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Guide to
Forewordby John A. Gans,Pharm.D.
Introduction bv Andrew T. Weil, M.D.

A Stonesong
W I L L I A M M O R R O W A N D C O M P A N Y .l N C . r N e w Y o r k


Handbooks.New York: Oo,li{

Bremness,L. Herbs.lst American ed. Eyervitness
Guideto Morr'$ffi '
of Medicinal Plants:A PracticalRet'erence
Chevallier,A. TheEncyclopedia
Than 550Kq MedicinalPlantsd, Their Useslst Americaned. New York:Dorlinai..$i,
Leung, A.Y., and S. Foster. Encyclopediaof Common Natural

Usedin Food

ed.NewYork:JohnWilev& Sons'1996'
l. A.Y. Leung and S. Foster,Encyclopediaof Common Ntttural IngredientsUsedin Food, .'''
Drugs,and Cosmetics,2nded. (New York: John Wiley & Sons' 1996).Y. Liu and Y. {fi&.,
Ma, Zhongcaoyao,26(8)(1995): 43740.
2 . L e u n gJ n d F u s t c ro, P .c i t .
10(l) (1994):58-60'
3. L. Dai etal.,ZhongguoYaolixueTongbao,
4 . Z . G e e r a l . . Z h o n g g u o Y a o l i x u e T o n g blal (o4, ) ( 1 9 9 5 ) : 3 0 3 - 5 .
5. Yan Zhang et il., Zhonggtttt\bolixue Tongbuo,10(5) ( l99a): 372-71.
6. H. Zhou et aI-, Zhongguo YrtolixueTongbao, I 0(6) ( I 99a) : 429-32.
Yaolixuelbrrtlrnrr'9(6) ( I 993): 161-67'
7' X. Liu et t'l','l'httnggrut
8. X. Wang etil^, ZhongguoYaolixLttTttngbtto,6(6)(1990):3b3-66.
9. W.G. Zhang and Z.S. Zhang, YttoxueXuebao,29(2)( 1994): 145-'18.J. Tang et al.,
2 I ( I 2) ( 1990): 54749.
l0(l) (l9ll9): l't7-50
l 0 G. Wu et t'i.,Zhonugrtttlirok,'f)rr-rrr.'Xttcl-trto,

Leung and Foster,op. cit.








T h i s e s t e e r n enr jt i r . r t - f a r l i l vn r c n r L l c\rv e sb o r n i n . r n E n g l i s ht r c l c lo i s p c . l r m i n t
s p e r t r l n i n\t. ' ) l c t r t l ns p i c a t o )
i n t h e 1 7 0 0 si;t r c p r e s c n tas n a t L l r r lh v b r i d b e t r v e c n
) .c p p e r n l i n S
t P o r t st h c c l a s s i cs ( l u a r eS t e m s
a n d w a t e r m i n t ( , \ I o r f l r d( l q t t a t i c t t P
to ttr.alleaves,and dense spikcsof liiac-pink florvers
of the rnint frltilv, rtblor.rg
that blotlr.nin sunlnler.\arious tr';'1'5,r; peppermir.rtrtrectrltivittedaround the
world. The leaves(dricd and ticsh) and flttrveringttlps havebcen gsedmedici-

commonly known as black mint
(M. pipertavar. vulgaris Sole)
and white mint (M. pipertavr.

nallv for centuries.

spio,,cooling,and aromaticoil is cxtractecltiorn the lelvesand
An ir.rtenselv
t h e f i e s h o r p a r t i a l l vd r i e d a b o v c g r o u n dr t n t lt l o r v c r i n gp a r t o i t h e h c r b .l n t h e
, e n t h o l ,t i o m t h i s
l a t e 1 8 0 0 sc, h e m i s t sd i s t i l l e ctlh e a l l - i n ' r p o r t a ncto m f r o n e n tm

otficinalis Sole).

o i i ( s e eN l e n t h o lt i r r n r o r c i t t l i r r r n a t i o t r l .


Mentha x piperta L. Family:


What lt ls Used For:

I n t h e k i n g d o n ro f m i n t s ,p e p p r e r m i nat n c ls p e a r m i n tr e i g n a s k i n e a n d q u e e n '
Both Westernand Easterncultureshavelong brewedteaswith the peppermint
leaf to treat indigestion,sore throat, nausea,colds,cancers,gas,and cramplike
stomachand intestinaldiscomforts.(Although spearmintcontainsa volatileoil
that is responsiblefor its distinctivearoma and taste,as weil as its medicinal
properties,it doesnot contain the all-important menthol found in peppermint
oil and is therefbrenot considere{as diverseor potent an herbal remed,v.)




I =Yearsofuse and extensive,

is very
thatthis substance
effectiveandsafewhen usedin
amountsfor the
indication(s)notedin the "Will
It Work for You?"section.
However,seethe warningsin
the"Will It HarmYou?"

,*rf |*{

Englishstartedto usepeppermint medicinallyand cultivateit commerciallyin

the mid-1700s.The Americans followed closebehind. The united Statesnow
grows more peppermint than any other country in the worid.
Herbaliststoday recommend the herb internally for many of the same ailments their predecessors
did. Some tout its ability to counter motion sickness,
congestion,headache,heartburn, fever, and sleeplessness.
It is considereda
valuableantispasmodic.The leaf and extractsappear in numerous European
laxatives,bile-duct remedies,and bile-stimulatingformulations. For tension
and weariness,many sourcesrecommend a peppermint-scentedbath. Topical
formulations are suggestedfor inflammation and itching.
In addition to being popular as a flavoring, peppermint oil contains the
medicinallyactivesubstanceknown as menthol and is thereforewidely usedas
a digestionregulator,gas remedv,and antisepticand local anestheticagent in
everythingfrom cold and cough preparations(lozengesand syrups)to formulas for insect bites, hemorrhoids, toothaches,and musculoskeletalpain. It is
as a treatment fbr irritable borvelsvndrome.peppermint oil
a l s oc o m m o n l ya p p e a r si n l o t i o n s ,a r o m a t i cm i s t s ,a n d a r o m a t h e r a p fvo r m u l a tions.
Forms Available lnclude:
' F o ri r r t t r r t arl r - s c : f, l\r r v o r i n qr t g c n ti n c r r n c i rc.r,r p s u l ci n, l i r s i t t n( o i d r i c d

lcaves(liesh and clried),krzenge,oil, svrup,tincture.A tea madc from dried
p e p p er m i n t l c a " ' c rsv i l l n o t n e c e s s a r i l l ' v i e m
l de d i c i r r acl o u c e n t r a t l o n s .
' [ : o r e f i t : r n t rll. s t ' (: ) i l , c l i r r t l n e n tt,i n c t r , r r c] '.h c o i i a p p c a r si n
m i r n vc o n r m e r c r a i t t l r t l l t r l ; . t t i o l t si t; L r s u i r l l vc o n t . l l n s s L r b s t . t n t r a n
l t o L t n t sr t t n t e n t h r t l .
S o n r e t i m e fsi r r r n r " r l a t i o n
c o nt a in c x t r a c t e cnl t c nt h o l o n l r ' .

P e p p e1 6 i n 1
ivlt:ntha x piptrtt


Dosage Commonly Reported:

T h e d r i c d l e a f i s t v p i c a l l vt a k e n i n d o s e so f I . 5 t o 3 s r a m s ,o r a n i n t u . s i o ni s
m a c i cw i t h t h a t a m o t t t . t T
t .h c s t r c n g t ho f t i n c t u r e sv a r i e sc o n s i d c r a b l a
v ,n d s t t
d o r e c o m m e n d e dd o s a g e sA
. t i n c t u r e t a k e n i n d o s e so f 2 t o 3 m i l l i l i t e r s i s
t v p i c a lw h e r .trh e r a t i o o f ; r c p p e r n . r i ntto l i c l u i di s I t o 5 , a n d c o n t a i n s4 5 p e r c e n tc t h a r r o lF. o r q r r s t r o i n t e s t i ncatlt m p l a i n t sa n r .,lr sa c h o l a q o g u (et o s t l n . t u l a t e b i l e p r o d u c t i o n ) , 3 t o 6 g r a m s o f t h e l e a v e si s t a k e n d a i l y .A t e a i s m a d e
u s i n g I t a b l e s p o o n( l . 5 g r a n r s )l e a v e sp e r c r - r po f r v a t er a n d i s d r u n k t h r c c t o
t b u r t i m c s p e r d a 1 ' b e t w c e nm c a l s .T l . r ce s s e r . r t ioaill i s t a k e n i n d o s e so f 0 . 0 5
t o 0 . 2 m i l l i l i t e r . E n t e r i c - c o a t e dc a p s u l e so f p e p p e r m i n to i l a r e t a k e n i n d o s e s
o i 0 . l t o 0 . 4 m i l l i l i t e ro r u p t o 0 . 6 t o I . 2 m i l l i l i t e r sa d a y ( t h e e n r e r i cc o a t i n g
p r o b a b l va l l o r v sf o r a h i g h e r d o s a g et l - r a n ' " v o u lbde s e e nr v i t h t l ' r ee s s e n t i aol i l
taken directly). For gallstones or irritable bowel syndrome' a common
c l o s a g ei s o n e t o t r v o e n t e r i c - c o a t e dp e p p e r m i n t o i l c a p s u l e s( 0 . 2 m i l l i l i t e r s
p e r c a p s u l e )t h r e e t i m e s a d a v b e t w e e nm e a l s .T h e u n d i l u t e d o i l i s a p p l i e d
externally as a counterirritant. A few drops of the oil are used in steam
Neveringestpure menthol;it is poisonousand as little as a teaspoonful ( I gram per kilogram of body weight) can be fatal.

Will lt Work for You?What the StudiesSay:

Theprimaryhealingcomponenrin peppermintis its volatileoil, which.on**i
rich stores(50 percentor more) of menthol,a crystallinealcohol*;;;ffi4t"


medicinal properties. The menthol is probably responsiblefor pepperm6fi,.,

renown as a stomach-soother and gas-reducer;studies show that it calmsgp ,
smooth musciesof the digestivetract (antispasmodic)and facilitatesbelching,
Menthol and other components (probably flavonoids') also stimulat. the livei
'-. ':
production of bile, a body
( r r a ( helps
u j / fluid
, , u r u that
r r L r p J break
urLdl u
w w r l fats,
rd:, d
l l u thus
u l U S . Inheel pl sP p
sp frGo. .
u , . , ' . i4
^ L ^ digestion.'
) r - - - L : - - -\ ^German
- , , , ,- rhealth
authorities approve of peppermint and
it . .,. i
volatile oil as an antispasmodic,especiallyfor upper digestivetract conditiongij
rrri: : 't
and considerit effectivein promoting stomachsecretions.n
The FDA, on the other
hand, has declared peppermint oil ineffective as a digestiveaid and no longer
allowsit to be used for this purpose in nonprescription remedies.'Thisdecision
was reportedlybasedon a lack of convincing evidencepresentedto the agenry.
The FDA does,however,approveof peppermint oil as a common cold remedy,and botl'rpeppermint oil and menthol aloneappearin nurnerouscoughand
throat lozenges,
topical nasaldecongestants,
inhalirnts,ointments,and otherformulations.Most usersreport a clearingof congestionin the noseand sinuses.
G e r m a nh e a l t ha u t h o r i t i e sc n d o r . s e
t h e u s eo f p c p p e r n r i n o
t il for reducing
thc symptornsof irritable borvels.,'ndronre,
a condition characterizedby
a b d o r n i n apl a i n , b l o r t t i n q ,a n r l d i s t u r l r c cbl o r r ' c lh r r b i t s .T^. r l kt o v o u r c i o c t o ri f
v o u a r ei n t e r c s t c di n u s i n g p e p L r c r m i not i l f i r r t h i s p u r p o s e .
I'rasproved itseli as an intection llchter in variousstudies,poss i b l vj u s t i f y i n si t s t r a d i t i o n i r lu s er r si r r v o u n c l - h c l l e rI .t d c r n o n s t r a t easn t i b a c t e r ' i . , l. t t l r l. i i t t i r i i . i i t , L r r l ) e ll i e s r n i e 5 t , I L l t ) e. ) [ L r ! i l e st. ; ] e ( ) u n ( ) t \ ) n i \ i r r i s n u t n e r t l u s

b a c t e r i ab u t f l g h t sv a r i o u sv i r u s e s i,n c l u c l i n gt h e h e r p c ss i n r p l c xv i r u s e s( t , v p e s
i a n d 2 ) r e s p o n s i b l et b r c o l d s o r e sa n d g e n i t a lh c r p e s . ' l t l . r a sa p r p a r e n t nl yo t
beenwell studied fbr prircticaltreatment of thesekinds of infections,however.
lvlcnthol'sanalgesicand counterirritant prol're11ig5
are rvidelyacceptedby
t h e m e - d i c aels t a b l i s h n . r e an rt ., r db o t h m en t h o l r r n dp c ' p p c r m i not i l i n m a n vc a s e s
can be expectcdto effcctivelvnumb pain or producea coolingsensationon the
skin that helps relieveinflammatorv pair.rsuch as that caLrseci
by arthritis and
Will lt Harm You? What the Studies Say:
i V l o s ta d u l t sc a n d r i n k p e p p e r m i n t t e a r e g u l a r l vw i t h o u t r v o r r y i n ga b o u t a n
adversereaction;the relative concentrationof menthol in peppermint tea is
actuallyquite low. Ivlost peppermint-relatedcomplaintsoccur rvhenthereare
high concentrationsof menthol or menthone in the preparation,or when
products rnade with high concentrations of the oil, such as menthol cigarettes,
are used.
Thkecare in giving infants or small children peppermint tea or any prepa'
rations of peppermint oil. They may be startledor evengag or chokebecause
of the intensefragranceand the menthol. There have been reportsof instant
collapsein infants who have had a menthol-containing ointment appliedto


their nostrils to treat cold symptoms.* Talk to a doctor before using PePPermint if you suffer from a hiatal hernia, as the oil may exacerbateyour sYmPIf you ingest peppermint oil directly in more than the typically recommended amount, you may be at risk for heartburn and acid reflux- Internal
overdosageof the oil has caused dose-dependentbrain lesions in rats.'' If
applied undiluted or in high doses,peppermint oil may irritate the skin or
mucous membranes,although even recolnmendeddosesof peppermint oil or
menthoi can causea rash or contact dermatitisin sensitiveindividuals.
Avoid all peppermint products if you are allergicto menthol, to avoid such
reactionsas headache,rash, and flushing." Severaisourcesrecommend that
people with gallstones either consult a doctor before taking peppermintcontainingpreparationsor avoid them altogether.''
American PharmaceuticalAssociatiort.HandLtookoJ' NonprescriptionDrttgs.l lth ed'
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\ lcciicinc;\ssociation,I 991.
ir/ ,\itftrri'.s
\1. 7'hcHcolirryIItbs: Tht LtltinttrttGui,lt ttt tlrc()uratit't'Porr't'r
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llotanicrrlCouncil, Lltrtrtrricel
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