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News Extra

pg 5





pg 11


ADRA International
Investigates Alleged 100k
Mismanagement in Liberia


VOL 9 NO.90

TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2015






Specimen from the remains of a 17 year old corpse tested positive on two occasions after our burial
team moved into the village and safely took the specimen before safe burial of the corpse, said
Nyenswah. We did the test twice and it all came positive but there is no need to panic quickly detecting
means our system is working. Mr. Tolbert Nyenswah, Liberia Incidence Management Team Head



EBOLA - pg. 6











MONDAY, JUNE 29, 2015



MONDAY, JUNE 15, 2015

These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market
in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the
commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia

Page 2 | Frontpage


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Monroviay 2017, opposition politicians in Liberia will reach

twelve years without a taste of power and another
defeat at the polls will mean another six years without
jobs since the incumbent regime has been unable to
appoint key oppositions into positions in government.
Age is setting in for some of these opposition politicians and
their followers have endured hardship for a long period which
makes the stakes high with the opposition bloc looking at the
2017 election as a must win process.
Besides age, lack of jobs and other situations, a defeat for the
opposition in 2017 will reduce Liberia to a one party state
putting one political party at the helm of power for 18 unbroken
years, which many see as unhealthy for the nascent democracy
of Liberia.
In 2005 the first democratic election after the countrys civil
wars, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf- an opposition politician
for several years won after a run-off race with political newcomer
George M. Weah.
At the time, it was difficult to talk about collaboration and
merger since there was no incumbent factor or ruling party
advantage. All individuals contesting had the hope of winning
the presidency until Weah and Sirleaf emerged the two with the
most votes.
During the runoff, many politicians kept their supports quiet
with few joining ranks with the Congress for Democratic Change
of George Weah. In the runoff, Sirleaf overcame a huge first
round margin of almost 10% percent to defeat Weah. Weah
accumulated 275,265 votes about 28.3% of the total votes cast in
the first round whole Sirleaf trailed with 192,326 representing
19.8% but in the runoff, Sirleaf overturned all the first round
numbers and eventually won.
Sirleaf was inaugurated in January 2006 and her regime meant
most opposition politicians had to go into exile as she could
not offer job to any of the senior officials of the first five main
political parties.
Weah, Cllr. Charles Brumskine, Cllr. Winston Tubman, Cllr. Varney
Sherman and Dr. Roland Massaquoi the first five opposition
politicians to Sirleaf based on the result of the 2005 elections
were not named in Sirlreafs government.
For six years the oppositions sat and watched as Sirleaf and her
cronies ran the Liberian-nation state, only they only criticizing
from the fence.
In 2011, after tasting humiliation from the Sirleaf led
administration for six years, opposition political parties and
politicians pronounced that they were forming collaboration to
oust Sirleaf from power but after months of speculations, ego
stepped in with tussle over who should head a possible coalition
or merger.
A unified opposition was not achievable and Sirleaf and the Unity
Party instead showed the opposition how to form a common
frontier by forming a merger with the Liberia Action Party and
the Liberia Unification Party to become the new Unity Party
with the merger bearing the name of the ruling Unity party and
the logo of the Liberia Action party.
Following a long period of rigmarole between opposition
political parties and failed attempt to collaborate, Sirleaf won
the first round of voting during the 2011 election massively with
530,020 votes representing 43.9% followed by the CDC with
394,370 votes or 32.7%.
The opposition again failed to combine forces as a weakened
CDC could not match the financial strength of the Unity Party
and eventually pulled out of the runoff process giving Sirleaf an
easy ride to power for another six years.

In 2017, the opposition will be out of power for twelve

consecutive years and the Vice President to the incumbent,
Joseph N. Boakai has already accepted a petition from the people
of his native Lofa County to contest in replacing incumbent
Boakai has declared that his quest to succeed Sirleaf is based on
a request from the Liberian leader calling on him to take over
from her in two years.
With the experience from the last 10 years fresh on the minds
of the opposition, another round of talks about opposition
collaboration is high with Cllr. Charles Brumskine admitting that
should the Unity Party get another term in office the opposition
bloc in Liberia will immediately crumble.
Said Cllr. Brumskine If Unity Party should win a third election
in Liberia opposition will begin to crumble.
In support of his comment that a Unity Party re-election will
result in the opposition crumbling, Cllr. Brumskine promised
that he is willing to go into negotiations with opened mind
only to get the best for Liberia by keeping the ruling party from
winning the election in 2017.
Cllr. Brumskine who was elected as political leader of the
Liberty party at the partys convention in Voinjama, Loa County
in retrospect said in 2011 the opposition failed to collaborate
in ousting the ruling party because the collaboration process
was mishandled, something he does not want repeated this time
Said Cllr. Brumskine I think 2011 was mishandled, we dont
want to place blame on Senator Weah, the CDC or ourselves, I
think the process was mishandled. Personally, Senator Weah
and I have a good relationship like I have tried to develop with
all the other politicians including Senator Johnson from Nimba
and all the other politicians; we are trying to work with them.

Samwar S. Fallah,

While the ego o 2011 where both Brumskine and Weah looked
unwilling to play fielder role to another, Brumskine this time
says he is willing to go into any discussions with all options on
the table; not about him but the interest of Liberia.
Said Cllr. Brumskine So we are going to sell that message to our
colleagues that we need to come together and in my speech in
Voinjama, I will be saying and meaning it, everything is on the
table, let us come. Lets negotiate on two things-we must walk
out of that room with a ticket that the Liberian people can trust
to lead them and a ticket that can win, once we accomplish those
two things, we are ready to go.
Benjamin Sanvee, a senior member of the Liberty Party also
expressed Monday that collaboration between political parties
is not about individual politicians but the interest of Liberia and
taking power from the hands of the ruling party.
It is not about Cllr. Brumskine or Ambassador Weah or any
other individual it is about Liberia, said Sanvee.

Weah whose political party, the CDC had continually expressed

that the party political leader cannot contest the 2017 election
as vice presidential candidate has himself declared that he
welcomes collaboration but one that will take place between
political parties with shared vision.
Speaking in Ganta, Nimba County where the CDC celebrated
its 10th anniversary when he was petitioned to contest the
Presidency, Weah disclosed that the CDC is open to dialogue
and will in fact encourage cooperation and collaboration with
other political parties and politicians.
Weah expressed that despite the interest to cooperate or
collaborate the CDC will not sacrifice what he termed its code
values and shared vision on the altar and that they are very
careful not to abuse this confidence because it is the philosophy
of their very survival over the years.
He warned that if the CDC has to do it alone, they can and
will, but they rather not, because, political cooperation and
collaboration will strengthen their national vision and build
consensus on national policy issues.
To achieve this policy objection, the CDC will and must remain
at the helm us by our mass followers is not betrayed, Weah said.
Weah expressed that it is imperative that a CDC led government
comes to power in 2017.
Our farmers need to be given support in capacity development,
mini mechanization and market security for their crops. Our
educational institutions must start producing experts of
international standards , and our farms and industries must
start exporting food and made-in-Liberia products before the
end of our first term in office after the 2017 Presidential and
general elections. It is therefore a historical imperative that a
CDC led government comes to power in 2017, he said.

By now Cllr. Brumskine, Weah and other opposition politicians

in Liberia have had a taste of life in opposition and the variables
that deprive the opposition victory during the 2011 election.
A Weah, Brumskine collaboration has been widely viewed as a
good combination for a victory but the key obstacle continue to
be the pairing as to who comes first and who second.

Although both politicians have expressed willingness to

collaborate but the ugly memory of 2011 where the question of
position overshadowed and led to a failed collaboration looks
to be resurfacing especially with repeated comments from close
followers of Weah that their political leader cannot play second
role to any politician.
The CDC recently reacted harshly to a newspaper publication
about a collaboration between Weah and Brumskine and
Nathaniel McGill, Chairman of the CDC declaring that it is
unthinkable that Weah can run as a Vice candidate to any
I called the Party chairman of Liberty Party and he denied giving
the Newspaper that story and our partisans are concerned. I have
received more than five-hundred calls just today from partisans
who are concerned. Lets face the fact everyone expect Weah to
contest 2017 even though he has said I want to sit and listen to
others which is fair enough. If we have not had discussions with
anyone for someone to suggest now that the most popular man
in this country is going number two to any one is unfair, it is
good to sit and have a discussion, McGill said.
Unlike supporters of Cllr. Brumskine and the Liberty Party who
are expressing that negotiation will be carried out with opened
mind, supporters of Weah on the other hand continue to say
their leader is the first choice in any possible collaboration.
Jefferson Koijee, Youth League Chairman of the CDC recently
described Weah as the arrow head who cannot play second role
to any other individual.
Said Koijee We want to tell you that we got nothing to hide,
we presented on the table like we did, we say to you again that
the young people that I preside over as leader their quest and
demand remain very clear that Ambassador Wean remains the
arrow head in any arrangement that we go into to this, we dont
want to dont want to take you by surprise, if you appreciate that
if you respect all those principles, we respect you also. We are
talking about forming government, you are welcome for us to
discuss government; we say to you we are satisfied with Amb.
Weah he has been processed he has been convinced to be the
leader of the people.
Like 2011, many Liberians have greeted the news of a possible
Weah, Brumskine collaboration as one of the best options to
replace the regime of President Sirleaf who has become very
unpopular due to the hard cost of living in the country.
The hope to see formidable opposition collaboration might be
dented by the problem of ego on who to play second role to
Brumskine is aging and might see 2017 as his only chance after
two failed attempts to become president which could see him
pushing to head any collaboration at all cost while Weah on the
other hand has already contested both positions-presidency
and vice presidency and might also not be willing to settle for
anything less than the presidency.
Although 2017 looks a little far away with more time left for
political discussions but the signals are glaring that 2017 looks
to have a repeat of 2011 if both Weah and Brumskine do not
handle the negotiations well.
What is dubbed by many as resurrection team-Weah, Brumskine
collaboration could crumble before 2017 giving Vice President
Boakai and the Unity Party a huge advantage for re-election.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Page 3



A CONFIDENT Tolbert Nyenswah, President Ellen

Johnson-Sirleafs Deputy Minister designate for
Disease, Surveillance and Epidemic Control at the
Ministry of Health told the Senate Tuesday that it
was not necessary to order the closure of Liberias
borders with neighboring Guinea and Sierra Leone.
FOR THE SAKE of Liberias future, we hope that
lawmakers do not rely on Mr. Nyenswah to come to
a conclusion regarding the porosity of the border
amid continued rising cases of the deadly Ebola
virus outbreak in next door Sierra Leone and Guinea.
WHILE WE APPRECIATE Minister Nyenswahs
explanation that the government has a robust team
deployed at the various borders with Guinea and
Sierra Leone to track suspected Ebola cases coming
and leaving Liberia, Liberia cannot afford to take a
chance on the health and security of its citizens on
the word of a ministry looking to score points and
show that it has this Ebola thing under control.
AT THE HEIGHT of the Ebola outbreak, Liberians
were stigmatized and not allowed to travel to certain
countries even those countries which had much
better border and health systems in place to curb
suspected cases took the necessary precautions by
keeping citizens from Liberia, Guinea and Sierra
Leone out of their country.
IT IS NOT THAT these countries hated Liberia but
they took the health and security of their citizens
very seriously.
statement comes in the wake of repeated reports
that the virus is showing no signs of abating in
Guinea and may be flaring up once more in Sierra
Leone as people are flouting rules limiting travel
meant to stop it.
WHILE LIBERIA has managed to contain the virus,
which has killed more than 11,100 people, mostly
in West Africa , it remains a lingering problem in
Guinea, where the Ebola outbreak was first reported
in March 2014 with many fearing that the impending
presidential elections could make it even worse.
IN NEXT DOOR SIERRA Leone which was making
progress, the virus came resurfaced in the capital,
Freetown after an 18-day hiatus and a third case was
confirmed in government figures released Tuesday.
new case popped up in Freetown after a young
man sick with the disease in another part of Sierra
Leone ran away from a quarantine area and came to
Freetown, said Patrick Fatoma, a spokesman for the
National Ebola Response Center.
WHAT REMAINS SCARY is Fatomas declaration
that infected people are still running away from
quarantine areas with the consequences of infecting
other people. Right now we have 12 suspected high
risk people on the run from the (Northern) Port
Loko District," he said

By: Eugene Nagbe(Wleh); Contributing Writer

ith close to ten years of challenging but

immaculate Leadership, the country and
its people have seen and enjoyed massive
press freedom and free expression under the
stewardship of President Ellen Johnson Sirleafan African
Leader with impeccable human rights record and viewed on
the African continent as an epitome of freedom.
In fact, Johnson Sirleaf has won a basket- full of awards for
her respect and tolerance to the independence of the free
press in her country and her thick-skin to dissent thus
earning for herself a lofty democratic credential, something
difficult for many African leaders to achieve giving that they
are addicted to repressive and totalitarian tendencies.
Johnson Sirleaf is on the good side of history when it comes
to accentuating the values of democracy even to the peril of
her administration. She is certainly one of Africas proud and
we all must help to protect such unique and enviable legacy.
I believe, the media must stay free and flourish in all aspects,
not in one aspect because the President has always vow
to ensure a vibrant Liberian pressa press that must be
ethically and economically balanced.
This is not the case currently. The media is being economically
muzzled to the core. There are reports that media institutions
are shutting down operations because they can hardly pay
their operational cost including printing, paper, equipment,
salary, diesel amongst other associated cost.
Media executives have hinted this writer that government
is no longer advertising in most of the independent
newspapers and that government advertisements are
centralized at the Ministry of information and only placed in
chosen and selected papers.
In a conversation with some media executives recently,
I gathered that the Ministry of Information has a zerotolerance policy when it comes to giving ads to newspapers
with critical editorials and stories against the government
of Liberia and will only run ads in papers that run favorable
stories and editorials for the government. This is a dangerous
trend reminiscent of the country draconian pastand I
must say, I was spellbound, bewildered and chilly in spirit
when I got this news.
This writer has not determined the veracity to this
allegation but is making candid and genuine effort to speak
with authorities at MICAT to actually establish the fact. But
just the mere mention of such revelation is stunning and
scaring for many media observers; that after many years of
struggle in this country for free expression and free press,
the Ministry of information would willfully and shamelessly
want to revert to the old style of stifling and strangulating the
independent press. How then can we nurture our fledgling
democracy when the independent press is been paralyzed
and nearing extermination?
Karl Max argued in his memoir on his sojourn as a Journalist
that, the Press is not free when it is economically stagnated;

THAT IS OUR FEAR that underpaid health workers

and security personnel at our borders might take
their eye off the ball and allow one case of Ebola to
return here. All it takes is one slip up, one eye off the
ball for Liberia to be branded Ebola again.
IT CAME CLOSE last week when authorities arrested
a situation at the Belefeneh check point in Bong
County where a woman from Guinea crossed over
bleeding from the nose and had to be isolated along
with three others riding on the motorbike into
Liberian territory.
WE AGREE with Senator Geraldine Doe-Sheriff
(CDC- Montserrado County) that Liberias border
with neighboring Sierra Leone and Guinea be
closed in the wake of news about increase in new
cases of Ebola in the two countries. The Senator
stated: Let me hasten to remind you about our
call on the government in March 2014 to close the
Liberian Borders so as to avoid a crossover from our
neighbors thus threatening the survival of our people
including our educational system, our economy and

simply because the press cannot perform its sacred role

in the absence of a medium (newspaper and radio) to do
so. These outlets must exist in order for the media to play
its roleand they can only exist when there are economic
opportunities simply because they have operational cost.
The vibrancy of the media will not be felt by the people when
their perspectives on society and its governance cannot be
aired and published.
If this startling news is true, then the Liberian media is
once again undergoing State censorship and it is dare sad
especially in this time and age; and under the leadership of
President Sirleaf that is revered as a free press hero.
While we have not derive the authenticity of such grave
and sickening development, we believe that any attempt
to economically suffocate the independent press as a way
of denying the expression of critical opinions against the
government; would be totally preposterous, unthinkable,
undemocratic, antiquated, shameful, parochial, a show
of fundamental laziness and a well calculated attempt to
blemish the President well earned enviable free press
credential by elements at the Ministry of Information. This
is dare wrong! We must not do such disservice to President
Sirleaf because such debauched maneuvering does not
represent the good wishes and aspiration of this unique
Liberian leader.
The folks at the Ministry of Information are well paid, I guess,
to professionally and effectively tell the government stories
and must be able to cultivate a professional relationship with
the critical press. Dont use the government advertisements
as a bid to cajole, tilt and mesmerize the press.
The way to mesmerize the press, I believe, is to carve out smart
and intelligent publicity blitz and propaganda foundation in
factsnot to regulate government advertisements.
The Information Ministry should be the PR machinery of
the government, it must tell the government stories in a
very effective way and the critical press will be obliged to
conform in giving the government side of the story.
Even though sources at the MICAT have hinted that it is true
that government ads are being centralized at the Ministry
Bureau of Communication outside of that Departments
statutory function, but I am making efforts to speak to the
heads of the ministry after which, I will determine a course
of action to correct this madness and petite laziness to safe
the well-earned press credential of the President. For I know,
the Ellen that I know did not actually sanction this autocratic
and counterproductive decision, or if she did, then someone
lured and cleverly arm-twisted her into doing sofor I am
aware that there are some demons around the President
pretending to be good people. We must unmask and rebuke
these ugly demonssome are vestiges of repressive and
corrupt regimes and courageously gate-crashing the Sirleaf
administration only to unleash bad influence.
What a bad new!!

our developmental agenda.

MR. NYENSWAH and the Ministry of Health should
not leave the health of Liberians to chance or on the
hope that underpaid and unhappy health workers
and security personnel will keep their eye on the ball
all the time.
LIBERIA HAS WORKED too hard to put this deadly
menace behind us to allow one slip up to take us
back and ruin the gains we all have worked to make
Liberia safer, better and Ebola free.
IT DOES NOT TAKE a brain surgeon to figure out
that the porosity of the border makes it impossible
for third-tier, undermanned, underpaid workers to
prevent the virus from coming back to Liberia. What
we must do is remain vigilant, cautious and avoid
leaving our lives to chance that the system now in
place is reliable and effective against a virus that has
killed thousands. We simply are not in the position to
take that risk. For Liberias sake, neither should Mr.
Nyenswah or those in charge of steering and keeping
Liberia clear from the menacing killer virus.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Page 4 | Frontpage

The Reader's Page







Another bluff from the oldma, for how long will we hear these
kinds of empty statements? Seriously, that NOCAL has been
averaging $28 million per year since 2012? Perhaps NOCAL's
executives used part of the $28m to purchase a $300k land. I
am sorry to say, perhaps out of frustration, these guys are all
Here are some questions the Liberian people want answered:
1. How much money was in the coffer at NOCAL when Robert
Sirleaf took over as it's BOARD CHAIRMAN??? 2. During his
tenure at NOCAL, how much money was realized from oil deals,
ie, signature fees??? 3. Where did the signature fees generated
during his tenure go, or how was the money expended??? 4.
How much money was left in the coffer of NOCAL when he
departed??? This president should come to the realization
that Liberians cannot be fooled as was in the past. She is now
claiming the current administration at NOCAL will be held
responsible when she is fully aware that the depletion of NOCAL
financial resource involves, she, her son, and members of the
national legislature, meaning her statement is a charade as
absolutely no one will be prosecuted and monies recovered.
She is also shifting position hoping to divert our attention and
have us believed because of some recent deals between NOCAL,
A-Z, Liberty, and (Kosmos whom she claimed to prefer),didn't
go through as planned, that led to the current financial crisis
at NOCAL. What a joke!!! We are so waiting for the handing
over of state power to the next government come 2018 when
we are hopeful it will be announced to the Liberian public the
amount of monies left in this government's coffer that they will
be passing on to the new government. WE JUST CAN'T WAIT
Is the Presidents action not belated? One would guess that she
is fully aware of all that is unfolding at NOCAL especially when
she have her appointees who run the entity and report to her
from time to time. Didn't she see their financials (income and
expenditure) that were running in complete opposite directions
as an acclaimed financial expert? If there is a damage control
measure (as usual) Liberians are watching to see but a blame
game will not save the situation. Kosmos Energy could be one
of the best alternative to help Liberia as it did for Ghana by
developing that nation's oil and gas resources in just 42 months
after over 7 decades of attempts by many companies in Ghana.
However, the mess created by current heads of NOCAL must first
be cleaned up. Besides, Liberia must be careful in negotiating
such deal with Kosmos under this difficult time, Kosmos itself
had some reputation issues with the Ghanaian authority before.
Why will any company which is not service oriented spend an
average of $USD 28 millions per year in Liberia? Have these
people lost their minds? How can Liberians be so selfish and
wicked ? Millions of Liberians can hardly afford a decent meal
daily, when a privileged few can loot millions of dollars with
impunity. Where is the accountability here my people? Was this
level of theft carried out only by Unity Party members or were
opposition members involved? Twenty eight millions a year?
Really? This is armed robbery. Plain and simple.
We know that 1.6 million dollars per year was paid to the
Episcopal Church as rent for office building.
What penalties are these so-called executives going to bear???
By removing them and appointing them to another government
agencies or ministries???? You along with your cabinets should
just keep quiet, allow the clock to run down your tenure instead
of saying things that you all feel will sound SWEET in our ears.


The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

Send your letters and comments to:

The Editor,

all it by any name, Ellonomics or voodoo economics,

but certainly this is not the globally recognized
economics taught at the world's prestigious
institution of higher learning, Harvard University in
America where President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was awarded a
certificate in whatever course but ironically that she converted
to a Harvard "economics" degree. And why is Harvard
University conspicuously silent on this controversy when
its reputation is being muddied in the failed and collapsing
Liberian economy?
But Liberians should not be surprised about how the once
hyped national oil company, NOCAL was going to deliver a
failed state like Liberia to the promised land of economic
bouyancy, and therefore the miraculous transformation to
the equivalent of a Middle Eastern-like oil rich and developed
Qutar or Kuwait. And so here we are back to square one
singing the Blues even before one drop of oil is pulled from
the bottom of the ocean because Ellen, her son and cronies
had siphoned off all the signature bonus signing money and
left us a bankrupt NOCAL. And now is back to her old famaliar
rhetorics of holding those responsible accountable. Exceptions
would be herself and son Robert Sirleaf.
When will Ellen ever accept full responsibility for her failed
leadership over Liberian people? US President Harry Truman
appropriately coined the phrase, "The Buck Stops Here,"
meaning as president he accepted the blame when things
went wrong even if by those working in his administration.
That's accountable leadership instead of shiting blame.
Under President Sirleaf, international independent watchdogs
like Global Witness have scrutinized all 68 business agreements
Ellen's regime signed with foreign investment firms and found
only two (2) were good and the rest bogus. Out of more than
100 independent audits conducted of government agencies,
only two have been prosecuted. Leaders must lead by example
but President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf herself has refused for her
office to be audited.
It is therefore prudent and good business decision that most
of the big international oil companies will now adopt a "delay
approach" of wait and see befire putting anymore of their
money into Liberia with a corrupt lameduck president who
could not manage little "signature signing bonus" oil leasing
money, let alone when the big real oil revenue starts coming
But President Sirleaf has since lost her signature nickname
of "Iron Lady," a tough, no nonsense, take no prisoner general
who would lead Liberia's war on corruption and has become
since a toothless bulldog that barks without a bite. Hence, the
sharks and vultures of corruption in her regime have had a
free reign since day one. And this latest noise of going after
those who ran the once promising NOCAL into bankruptcy is
just what it is, noise and for-nothing noise.
President Sirleaf can "nullify" whatever she wants at NOCAL
and the National Port Authority, but the cat is long since out
of the bag: gone, gone, gone. NPA's Matilda Parker was granted
an exit visa by Ellen and is now comfortably relaxing here in

America after she milked $1 million out of the NPA. She was
simply "suspended" and that means her fat monthly check
of $14,000.00 goes into her direct deposit bank account. As
for dearly beloved son Robert Sirleaf who ran NOCAL into the
ground, he is perhaps being groomed to take over from mom
as president and carry on the great achievements of our proud
Harvard University "economist". Don't forget Liberians that
Robert is chief economic advisor to mom president and also
Liberia's Oil Envoy.
But don't cry Liberians for the Ellennites and Ellennazis still
believe in the magic of Ellenism, the ideology, doctrine and
philosophy that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is taking
Liberians to the Promised Land, but papa is still coming home
with an empty bag and the children are still hungry going on
12 years. And with the education system in a free fall with
leaking school buildings, students sitting on the floor, teachers
going one years without pay, National Police going on two
months without pay, the chickens are coming home to roost.
Can we get to the 2017 presidential elections without the
system collasping on its own weight as it is slowly limping....?
Da me again.
Jerry Wehtee Wion,
Journalist and Political Commentator
Washington, DC, USA.

The Editor,

aving read a publication in the Front Page Africa

newspaper online regarding the immediately
closure of the Liberian borders with neighboring
Guinea and Sierra Leone to curtail the occurrence of
Ebola, I want to express my support for your recommendation.
I definitely believe the Liberian government was wrong earlier
in 2014 when it failed to close our borders in order to signal
a robust preventive measure in the fight against Ebola, which
killed thousands of people in our country.
Although we successfully combated and eradicated the
disease months ago, it doesn't justify that we are experts at
handling the epidemic; therefore, deputy minister Tolbert
Nyenswah's suggestion for the non-closure of our borders
must not be given credence by Liberians, especially the
national legislature.
I couldn't agree with you any further that we need to effectively
take precautions now than we ever did in the past. Finally, we
should use this period of stability to restructure and upgrade
our health system.
Edward W. Collins

Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;
Samwar S. Fallah, News Desk Chief, 0886-527
Danesius Marteh, Sports Editor, danesius., 0886236528
James-Emmanuel D. Cole, Jr, Graphics Designer
& Layout Editor,;
0886 211 390, 0777 027 030
Henry Karmo, Reporter, henry.karmo@
Bettie Johnson, Reporter, , / betty.johnson@

Al-varney Rogers, Reporter,, 0886-304498
Kennedy L. Yangian, Reporter, kennedy.yangian@ 0777296781
A. Macaulay Sombai, Sports Reporter, macaulay.sombai@, 077217428
Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042
Bong County, Selma Lomax, selma.lomax@, 0886-484666
Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753,

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Monroviahe General Auditing

established by the
1986 constitution of Liberia
to serve as an independent
responsible for helping with
issues of transparency and
accountability in the public
As per the amended act creating
the GAC, the institution reports
to the National Legislature but
since the institution which was
somehow dormant over the
years was revamped beginning
2006, there has been much
political interference in the
work of the commission
with both the Legislative
and Executive Branches of
Government looking to exert
some level of control and play
a key role in the internal work
of the commission.
The independence of the GAC
and the legislative supervision
over the commission is not
well explained as to whether
the legislature can dictate to
the commission about its work
but over the years the National
Legislature has requested the
commission to conduct audits.
Sirleaf has also over the
years requested the GAC to
conduct certain audits which
many see as a political tool
by the President to use the
audit reports to target certain
individuals who fall apart with
The National Legislature was
recently involved in a heated
debate on requesting the GAC
to audit the Central Bank of
Liberia amid argument that
the act creating the CBL calls
for the Central Bank Governor
to name an external auditor to
audit the bank.
While the GAC is required to
be independent in its work,
President Sirleaf in a letter
dated May 28, 2014 requested
the GAC to audit the Ministry of
Public Works.
The Ministry of Public Works


Page 5



Our review of documents for the period under audit revealed that contracts administered by the Ministry of Public
Works for the construction of roads and bridges were marred by irregularities and significant internal controls
deficiencies for a number of projects-General Auditing Commission of Liberia Special audit on Ministry of Public Works

was recently presided over by

Atty. Samuel K. Woods who
resigned from the government
and launched a criticism
amongst others questioning
the inability of the President to
take decisions.
Following the departure of
mandated the GAC to audit
the Ministry of Public Works,
stating in her letter that she
is directing the commission to
conduct the audit.
As you know, the Government
of Liberia is committed to fully
addressing the serious issue of
extra-budgetary commitments
for the conduct of roads works,
which emerged last year
between the Ministry of Public
Works and road contractors.
As part of our commitment to
deal with this issue decisively

Legislative Beat

and in conforming with the

Public Financial management
(PFM) Law of 2009 and
associated legal frameworks,
I am directing the General
Auditing Commission (GAC) to
conduct a full financial audit
of these projects, stated the
President letter.
President Sirleaf in the letter
outlined what should be
achieved by the audit.
Stated the President The
special investigate exercise
should provide a clear and
of events leading to the
commitments that have been
made; and, in particular,
determine whether all of
these contracts were obtained
in adherence to the laws
governing such commitments.
This will help us establish



Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Monroviaweek ago the House

instructed Education
Werner to withdraw his letter to
the West African Examinations
Council announcing Liberia
unpreparedness to sit the 2015
The body also mandated
the Education Minister to
abandon plans to close down
all schools until September
further insisting that the
Minister communicates his
implementation of the mandate
through publications in the local
his appearance before the
implement their demands
but less than two days later
he addressed the Ministry
and Tourism Press briefing
announcing the closure of
schools by July 31.
Minister Werner pronounced
that all ECD, Basic and
Secondary Schools in the
Republic of Liberia will close on


July 31, 2015, for this current

school calendar. Schools will
re-open on September 7, 2015.
Government says Grades 1 12
will close on July 12, 2016, while
Pre school will close on August
12, 2016. For the 2015/2016
school year, students will enroll
in the grade appropriate to their
learning to date.
Since the pronouncement by
Minister Werner, many believe
that the country is heading for
another long standing debate

between the Legislature and the

executive but President Sirleaf
has taken a side defending her
Education Minister.
A leaked letter addressed
to Speaker Alex Tyler in the
possession of FrontPageAfrica
indicates that President Sirleaf
has informed the legislature
(House) that she has told
Education Minister Werner to
ignore whatever instruction
given him by the Chief Clerk.
Sirleaf cites constitutional
In the leak document the
Liberian President reminded
the legislature about Article
1 of the Liberian constitution
which has to do with the
structure of the state and made
specific reference to Article 3
which provides that the form
of government is a Republican
with three separate coordinate
branches the Legislative, the
Executive and Judiciary.
Consistent with the principles
of separation of powers and
checks and balances, no person
holding office in one of these
branches shall exercise any of
the powers assigned to either of

whether any legal action is

warranted, and will also guide
us in making appropriate
outstanding contracts.

While the GAC reports directly

to the National legislature,
the president in the letter
instructed the Auditor General
to conduct what she described
as technical and financial
audit of the Ministry and audit
the report to her as soon as
President Sirleaf stated This
technical and financial audit
will be a crucial step in bringing
closure to this issue, enhancing
the integrity of the contracting
processes under our laws, and
restoring the credibility of our

the other two branches except

as provided in the constitution,
the President letter stated.
The Liberian leader further
stated that in unequivocal terms
Chapter VI (The Executive)
Article 50 stated the Executive
power of the Republic shall be
vested in the President who
shall be head of state, head of
Government and Commander
in-chief of the Armed Forces of
I took a Solemn Oath in
compliance with Article 52 to
preserve, protect and defend
the Constitution of the Republic,
and I am mindful of Article 56
which subjects ministers and
other state executive to the
authority of the president.
I have therefore instructed the
Minister of Education to ignore
what appear to be instructions
conveyed to him under cover
of letter dated June 23, 2015 by
the Chief Clerk of the House of
Representatives, the president
Plenary mandate
The plenary of the House of
Education Minister Werner to
among many things make a
public pronouncement in the
print and electronic media and
said communication be served
the House of Representatives
that the academic year 2015
remain valid and that WEAC be
administered during the second

public financial management

system. I, therefore, ask that
you deliver the completed
audit to me as soon as possible.
In the audit the GAC reported
that contracts awarding and
implementation were marred
by irregularities and significant
internal control deficiencies.
The audit noted that there
were a total of eighty-nine
(89) contracts provided by
the Ministry of Public Works
for the construction of roads
Liberia with dollar value of
US$517,872,721.26 for civil
Out of the eighty nine (89)
contracts, the audit stated that
eighty one (81) were funded
by Government of Liberia
(GoL) which amounted to
eight (8) were funded by the
World Bank which amounted
to US$353,775,975.66.
Stated the audit report Our
review of documents for the
period under audit revealed
that contracts administered by
the Ministry of Public Works
for the construction of roads
and bridges were marred by
irregularities and significant
internal controls deficiencies
for a number of projects.
According to the audits, the
Ministry of Public Works
did not provide engineer
assessment report for the
81 contracts funded by the
Government of Liberia.
We observed that The
Ministry of Public Works did

semester of said academic year

consistent with the academic
They also instructed the
education minister to commit
that moving forward he
will work with the House of
Representatives committee on
education and the Legislature
at large to determine any
future adjustment or proposal
that will be discussed fully
between the three branches of
government before any public
announcement and the letter
written WAEC be withdrawn
effectively immediately.
Appearing before the House
of Representatives Plenary
Minister Werner denied making
any pronouncement of school
closure as was reported in the
public but confirmed that the
Ministry had a proposal that
was similar to the rumors.
Minister Werner said: What
we will like to say on behalf
of the Ministry of Education
is that there was never a
minister of Education describing
the academic calendar as we
have it as a study class. There
was never a pronouncement
from the Education Minister
saying that schools will close on
the 30th of June.
The Education Minister further
said What we have been
doing is engage the country
in a conversation about the

not provide all MPW Engineer

Reports for the eighty one
(81) Government of Liberia
Funded Contracts amounting
to US$164,096,745.60 before
awarding the contracts, the
report declared.


The audit also noted that the

Ministry of Finance on behalf
of the Ministry of Public Works
supporting documents.
The GAC noted that during the
review of records including
IFMIS Payment Record System
relating to the construction of
roads and bridges in Liberia
for the fiscal periods 2010/11,
2011/12 and 2012/13, it was
observed that the Ministry
of Finance on behalf of the
Ministry of Public Works
expended US$70,387,402.55
supporting documents, such as
payment vouchers, Contracts,
Certificates of Completion and
other supporting documents.
Accountant Generals, John
B.S. Davies, Boon Wilson
and Dede D. Sandiman
should account for the
amount of US$70,387,402.55
which were not supported
by documents during the
periods under audit, the audit

future of education early

childhood development basic
and secondary education in this
country. That took us on the
road and we just return from
a weeklong tour of the entire
south east ending Gbarnga Bong
County the listening process
continues about the future of
What you heard about in the
rumors that it is a proposal
yes it is true that proposal is
not final because part of it is to
listen to everyone as we speak
we have not even submitted
that proposal to the president
what we are asking for today
is to give us chance to conclude
that, the Minister declared.
The communication by the
President backing her Education
Minister according to legislative
observers is expected to raise
anger amongst lawmakers.
Over the years, the legislature
and the Executive have been
at loggerheads over acts of
disrespect from some members
of the Executive branch to the
Former Monrovia Mayor Madam
Mary Broh and Grace Kpan was
involved in long wrangling
which led the lawmakers
to reprimanding the two to
prison and passing a vote of no
confidence in both officials.
The incident led to the removal
of Superintendent Kpan and the
transfer of Mayor Broh.


Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Page 6 | Frontpage

rand Bassa County

sitting was cancelled
on Monday, June
29 by the Legislative Caucus
over selection of delegates
by Superintendent Etweeda
Cooper. Legislative Caucus
Karnga-Lawrence made the
almost an hour of deliberation
amidst tensed-mix views
amongst mostly university
students and youth who
attended the sitting at the
provincial town of Compound
Four, District #4.
Before this years sitting, the
county administration and the
caucus concluded that each
statutory district will have five
delegates with the objective
of targeting unfinished and
outstanding projects in the
KarngaLawrence said the selections
of delegates were left with
the statutory superintendents
with consultation from their
respective representatives. She
said institutions and groups
were invited to attend as
observers instead as delegates;
something she said is a breach
of the budget law.
The superintendent with
legislative caucus brought
in more delegates after
our meeting thats why we
requested the roll call, you
have some districts that have
two persons, you have some
districts that have five and
you have districts that have up
to 11 persons. I say this is an
injustice to this process, said
Senator Karnga-Lawrence.
She continued: We are here
to be very transparent; we are
here to be very fair and that is
in the interest of this county. If
we have made these mistakes
before, we are here to correct

Grand Bassa Sitting Cancelled Due to Irregularities

Alpha Daffae Senkpeni,

those mistakes because this

county must move forward.
Expected Tension
Even before Mondays sitting,
many observers predicted
that existing feud between
members of the caucus and
detrimental to the process. The
caucus had earlier this month
Cooper of disregarding them
and at the same time levied
administration, prompting a
vote of no confidence termed
as controversial after the
administration claimed the
decision was not unanimous.
Speaking to journalists after
the caucus pronouncement,
claimed she expected to be
blame by the caucus.
If they have not placed the
blame on me I had been
surprise because my legislative
caucus tends to think that they
can demonize the office of the
superintendent and therefor
if she (Senator KarngaLawrence) had done otherwise
I was going to be most


She claimed that she had

acquired information that
there were plans to disrupt
the sitting, while justifying
that separation of power
amongst the three branches
concerns from observers
that Superintendent Cooper
may come under increasing
pressure over the next couple
of days when the caucus
engaged President Sirleaf
on the situation; she told
journalist that she feels no
tension but only disappointed
in the caucus move.
For me today, what the
Legislative Caucus has done
has shown to the people of
Bassa that they dont care for
the people. That the people of
Bassa come to a council sitting
and they have shown that they
have the right to cancel it at
their will and pleasure, she
On the other hand, The
maintains that Superintendent
Coopers error cant be
pardon or ignore inferring
that the budget law which is
the legal instrument for the
administration of County and



Samwar S. Fallah,

Monrovia iberia is reporting

a new case of the
deadly Ebola virus
just one month and
20 days after the World
Health Organization declared
the country free of the virus
Deputy Minister - designate
for Disease, Surveillance and
Epidemic Control confirmed
to FrontPageAfrica Monday
evening that the case was
discovered after the death of
the victim.
Nyenswah who heads Liberia
Incidence Management Team
during the Ebola outbreak
confirmed that the reported
case of the deadly Ebola
virus was only detected from
specimen taken from the
corpse of a dead body.
Nyenswah confirmed that
specimen from a 17-year
old corpse from the village
of Nedowian in Margibi

County taken before burial

tested positive twice and the
county surveillance team has
increased work in the affected
Specimen from the remains
of a 17 year old corpse tested
positive on two occasions after
our burial team moved into
the village and safely took the
specimen before safe burial of
the corpse, said Nyenswah.
System working
Mr. Nyenswah was optimistic
that the case may be isolated.
We did the test twice and it all
came positive but there is no
need to panic quickly detecting
means our system is working.
Critics have been piling
pressure on the government
lately over the reopening of the
border between Liberias next
door neighbors Sierra Leone
and Guinea, still recording
deaths from the deadly virus.
But Mr. Nyenswah ruled out
any possibility of transfer
of the virus from those two

How the latest case surfaced
remains a mystery as Liberia
has not reported any new
case of the virus for nearly
two months while the two
countries are still reporting
increase in cases.
Nyenswah disclosed that from
preliminary investigation the
deceased felt ill on June 21 and
died on the 24 at home in the
remote village.
We have listed 27 contacts
and more to come. It is under
control, we buried the corpse
safely and our team will beef
up work in the surrounding
areas, Nyenswah said.
According to him, food,
medicines and other items
will be airlifted to the affected
village to keep the residents
under quarantine.
Meanwhile, FPA has also
gathered that a suspected case
from C.H. Rennie in Kakata,
Margibi County has been
transferred to Gbarnga, Bong

Social Development Funds

must be upheld.
We will cancel this county
sitting and get the Internal
Affairs Ministry and the
president of this country
involve because for us to make
sure things are done rightly in
this county we have to follow
the rules and we will continue
to follow the rule, Senator
Karnga-Lawrence stressed.
The political tension at the
county sitting showed a
divided Grand Bassa with
Superintendent Cooper while
others insinuated that the
superintendent irregularities
in selecting delegates was
a ploy to retain the current
Committee (PMC) or vote in
a PMC which will be loyal to
the administration. Both the
administration and caucus had
emphasized the significance of
electing the PMC which is only
done by delegates and with
existing quarrel, both side will
be looking to have allegiance in
the next PMC.
Members of the caucus
Mondays decision although
there have been concerns over

County. A test is expected to be

performed on that case and the
result will likely be known on
interruption of transmission,
described by medical experts
as a monumental achievement
for a country that reported the
highest number of deaths in
the largest, longest, and most
complex outbreak since Ebola
first emerged in 1976. At the
peak of transmission, which
occurred during August and
September 2014, the country
was reporting from 300 to 400
new cases every week.
During those two months,
the capital city Monrovia was
the setting for some of the
most tragic scenes from West
Africas outbreak: gates locked
at overflowing treatment
centres, patients dying on the
hospital grounds, and bodies
that were sometimes not
collected for days.
Flights were cancelled. Fuel
and food ran low. Schools,
businesses, borders, markets,
and most health facilities were
closed. Fear and uncertainty
about the future, for families,
communities, and the country
and its economy, dominated
the national mood.

a fragmentations on the basis

of political interest.
Students demanded Delegation
The caucus decision to
postpone the long awaited
county sitting stimulated from
protest by university students
hailing from the county. The
attend the sitting as delegates
since they were served
invitation by Superintendent
Rejecting the caucus move,
the President of Grand Bassa
University Student Union
(GBUSU) said the move is an
attempt to silence the young
people of the county, averring
that university students have
already been marginalized in
the county. Defending GBUSUs
status as an accredited
delegation, the union president
that the budget law doesnt
exclude students groups from
attending as a delegation.
We are trying to engage them
(lawmakers) that we were
accredited from the Bassa
Youth Caucus and GBUSU
until we are recognized as
legitimate delegate as we have
been accredited, Bernard said.
Though the capital city was
hardest hit, every one of
Liberias 15 counties eventually
reported cases. At one point,
virtually no treatment beds
for Ebola patients were
available anywhere in the
cases and corpses remaining
in homes and communities,
almost guaranteeing further
infections, some expressed
concern that the virus
might become endemic in
Liberia, adding another and
especially severe permanent
threat to health.
The decline in the number of
cases and eventual declaration
of an ebola-free country drew
praise for Liberia from the
international community.
Liberias last case was
a woman in the greater
Monrovia area who developed
symptoms on 20 March and
died on 27 March. The source
of her infection remains under
investigation. Contact tracing
found more than 1,500 people
who may have been exposed
to the patient. More than 100
close contacts were identified
and closely monitored. No
one developed symptoms;
all have been released from

For the President of the Bassa

Youth Caucus, it seemed
impossible to revoke their
sitting prioritizes citizens
participation in initiating
projects. Abraham Sando
described the caucus decision
as unfortunate and said
young people participation is
important in the government
This is why yong people
have been the fulcrum of
participation because we are
the hallmark of development
in this country and it doesnt
mean well for this county
and may germinate crisis and
violence, Sando said.
But the Legislative Caucus
Chair insisted that youth
groups or student groups
are not delegates but can
have representatives serving
as delegates from a district.
student groups as delegates
religious groups or business
organizations will also demand
they attend as delegates as
We are trying to avoid all
of this problem thats why
the budget law is saying five
persons per district and if
you are a youth leader in that
district you should be included
on that list from your district
, even the legislative caucus
is not a delegation to this
process, she said.
Many were left disappointed
over the postponement of the
sitting especially delegates
who opted to resolute projects
that will bring relief to their
respective districts. And with
accusing fingers pointed at
both the superintendent and
the legislative caucus for the
ongoing stalemate in initiating
development projects, the
next few weeks will be crucial
to arriving at decisions by
both lawmakers of the county
which may well include the
intervention of President
declaration, health officials
and the WHO have been urging
Liberians to exercise a high
level of vigilance for new cases.
Ebola crept on Liberia when
many least expected. On
March 23 2014, the first case
out of Guinea into Liberia was
reported and the first 2 cases,
in the northern county of Lofa
near the border with Guinea,
were confirmed on 30 March
On 7 April, 5 more cases were
confirmed, 4 in Lofa and 1
in Monrovia. All 5 died. The
situation then stabilized, with
no new cases reported during
April and most of May.
Further cases were detected
in early June, mainly in Lofa
county, but the trend did not
look alarming, especially when
compared with the situation
elsewhere. At the end of June,
Liberia reported 41 cases,
compared with 390 in Guinea
and 158 in Sierra Leone.
Altogether, 375 health workers
were infected and 189 lost
their lives.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Page 7

Renovation of Liberian Chancery in Freetown, Sierra Leone
Contract Identification No. IFB No: RL/MFA/FM-FREETOWN/RB/001/14/15

1. The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has apportioned funds for the purpose of renovating the Liberian Chancery in
Freetown, Sierra Leone: IFB No. RL/MFA/FM-FREETOWN/RB/001/14/15.
2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs now invites interested applicants to submit sealed bids for the performance of said works (Renovation of the Liberian
Chancery in Freetown, Sierra Leone). Bidding will be conducted through Restricted Bidding (RB) Procedures as specified in the Amended and Restated
Public Procurement and Concession Act (PPC Act), and is opened to all eligible and qualified bidders. These applicable procurement procedures are
consistent with the REPUBLIC of LIBERIA Amended and restated PPC Act published and approved: September 18, 2010.
3. Qualification requirements include but not limited to the following:

Current Business Registration Certificate (Registrar General);

Current Tax Clearance Certificate with Tax Identification Number (TIN)) (Internal Revenue Service);
Minimum average turnover of $ 50,000 US within the last 2 years of operation;
Be a member of the Ministry of Public Works Contractor Classification and Certification System (CCCS);
Must be able to obtain permits to perform said work in Freetown, Sierra Leone;
Capacity to do at least 30 (thirty) days pre-financing of project;
Experience as a prime contractor in the construction of a similar project within the last three (3) years; and an
Audited financial statements for the last 2 years.

4. A complete set of bidding package including the scope of work may be purchased by qualified and eligible bidders at the address below upon payment
of non-refundable fee of US $50 or equivalent amount in Liberian Dollars. Bid security must be submitted together with bid document, and must be
$2,500 US or its equivalent in Liberian Dollars of the bid price in Bank Guarantee or Bond.
5. Interested and eligible bidders may obtain further information from 12:00 to 16:30 hours and also inspect bidding documents at the address specified
below beginning Thursday, June 25, 2015.
6. Submission must be clearly marked, signed and sealed in an envelope, including other requested information as follows: Embassy of Liberia, Freetown,
Sierra Leone
Renovation of the Liberian Embassy, Freetown, Sierra Leone
CONFIDENTIAL BID for the renovation of the Liberian Embassy Year 2015/2016 and addressed to:
The Deputy Minister for Administration
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Monrovia, Liberia

7. Questions concerning this Project should be submitted in writing and directed to,
by E-mail:
Mr. Boakai Kollie
Civil Works Consultant
Ministry of Foreign, Republic of Liberia
Phone: +231880636925/+231777339339

8. Bid must be submitted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on or before Friday, July 3, 2015 on or before 14:00 GMT (Electronic Bid would not be
accepted). Bid Opening will be done promptly after closing at 14:30 GMT in the Ministrys Conference room in the presence of bidders representative
or those who choose to attend.

9. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reserves the right to reject or accept any bid submitted and to annul the entire process at any time without incurring
any liability and without assigning any reason thereof.
Signed: Wede Elliott-Brownell, PhD

Deputy Minister for Administration
Approved: Honourable Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan

Page 8 | Frontpage


Tuesday, June 30, 2015



My Colleagues of the Supreme Court;

Former Chief Justices and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court;
Members of the Legislature here present;
Mr. Minister of Justice;
The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Guest Speaker for this occasion;
Judges of the Circuit and Specialized Courts;
Mr. President and Members of the Liberian National Bar Association;
Madam President and Members of the Association of Female Lawyers;
The Officers-Elect of the Liberian National Bar Association soon to be installed;
Members of the Press;
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen:

I thank the Officers and Members of the Liberian National Bar Association for the invitation extended me to induct their officers-elect into office. As I understand it that, I
am only required to induct or install into office and not to really speak, since we have a distinguished Guest Speaker who has just delivered the appropriate message for this
occasion. So, basically, I am to administer the oath of office to the new officers to formally empower them assume their respective duties. But before doing that indulge me to
make brief remarks.

I was present during the election that ushered in the new leadership of the Bar that is being installed today. In fact, all the members of Supreme Court were present; and so
were Circuit and Specialized Court Judges, Magistrates and Public Defenders. The Liberian National Bar Association is the umbrella group of all lawyers in this country. Justices
and Judges are full-fledged members of the Bar Association so, they have always participated in the activities of the Bar.
But lawyers will agree that in recent years, especially since the inauguration of the present Supreme Court Bench, there has been a significant increase in the level of support
and cooperation from the Supreme Court to the National Bar Association and vice versa. From time to time, and as the situation warrants, we dialogue with the leadership of
the Bar on matters of mutual interest; we mandate that all judges attend the functions and activities of the Bar; we take actions when members become delinquent in their
financial obligations and we encourage and sometime facilitate the establishment or re-establishment of the County Bars, the subsidiary groups to the National Bar. We believe
that when the County Bars are strong, they will strengthen the National Bar. And a strong National Bar Association is essential in the administration of justice.
In turn, and as I said, we receive the fullest cooperation from the Bar. To my mind, the present level of cooperation between the Bench and Bar is unprecedented. This has
created an upsurge in the positive trend of activities of the National Bar. The recent Bar Convention held in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County is a clear testimony. The attendance
at that Convention was very huge and the financial gains, I am told, surpassed all previous bar conventions.

I said at that program, that much of what was achieved was due to the exemplary leadership of the outgoing President, Counsellor Theophilus C. Gould and members of
his administration. Counsellor Gould, we say thank you again for all that you did to lift the Bar. I particularly took note of the orderly manner in which your administration
organized and conducted the election at that Convention which brought in the present corps of officers.
The process was free, fair and transparent and the degree of maturity exhibited by the members of the Bar, especially those who vied for elective posts is worth commending
.Immediately after the results were announced, those who did not win moved to congratulate those who won. For me this was an important pace-setting electoral event ahead
of the 2017 Presidential and General Elections. We hope that all would emulate the good example set by the Bar.

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, lawyers, by virtue of their special training in the arts of the law, can serve in many different positions and capacities and play diverse roles
in the practice of their profession. Some lawyers, like us, are judges, some are legislators, bankers, business executives and others are public and private sector administrators.
Those who choose to work in private law firms are mainly involved in counseling, drafting legal documents and representing clients in courts. These positions that lawyers
occupy, I dare say, are relatively comforting and financially rewarding to the individual lawyers. So, there is a tendency for them to remain in their comfort zones and not
be bothered by what takes place in the society in which they live. But this should not be the case. We cannot be indifferent to what happens around us. As eminent citizens
of society armed with the knowledge of right and wrong lawyers should cultivate knowledge of the law beyond its use only for clients so as to receive personal reward and
There is an important role that lawyers can play and should play that would inure to the benefit of the society at large; and that is the role of advocacy. To advocate means to
defend or protect. It means to plead the cause of another person. There are so many vulnerable people in our society who are in need of legal assistance. Their legal rights can
be so ripe at times; but often, there is no one to assist them as they cannot afford the high costs of legal proceedings. The good old book says when thou are strong, strengthen
thy brother. So, this category of people needs help. The Constitution of the Liberian National Bar Association has provision for Legal Aid Committee. Many years ago when I
was in private law practice and a more active member of the Bar, I served on that Committee. I implore the National Bar to reactivate that Committee so that its members can
vigorously take up the challenge of providing pro bono legal services to the less fortunate in oursociety.

I also implore the National Bar Association Bar to be proactive in the growth and reform of the law. This means that lawyers should maintain a sustained interest in the
development of our jurisprudence. For example, before laws are enacted at the Legislature, lawyers should speak out to aid the publics understanding of the enactment. If the
proposed law is good for the public, say so; if it is not, point out the flaws. This in line with Rule 26 of the Code For the Moral and Ethical Conduct of Lawyers which states in
part that:
A lawyer may render professional services before the legislative or other bodies,regarding

proposed legislation and in advocacy of claims before departments of Government

And this will help build public confidence in the rule of law and the justice system, because legal institutions in a constitutional democracy depend on popular participation
and support to maintain their authority.

In a similar, if you are not in agreement with a particular opinion of the Supreme Court, dissect and criticize it. Do so in a constructive manner that will help the process of
stare decisis. But do not wait until the matter involves you, your family or client before you take up the issue, otherwise, your objectivity may be questioned. In summary, I urge
the Bar, the congregation of lawyers, to now become more than ever engaged in the service to the public. We have a duty of fidelity to the public as patriotic and loyal citizens.
I said that my remarks would be brief. So let me close by congratulating Counsellor G. Moses Paegar, President-Elect and the other new officers-elect of the National Bar
Association for their ascendancy to these high offices. Counsellor Paegar is an astute lawyer, a hard worker and a committed person. I have no doubt that he will combine his
zeal, commitment and experience in the law to work assiduously to take the Bar to even nobler heights. The Supreme Court welcomes this new leadership and, as in the case
of the preceding administration, we will continue to work with the incoming administration.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Page 9



Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Ganta, Nimba Countyhe

and cooperation with other
political parties but wants
to remain at the helm of any
political collaboration to
ensure that the confidence
reposed in it by its mass
followers is not betrayed.
The political leader of the
CDC, Senator George Weah
(CDC-Montserrado County)
says the Party is very
mindful that the unfolding
political equation towards
2017 speaks to cooperation
and collaboration amongst
We are very careful not
to abuse this confidence
because it is the ethos of our
very survival over the years.
The key term here is shared
vision. When we speak of
political collaboration we
speak not solely of increased
numerical strength; but
essentially for consensus
building on key national
issues, said Weah.
Speaking at program marking
the party 10th anniversary
celebration in Ganta, Nimba

County the Political leader

disclosed that the CDC is
open to dialogue and will in
fact encourage cooperation
other political parties and
He said, despite the interest
to cooperate or collaborate
the party will certainly not
sacrifice its code values and
shared vision on the altar
and that they are very careful
not to abuse this confidence
because it is the philosophy
of their very survival over
the years.


Monroviaiberia has not a made

legal but its porous
borders, weak laws,
enforcement capacity, and
proximity to major drug transit
routes continue to an uptick
in trafficking to and through
While Liberia is not a
significant producer of illicit
narcotics, local drug use,
particularly marijuana, is very
Some drugs commonly used
in the country include heroin
(mostly smoked) and cocaine
(snorted). Local authorities
have reported increasing
prevalence of amphetaminetype
intravenous drug-use.
There has not been reliable
data on the prevalence of drug
use or overall drug trafficking
trends through the country.
Some of the drugs are
trafficked to and from Liberia
maritime vessels, and across
land borders by foot and
vehicle traffic.
June 26 is the International
Day against Drug Abuse and
Illicit Trafficking. Established
General Assembly in 1987,
this day serves as a reminder
of the goals agreed to by
Member States of creating an
international society free of
drug abuse.
At the celebration, officers of
various security institutions

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Page 10 | Frontpage

Weah warned that if the

party has to do it alone,
they can and will, but
they rather not, because,
political cooperation and
collaboration will strengthen
their national vision and
build consensus on national
policy issues.
This incentive, Weah said
is essential in sustaining
the peace and driving
development. To achieve this
policy objection, the CDC will
and must remain at the helm
by so that the confidence of
our mass followers is not

betrayed, Weah said.

He also expressed that
CDC believes that peace is
cardinal to development
and it can only be achieved
through social justice, equal
opportunity and equitable
distribution of the national
Senator Weah said, since
1847, Liberia has never
had a shortage of sufficient,
well-schooled or educated
men and women to lead the
country but it has always
and continues to lack leaders
with passion, a gap he said

the CDC was established to

We need to focus on the
real issues and stop joking
with the future of our
children. Our educational
need robust
with massive infusion of
resources to bring them
on par with international
standards. The generation
and distribution of electricity
need to be given to the
private sector as was done
to the telecommunication
sector this will surely boost
industrialization, Weah said.
He continued Our farmers
need to be given support in
capacity development, mini
mechanization and market
security for their crops. Our
educational institutions must
start producing experts of
international standards ,
and our farms and industries
must start exporting food and
before the end of our first
term in office after the 2017
Presidential and general
elections. It is therefore a
historical imperative that the
CDC led government comes
to power in 2017.
It has been reported in the
Media that the CDC and other
political parties especially
the opposition Liberty party
are in discussions for a
possible collaboration and
cooperation, a claim the
party has since denied.


senator has also said the

party is uncomfortable with
the planned drawdown of
UNMIL to coincide with
the 2017 presidential and
general elections.
According to him Liberias
Montserrado, Bomi and
other counties during the
December 2014 senatorial
election showed that the
Police force is not mature
enough for such a delicate
He said during the senatorial
election it was observed that
some units of the LNP were
drawn into partisan politics
and glaringly sided with
candidates of the ruling party
and harassed partisans of the
opposition during political
The 2017 presidential and
general elections is a test
of the UN success story in
Liberia; and this must not
be allowed to ruin due to
the premature exit of UNMIL
military and police from
Liberia because our national
security apparatus are just
not ready for this task, Weah
He warned that any abuse
of power and excesses by
state security during the
ensuing 2017 presidential
and general elections may
be responded to in a manner
that could derail Liberias
peace process something he
said the country does not
want and is confident the
UN would share this thinking.



LACC Boss Verdier Warns Security Agencies
Bettie K. Johnson/

Enforcement Agency, Police,

Armed Forces of Liberia,
and Fire Service gathered
as speeches were made by
observance of the day.
Cllr. James Verdier disclosed
that research has shown that
most or some of Government
officials who engage in corrupt
practices are abusers of drugs
on ground that when they
abuse these substances they
have no fear of God and no
mercy of the poor people.
So if you have a minister of
Government and he is corrupt

is because you want him to do

that, that is why we have to
stand up against corruption
consequences of illicit drugs
are severe, it destroys the
connectivity of Government
and disrupt the organization
of Government, said Cllr.
Cllr. Verdier also said Once
you compromise with one
many will come, keep in mind
that you are doing a service
to country and not individual,
if you allow a man to bring in
marijuana your child will get
in it, the money we used to
fight drugs abuse can be used
to develop schools, hospitals in

the country.
The LACC boss said Africa is
threatening by drugs abuse
and Liberia is not different
from that in addition, the
level of drugs trafficking going
across the border is alarming
as young people and as
responsibilities to ensure that
our borders are not abused
and children in school are not
exposed to drugs and that we
together develop a system of
resistance by reporting people
who engage in illicit trafficking
of drugs instead of supporting
and abetting them. It is the
responsibility that you (public)

have to do, he added.

Cllr. Verdier continued: the
DEA alone cannot do it if you
hide people who are trafficking
drugs than you will hide people
who are corrupt, if you take in
drugs it means that you are
defying the laws, and by taking
that it puts you in the position
to abuse the laws more.
He urged security agencies to
demonstrate that they can be a
service, and a patriotic person
that will report drugs cases,
and should avoid engaging in
conniving with the traffickers.
Drugs abuse is dangerous;
we have to put a stop to it, if
we have to have a corrupt free
environment than you have
to have a free drugs society;
as we celebrate this day let
be aware that drugs abuse is
bad and its illegal and have
a lot of health issues as well,
needs collaborative efforts
in combatting drugs, he
Also speaking the officer in
charge of United Nations
office on drugs and crime
Yilaa Wloti commended the
Drugs Enforcement Agency for
the level of job done to target
drugs traffickers.
organization support to the
DEA naming capacity building
for officers at the institution.

Meanwhile, DEA boss disclosed

that the Government of Liberia
(GOL) has enacted a new antidrug legislation to protect the
nation from becoming a drug
Being mindful that drug abuse
somewhere is automatically
government took the decision
especially at a time when
Liberia is being used as a
major transit point for drug
trafficking, Souh said.
Director Souh said the
legislation has been endorsed
by President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf and is now being
printed into handbills by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Although he did not give details
of the legislation, he indicated
that the increase in drug abuse
which hampers sanity in any
society, gave rise to the crafting
and passage of the legislation.
In clear terms, it means
Liberia has ranked itself
as a compliant nation and
limelight of the international
community when it comes to
the fight against illicit drugs,
he pointed out.
According to him, drug
traffickers are often deterred
in a society whose legal
instructions cannot be curved,
adding, Drug traffickers are
deterred where the law is
merciless against violators.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015




Edwin G. Genoway, Jr (231886458910)

Relief Agency (ADRA)
humanitarian arm of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church
and ADRA Germany are
aware of allegations against
ADRA Liberias management
in recent days pointing to
possible mismanagement of
thousand) by ADRA Liberia
headed by Anthony Zazay.
The money was donated by
ADRA Germany under the
project intended to help Ebola
survivors in Liberia.
The project was intended
to help parents, in the cases
where parents were affected,
their children are missing out
on food and other support,
and ADRA survivors and
nutritional kits were to ensure
that the immediate needs of
these Ebola victims are met.
In the kits were bed-spreads,
soap, mattresses clorox among
many items that were to be
given to survivors in Liberia
by ADRA Liberia from the over
US$100,000 donation from
ADRA Germany.
But from the audio recording

in the possession of the

FPA, ADRA Liberia allegedly
provided a fake report to its
partners from Germany that
the over US$100,000 given to
help Ebola survivors was used
for the intended purpose.
In one of the audio recordings
the Finance Director of ADRA, a
pastor of the Better Living SDA
Church on 12th Street Sinkor,
Mitina Youkonjay Benard is
heard instructing one of his
colleagues to fake the names of
Ebola survivors.

Following the FPA publication,

ADRA International and ADRA
Germany in a statement
indicated that the situation is
of tremendous concern to the
organization as a whole, and
ADRA is taking the allegations
very seriously.
Our top and constant priority
is to ensure that all funds,
whether private or public,
are used with integrity to
serve the communities they
were intended to reach, the
statement sent to FPA via
email from the overseas ADRA
The statement further noted:
In this case, ADRA will ensure
that the funds reach the
survivors and families within
the communities affected by
the Ebola virus.


According to the statement

ADRA is conducting an external
investigation of the operations
in Liberia with special focus on
the allegations that have been
The statement noted that ADRA
Germany is already conducting
an internal investigation, based
on both investigations; ADRA
will take prompt, responsible,
and appropriate action.

Fresh details emerging from

ADRA Liberia has also revealed
that additional one hundred
(100) Ebola survivors names
were taken and forwarded
to ADRA Germany by ADRA
Liberia. Reports say those
additional survivors did benefit
from any ADRA donations.
Copy of the additional names
is in the possession of the FPA
listed the 100 as beneficiaries
but many have confirmed
to FPA that they are actual
survivors but didnt receive
any donations or help from
ADRA Liberia as claimed by
the group.
FPA has also observed that
most of the telephone numbers
attached to the listing of
survivors that were forwarded
to Germany by ADRA Liberia
seems not to be functional as
when the numbers are dialed
there are no sign of ringing.

Sources within ADRA Liberia

have hinted FPA that some
of the names listed by ADRA
Liberia are friends and
relatives of both Zazay and
More survivors have also told
FPA that their names were
taken by ADRA Liberia but
didnt receive anything.
One of the survivors, Matthew
Doe age 56 of Clara Town said
his name was written and
number taken by ADRA but he
did not receive anything.
I live Clara Town, I heard that
ADRA was distributing some
things around and they took
my name and number but did
not give anything, he told the
FPA via mobile.
Another survivor, Momo Harris
of Wood Camp Paynesville
denied ever receiving relief
items from ADRA.
I think ADRA is sick, is that
how they use us to get money
from their donors, if I see my
name on any list that I got relief
items I will sue that person for
lying on me, he said.
The audio from both Zaizay
and Barnard revealed that only
US$50, 000 was used instead
of the entire US$100,000
provided for the purpose. The
rest of the more than US$50,
000 was allegedly diverted to
other use by ADRA Liberia.
ADRA Liberia from the
recording gave their partner
ADRA Germany exaggerated
reports by increasing the
number of Ebola survivors in
their report.
The Finance Director of ADRA
Liberia, Pastor Barnard in the
recording is heard telling the
program coordinator Jerry
Doe that they have spent a
little over US$50,000, asking
Jerry to increase the names of
survivors and items donated to
reach the amount provided by
ADRA Germany.

"How much is one hundred

thousand so much, if you put
all of the receipts together we
have spent over fifty thousand,
so we will only be eating like
forty- five thousand from the
project, but what I want you
do is that, your listing that you
have is forty-five thousand and
we also did another listing
for fifty thousand so when
you combine the both lists we
will be hitting something like
a little over ninety thousand
maybe only five thousand will
be left and we can repay that
amount then to pay for the
entire hundred thousand,"
Pastor Bernard said in the
For his part, the Head of ADRA
Liberia, Anthony Zaizay in his
recording told Doe to increase
the listing of Ebola survivors
to six hundred names and
pleaded that the list should not
be given to any individuals but
only him (Anthony Zaizay). But
ADRA Liberia head Anthony
Zaizay described the recording
as distraction intended to spoil
the image of the organization.
He told FPA Wednesday night
via mobile that he will not
dignify the recording because
he (Zaizay) knows who is
behind such recording, saying,
"it is Orlando and the Jerry
Doe man who was serving
as the program coordinator
of the program, they are
only releasing this recording
because their contracts with
ADRA is over maybe they want
to come back," he noted.
FPA has not been able to get
Jerry Doe and Orlando that
were accused by Mr. Zaizay
of secretly recording him
(Zaizay) and Pastor Benard.
He furthered explained that
ADRA is an international
organization that is involved
in many different projects
and he (zaizay) is heading
all of the projects for ADRA
Liberia, saying, "I decide
administratively when and

Page 11

how to shift projects and

maybe that recording you
have was one of my many
that I was given and nothing
wrong with that," he explained.
For his part, the finance
Director of ADRA Liberia
when contacted described the
recording as rubbished that he
cannot give credence to.
Fake Ebola survivors?

FPA has obtained copies of

listing of Ebola survivor that
ADRA Liberia claimed to have
benefited from the program.
One of the survivors on the list,
TetaTogatt told the FPA that
she has not benefited from any
ADRA donation. She explained
that she is not an Ebola
survivor but her husband and
two kids are survivors.
"My husband and two children
survived but we did not get
anything from any SDA group,
what I can remembered is
that some of the groups came
and took down our numbers
and they said they were giving
things but since that time up
to present we have not seen
anyone, " she noted. Another
survivor on the list identified
as Amos expressed serious
disappointment in the way his
name is being used by ADRA
Liberia saying that he did not
any money or donation from
the SDA group.
"I don't want to get angry with
information because since the
Ebola crisis I have not gotten
anything from any group call
ADRA so if my name is on any
list you are talking I will take
issue with that group," he said.
FPA has observed that some
of the names on the list are
actually Ebola survivor but
only received soap, Clorox and
bed sheets.
Nelson Tulay, one of the names
on the list said he got help not
money, "to be frank with you I
never got money but I received
soap and other items and I
appreciate the group for that
which they did for me because
it is not my money, I appreciate
ADRA for being a help to me,"
he stressed


Edwin G. Genoway, Jr (231886458910)

disclosed that the
numerous challenges
facing the rubber sector is
resulting to slow income and
the lack of improvement in the
The famers said the lack of
equipment in the processing
of the products before selling
to bigger companies like
Firestone and the Liberia

making the sector less
important globally.
Speaking over the weekend
at the end of five days Grow
Liberia sponsored technical
training workshop on the
Bright Farm in Margibi County,
farmers disclosed that they
were losing more money by
selling raw latex to companies.
The technical workshop was
intended to educate local
farmers on Grow Ribbed

smoked Sheets (RSS), a new

method of manufacturing
raw latex by the organization
before being exported to the
international market.
The workshop was a five day
training being initiated by an
international rubber expert
and former Director of the
Rubber Research Institute of
Sri Lanka.
Grow-Liberia is a nongovernmental
Organization operating in
the rubber sector. The team
leader of Grow-Liberia, Mr.
Haime Reibel said the group
is interested in creating,
strengthening and repairing
the market-driven rubber
chain of Liberia.
The Vice President of the
Rubber Planters Association,
Wilhemina Mulbah said the
rubber sector has been bad
over the years. She said with
the intervention of GROW,

the sector will be improved,

saying farmers will be rich by
generating more money with
the technical knowledge being
provided by GROW Liberia,
she said.
One of the participants of the
training workshop, John Cassel
expressed great joy for getting
such technical knowledge
from GROW, unlike in the past
we used to sell our raw latex
to companies not knowing
the quantity and the value of
rubber being sold, but with
all of the processing method
learned from GROW Liberia
we will now get whatever we
labor for, he noted.
The focus of GROW Liberia
on the rubber sector work is
supporting smaller holders to
capture value from processing
opportunities as opposed to
simple, routine production or
Processed ribbed smoked

sheets (RSS) will create

cooperation amongst farmers
of different scales; as a result
farmers may end up selling
latex into facilities that process
RSS; facilities which GROW aim
for farmers to be the owners or
Mr. Haime Reibel said it was
not just enough to produce
grade Ribbed Smoked Sheets
rubber as an alternative to the
sale of raw latex.
Speaking at the end of the
five day Grow-Ribbed Smoked
Sheets training in Kakata,
Margibi County, Mr. Reibel
challenged the participants,
most of whom are rubber
farmers to adapt to the new
system being introduced by
Leader urged members of the
rubber industry to be focus on

the market mechanism from

the initial stage beginning
with tapping, transporting,
processing of RSS until being
ship to the international
Mr. Reibel said Grow-Liberia
envisioned the establishment
of offspring factory of rubber in
Liberia in the coming years to
transform the locally produced
RSS to manufacturing products
that will further add more
value to raw latex in the
He said to initiative such task, it
was important to train farmers,
partners and stakeholders
in the rubber sector to have
actual understanding on the
new method.
Liberia is one of the largest
importers of rubber, yet the
country remains the poorest
among other nations importing
the same product.


Page 12 | Frontpage

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

started on a rather
rocky path instead
ended up on a good
note as Liberty Party mandates
its senior partisan Cllr. Charles
Brumskine to be the political
leader while Cllr. Fonati Koffa
was elected Chairman.
In Voinjama, after delegates
overwhelmingly voted Cllr.
Brumskine in absentia they
joined scores of partisans to
welcome their newly elected
political leader.
As the news of Cllr. Brumskines
arrived echoed the crowd
gathered at the entrance of
Lofas Capital and began to
gradually swell.
Young and old marched under
a downpour of rain in their
white T- shirts waving their
party flag as Cllr. Brumskine
rode on top of a vehicle
sandwiched by Senator Steve
Zargo and Representative
Eugene Fallah Kpakar.
Critics say the crowd that
came to welcome Cllr. Charles
Brumskine if truly translated
into votes is something that
could drastically reduce Vice
President Joseph Boakai vote
in his hometown.
Both Representative Kparkar
and Senator Zargo who are
popular in the county could
influence lofains in voting for
the Liberty Party.
Taking on the task as the
newly elected political leader
Cllr. Brumskine called for
collaboration and cooperation
amongst opposition political
collaboration is now becoming
an anthem for opposition
political parties who are doing
all they can to clinch onto
power 2017.
Cllr. Brumskine quest to
contest the presidency of
Liberia for a third consecutive
was confirmed Friday in
his absence through a voice
affirmation by delegates at
the partys convention in Lofa
County. Cllr. Brumskine was
voted through a yes vote since
there was no opposition to his
Themed turning vision into
reality, the LP convention
attracted about 4,000 delegates
across the country and was
monitored by officials of the
National Election Commission
(NEC). In a festive setting,
top officials of the party one
after another addressed the
convention amid cheers from
Join me to bring about change
In his acceptance speech,
candidate Cllr. Brumskine
commended the convention
planning committee for the
success of the convention.
He said: The outcome of the
convention is a demonstration
of democracy at work. I extend
my gratitude for accepting my
nomination and I will meet you
in due course to fashion out
how we will win the elections.
It is with deep sense of humility
to be the candidate and flagbearer of the Liberty Party for
the third time. I stand before
you and ask that you join me to
bring about the needed change
for this country. It is either
we advance as one or we fail
My return to politics crucial
Cllr. Brumskine said his return
to the political leadership


Liberty Party Political Leader Rallies Partisans Support

Al-Varney Rogers 0886304498 Selma Lomax,

of the LP comes at a time
when Liberia is at a defining
moment on whether the
country will retrogress after
the administration of Ellen
Johnson-Sirleaf and Joseph
Boakai or maintain the status
quo in spite of the growing
discontent of the Liberian
Liberia does not have to
retrogress; nor must we retain
the status quo this is the time
to do so, he added.
The LP political leader said
his desire to transform
Liberia and better the lives of
Liberians remain unchanged.
Cllr. Brumskine also said he
has been unmoved by attempts
to distract him from the belief
that Liberians must stand for
what is right.

Cognizant of the number of

opposition political parties
bracing to contest the pending
2017 presidential and general
election, Cllr. Brumskine told
the cheerful gathering that
making Liberia a better place
for Liberians is something that
Liberty Party would rather not
attempt to do alone.
Taking cue from the election in
Nigeria where the opposition
united to defeat incumbent
president Goodluck Jonathan,
the LP political leader said
Liberias next government must
be one of genuine inclusion, a
government that is the product
of political collaboration,
based upon the finding of a
common thread from within
the various political tenets
and a set of shared values from
among the competing ideals
and governance philosophies
all being done for the greater
good of our nation.
Recalling on the defeats
political parties to the ruling
Unity Party in the last two
elections in Liberia, Cllr.

Brumskine said the opposition

failures had been tied to
disunity, which he said the
ruling Unity party exploited to
the core.
Continuing, he added: There
is a strongman from Nimba
County, a strongman of
Montserrado County, and
yet still, there is this fellow
from the Bassa Region; and
of course, as there are many
other political giants from
around the country, with
a proliferation of political
parties, Cllr. Brumskine added.
Political scientists see party
contestation as a crucial
element of true democracy.
At the core of democratic
elections is the expectation
that the opposition can be
the next government. Until
the 2015 elections, such
an expectation was not
realistic in Nigeria. However,
the emergence of the All
Progressives Congress (APC) in
February 2013 from a merger
of four major opposition
parties has transformed the
countrys democratic context.
The emergence of APC has
helped break the electoral
dominance of the Peoples
Democratic Party (PDP), which
has controlled the federal
government since 1999. I
believe the opposition in
Liberia can do the same. It can
work as well in Liberia, Cllr.
Brumskine said.
Cllr. Brumskine added that
Liberia needs a united
opposition which is about
improving the lives of the
people of Liberia, which a
united opposition can do.
This is not about a political
victory for Liberty Party or
any single opposition political
party; it is about placing
Liberia on a path of liberal
democracy, rather than being
witnesses to the creation of yet
another political hegemony in
our country, he said.
Continuing, the Liberty Party
political leader said the party

does not seek a zero sum game

which he said is not about a
winner taking all. The table
is large enough for every
opposition political party to
sit around; the government is
big enough for each to play a
role; the interest of all is to be
considered, as we collectively
understand and agree that
Liberia must be our overriding
concern. Our call is about each
of us in the political opposition
giving up something so that all
of us may get the reward of a
better Liberia, he concluded.
Siakor hopeful of LP victory

For his part, former Bong

Siakor who handed the helm
of the party to Cllr. Brumskine
described the convention as a
historic event, and shed light
on the party's manifestos,
which encompasses security,
good governance, human
capital development and social
security for the aged.
are fed up and look up to
the Liberty Party for a new
Liberia of our dream. Change
is imminent. I and you can see
it and feel it. With the Liberty
Party in government, we will
secure our country. Liberia has
to make a choice. The time to
make a choice has come.
Air of victory

District One Representative
Eugene Fallah Kparkar, whose
entry into the venue was hailed
by delegates, said the Liberty
Party is ready to make history.
We are set to make history.
I thanked partisans of the
Liberty Party for their
sacrifices. We are presenting
to Liberians the most credible
alternative to what we have
in now. The LP is the party for
today, the party for tomorrow
and the party for the future.

I call on Liberians to vote

out the incompetent and
malfunctioning administration
that we have today. It is
desirable to have a Liberia we
can call our own, he added.
He added: I urge Liberians to
support the LP candidate. We
must salvage our democracy
and our nation. A special
energy is in the air. We have
attended party conventions
before, but this is different. We
are in a period of compound
crises. We have chosen a
candidate that will rescue
Liberia. The voice of change
is unique and inspiring. This
voice will lead us to victory. It
is the voice of the people in the
cities, towns and on the farms.
It is the voice of the young and
the old in the North, South;
the voice of Christians and
Muslims. It is about the future.
"In this convention, the history
of our nation is to be rewritten. Giving the challenges
facing our county and that
our party represents the last
chance to avert national failure,
we cannot afford to bungle
the opportunity. We must rise
over personal and parochial

interest. The convention will

demonstrate that only the
LP has shown the capacity
to govern the country in the
spirit of democracy because it
is the party of the time. The LP
is the cure. Help is on the way.
No more despair. The LP has
better manifestos. If we choose
well, we will hear the trumpet
of victory. Liberia will change
for better. Enough of broken
Kparkar added.
For her part, Montserrado
County Senator Doe-Sheriff,
like Cllr. Brumskine, called for
a united opposition to oust the
ruling Unity Party.
Senator Doe-Sheriff said for
too long opposition political
parties have allowed their
common political interests
to supersede their quest for
national development.
Her words: This pending
2017 election is time for
the opposition to unite. It is
now time we put aside our
petit differences if we are
to challenge the opposition.
Remember it is us against


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Chief Justice Francis Korkpor challenged new
LNBA Leadership to speak out before the
Legislature passes laws

Bettie K. Johnson/

Monroviahe Liberia National Bar Association is the umbrella for
all organization for all lawyers in the country.
There NBA has sub-bars in almost all of the counties,
which has their heads that reports to the national bar.
At the Monrovia city hall over the week end their were lawyers of
different distinction ranging from criminal to civil lawyers with
their families commemorating the induction of elected officers of
the National Bar.
The induction of the officials followed competed elections
between Cllr. Tiawon Gongloe of Gongloe and Associates and Cllr.
Moses Paegar of Sherman and Sherman law firm.
Chief Justice Francis Korkpor, inducting the officials said he
was overwhelmed the manner in which the bar conducted the
I will like to thank Cllr. Gould for the level of cooperation during
his administration. During the election, those who did not win
embraced the results and to me it was an important pace in
setting the electoral event ahead of the 2017 Elections; We hope
that all will emulate the good example set by the bar association,
He boasted of the cooperation between the previous bar leadership
and hoped that the cooperation continues, Lawyers will agree
that there has been an increase of the level of cooperation
between the Supreme Court and the LNBA, we dialogue with on
a mutual interest.
The Chief Justice said he believe that if the county bars are strong
there will strengthen the Liberia National Bar Association which
is essential in the administration of justice.
We believe when the county bars are strong it will strengthen
the National Bar and a strong National bar is essential in the
administration of justice. We received full cooperation of the bar
the level of cooperation is unprecedented, he states.
He added that lawyers play an important role in which they
should engage in advocacy for those who are unable to get money
to pay for lawyers.
Lawyers plays an important role and it should be to the society at
large, I am talking about advocacy, there are so many vulnerable
people in the society, and there is no one to assist them because
of this they are right but dont know how to address it and I think
they need help he, adds.
Korkpors continued: as the constitution of the LNBA provides
a legal aid committee, more people need to be part of the
He said he employ the LNBA to be proactive before the National
Legislature passes laws.
I also employ the LNBA to be proactive in the reform of the law
this means that lawyers should maintain a sustain interest in the
development of our jurisprudence for example before laws are
passed by the Legislature, lawyers should speak out so that the
public can get understanding, Korkpors.
He continued: if the proposed law is good or bad for the public
point out so that they can be aware, this is in line with rule 26 of
the code of conducts of lawyers, and this will help the public to
have confidence in the law and justice.
Speaking at the Keynote speaker, Nigerias Ambassador to Liberia,
Madam Chigozie Obi Nnadozie spoke on the rule of law in post
war Liberia.
She disclosed that the challenge to Liberias peace and stability
is in realigning attitudes, doctrine, and operations of the security
forces, which rest on the understanding that they are instruments
to project the will of the governed.
Ambassador Nnadozie said a first requirement of security sector
reform is relative autonomy of the Police from immediate political
and partisans interest, and the Government and its official and
agents as well individuals and private entities are accountable
under the law and that the laws are clear, publicized and applied
She spoke of greater focus on developing the standard operating
procedures that emphasize the persuasive dimension of state
power rather than the coercive.
In my view, that is the only way to reorient the security sector to
become constructive elements in future stability of the country,
the SOP should focus on how Police can become the instruments
for the protection of human rights and with less emphasis on
the coercive dimension of state power, it the difference between

a peoples police force or a peoples army and a distrusted state

police or national army, Nnadozies.
The outgoing leadership headed by Cllr. Theophilus Gould as he
hands the gavel to the elected president said, Mr. President as
you take over the gavel of authority, you are to use it wisely, you
recall from other live activities that a greatest power a leader has
is the one not exercised.
He disclosed that his leadership was constrained to purchase a
land because there were always conflicts in schedule with Cllr.
Pearl Brown Bull and so to date a deed has not been issue in the
name of the LNBA.
For his part, the President-elect Cllr. Moses Paegar Presented
the leadership agenda stating that it is time for paradigm shift
in the bar, time for restructuring arrangement, and time for new
administrative approaches.
During our tenure we shall strive to promote and strengthen
dialogue and cooperation and interaction between the
Supreme Court and the bar, forge relevant relationship with key
stakeholders, build capacity through continual legal education
and training, we hope to accomplish this by taking advantage of
bar quarterly assembly conventions, and law day program. He
In addition we shall robustly assume pro-bono legal service the
bar has been engaged in providing legal pro-bono services to
indigent and we constantly remind lawyers to uphold the rules
and conduct of lawyers to the end, Paegars.
The newly inducted president said he is aware that the leadership
is taking office at a critical time which legal issues will emerged
and the bar will speak on issues and providing legal guidance to
its citizens.
For years the bar has been a tenant at the will of the Government
of Liberia it is now time that we change the status we shall work
hard to construct its national headquarter and convention center
and we shall organize various funds raisers to thank the outgoing
for actualizing the platform of leadership, he states.
The entire membership of the Liberia National Bar
Association(LNBA), has been challenged by their new president,
Cllr. Gould to be concerned and at the same time be a help to those
of their colleagues who have been retired d and are currently on
their sick beds.
Those who were inducted include Cllr. Moses Paegar President.
Cllr. J. Bima Lansanah Vice President, Atty. Dallamah Sulonteh
Secretary General, and Atty. A. Kundakai Jaleiba Treasurer.
They assume the mantle of leadership of the Liberia National Bar
Association (LNBA), after Cllrs. T. C. Gould president, James N.
Verdier Vice President, Boakai N. Kanneh Secretary General and
Atty. Robert G. Freeman Treasurer served the bar for two years.




he New Liberia Media Initiatives(NLMI) says

after an engagement of stakeholders during a
ten day visitation mission geared at starting
preparation of Liberias Forest Sector project ,
a visiting World Bank team has rated Liberias S
REDD+initiatives as encouraging . The team acknowledged


Page 13

that the 10 day mission being the first in the preparation stage
was not sufficient to complete what the team in collaboration
envisages in terms of other projects preparation the NMLI
The World Bank team said there were strategically two angles
of the project, naming them as the development angle and
climate change vision for Liberia and that the both should
always breach together as one cannot be achieved without
the other.
The team according to the New Liberia Media Initiatives
says with the already agenda for transformation 2020 can be
considered as a development vision for in Liberia. The Team
further acknowledges what it refers to as the enabling policy
framework that is emerging and with few major steps taken
including others like the issue of legislation of the lands
rights policy as still being highly anticipated.
The World Bank team believes Liberia as a signatory to UN
efforts on Climate Change and Biodiversity has demonstrated
its commitment by taking the first few steps during a time
the team calls a difficult circumstances period since 2009 to
volunteer to become part of the forest carbon partnership
and to initiate REDD+.
The NLMI also quoted the World Bank team as saying another
commitment shown by Liberia was the Countrys efforts to
put its proposal together without any external consultants
something they said can be done by a highly committed
According to the World Bank team, it was important to
understand that the support coming to Liberia as a result
of the Letter of intent between Liberia and Norway is meant
for Paradigm shift in the forest resource management using
carbon finance as a catalyst.
The support the World team said is not an end in itself but
should instead fit into the national vision for the forest sector
reform, the development and Climate Change agenda in
The New Liberia Media initiative, quoted the World Bank
team as saying that stakeholders clearly emphasized and
repeatedly noted that Community based forest management
would be the mechanism in the future whether for
conservation or commercial purpose with Communities
serving as drivers.
The New Liberia Media initiatives further explained that
the World Bank team has graded its meeting with the Land
Commission as very a good discussion, adding that the
commission is optimistic that the passage of the Land Rights
policy by the Legislature would bring more benefits for
community based resource management.
The World Bank team recognized the challenges facing the
benefit sharing trust fund and payment from the commercial
side going to communities and emphasized the need for right
incentives to produce positive a desire results in reducing
deforestation and forest degradation in Liberia.
The World Bank team wants stakeholders to always be note
that behavior change with whatever done in the Landscape
in the context of forestry is rewarding and significant in
achieving reduction in deforestation and forest degradation.
The team according to the Liberia Media Initiatives, the
World Bank team thinks benefit sharing mechanism needs
to be broader in scope rather than limiting it to only cash

NLMI quotes the World Bank team as saying that in terms
of program preparation, the various engagements with
stakeholders have indicated that the overall objective of the
program is to improve management and increase benefit
sharing integrity policy Landscape.
The stakeholders for their part pointed out that community
human resources capacity building remains key if
communities are expected to make meaningful contribution.
They further underscored the need for Liberians themselves
to own the process if the desire results are to be achieved, and
at the same time terming the issue of incentive for behavior
change flagged out by the World Bank team after meetings
with key players as a good approach.
Some civil society members that form part of the REDD+
Technical Working Group see the engagement of the private
sector as a major challenge, naming large scale agricultural
activities as things that matter while at the same time
differed over the issue of a clearer definition of degraded
land in Liberia.
For the REDD+ Implementing Unit seated at the Forestry
Development Authority, there remains a need for
stakeholders to always meet around the round table to look
at issues that need to be sort out and find a way forward since
everyone is on the same boat called Liberia. The RIU team is
convinced that at such round meetings, things or issues that
are feasible of working and those that cant work would be
considered in the interest of the Liberia REDD+ project. The
RIU encouraged stakeholders to always call on members of
the team for any inquiries that would move the process in a
positive direction.

Page 14 | Frontpage




Abu Dhabi (AFP) United Arab Emirates court sentenced an Emirati

woman to death on Monday after convicting her of the
jihadist-inspired murder of an American teacher, Abu
Dhabi newspaper The National reported.
Alaa Bader al-Hashemi, 30, was found guilty of stabbing to death
school teacher Ibolya Ryan, 47, in a shopping mall toilet, the
paper said.
She was also convicted of "creating a handmade bomb" she
placed in front of an Egyptian-American doctor's home, it added.
The attacks took place within hours of each other in the UAE
capital on December 1.
Tracked down using CCTV footage of her going into and out of
the restroom where the teacher's murder took place and near
the doctor's building, Hashemi was arrested 48 hours later.
She was dressed in black from head-to-toe as she carried out
both attacks.



PARIS (Reuters) he man being held in France under suspicion of

beheading his boss and trying to blow up a chemicals
plant has told investigators there was no religious

motivation behind the attack, a source close to the
inquiry said on Monday.
The source said Yassin Salhi, 35, told investigators he was not a
jihadist and repeated earlier statements that he committed the
act outside the southeast city of Lyon on Friday after a row with
his wife the day before and his boss a few days earlier.
Salhi, who was arrested on the scene of the crime on Friday, can
be held for a maximum 96 hours under French law before being
charged or released.



VIENNA (Reuters) he United States on Monday rejected criticism

that world powers negotiating with Iran have been
making too many compromises in nuclear talks
with Iran, saying it hoped to get a good agreement
but was not certain that was achievable.
The official had been asked to respond to public criticism
of the U.S. delegation in the talks and suggestions that the
administration of President Barack Obama has been making
too many concessions out of desperation to do a deal.




Tuesday, June 30, 2015




GAAFOUR, Tunisia (Reuters)

Saif Rezgui sat
down with friends
in his Tunisian
hometown to chat about his
favorite soccer team, girls
and his break-dance skills
over coffee and cigarettes.
On Thursday, he met up with
his uncle in Gaafour, catching
up on family matters, on
a break from his masters
studies in the nearby historic
town of Kairouan.
A day later, Resgui walked
calmly though the Imperial
Marhaba beach hotel on
coast opening fire with a
Kalashnikov, and in more
than five minutes slaughtered

39 foreign tourists in the

name of Islamic State.
Once again, Tunisia is in
shock over how one of
its young men with little
warning turned from what
appeared to be a normal life
to hardline violent ideology
of Islamic jihad.
Tunisian from a middle class
family appears in a short time
to have fallen prey to radical
recruiters who turned him
away from a life of soccer and
music to become a militant
In Gaafour, an isolated
farming town on the arid
plains southwest of Tunis,
struggle to piece together
how a neighborhood favorite

and son became a killer

responsible for the country's
worst militant attack.
Authorities and witnesses say
Rezgui was the only gunman
who opened fire on the beach
of the Imperial Marhaba,
working his way through
the pool, and hotel reception
picking out foreigners, before
he was shot himself by police.
Just as with the two young
Tunisians who attacked the
Bardo museum in Tunis in
March, killing 21 people,
Saif gave little hint to family
and friends of his new
radical beliefs. If anything he
revealed nothing at all.
A fan of break-dance, rap
music and most of all Club
champions, Rezqui worked

Security sources said a bomb

in a parked car was remotely
Barakat's motorcade left his
home, after saying earlier a
car bomber had rammed into
the convoy.
Judges and other senior
officials have increasingly
been targeted by radical

al-Sisi and angered by

imposed on members of
the now-outlawed Muslim
Last month, the Islamic State
militant group's Egyptian
affiliate urged followers
to attack judges, opening
a new front in an Islamist
insurgency in Egypt..
Chief prosecutor Barakat was
the highest-ranking state
official to die in a militant
attack since Sisi, a former
army chief, ousted Islamist
president Mohamed Mursi in
mid-2013 after mass protests
against his rule.
Mursi, a Brotherhood leader
who was freely elected as
Egypt's president in 2012,
was sentenced this month to
death over a mass jailbreak
in 2011.
Monday's attack stirred fears
of yet more turmoil in Egypt,



CAIRO (Reuters) gypt's top public

killed by a car
bomb attack on his
convoy on Monday, the most
senior state official to die at
the hands of militants since
the toppling of an Islamist
president two years ago.
There was no confirmed

part time in the small Ben

Hassan caf in Gaafour
serving coffee and cigarettes.
"Who could imagine he would
commit such a horror?"
Ali Rezgui, his uncle, told
Reuters, slumped in a plastic
chair outside the modest
one-story white house where
the family gathered to mourn.
"Maybe he was changed
where he studied, maybe
it was something on the
internet. But we just don't
have any answers."
Like many rural Tunisian
opportunity for the youth of
Gaafour, a dusty collection of
low buildings amid the wheat
fields and scattered olive
But neighbors and friends
remember Rezgui as a
cheerful chatty young man
who prayed regularly, but
never talked about religion.
He was studying away but
was often back home.
Last Wednesday, he met with
four or five friends in a caf to
catch up after returning from
his studies in Kairoaun. They
talked about football even
singing team chants.
"He didnt show any signs of
extremism or anything. He
never talked about religion,"
said Mohammed, a friend.
"It's a shock to see someone
who you spend so much
time with, a friend, become a
Whatever his motivation,
Rezgui had taken a welltraveled path. Middle class
Tunisians, from footballers
to professionals and students
have left from similar towns
across the country to fight
for Islamist militant groups

which has been struggling

since the 2011 popular
uprising that toppled Hosni
Mubarak to regain fullfledged stability and revive
the economy of the Arab
The bombing also showed
the risk of militant Islam
threatening the Egyptian
state leadership, as it did in
the 1980s and 1990s.
State media confirmed the
death of Barakat, 64, at a
hospital in the residential
district of Heliopolis where
he had undergone surgery
hours earlier, and said he
would receive a military
The Brotherhood denies any
link to violence and says it
is committed to peaceful
activism. Its spokesman said
on the group's Facebook page
it rejected killing, but that
responsibility for the attack
on the public prosecutor lay
with the authorities.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Monrovias the chase for

the championship
in the ongoing
Association (LFA) national
league season continues,
the league leaders of first
division group (b) Keitrce FC
has lost her position at the
top of the table to FC Fassell.
Keitrace lost her position
after suffering a 5-0 defeat
at the hands of FC Fassell on
Sunday at the Nancy B. Doe
Sports Ground in Kakata City
Magibi County.
The defeat is Keitrace FC
second in succession from
four games played so far in
the league with two wins and
two defeats.
Her first defeat was 2-0 at the
hands of Sensational LPRC
Oilers and 5-0 to Fassell has
placed Keitrace fourth from
bottom in the table.
The victory has placed
Fassell in the drivers seat
in the group with goals
difference over NPA Anchors
who are seated second in
the table out of four games
played each.
The Anchors played Aries
FC who is seated bottom of
the table to a 0-0 draw in
Unification Town Margibi
The team boss Abrahim Sase
is hopeful that his side will
score the needed points in
their last game in the group
against Fassell to enable
them maintain their status
among the first two in the




He described his team two
successive victories and a
draw as a step forward and a
restoration of the hope they
lost earlier and warned his
players to do all they can to
avoid defeat in their last game
in the group so that they can
maintain their status among
the first two teams in the

I am urging you my players
to play each of our remaining
two games with all of your
heart in order for us to
either top or maintain our
second position in the group
so remain vigilant and very
determine for our last game
to come.

Arsenal Sign Chelsea Goalkeeping Legend


A. Macaulay Sombai,


arlos Tevez has left

Juventus to return
to Boca Juniors, the
Argentine club have
A message posted to Boca's
official Twitter account in
the early hours of Saturday

Page 15

the striker back to La
Bombonera. The tweet reads
a reality. It's official: Carlos
Tevez returns to Boca".
The announcement was
made during Argentina's

Copa America quarter-final

clash with Colombia, which
went to penalties and was
settled by Tevez himself,
who scored his sudden-death
effort to secure a 5-4 victory.
Tevez joined the youth
ranks at Boca in 1997 and

LISCR FC and Oilers match

could not continue on Sunday
in Kakata, City Margibi
County after Oiler scored
her second goal to make the
match 2-1 against LISCR
but the goal led to a serious
misunderstanding between
players of LISCR and the
central referee.

The first division defending

champions Barrack Young
Controllers (BYC) who has
failed to score a single victory
out of three games played
yet in-group (a) settled to a
0-0 draw with group leaders
Watanga FC.

spent three years in the

senior team between 2001
and 2004, winning the
Copa Sudamericana and
Libertadores as well as the
Intercontinental Cup.
He signed for Brazilian outfit
Corinthians at the start
of 2005, before sealing a
controversial move to West
Ham in the 2006-07 season,
alongside compatriot Javier
Tevez played a key role in
the the Hammers' Premier
League survival that season
but the club avoided a
points deduction despite
breaching England's thirdparty ownership rules in
recruiting the two Argentina
The forward moved on to
Manchester United that
summer and spent two
seasons on loan at Old
transfer, this time across
town to Manchester City.
His time in England was to
be shrouded in controversy,
though, and he missed a
large part of the 2011-12

campaign after refusing

manager Roberto Mancini's
orders to warm up during
a Champions League clash
against Bayern Munich.
After falling out with
Mancini, failing to secure a
transfer away and receiving
a hefty fine, Tevez returned
from a long spell in Argentina
to help the club win their first
Premier League title.
After a final season in the
moved to Juventus in 2013
and he formed a key part
under Antonio Conte and
Masssimiliano Allegri.
He scored 29 times last
season as Juve won the Serie
A title and Coppa Italia,
although they were beaten in
the Champions League final
by Barcelona.
Tevez won three Premier
League titles, the FA Cup, the
League Cup, the Champions
League, two Serie A titles and
the Coppa Italia during his
time in Europe.

ackson Martinez has

confirmed he is set to
join Atletico Madrid.
The prolific Porto
striker looked set to join
Milan earlier this month
U-turn and agreeing a
switch to la Liga.
international, who made
his first start of this
months Copa America
last night as he team were
defeated on penalties by
Argentina, has revealed
he has agreed a fouryear deal with Diego
Simeones side and hopes
to have as big an impact
as compatriot Radamel
Falcao did at the Vicente
I can confirm I am going
to Atletico, Martinez told
reporters in Vina del Mar.
I am going there for four
years, but I still dont know
when I will be introduced.


ionel Messi has

hailed Argentinas
Colombia as their
best performance of the Copa
America so far.
The Albiceleste dominated
from the outset in Vina del
Mar on Saturday but were
unable to find a breakthrough
and ultimately triumphed on
penalties after the game ended
goalless after 90 minutes.
And captain Messi was
delighted with his teams
showing, but admitted they
were lucky to progress to the
semi-finals of the tournament
in Chile.
We played our best match
of the Copa America, Messi
told TVP.
We create a lot of chances
Unfortunately we were able
to get a goal and we were
eventually lucky to win on



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