, Auckland, New Zealand
People who met me last year asked How old are you? Have you got children in their 20s? The
same people were surprised to see me this year and now they say We cant believe you are
older than us? We are 29, how old are you?
Catharine Shaw, Auckland, New Zealand
I was diagnosed with active chronic ulcerative Colitis (Proctitis) from Colonoscopy. Symptoms
were bleeding from the bowl, cramps, pain and discomfort, extreme tiredness, diarrhoea along
with some other uncomfortable symptoms such as very uncontrollable embarrassing accidents. I
was introduced to the Plasmonic Technologies early in June 2008. It was limited exposure with
mini light tower to start with but improvements to symptoms began to show within two weeks.
The first treatment bed was available at the end of July 2008 which I began using, resulting in a
90% improvement at time of writing. The extreme tiredness has abated; the diarrhoea has gone
along with any requirement to take the daily anti diarrhoea pills. The drugs that I now take are at
aminimum and I am looking forward to the day very soon that I can stop completely.
George Little, Auckland, New Zealand
I had been a smoker for 40 years and had cancer and sarcoidosis. After first session, felt as if
body was floating. Was so nice to be able to breathe better. Very relaxed, went into a deep,
peaceful sleep. As time went by, everything seemed to be brighter. Have been trying to keep
away from electrical devices. Also, my attitude changed, life seemed brighter husband and
people at work commented on the difference. I have more energy and am sleeping better.
Noticed my skin is no longer scaling. I had been seeing a dermatologist because of this problem.
Havent had any migraine headaches and not needed to take any medication for migraine
headaches during this treatment.
Margaret Hammonds, Auckland, New Zealand
Suffered water retention in the body, particularly in the hands. Often felt weak and without
energy, needing to lie down and rest. Also has goitre and diabetes. Blood pressure was going up
and doctor prescribed medication that made her sick with dizziness and vomiting. Doctor was
surprised to see me lose 4kgs in one month without exercise. Prior to the Wellness sessions,
even with changes in my diet, had only managed to lose 1kg. Previously an ingrown toe nail took
a month to heal. But this time while I was having sessions, an ingrown toe nail was gone
completely within a week.
Marie Latham, Auckland, New Zealand
I had 3 sessions. On the first day I felt full of energy, the second and third sessions started to do
a lot of good for my sore back, legs and hands (osteoarthritis). Unfortunately (and this is where I
noticed how good the treatment was) I couldnt have any more sessions and my pains are now
coming back.
Carmen Smith, Auckland, New Zealand

PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Testimonial Excerpts

I thank you for sending the light tower to me when my finger was bitten off by one of my horses.
It was an enormous help and both myself and the plastic surgeon are amazed at how the finger
has responded. Thank you very much. The top of the finger, down to the first joint was totally
severed as the horse bit clean through the bone. The top part was reattached in the plastics
department at the Hospital. At the time there was doubt whether it would regrow or not. I followed
the instructions you sent and placed a mirror under the finger and proceeded to direct the light
tower over the finger. After five minutes or so I suddenly felt a tingling sensation in the finger
rather like the hairs on my skin standing up! I then began to sense a feeling from within the
finger. This sensation was very noticeable for the first week and then became less noticeable as
the healing process increased. Twelve days after the accident I returned to the Hospital to have
the wound dressed. On this occasion the chief Plastic Surgeon attended me. On viewing the
wound he was amazed to see the improvement and actually went away to fetch the original xrays. He stated, he had not seen a finger that had been completely severed heal in such a quick
manner as this. Thank you once again for sending the light tower to me to use.
David Jones, Wellington, New Zealand
At a social function I found myself in some distress, as I suffer from blocked sinuses and had left
my medication at home. A friend mentioned the necklace, which I purchased shortly after. I have
not used an inhaler for seven weeks which is amazing for someone who used 2-3 inhalers a
James Matthews, Wellington, New Zealand
I have been wearing an Enviroplate Necklace for four weeks and can testify to the following:
- Now breathing easier with less wheezing and generally feeling better, more alert and positive.
- Able to work longer hours with less tiredness and feelings of stress. - A serious dandruff
problem, suffered since a teenager has almost cleared up completely. Previously, I have used
every available commercial remedy, doctors prescriptions and many home made recipes to no
Mark Owens, Wellington, New Zealand
On 28/11/2008 Graeme had to combat a sudden fire at his workplace in an area which had
timber framing surrounds the reason for the instantaneous combustion. He used a hand
held fire extinguisher before the fire brigade help arrived. He suffered burns on his face and
hand. He was able to run water over his face and hand 15 minutes after the incident. From first
and second degree facial burns to new skin with no scaring within 7 x 1 hour sessions
over 5 days, and 7 x 15 minute sessions over 5 days treating the right hand.

Graeme Linton, Auckland, NZ

PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Testimonial Excerpts

I was very sceptical when first introduced to the necklace and light tower treatments; however
the benefits I have since received have helped me understand a lot about the foundations of
Natural Medicines. This alternative treatment has helped in my recovery and I would like to share
my story with you. Background Health Arthritis 2 knee replacements 2000 and 2006, Follicular
variant of Thyroid Cancer December 2007, November 2006. My surgeon broke my tibia plateau
in four places (medical misadventure) when I underwent my second knee replacement. I became
an ACC statistic. I was visited in hospital and given the Necklace to wear. I was told to keep it on
as it may help with my recovery. I have since discovered that it could assist to generate more
oxygen around my body in order to heal faster.
I was told by my surgeon that my left leg would have to be in a leg brace for 8 weeks so the
break could heal before they could start physio-therapy to bend my new knee. I left the hospital
in a wheelchair and was told that it could take months for me to recover. Anyone who has had a
knee replacement would know it is imperative to start moving your knee as soon as possible in
order to get the 80 to 120 degree bend required to be completely successful and functional.
I wanted to return to work as soon as possible even in a wheelchair if I had to. I requested an
ACC workplace assessor to visit and was told that people with the same problem have taken
months to get back to work.
I started physio eight weeks later. Three months later I had thrown away my crutches and my
knee had a 120 degree bend. This to me was nothing short of a miracle and I am positive that
the necklace assisted me with my recovery so I have kept wearing the necklace 24/7. December
2007 I had developed a swelling in my neck over 3 years that kept going up and down. This was
constantly monitored by my doctor who decided to elevate the condition and send me to an
endocrinologist for second opinion. Blood tests revealed my thyroid to be normal and a needle
aspiration showed a suspicious but non-cancerous cyst. I was referred to a surgeon and
operated on at the Southern Cross Hospital. I was told by the surgeon that I had a 1 cm
carcinoma which did not look cancerous but was a jelly like substance. It was sent away for
testing with samples from my lymph nodes.
Bad news: My surgeon advised he had performed a total thyroidectomy (removed my thyroid)
and the pathologists report stated I had been diagnosed with Follicular variant of papillary cancer.
Good news: I underwent a body scan and all my lymph nodes were clear and my prognosis was
treatable and curable. I will be undergoing a radioactive Iodine drink in two weeks to ensure that
all the cancer cells have been destroyed. It is optional for me to do this, however I believe in
conventional medicine as well. Two weeks after my operation I received light tower treatments.
The scaring around my neck has now faded to a faint line.
There is no doubt in my mind that my quick recovery has been greatly assisted by wearing the
necklace and having the light tower treatments. It has given me hope for the future and I am now
back working full time and look forward to celebrating my 90th Birthday. I would highly
recommend anyone to try this alternative treatment along with your conventional treatment and
see what it can do for you. I know that it worked for me I hope it can for you too. Give it a go!
What have you got to lose?
Katherine Jones, Auckland, New Zealand

PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Testimonial Excerpts

A sleep overnight study at Greenlane hospital showed that I was waking up approximately 15-18
times every hour, sometimes gasping for breath. This resulted in high blood pressure, continual
tiredness and a total breakdown of a normal functioning body. I was awake more than I was
asleep! My 35 year history of high hypertension due to bad food choices and high stress levels.
Combination of working long hours (12-14 hour days) in the world of show business. This
involved driving 2-6 hours each day whilst on daily medication of 4 pills over a period of 35 years.
These factors, coupled with a Whanau history of heart problems resulted in my having cardiac
arrest 4 years ago. Luckily the ambulance was cruising the North Shore at the time and made it
to the house within 3 minutes.
The heart surgeon at North Shore hospital did what he was well trained at doing and that was to
bring me back to life. Within 11 days world-renowned heart specialist Parma Nand was in Mercy
Hospital giving me a quad-triple bypass. Then it was back to my cardiac specialist. I was
prescribed the normal survival drugs including the dreaded Stating cholesterol reducing drug
together with a Sleep Apnoea machine. This was becoming a survival exercise rather than a get
well program.
As suggested, I started to walk every morning at 5.30am for at least an hour as well as a half
hour at night. I changed my eating habits and stopped watching so much TV. I also started to
look for alternative solutions. It was around this time when I was introduced to wearing the
Necklace and using the Plasmotekk Lightower Conditioner. This was to help keep my oxygen
levels normal to enable my body to repair itself, which in turn helped my breathing and wellbeing. My blood pressure reduced to (110/87), no more sleep apnoea machine, reduction in
medication to 2 pills daily resulting in more energy, better eating and weight loss to 77kgs.
Within a very short space of time I was able to notice a very positive change happening to me. I
now wear the necklace all the time treating it as an essential part of helping to keep my body in
tune. I now feel so much better.
Wayne Hinds, Auckland, New Zealand
I suffered from migraine six months after my first born. I would get these attacks every month and
was left feeling very tired with a tight neck and shoulders, as well as heavy pressure all around
my head and vomiting. To stop my migraine, I had to use imagraine, a self inject medication to
stop my nausea and vomiting.
I noticed windy weather also affected by body. I felt stressed out, with stiff shoulders and all my
bones would ache. The weather even set my migraine off and often brought on an attack,
especially stormy weather.
My sister-in-law mentioned she had a few Wellness sessions and that she has experienced
some changes in her health. She suggested I should try it out.
After having 9 sessions with the light tower, and wearing the necklace every day, even with long
hours at work I don't feel as tired. My blood circulation is much better. Even with the bad windy
weather I don't feel pressure on my head and neck any more, and the weather has not set my
migraines off or given me an attack. This is only a few weeks after the course I have had with the
wellness support. I feel much happier now.
I would really recommend this to everyone especially, when it can do marvellous things to ones
health. If they know what a migraine sufferer has to put up with every month they will be glad to
try this out. It's like I've been given a second chance in life.
Jane Lin, Auckland, New Zealand

PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Testimonial Excerpts

My main concerns when I first visited the Wellness Support Centre, Auckland on 22 September 2008,were chronic
fatigue that I had suffered for more than 30 years and a combination of dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis that had
covered 80% of my body for more than two years. I had been treated for the dermatitis by three GPs, a private
dermatologist and a dermatologist at North Shore Hospital, all to no avail. All treated the symptoms but I found out
for myself that there is no cure. In two years I spent close to $5,000 on GPs, a private dermatologist and medicines. I
took stacks of medicines back to my chemist for disposal largely unused because they had no effect or worsened
the problem. I am not denigrating their efforts. They could only work with the tools and knowledge they had. But I
was intrigued and amused when one GP asked if I would be embarrassed if I was tested for Aids. No, I said, but if it
comes back positive, my wife is in big trouble. So I suffered this maddening, horrible disease with little hope ridding
myself of it. However, I found,by accident, that I could obtain some relief by showering in VERY hot water, probably
not good for my skin but certainly an ecstatic, agonising relief for short periods. I consequently cancelled my $295
visits with a dermatologist who was treating some of the spots with liquid nitrogen and prescribing steroid ointments
for the rest of the complaint.
And so to that first appointment with the Wellness Support Centre. I approached the session with much scepticism.
After all, I had tried so many suggested and recommended treatments and all had failed. I had nothing to lose by
visiting the centre. I spent one hour beside the Plasmotell Plates got off the bed, walked down two flights of stairs
and was
halfway to my car when I called to my wife to stop and look. I did a little jig on my toes and then strode to the car.
I had hobbled into the centre and stumbled up the stairs. For some weeks before that point I used crutches at home
and a walking stick outside because of according to x-rays probably osteoarthritis in my left big-toe joint. The
pain was intense and I couldnt bear even the weight of a duvet on it at night. I was given pills to reduce the swelling
(didnt work) and paracetamol tablets for the pain.
After just one hour the swelling had gone, along with the pain, and I could see the outline of the toe bone under the
skin. Incredible! In 2002 I was treated with radiation for prostate cancer. The radiation damaged the bowel and a
colonoscopy revealed the bowel was lacerated, causing it to bleed. This showed up when I went to the toilet and
some (not much) effort was required.I underwent two sigmoidoscopies where heated gas is used to cauterise (my
word) the wounds. This did not, however, completely solve the bleeding problem; the procedure could not be carried
out close to the anus because of the likelihood of pain.
I continued to bleed until after about the fifth or sixth sessions with the Plasmotekk Plates. I noticed that there was
no or very little bleeding even after straining at stool and the situation has remained like that since. I had a triple
cardiac bypass operation in 1999 and although initially I was in relatively good health, I was often breathless during
exertion. I learned my heart had almost doubled in size which presumably meant it had to work overtime. I was out
of breath, especially after walking 20 metresup my steep driveway. I would have to sit on my deck to recover at the
In 1991, an x-ray revealed my heart / lung ratio was 150 / 330. A 2003 x-ray revealed it had enlarged to the upper
level of normal heart / lung ratio (160 /325) and on 4 April 2007 it was 180 /320. I had another xray and the report
dated 23 October said the heart remains mildly enlarged with a CTR of 17/33. This means my heart had shrunk. I
understood there are no known drugs to cause this. My breathlessness had also diminished incredibly, my energy
level is higher and although my age (74) is against my being restored to the level I had 36 years ago, I now do more
and feel better. As recently as September I was spending up to 14 hours a night in bed and then sleeping or resting
for about two hours every afternoon. I had not been out at night to the movies since 1981. In the 1980s I used to go
sailing in my boat and would come home exhausted after three days. I would sleep for 24 hours and then spend the
next two days in bed. I have fought the fatigue for 36 years, later in life learning to pace myself. Now I can cope with
it. As far as the dermatitis is concerned the healing process was quite dramatic at the beginning because it really got
things stirred up. Instead of the itching disappearing it began in other areas of my body; ribs, underarms, jaw line,
collarbones, around the navel and buttocks.
But I persevered and slowly, so slowly, the spots are going. Its a bit like watching grass growing or paint drying: you
cant see it but it is happening. In the past I often had to have up to five of those VERY hot showers a day to gain
some relief. Before I visited the centre, my legs from about mid-calf to ankle were a real mess. I used to get up at all
hours at night and stand in two buckets of cold water to try to stop going mad. It didnt work. At this
stage my legs were scarlet and scaly and often suppurating. Now their true colour is returning with new skin and
they no longer itch as they did. I should also mention that my tricky digestive system has also improved and I eat
curries, fried onions, garlic etc with no reflux problems now.
The improvement in my health was achieved without lotions, potions, pills, ointments or salves. The only advice I
received was drink plenty of water to flush the toxins. I had 21 one-hour sessions with the Plasmotekk Plates. All
this from a swinging plate of stainless steel? Seems unbelievable but I know its true because it happened to me.
Larry Lees, Auckland, New Zealand

PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Testimonial Excerpts

I was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma of the brain and liver on 9 June 2008 when rushed to
the hospital with a bad headache. The golf ball sized brain tumour was removed and then I was
discharged. Two days later I was back in hospital with a brain infection from the urinary catheter
that had travelled to my head - very serious diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. After 2 weeks of
nasogastric feeding and having a ventricular shunt put in my head to reduce the hydrocephalus I
remained in hospital for several weeks. In late August I was discharged without antibiotics and
remained nauseas so went back to the doctor because it was thought that the shunt could be
blocked. It turned out that the infection was not resolved. (While I was in the hospital I wore one
of the Plasmotekk Necklaces. Just before discharge they did a CT scan of the liver and the
doctors were quite surprised that the liver tumours had shrunk.
I was readmitted with the bacterial infection. The infectious disease team decided that I had had
enough antibiotics and they did not work so were going to send me home to die (I was given 3
days to a few weeks). The neurosurgeons decided to continue the antibiotics and after another
week in hospital they sent me home with antibiotic infusion (self administering with a line into my
heart). At this point I started to have sessions on the "bed"(Wellness Support System). I have
continued sessions and am improving all the time. I also continued on the infusion of antibiotics
for 6 weeks.
The blood results were so improved that the doctors took me off the IV and put me on a minimal
dose of a sulpha drug for maintenance. The bloods continued to improve. I had dropped 20 kilos
in weight and have now regained several kilos and am back working. I feel great, just a little
wobbly in the leg which is attributed to possible results from the brain surgery. We were waiting
on a further CT scan of the liver which was to happen before my oncology appointment on 18
November. I saw the infectious disease team and they said I am doing 'fantastic'. The 26
November CT scan showed no change in the liver tumours which has the doctors stumped. They
are not acting like melanoma (growing and multiplying) ...they were not there a couple of years
ago so now they are saying they are not sure what they are. I am in complete remission and
doing fine.
I would recommend the Wellness Support System to anyone who has cancer as I feel that it
has been due to these sessions that I am still alive as the aggressive type of cancers I was
diagnosed with usually have a prognosis of living an average of 2-4 months.
Don Mills, Auckland, New Zealand
I suffer from M.E. (chronic fatigue). I was taking Nortriptyline (to help sleep) and Florinef to aid
my blood pressure which was low. Also had weekly B12 injections and monthly zinc tablets and
vitamin D, as mine was low. The Wellness Support Sessions were recommended to me. I found
after some treatments I felt tired but I noticed I slept very well at night. After other sessions
however, I did feel energised. Following nearly 3 weeks of treatments I have noticed my energy
levels have increased and I am now achieving many more tasks during the day than I previously
I would recommend that others with my condition try this as in these early stages I do feel
encouraged by this improvement.
Fiona Baker, Auckland, New Zealand

PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Testimonial Excerpts

Some 4 months ago I suffered an accident on my boat, the result of which gave me arterial
fibulation of my heart, i.e. uneven heart beat. After six weeks of living carefully I was given
treatment to correct this. The treatment lasted approximately two weeks before it went back into
A.F. I also suffer from low blood pressure. Unfortunately the drugs prescribed are standard for
most people but my low blood pressure did not help the situation. I was persuaded to try the
treatment.After approximately 4 hours treatment I started to have my blood pressure and heart
rate monitored and as the treatments continued my blood pressure increased to normal, around
175 over 74 with my heartbeat around 78 to 80. I believe I am living an almost normal life again
with the help of this treatment and would certainly recommend it.
John Taser, Auckland, New Zealand
Diagnosis of grade 2 cancer in the breast was confirmed by medical clinic December 2008
recommendation = surgery. Have sought alternative sources of health and restoration, including
topical paste and mineral supplements since beginning of 2008. I also sought prayer for healing.
A friend recommended I try this treatment. I chose to take this path rather than traditional or
orthodox recommendations. I understood that this non invasive technology restores the sources
of health and well being, that is, the health and balance of the blood and cells of the body,
facilitating healing.
From the first session I noted that any pain associated with the natural medication had
disappeared.It has not returned after 40 hours. I noticed strange tingling coldness in hands and
feet disappeared after session and warmth has returned. My memory has also improved and I
can think more clearly. It is early days to be conclusive yet, but the hope /promise is that given
time my body will repair itself. Oxygenating your blood is, I understand essential to an effective
healthy process. Potentially whatever your condition, this treatment gives your body the chance
to heal.
Lorraine Brown, Auckland, New Zealand

PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Testimonial Excerpts

My first knowledge of my malignant melanoma on the side of my left eye was when I had a
mole removed by my local doctor in March 2006. Results from this came back as malignant.
I had further surgery (in Southern Cross hospital, Wairau Road, North Shore) with results
coming back that all was clear.
I continued to have 3 monthly check ups with Specialist, Mr John DeGeus. In January 2009
he felt something around my cheek area and took a further 2 incisions from there. The
results came back as malignant melanoma again.
In February 2009 I underwent surgery whereby a section of the bone around my lower eye
socket was removed in trying to cut the melanoma out. The result showed the melanoma
right through the bone segment and I was advised that further, more intense, surgery would
be necessary this time going to Auckland Hospital under the HEAD, NECK and THROAT
team. After CT and MRI scans, surgery was scheduled for April 2009.
In coming back to work part time, February 2009, my long term work colleague and friend,
Kathy Hynes told me she knew of some alternative treatment that I should try and gave me
the wellbeing necklace. As I am very open to looking after the wellness of my body as best I
can, I was keen to learn more. To this day, I wear the necklace continually. (I have only
removed the necklace when undergoing surgery in April.)
I was invited over to East Tamaki on the following Saturday, 21 February 2009 and had 2
hours on the bed. I continued undergoing treatment at various times, each session lasting 1
hour and sometimes 2 hours. I have had a total of 15 hours treatment at East Tamaki and
have had 1 hour at North Shore with future 2, 1 hour sessions per week planned for North
I very firmly believe these sessions have helped me in the dissipation of my cancer.
Especially after receiving the histology report from Auckland Hospital dated 27 April 2009. I
believe the treatments had a direct effect on my cancer, and are now having a very positive effect
on the overall wellbeing of my body.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to be involved in this programme and would, (and
have) absolutely recommended the Wellness Support System to others.
I am happy for this testimonial to be used in a promotional manner for the encouragement
of other people to balance their bodies for their own better wellbeing.
I am happy to help and assist in this support system in any way I can. Thank you.
Sherry Baird, Auckland, New Zealand

PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Full Testimonial


PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Referees


PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Full Testimonial


PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Full Testimonial


PlasmoTekk Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


Unsolicited Full Testimonial


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