Sanat Kumara Justice - B

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Lord Sanat

Ancient of Days
Daniel 7:9-22

Saint Patrick
Lecture by
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Patrick Called into Slavery

I will read to you from the Pearl of Wisdom of Sanat Kumara* of
November 18, 1979, concerning Saint Patrick.
My Beloved Who Will Yet Go to the Mountain to Fast
and Pray with Me That the Serpents Might Be Expelled from
the Earth:
It was late fourth century A.D. and the clans of the
Irishthe reincarnated tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh were
ruled by a host of kings.
So fervent is the love of God within St. Patrick that the
fire of his heart is a light midst snow and ice. He lived on the
mountain, alone with God, tending his masters herds. And on
that mountain I called my son Patrick, that out of the condition
of servitude there might be produced the miracle fire of
Therefore I, the Ancient of Days, called my son, freeborn,
unto slavery that I might deliver him to freedom and to the
mission of implanting the violet flame in the hearts of my true
sons and daughters that they might one day carry it to the New
World in the name of Saint Germain. These served not the
LORD God, nor had they the salvation of his Son.

Copyright 2015 Communications from Alpha and Omega

I said to him: Let us go to the mountain where a youth

enslaved by pagans is in prayer through the day and into the
And therefore, unto slavery was he called and unto slavery are we
called. We are called to the slavery of our own personal karma. The Law will
not allow us to escape its bonds. Thereby we come to the realization of the
need for liberation and the seeking of the Flame of Freedom and the one who
delivers it, Sanat Kumara, and delivers it through his servant-sons, Saint
Germain and Morya and the great Lights.
The Vision and Preparation for the Mission
(Sanat Kumara continues)

To him I gave the vision of the people of Erin whose

seed would one day ignite the fires of freedom on every shore
and in every nation. Your prophets derive fervor from that
lineage of the Ancient of Days which goes back to the
Emerald Isle. And the Irish eyes of Thomas Moore, poet and
prince of my heart, El Morya and his twinkle of mirth always
needed on earth.
Finally restored to his kinsfolk after six years of
humbling himself before me on the mountain, tending sheep
as he would soon feed my sheep, Patrick heard the voices of
the souls of my children crying out from the land of Erin for
deliverance: We beseech thee, holy youth, to come and walk
among us once more. Indeed they remembered him when he
had walked among them as a prophet in Israel, rebuking their
waywardness in the name of the LORD. Now they awaited the
message of their salvation through Messiahs anointed apostle.
Patrick prepared for his mission under the lineage of
the Ruby Ray and with the saints of the inner Church. And
that mission, my beloved, was to subdue the seed of Serpent in
Ireland and to raise up the tribes of Israel, the remnant of
Josephs seed who would be Christ-bearers to the nations.
Empowered of the Holy Ghost and bearing the Staff of Jesus,
he wielded such power and wrought such miracles that pagan
chiefs and decadent Druids bowed in submission to this rod of

Copyright 2015 Communications from Alpha and Omega

Patrick Challenges the Court, Converts the Queen,

Gains the Kings Favor and Freedom
(Book reading continues)

Patrick led his host into the kings presence, chanting:

Let them that will, trust in chariots and horses, but we walk
in the name of the Lord.
To impress and awe these foreigners, King Laoghaire
with his queen and court, sat aloft in state. Laoghaire,
evidently apprehensive of the secret power of the Tailcenn,
had warned his court that none of the marks of respect which
were the due of a stranger, should be shown to this bold
aggressor. But so impressive was Patricks appearance that
immediately when he came into their presence, Dubthach, the
Kings Ollam poet, arose, in respect for him; as also a young
noble, Ercwho afterwards became Bishop Erc. And these
two were Patricks first converts at Tara.
In the presence of King and court Patrick dispelled a
darkness, They can bring darkness, he significantly said,
but cannot bring light.
He preached Christ to the assembly, and won several
prominent members of the court and the queen.

Not Only They That Do Evil Are Worthy to Be Condemned

But They Also That Consent to Them
El Moryas Warning to His Chelas
Let us consider that statement againNot only they that do evil are
worthy to be condemned, but they also that consent to them.
The law is written: Silence is consent.
And this is the very heart and message of the life of Saint Patrick.
Where there was evil, he challenged it forthrightly and directly. He did not
remain silent.
And this is the great message of Saint Patrick and El Morya and Saint
Germain today: that you who do not attend services and vigils for the burdens
of the earth are in silence consenting to the ravaging of the earth and the
Therefore I am sent by the hierarchy this day to remind you of your
covenant with the Magi, to remind you of Morya and Patrick and Jesus Christ
and Mother Mary, and to remind you of your responsibility in service.

Copyright 2015 Communications from Alpha and Omega

For Morya said to me this date that those who know the law and do it
not in this activity and organization already have written on their record of
the Book of Life their neglect and therefore their consent to world
conditionshaving, as they do, the knowledge of the liturgy, the violet flame
and the knowledge of the Call and failing to present themselves a living
sacrifice in the testimony of the Word in this sanctuary or in their homes and
churches around the world.
Withholding your life from the defense of innocent victims worldwide
becomes an accountability, and that accountability is upon your lifestream
this day. And therefore, be forewarned not to have the expectancy that by the
momentum of the movement, the organization and its activities, you will
arrive at the gate of Paradise.
Therefore, hear the law which was spoken by Patrick in the fifth
century: Not only they that do evil are worthy to be condemned, but they
also that consent to them. The law is writtenyour silence is your consent.
Continuing Patricks letter: *
This letter, then, is the expression of the sacred fire of God through
the heart of Saint Patrick upon a most burdensome and grievous crime
committedthe slaughter of the innocents in abortion.
Thus you understand that the testimony of the lightbearers in the face
of injustice of abortion wherever you find it is your callingsubject to the
direction of the Holy Spirit upon you and your own Christ Self.
LORD MAITREYA: Your understanding of the Holy Spirit you have left
designated primarily as music and lively sermon and it is not the definition
that is of Christ righteousness, such that you consent to evil, that you are
silent, that you are not being about your Father's business as holy work.
(Lecture continues)

Our Individual Responsibility to Fulfill the Requirements of the Law

Remember that silence is agreement in any area of life and in the face
of any crime. Thus understand individual and personal responsibility for the
rebuke, either of the seed of the wicked or of the burdens or grievances or
sins of one another. This is according to the Old Testament where it is written
in the prophecies of Ezekiel1 that if we keep silence and do not challenge and
rebuke the wickedness of the seed of the wicked, their karma will be upon us.
And the same of the children of the Light: If we do not challenge their
wrongdoing, their karma will be upon us; and we are responsible if, for our

Chapters 3 and 33

Copyright 2015 Communications from Alpha and Omega

failure to preach to them, they are judged in the Day of Judgment and lose
their salvation.
Thus, you see the little book that is sweet in the mouth and bitter in
the belly that is given to John the Revelator by the mighty angel clothed with
a cloud and a rainbow on his head.2 He takes the book. He eats it. It is sweet
in his mouth. He is filled with the glory of Godas you are filled with the
glory of the Christ Word and the Light and the results of your vigils and
It is bitter in his belly.
And the bitterness in the belly is our accountability. And the angel
tells St. Patrick exactly what is this accountability. He says: Thou must
prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
LORD MAITREYA: Thus those of Foursquare Gospel, your message is not
only one of speaking of the gospel and Bible Word spreading. Your message
is also to be the moral authority as Jesus Christ has given you to do. You are
the moral authority for the earth as a religion that is one of a Foursquare
Gospel representing the Four Faces of Christ and not limited to only the Man
but also the Lion, the Calf, the Flying Eagle.
JESUS CHRIST: The meaning of Foursquare Gospel was incomplete as the
teachings of Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, had not yet been delivered.
This is no different than the New Testament was not completed with the
mission of Jesus Christ but that the Book of Revelation had yet to come forth
and the letters of the Apostles which were written by the priests and not the
apostle Paul and Peter who were not capable of writing religiously as they
were but a fisherman and lawyer speaking in legalese.
(Lecture continues)

Thus, it is the dawn of our responsibility in this life for the karma of
our previous embodiments, for whatever is happening upon earth in the hour
and the day of our incarnation, and for our taking on the burden of the LORD
which is the preaching, verily the prophesying, to the nations a Word that is
not only holy music and lively sermon. It is the Word as a moral garment of
JESUS CHRIST: It is the tree that others might find rest.3

Rev. 10:1, 2, 8-11.

Matthew 13:31-2 Jesus said, The kingdom of heaven is like the tree, so that the birds of the air come and
lodge in the branches thereof.

Copyright 2015 Communications from Alpha and Omega

(Lecture continues)

The bitterness in the belly is the realization that we must face those
wicked ones who transgress against the LORD and challenge them in their
iniquities. And we must challenge the self-righteous to embrace the
righteousness of the LORD Sanat Kumara as you see in the shepherding of
St. Patrick. This is the calling and the office of those who are the Christed
* From Page 1.
Source: Elizabeth Prophet

Sanat Kumara. Great Guru of the seed of Christ throughout cosmos;

Hierarch of Venus; the Ancient of Days spoken of in Daniel 7:9, 13, 22.
Sanat Kumara (from the Skt., meaning always a youth) is one of the Seven
Holy Kumaras. Long ago he came to Earth in her darkest hour when all light
had gone out in her evolutions, for there was not a single individual on the
planet who gave adoration to the God Presence. Sanat Kumara and the band
of 144,000 souls of Light who accompanied him volunteered to keep the
flame of Life on behalf of Earth's people. This they vowed to do until the
children of God would respond to the love of God and turn once again to
serve their Mighty I AM Presence. Sanat Kumara's retreat, Shamballa, was
established on an island in the Gobi Sea, now the Gobi Desert. Those who
respond to his flame are Lord Maitreya, Gautama Buddha followed by Jesus.
Sanat Kumara is revered in Hinduism as one of the four or seven sons
of Brahma. They are portrayed as youths who have remained ever pure. He
is said to be one of the oldest progenitors of mankind. Sanat Kumara has
revealed his fourfold identity as champion of the Cosmic Christ in the four
quadrants of Matter and in his own Lightbearers as (1) Karttikeya, the god of
war and commander-in-chief of the army of gods. Legends say Karttikeya
was born specifically to slay the demon Taraka, who symbolizes the lower
mind, or ignorance. (2) Kumara, the holy youth. (3) Skanda, the son of
Shiva. (4) Guha, cave; so called because he lives in the cave of the heart.
Sanat Kumara holds the position of Lord of the World. On January 1,
1956, Gautama Buddha was crowned Lord of the World and Sanat Kumara,
as Regent Lord of the World, returned to Venus and to his twin flame, the
Lady Master Venus when his disciple Gautama Buddha reached sufficient
attainment to hold that office. Sanat Kumara returned in this office about the
time of the 2014 Coming-of-Helios Judgment.

Copyright 2015 Communications from Alpha and Omega

There, in another dimension of the physical/etheric octavetogether

with the other Holy Kumaras, Mighty Victory and his legions, many
Ascended Masters and the Lightbearers of Venushe continues his service
with the Great White Brotherhood on behalf of planet Earth. On May 25,
1975, Lady Master Venus announced that she had come to tarry for a time
on Terra to dedicate anew the fires of the Mother as Sanat Kumara keeps the
flame on Venus. Sanat Kumara frequently dictates through the Messenger
and envelops the Earth in the swaddling garment of his auric field. See also
Lord of the World.
(See Sanat Kumara On the Path of the Ruby Ray: The Opening of the
Seventh Seal, Pearls of Wisdom, 1979, vol. 22, Book I. or the Sanat Kumara
** Patricks letter: (From Page 3)
15. I do not know what I should say or speak further about the departed ones
of the sons of God, whom the sword has touched all too harshly. For Scripture
says: Weep with them that weep; and again: If one member be grieved, let all
members grieve with it.
Hence the Church mourns and laments her sons and daughters whom
the sword has not yet slain, but who were removed and carried off to faraway
lands, where sin abounds openly, grossly, impudently. There people who were
freeborn have been sold, Christians made slaves, and that, too, in the service
of the abominable, wicked, and apostate Picts!
16. Therefore I shall raise my voice in sadness and grief: O you fair and
beloved brethren and sons whom I have begotten in Christ, countless of
number, what can I do for you? I am not worthy to come to the help of God or
men. The wickedness of the wicked hath prevailed over us. We have been
made, as it were, strangers.
Perhaps they do not believe that we have received one and the same
baptism, or have one and the same God as father. For them it is a disgrace that
we are Irish. Have ye not, as is written, one God? Have ye, every one of you,
forsaken his neighbor?
17. Therefore I grieve for you, I grieve, my dearly beloved. But again, I
rejoice within myself. I have not labored for nothing, and my journeying
abroad has not been in vain. And if this horrible, unspeakable crime did
happenthanks be to God, you have left the world and have gone to Paradise
as baptized faithful. I see you: you have begun to journey where night shall be
no more, nor mourning, nor death; but you shall leap like calves loosened
from their bonds, and you shall tread down the wicked, and they shall be ashes
under your feet.
18. You, then, will reign with the apostles, and prophets, and martyrs. You

Copyright 2015 Communications from Alpha and Omega

will take possession of eternal kingdoms, as He Himself testifies, saying:

They shall come from the east and from the west, and shall sit down with
Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. Without are dogs,
and sorcerers,... and murderers; and liars and perjurers have their portion in
the pool of everlasting fire.
Not without reason does the Apostle say: Where the just man shall
scarcely be saved, where shall the sinner and ungodly transgressor of the law
find himself?
19. Where, then, will Coroticus with his criminals, rebels against Christ,
where will they see themselves, they who distribute baptised women as
prizesfor a miserable temporal kingdom, which will pass away in a
moment? As a cloud or smoke that is dispersed by the wind, so shall the
deceitful wicked perish at the presence of the Lord; but the just shall feast
with great constancy with Christ, they shall judge nations, and rule over
wicked kings for ever and ever. Amen.
20. I testify before God and His angels that it will be so as He indicated to
my ignorance. It is not my words that I have set forth in Latin, but those of
God and the apostles and prophets, who have never lied. He that believeth
shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be condemned, God hath
21. I ask earnestly that whoever is a willing servant of God be a carrier of
this letter, so that on no account it be suppressed or hidden by anyone, but
rather be read before all the people, and in the presence of Coroticus himself.
May God inspire them sometime to recover their senses for God,
repenting, however late, their heinous deedsmurderers of the brethren of the
Lord!and to set free the baptised women whom they took captive, in order
that they may deserve to live to God, and be made whole, here and in eternity!
Be peace to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Copyright 2015 Communications from Alpha and Omega

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