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Communication 3: Practical Speech Fundamentals

2nd Semester, A.Y. 2014-2015

Instructor: Ms. Junesse d.R. Crisostomo
Office: CAL Faculty Center (Bulwagang Rizal), Room 3089
E-mail Address:
Consultation Hours: TTh, 11:30-2:30 and WF 11:30-1:00
Course Description: This class delves into ones speaking and listening skills
and their application in various communication situations. It aims to 1) improve
ones understanding of the nature of the speech communication process; 2)
develop the use of language, voice, and nonverbal symbols; 3) improve ones
perception of and thinking toward everyday communication problems; and 4)
uphold and practice ethical principles in communication.
Credit: 3 units
Course Requirements:
Class Activities and Quizzes
20 %
Major Group Projects
Workshop Facilitation (15%)
Dyad Activity: "Comm 3's Got Talent" (15%)
Panel Discussion: "Talk Show" (15%)
Public Speeches
Impromptu Speech (5%)
Extemporaneous Speech (20%)
2 DUP Reaction Papers
Course Policies:
1. Attendance
As per university rule, incurring six absences during the term automatically means getting a failing mark
(5.0). If you know that you will miss a class for an important reason, please see me in advance. Lastly,
absences can be waived if and only if the student presents an official excuse slip/letter. Our classes will
also start on time, and I will check the attendance at the beginning of class. I will try to dismiss the class 5
to ten minutes before the time.
Incentive: Complete attendance = ADDITIONAL .25 in your FINAL GRADE!!
BUT if you came to class late for more than three times, this reward will be forfeited (3 lates make 1
2. Requirements:

If you anticipate having problems with submitting your requirements on time, please see me. Computer
and electronic malfunctions never qualify as an excuse for missing a deadline. For late submissions, I will
deduct 10 points each day after the deadline. (1 day= 10 points, weekends included!).
3. Plagiarism and Cheating
Honor comes first before excellence. I expect that all of your work will be original. The universitys
standards for academic integrity are set high. You could fail an assignment, fail the class, and receive
additional disciplinary actions from the university (suspension/dismissal) if I found you guilty of this.
After the course, the student should be
able to:
I. Understanding the Basics of
Speech Communication
A. What is speech communication?
1. Describe the nature of speech
B. Why do we communicate?
C. What happens when we communicate? 2. Enumerate the functions of
D. Why is there miscommunication?
E. What situations do we communicate
3. Describe the speech communication
(Levels of communication)
4. Analyze why miscommunication occurs.
1. Intrapersonal
5. Identify the levels of communication.
2. Dyad
3. Group
4. Public
F. How can we communicate?
1. Verbal communication
2. Nonverbal communication
II. Becoming an Effective Listener
A. How is listening different from
1. Appreciate the value of effective
B. Why do we listen?
2. Differentiate listening from hearing.
C. What are the barriers to effective
3. Identify the barriers to effective
D. How can we overcome our poor
4. Suggest ways to overcome poor
listening habits?
listening habits.
E. How do we become critical listeners? 5. Suggest techniques for critical listening.
III. Perceiving Ones Self and Others
A. What is self-concept?
1. Describe the nature of intrapersonal
B. What is the relationship between self- communication.
concept and communication?
2. Discuss the role of perception in
C. How can others perception towards us communication.
affect our communication behavior?
3. Analyze ones self-concept.
D. How can we improve the way we
4. Suggest ways to improve ones selfperceive ourselves?
IV. Verbal Communication
A. What is language?
1. Describe the nature of language.
B. How can we tell if we are using
2. Enumerate the characteristics of
effective spoken language?
effective spoken language.
C. What are the different issues
3. Discuss the various concerns related to
concerning the use of spoken language in the use of spoken language.

the Philippines?
4. Demonstrate the use of effective
1. Bilingualism
spoken language.
2. Taglish
3. Philippine Languages
D. How can we improve the use of spoken
V. Nonverbal Communication
A. What is the nature of nonverbal
1. Explain the nature of nonverbal
B. How can we communicate nonverbally? communication.
1. facial expressions & eye movement
2. List down the categories of nonverbal
2. body movement & stance
3. gestures
3. Describe nonverbal symbols used in
4. touch
different communication situations.
5. time
4. Compare and contrast varying
6. physical appearance & clothing
nonverbal behaviors among cultures.
7. distance
5. Demonstrate the effective use of voice.
8. territoriality
9. voice/ paralanguage
a. What are the factors affecting voice?
b. How should we use our voice to
communicate effectively?
c. How can we improve our speaking
VI. Communicating With Another
Person (Dyad)
1. Differentiate the forms of dyadic
A. In what situation do we engage in
dyadic communication?
2. Identify the stages of dyadic
B. What stages do our dyadic
relationships go through?
3. Discuss the importance of selfC. How can self-disclosure help improve
our relationships?
4. Participate in any form of dyadic
D. How do we improve our communication communication.
behavior in dyadic situations?
5. Evaluate ones participation in the
dyadic communication experience.
VII. Group Communication
A. What types of groups do we belong?
1. Identify the types of groups.
B. What are our roles in these groups?
2. List down the roles of members and
C. What are the roles of the leader in
leaders in small groups.
certain groups?
3. Participate in a small group
D. How can we improve our
communication behavior in small group
4. Evaluate participation in a small group
VIII. Public Communication
A. What is public speaking?
1. Describe the nature of public speaking.
B. Why do people speak in public?
2. Identify the reasons for speaking in
C. What methods can we use to speak in public.
3. Identify the presentation methods of
D. How can we manage the fear of
speaking in public.
speaking in
4. Suggest ways to overcome speech

front of an audience?
E. How do we prepare for a public speech? 5. Explain the process of preparing for a
speech or presentation.
6. Deliver a speech.
7. Evaluate classroom speeches.
Adler, Ronald B. and George Rodman. Understanding Human Communication, 8th
Ed. USA: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2003.
Bulan, Celia T. and Ianthe C. de Leon. Comm 3: Practical Speech Fundamentals.
Quezon City: Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts, 2002.
De Vito, Joseph. Essentials of Human Communication, 3rd Ed. USA: Addison Wesley
Longman, Inc., 1999.
Fraleigh. Douglas and Tuman, Joseph. Speak Up, 2nd Ed. Boston: Bedford/St.
Martins, 2009.
Wood, Julia T. Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture. California:
Wadsworth, Inc., 1994.

You are expected to complete a total of 1,000 points for the whole semester.
Here are the point equivalent of the course requirements:

Course Requirements:
Class Activities and Quizzes
Group Projects
Workshop Facilitation (150)
Dyad Activity: "Comm 3's Got Talent" (150)
Panel Discussion: "Talk Show" (150)
Public Speeches
Impromptu Speech (50)
Extemporaneous Speech (200)
2 DUP Reaction Papers
Total: 1,000 points!

Here is the basis for the transmutation of your FINAL GRADE:

920-1000pts = 1.0
890-919pts = 1.25
860-889pts = 1.50
830-859pts = 1.75
800-829pts = 2.0
770-799pts = 2.25
740-769pts = 2.50
710-739pts = 2.75
700pts =
650-699pts = 4.0
600-649pts = 5.0

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