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Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abdullah bin Abdulaziz
King of Saudi Arabia
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques

King of Saudi Arabia


1 August 2005 23 January 2015


2 August 2005

Predecessor Fahd



2 January 1996 1 August 2005


Alanoud Al Fayez (19722003)

Jawahir bint Ali Hussein

Aida Fustuq (Divorced)

Munira Al Otaishan
Munira bint Abdullah Al Al Shaykh
Tathi bint Mishan al Faisal al Jarba
Hussa bint Trad bin Sattam ash-Sha'lan
(23 or more other wives)

Prince Khaled
Prince Mutaib
Prince Mishaal
Prince Abdulaziz
Prince Turki
Prince Badr
Princess Nora
Princess Aliya
Princess Adila
Princess Maryam
Princess Sahab
Princess Sahar
Princess Maha
Princess Hala
Princess Jawahir
Princess Anoud
Prince Saud
Prince Bandar
Full name
Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Abdul
Rahman bin Faisal bin Turki


House of Saud


Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia


Fahda Al Shuraim


1 August 1924
Riyadh, Nejd
(now Saudi Arabia)


23 January 2015 (aged 90)

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


23 January 2015
Al Oud cemetery, Riyadh


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contains Arabic
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Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Arabic: , Abd Allh ibn Abd

al-Azz l Sad, Najdi Arabic pronunciation:[bd. ben bdl ziz l s
ud]; 1 August 1924 23 January 2015) was the King of Saudi Arabia and Custodian of
the Two Holy Mosques from 2005 to 2015. He ascended to the throne on 1 August 2005
upon the death of his half-brother, King Fahd.
Abdullah, like Fahd, was one of the many sons of Ibn Saud, the founder of modern Saudi
Arabia. Abdullah held important political posts throughout most of his adult life. In 1961 he
became mayor of Mecca, his first public office.[1] The following year, he was appointed
commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard, a post he was still holding when he
became king. He also served as deputy defense minister and was named crown prince when
Fahd took the throne in 1982. After King Fahd suffered a serious stroke in 1995, Abdullah
became the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia until ascending the throne a decade later.
During his reign he maintained close relations with United States and Britain and bought
billions of dollars worth of defense equipment from both states.[2] He also gave women the
right to vote for municipal councils and to compete in the Olympics.[3]Furthermore,
Abdullah maintained the status quo during the waves of protest in the kingdom during
the Arab Spring.[4] In November 2013, a BBC report claimed that Saudi Arabia could
obtain nuclear weapons at will from Pakistan due to a longstanding relationship.[5]
The King outlived two of his crown princes. Conservative Interior Minister Nayef bin
Abdul-Aziz Al Saud was named heir to the throne on the death of Sultan bin Abdulaziz in
October 2011, but Nayef himself died in June 2012. Abdullah then named the 76-year-old

defense minister, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, as crown prince. According to various
reports, Abdullah married about 30 times, and had more than 35 children.[6][7][8][9] The king
had a personal fortune estimated at US$18 billion, making him the thirdwealthiest head of
state in the world.[10] He died on 23 January 2015, aged 90, three weeks after being
hospitalized for pneumonia, and was succeeded as king by his half-brother Salman of Saudi

1 Early life

2 Commander of National Guard

3 Second Deputy Prime Minister

4 Crown Prince and Regent

5 King of Saudi Arabia


5.1 Domestic affairs

5.2 Interfaith dialogue

5.3 Arab common market

5.4 United States

5.5 Iraq

5.6 Iran

5.7 Bahrain

5.8 Guantnamo Bay

5.9 China

5.10 Relations with other nations

5.11 Criticism as king

6 Succession to the throne

7 Various positions

8 Personal life

8.1 Sons

8.2 Daughters

8.3 Ancestry

8.4 Declining health and death

8.5 Philanthropy

8.6 Influence

8.7 Honours and awards

9 Wealth

10 References

11 External links
Early life[edit]

King Abdullah when he was a child.

King Abdullah as Commander ofSaudi National Guard

Abdullah was born on 1 August 1924 in Riyadh.[12][13][14] He was the tenth son of King
Abdulaziz.[15] His mother, Fahda bint Asi Al Shuraim, was a member of the Al
Rashid dynasty, longtime rivals of the Al Saud dynasty.[16][17] She was descended from the
powerful Shammar tribe and was the daughter of former Shammar tribe chief Asi Shuraim.
She died when Abdullah was six.[19]He had younger full-sisters.[19]
Madawi Al-Rasheed argues that his maternal roots and his experience of an early speech
impediment led to delay in his rise to higher status among the other sons of King
Commander of National Guard[edit]
In 1963, Abdullah was made commander of Saudi National Guard (SANG). This post
allowed him to secure his position in the House of Saud. SANG, which had been based on
the Ikhwan, became a modern army force under his command. Beginning by 1985, SANG
also sponsors the Janadiriyah festival that institutionalized the traditional folk dances,
camel races, and tribal heritage.[20]
Second Deputy Prime Minister[edit]

Abdullah with US Vice PresidentDan Quayle

King Khalid appointed Prince Abdullah as second deputy prime minister in March 1975, a
reflection of being the second in line of succession to the Saudi throne.[21][22] In other words,
after this appointment, Prince Abdullah became the number three-man in Saudi
administration.[23] However, his appointment caused friction in the House of Saud.[24] Thencrown prince Prince Fahd together with his full-brothers known as Sudairi Seven supported

the appointment of their own full brother, Prince Sultan.[24] Prince Abdullah was pressured
to concede control of SANG in return for his appointment as Second Deputy Prime
Minister. In August 1977, this caused a debate between hundreds of princes in Riyadh.
Abdullah did not concede authority of SANG because he feared that would weaken his
Crown Prince and Regent[edit]
On 13 June 1982 when King Khalid died, Fahd bin Abdulaziz became King, Prince
Abdullah became Crown Prince the same day. He also maintained his position as head of
the National Guard. During his years as crown prince, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz was
described as a supporter of accommodation.[25] He managed to group[clarification needed] a large
number of fringe and marginalized princes discontented with the prospect of the succession
being passed among the Sudairi brothers one after the other. His control of the National
Guard also was a key factor in his success in becoming crown prince.[26]When King Fahd
was incapacitated by a major stroke in 1995,[27] Crown Prince Abdullah acted asde
facto regent of Saudi Arabia.
In May 2001, Crown Prince Abdullah did not accept an invitation to visit Washington due
to U.S. support for Israel in the Second Intifada. He also appeared more eager than King
Fahd to cut government spending and open Saudi Arabia up economically. He pushed for
Saudi membership in the World Trade Organization, surprising some.[28]
In August 2001, he ordered then Saudi Ambassador to the US, Bandar bin Sultan, to return
to Washington. This reportedly occurred after Crown Prince Abdullah witnessed a brutality
between an Israeli soldier and a Palestinian woman.[29] He later also condemned Israel for
attacking families of accused suspects.[29]
In 2002, he developed an Arab Peace Initiative, commonly referred to as the "Abdullah
plan", to achieve mutually agreed-on resolution of the ArabIsraeli conflict.[30] The
initiative was adopted at the Arab League's Beirut summit in March 2002.[30]
On the second anniversary of the September 11 attacks, Crown Prince Abdullah wrote a
letter to U.S. President George W. Bush, which ended with the following words:
"God Almighty, in His wisdom, tests the faithful by allowing such calamities to happen.
But He, in His mercy, also provides us with the will and determination, generated by faith,
to enable us to transform such tragedies into great achievements, and crises that seem
debilitating are transformed into opportunities for the advancement of humanity. I only
hope that, with your cooperation and leadership, a new world will emerge out of the rubble
of the World Trade Center: a world that is blessed by the virtues of freedom, peace,
prosperity and harmony."[31]
By late 2003, after the Saudi Arabian branch of al-Qaeda carried out a series of bombings
that threatened to destabilize the country, Crown Prince Abdullah together with other
decision-making elites began to deal with political concerns. One of such moves was his
project to promote more tolerance for religious diversity and rein in the forces of politicoreligious extremism in the kingdom, leading to the establishment of National Dialogue. In
the summer of 2003, Abdullah threw his considerable weight behind the creation of a
national dialogue that brought leading religious figures together, including a highly
publicized meeting attended by the kingdom's preeminent Shi'i scholar Hasan al-Saffar, as

well as a group of Sunni clerics who had previously expressed their loathing for the Shi'i
King of Saudi Arabia[edit]

Royal Standard of the King

Abdullah succeeded to the throne upon the death of his half-brother King Fahd. He was
formally enthroned on 2 August 2005.
Domestic affairs[edit]
King Abdullah's administration has realized various reforms in different fields.
In 2005, King Abdullah implemented a government scholarship program to send young
Saudi men and women to study abroad in different universities around the world for
undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The program offered funds for tuition and living
expenses up to four years. It is estimated that more than 70,000 students studied abroad in
more than 25 countries. United States, England, and Australia are the top three destinations
mostly aimed for by the young Saudi students. There are more than 22,000 Saudi students
studying in the United States, exceeding pre-9/11 levels. Public health engagement
included breast cancer awareness and CDC cooperation to set up an advanced epidemic
screening network that protected this year's 3 million Hajj pilgrims.[33][34]
King Abdullah has implemented many reform measures. He has re-shuffled the Ministry of
Education's leadership in February 2009 by bringing in his pro-reform son-in-law,Faisal bin
Abdullah, as the new minister. He also appointed Nora Al Fayez, a U.S.-educated former
teacher, as deputy education minister in charge of a new department for female students.[35]
He realized a top-to-bottom restructuring of the country's courts to introduce, among other
things, review of judicial decisions and more professional training for Shari'a judges. He
developed a new investment promotion agency to overhaul the once-convoluted process of
starting a business in Saudi Arabia. He created a regulatory body for capital markets. He
has promoted the construction of the King Abdullah University for Science and
Technology (the country's new flagship and controversially co-ed institution for advanced
scientific research). He invested in educating the workforce for future jobs. The Saudi
government is also encouraging the development of non-hydrocarbon sectors in which the
Kingdom has a comparative advantage, including mining, solar energy, and religious
tourism. The Kingdom's 2010 budget reflected these prioritiesabout 25 percent was
devoted to education aloneand amounts to a significant economic stimulus package.[33][36]

King Abdullah with Russian President Vladimir Putin on 11 February 2007.

The response of his administration to homegrown terrorism was a series of crackdowns
including raids by security forces, arrests, torture and public beheadings.[37] He vowed to
fight terrorist ideologies within the country. He made the protection of Saudi Arabia's
critical infrastructure a top security priority.[38]
His strategy against terrorism has been two-pronged: he attacked the roots of the extremism
that fed Al-Qaida through education and judicial reforms to weaken the influence of the
most reactionary elements of Saudi Arabia's religious establishment. He is also promoting
economic diversification.
He decreed in August 2010 that only officially approved religious scholars associated with
the Senior Council of Ulema would be allowed to issue fatwas. Similar decrees since 2005
were previously seldom enforced. Individual fatwas relating to personal matters were
exempt from the royal decree. The decree also instructed the Grand Mufti to identify
eligible scholars.[39]
In light of the Arab Spring, Abdullah laid down a $37-billion (32,8 billion) programme of
new spending including new jobless benefits, education and housing subsidies, debt writeoffs, and a new sports channel. There was also a pledge to spend a total of $400 billion by
the end of 2014 to improve education, health care and the kingdom's infrastructure.
However, Saudi police arrested 100 Shiite protesters who complained of government
discrimination.[41] Later during the 20112012 Saudi Arabian protests, in September 2011,
the King announced women's right to vote in the 2015 municipal council elections, a first
significant reform step in the country since the protests. He also stated that women would
become eligible to take part in the unelected shura.[42][43]
In January 2012, King Abdullah dismissed the head of Saudi Arabia's powerful religious
police, replacing him with a more moderate cleric, state news agency SPA reported, without
giving reasons. Abdullatif Abdel Aziz al-Sheikh was named, in place of Sheikh Abdulaziz
al-Humain, to head the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
King Abdullah had appointed Humain in 2009 to head the "mutaween," which ensures the
strict application of the country's ultra-conservative version of Islam, as a step towards
reforming it. Humain hired consultants to restructure the organisation, met local human
rights groups and consulted professional image-builders in a broad public relations
campaign. Under his leadership the commission also investigated and punished some "outof-control" officers for misbehaviour.[44]

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

In July 2012, Saudi Arabia announced that it would allow its women athletes to compete in
the Olympics for the first time and that the country's Olympic Committee would "oversee
participation of women athletes who can qualify". The decision ended speculation that the
entire Saudi team might have been disqualified on grounds of gender discrimination. The
public participation of women in sport is still fiercely opposed by many Saudi religious
conservatives. There is almost no public tradition of women participating in sport in the
country. Saudi officials said that, if successful in qualifying, female competitors would be
dressed "to preserve their dignity".[45] On 11 January 2013, King Abdullah appointed thirty
women to the Consultative Assembly or Shura Council and modified the related law to
mandate that no less than 20 percent of 150 members would be women.[46]
In August 2013, the Saudi cabinet approved a law making domestic violence a criminal
offence for the first time. The law calls for a punishment of up to a year in prison and a fine
of up to 50,000 riyals (11.500/US$13,000).[47] The maximum punishments can be doubled
for repeat offenders. The law criminalizes psychological and sexual abuse, as well as
physical abuse. It also includes a provision obliging employees to report instances of abuse
in the workplace to their employer.[48] The move followed a Twitter campaign. The new
laws were welcomed by Saudi women's rights activists, although some expressed concerns
that the law could not be implemented successfully without new training for the judiciary,
and that the tradition of male guardianship would remain an obstacle to prosecutions.[47]
Interfaith dialogue[edit]
In November 2007, King Abdullah visited Pope Benedict XVI in the Apostolic Palace. He
is the first Saudi monarch to visit the Pope.[49][50] In March 2008, he called for a brotherly
and sincere dialogue between believers from all religions.[51]

Abdullah in a meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry, 5 January 2014.

In June 2008, he held a conference in Mecca to urge Muslim leaders to speak with one
voice with Jewish and Christian leaders.[52] He discussed with and took approval from Saudi
and non-Saudi Islamic scholars to hold the interfaith dialogue. In the same month, Saudi

Arabia and Spain agreed to hold the interfaith dialogue in Spain.[53] The historic conference
finally took place in Madrid in July 2008 where religious leaders of different faiths
participated,[54] and later led to the 2010 proclamation of World Interfaith Harmony Week.
He had never previously made overtures for dialogue with eastern religious leaders, such
as Hindus and Buddhists. The Mecca conference discussed a paper on dialogue with
monotheists highlighting the monotheistic religions of southeast Asia, including Sikhism
in the third axis of the fourth meeting, titled "With Whom We Talk," presented by
Sheikh Badrul Hasan Al Qasimi. The session was chaired by Ezz Eddin Ibrahim, cultural
adviser to the president of the United Arab Emirates. The session also discussed a paper
presented on coordination among Islamic institutions on Dialogue by Abdullah bin Omar
Nassif, Secretary General of the World Islamic Council for Preaching and Relief and a
paper on dialogue with divine messages, presented by Professor Mohammad Sammak
Secretary General of the Islamic Spiritual Summit in Lebanon.

Abd Allah dell'Arabia Saudita

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Abd Allh

Re Abd Allah
Re dell'Arabia Saudita

In carica 1 agosto 2005 - 23

Investitura 2 agosto 2005
Predecessore Fahd
Successore Salman

Nome completo Abd Allh b. Abd alAzz l Sad

Altri titoli Primo Ministro
dell'Arabia Saudita
Nascita Riyad, 1 agosto 1924
Morte Riyad, 23
gennaio 2015
Sepoltura Cimitero
al-'Ud di Riyd, 23
gennaio 2015
Casa reale Dinastia Saudita
Padre Abd al-Azz b. Sad
Madre Fahda bint Asi alShuraim
Religione Islam sunnita
Abd Allh bin Abd al-Azz l Sad

Principe reggente
Durata mandato 2 gennaio 1996

1 agosto 2005
Capo di Stato Re Fahd

Secondo Vice Primo Ministro

dell'Arabia Saudita
Durata mandato 1975
Capo di Stato Re Khalid
Re Fahd
Predecessore ?
Successore Sultan ibn 'Abd
al-'Aziz Al Sa'ud

Comandante della Guardia Nazionale

Durata mandato 26 gennaio 1963
16 novembre 2010
Capo di Stato Re Sa'ud
Re Faysal
Re Khalid
Re Fahd
Predecessore Sa'd bin Sa'ud bin
'Abd al-'Aziz Al
Successore Mut'ib bin 'Abd Allah
Al Sa'ud
Abd Allh bin Abd al-Azz l Sad, meglio conosciuto come Abd Allh o re
Abdullah o "Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud" (inarabo: ; Riyad, 1
agosto 1924 Riyad, 23 gennaio 2015[1]), stato il sesto re dell'Arabia Saudita, salito al
trono il 1 agosto 2005 a ottantun anni esatti.
Trattamenti di
Abd Allah

Re dell'Arabia Saudita
Trattamento di Il Custode delle
cortesia Due Sante
Trattamento Vostra Maest
Trattamento Sua Maest
I trattamenti d'onore

1 Biografia

2 Onorificenze

2.1 Onorificenze saudite

2.2 Onorificenze straniere

3 Albero genealogico

4 Voci correlate

5 Note

6 Altri progetti

7 Collegamenti esterni
Biografia[modifica | modifica wikitesto]
Figlio di re Abd al-Azz b. Sad, stato erede designato e reggente dal 1995 in seguito
all'impossibilit di Re Fahd di badare agli affari di Stato a causa di un ictus. salito sul

trono dopo la scomparsa di Fahd. Re Abd Allh stato ufficialmente insediato solo il 3
agosto 2005,[2] pur avendo gi ereditato il titolo e i poteri sovrani immediatamente dopo il
trapasso del predecessore.

Incontro con George Bush nel 2005

Prima di diventare erede al trono e reggente, come membro del ristretto circolo dei principi
sauditi era gi uno degli uomini pi influenti del regno e uno dei pi autorevoli nei rapporti
coi governi e le compagnie straniere, essendosi guadagnato fiducia e rispetto, in quanto
estraneo a episodi di corruzione che pure hanno frequentemente riguardato altri membri del
governo e della famiglia reale.
Il suo primo incarico amministrativo fu quello di sindaco di La Mecca. Nel 1963 divenne
vice ministro della difesa e comandante della Guardia nazionale, cariche che ha mantenuto
fino a oggi. Fu nominato erede al trono nel 1982 e quindi reggente nel 1995. Pur essendo
ritenuto dagli analisti di politica internazionale pi nazionalista del defunto fratello, Abd
Allh ha comunque cercato di favorire un equilibrio tra le tradizioni e il bisogno di
Tuttavia i suoi atti sono parsi pi di una volta contraddittori e hanno mostrato come egli sia
finora stato molto pi sensibile ai desideri di chi si oppone alle richieste di riforme,
soprattutto in campo politico. Si espresso pi volte riguardo ai conflitti tra nazioni arabe e
l'Occidente, riconoscendo la necessit di stretti legami economici e politici con esso, ma
solo se controbilanciati da un rafforzamento delle relazioni tra gli altri stati arabi fra loro.
Nel 1984 ha espresso il suo appoggio alla Siria in Libano e chiesto il ritiro statunitense
dalla zona vicino-orientale.
Ha criticato duramente il sostegno USA a Israele e l'occupazione dei territori palestinesi.
Nel marzo 2002 ha avanzato l'ipotesi che gli arabi sarebbero stati pronti a normalizzare i
loro rapporti con Israele se quest'ultimo si fosse ritirato all'interno dei confini anteriori
alla guerra del 1967. Al momento dell'invasione irachena del Kuwait nell'agosto 1990,
l'allora erede al trono si disse contrario allo stanziamento di truppe americane sul territorio
saudita. Al momento della propria incoronazione ha nominato principe ereditario il proprio
fratello Sult n b. Abd al-Azz l Sad.
Nel 2007 stato il primo sovrano saudita a incontrare il papa. Il 25 settembre 2011 ha
annunciato che le donne potranno votare ed essere elette in politica a partire dal 2015. A
seguito della morte dell'erede al trono designato, avvenuta il 21 ottobre 2011, per la prima
volta nella storia del Regno stato un Consiglio a nominare il nuovo erede nella persona
di Nayef bin 'Abd al-'Aziz Al Sa'ud. Ad appena 8 mesi dalla nomina, il principe Nyef

deceduto il 16 giugno 2012 e il consiglio ha dovuto nominare un nuovo erede al

trono: Salman bin 'Abd al-'Aziz Al Sa'ud, uno dei "sette Sudairi". Secondo la rivista Forbes,
re Abd Allh il terzo monarca pi ricco del mondo, con un patrimonio di circa 21
miliardi di dollari.[3]
Il 29 maggio 2013 il quotidiano arabo-londinese Asharq Alawsat rivela che secondo fonti
mediche gli organi vitali del sovrano 88enne avrebbero smesso di funzionare e a nulla
sarebbe servito il ripetuto ricorso al defibrillatore. la seconda volta che Asharqu Alawsat
riporta la notizia del decesso, a novembre 2012 aveva parlato di uno stato comatoso (di
fatto irreversibile) seguito a unoperazione della durata di 14 ore. La famiglia reale saudita
non si ancora espressa in merito a ci.[4] Abd Allah aveva 25 figli e resta il pi anziano re
della storia saudita, l'unico ad aver raggiunto e superato il novantesimo anno di et.
Si spento a Riyad il 23 gennaio 2015.[1]
Onorificenze[modifica | modifica wikitesto]
Onorificenze saudite[modifica | modifica wikitesto]
Gran Maestro dell'Ordine del Re Abd al-Aziz
Gran Maestro dell'Ordine del Re Faysal
Onorificenze straniere[modifica | modifica wikitesto]
Grande Stella dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Austriaca (Austria)
Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell'Ordine del liberatore San Martn (Argentina)
Gran Collare dell'Ordine Nazionale della Croce del Sud (Brasile)
maggio 2009[5]
Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana
19 luglio 1997[6]
Cavaliere di Gran Croce decorato di Gran Cordone dell'Ordine al Merito della
Repubblica Italiana (Italia)
Di iniziativa del Presidente della Repubblica
30 ottobre 2007[7]
Ordine dell'Amicizia di I Classe (Kazakistan)
Gran Cordone dell'Ordine Nazionale del Cedro (Libano)
Beirut, 31 luglio 2010[8]
Collare dell'Ordine di Abu Bakar Siddiq (Mezzaluna rossa)
3 maggio 2008[9][10]
Cavaliere di I Classe dell'Ordine del Pakistan (Pakistan)
1 febbraio 2006[11]

Cavaliere dell'Ordine del Sorriso (Polonia)

Per il finanziamento di un intervento chirurgico per separare due gemelli
siamesi della Polonia
18 marzo 2005
Cavaliere dell'Ordine dell'Aquila Bianca (Polonia)
25 giugno 2007
Cavaliere di Gran Croce Onorario dell'Ordine del Bagno (Regno Unito)
Royal Victorian Chain (Regno Unito)
Cavaliere dell'Ordine del Toson d'Oro (Spagna)
15 giugno 2007[12]
Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell'Ordine della Buona Speranza (Sudafrica)
Ordine di Stato della Repubblica di Turchia (Turchia)
Lupo di Bronzo (World Scout Committee)



bliu (

Ch't' articl'ye fut c'menchie en Jrriais

Eune bliue baleine (Balaenoptera musculus) acant san bal'not

L Bliu est eune couleu.
Du bliu[amendaer | edit source]
Y'a d'tchi qu'nou dit tch'est bliu:

Un bliu-bonnet (Parus major) est un ouas

La bliue-pirre ou l'bliu (CuSO4) est un compos chimique

La bliue-pirre est eune mannithe d pirre

Snmilitudes[amendaer | edit source]

bliu coumme l ciel

bliu coumme la m

Ditons[amendaer | edit source]

Nou n'y vait ni bliu ni blianc

Quand y'a assez d'bliu dans l'Vout pouor faithe eune cheintuthe d braies Tanme
Luce, ch'est sngne d bieau temps
Abdullah da Arbia Saudita
Origem: Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre.

Rei da Arbia Saudita

Rei Abdullah da Arbia Saudita


1 de agosto de 2005 23 de janeiro

de 2015


4 esposas


Rei Fahd


Salman bin Abdalaziz Al Saud

Casa Real

Casa de Saud


Guardio das Duas Mesquitas

Primeiro-Ministro da Arbia


Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin

Abdulrahman bin Faisal bin Turki
bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin

Nascimento 1 de agosto de 1924


Arbia Saudita

23 de janeiro de 2015 (90 anos)


Arbia Saudita


7 filhos e 15 filhas1


Ibn Saud


Fahda bint Asi Al Shuraim

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud (em rabe:

, trans.: Abdullh ibnu AbdilAzz l Sad ;Riad, 1 de agosto de 1924 Riad, 23 de
janeiro de 2015) foi o soberano reinante da Arbia Saudita de 2005 a 2015, quando sucedeu
o seu meio-irmo, Fahd da Arbia Saudita. Foi o prncipe herdeiro desde 1982 e durante a
recuperao de seu irmo, desde 1996, foi o prncipe regente do pas at a sua entronizao.
Durante o governo de Fahd assumiu o posto de vice-presidente do governo, com
orientaes distintas de Fahd.
Abdullah muito crtico com Israel e opositor da presena sria no Lbano. Em assuntos
religiosos mostra-se mais devoto que seu antecessor, sendo convertido ao sunismo. Seus
crticos o consideram um terrvel ditador teocrtico que persegue impiedosamente seus
desafetos polticos e religiosos e at mesmo seus prprios sditos atravs dos Mutaween, a
polcia poltica e religiosa saudita, notria por sua crueldade e suas constantes violaes
dos direitos humanos.[carece de fontes] Ele foi considerado o mais fantico ao Isl do que
qualquer rei anterior, por isso as punies nesse sentido so as mais brutais possveis.[carece de
Outros o viam como um progressista e um reformista, que aprovou leis que
modernizaram o Estado saudita.2


1 Vida e poltica

1.1 Religio
2 Poltica externa

2.1 Combate ao Terrorismo

2.2 Relaes com os Estados Unidos

3 Vida pessoal

3.1 Filantropia

3.2 Famlia

4 Morte

5 Referncias
Vida e poltica[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]
O malique (rei) Abdullah Bin-Abd-al-Aziz Al Saud nasceu em Riade em 1 de agosto de
1924, filho de Ibn Saud com sua oitava esposa. Em 1962, com 38 anos de idade assumiu o
posto de Comandante da Guarda Nacional da Arbia Saudita e em 1975 se tornou o vicePrimeiro-Ministro. Abadallah teve vrias consortes ao longo de sua vida, dentre elas
a princesa Tadi Mashan Bint Al-Jarba, Hessa Al Shaalan, Haifa Al Mohana, Aida Fostok,
Anud, Malka Al Jarba, e al-Jauhara com quem teve 22 filhos.
Religio[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]
Abdullah considerado pelos estudiosos mais religioso que seu meio-irmo, Fahd. O
malique faz parte do sunismo, corrente majoritria do Isl, a religio predominante no pas.
Abdullah um admirvel defensor do dilogo interreligioso e em 2008 fez um pedido
internacional para a paz entre as naes.3
Abdullah realizou uma conferncia em Meca, capital religiosa do pas, em Junho de 2008,
na qual instruiu os lderes muulmanos a iniciarem um dilogo de paz com
os judeus e cristos de todo o mundo. A proposta foi bem aceita pela populao e teve
destaque na mdia oriental. Ainda no ano de 2008, a Arbia iniciou seu primeiro dilogo
inter-religioso com a Espanha,4 que resultou na conferncia de Madrid onde vrios lderes
religiosos mundiais se reuniram para discutir a paz entre as crenas.5 A Espanha, mantem
relaes religiosas e diplomticas com a Arbia at hoje. A conferncia de Meca introduziu
uma relao pacifista com os lderes de religies monotestas do sudeste asitico.

Poltica externa[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]

Abdullah em visita ao ex-presidenteGeorge W. Bush.

O rei Abdullah foi responsvel pela "Cultura da Paz", que teve lugar em Novembro de
2008 na Assembleia Geral das Naes Unidas. Ele conseguiu reunir naes ocidentais e
muulmanas na mesma conferncia para discutir o preconceito contra o Islamismo e
oTerrorismo frequentemente associado aos pases rabes. O evento foi presidido por
Abdallah juntamente com Tony Blair, Shimon Peres, George W. Bush e o rei Abdullah II da
Combate ao Terrorismo[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]

O malique cumprimenta o ento presidente russo Vladimir Putin em 2007.

Desde 2003, a Arbia Saudita tm enfrentado vrios graves atentados terroristas que visam
a influncia poltica internacional e as foras de segurana do pas. Os principais atentados
incluem carros e homens-bomba. Alguns grupos internacionais, como a temidaAlQaeda so acusadas pelo rei de serem as responsveis pelo ataque em resposta ao incentivo
de Abdullah s relaes com osEstados Unidos.
Para tentar amenizar o problema, o malique tm se mostrado muito radical autorizando
algumas medidas agressivas, como oenforcamento e a tortura em locais pblicos.6
Relaes com os Estados Unidos[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]
Em outubro de 1976, Abdullah viajou aos Estados Unidos para uma reunio privada com o
presidente Gerald Ford. Em Outubro de 1987, viajou novamente para os Estados Unidos,
desta vez como Prncipe herdeiro, para uma reunio com o ento presidente Bill Clinton.
Em 2000, o malique celebrou a virada do Milnio nas Naes Unidas. Em Junho de 2009, o
malique recebeu Barack Obama na Arbia Saudita.
Vida pessoal[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]
Filantropia[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]

Abdullah considerado o rei rabe mais caridoso da histria. Em 2005, fez questo de
investir na cirurgia de dois gmeos siameses da Polnia, em reconhecimento recebeu um
prmio de Janikowo, cidade natal das crianas. Abdullah estabeleceu duas grandes
bibliotecas na frica-sia, uma em Riade e em Casablanca.
Abdullah doou 50 milhes de dlares em dinheiro e 10 milhes em materiais para auxiliar
na reconstruo dos lugarejos afetados pelo Terremoto de Sichuan de 2008.7 Abdallah doou
10 bilhes de dlares para o fundo patrimonial da King Abdullah University of Science and
Technology em Maio de 2008.8
Famlia[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]
Abdullah tm 4 esposas, mximo permitido pelo Islo, porm, o malique j foi casado
vrias vezes com outras mulheres, dentre elas: Tadi Mashan Bint Al-Jarba, Hessa Al
Shaalan, Haifa Al Mohana, Aida Fostok, Anud, Malka Al Jarba e a Princesa al-Jauhara. O
resultado destes casamentos foi nada menos do que 7 filhos e 15 filhas.
Morte[editar | editar cdigo-fonte]
O rei Abdullah faleceu na madrugada do dia 23 de janeiro de 2015, aos 90 anos.9

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