Angel Knows

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Taeyeon just smiled as her girlfriend kept complaining about those things that she would never

be. They had been together since freshman year. They met when Taeyeon was looking for
roommate at her newly bought apartment. It was two bedroom apartment and she was living
alone, so she thought that it would be better to lease the other room.
That was how she met Tiffany.

Latter they found out that they were going to the same university. Tiffany was in business major
while Taeyeon in art, majoring in painting. They had different personalities. They didnt share
any single friend, they were in different world. Despite all of that, they clicked to each other.
They liked to lay down at their apartment rooftop garden to star gaze and spent hours to talk

After six months of living together, Tiffany confessed to Taeyeon. At first Taeyeon was
reluctant to accept Tiffanys confession because of her condition.
Taeyeon lost one of her legs when she was 10 years old because of an accident. Her family was
wealthy enough to provide an artificial leg for her but she still needs walking stick to help her
walked properly. Sure she could take care of herself just fine, she just couldnt move that fast or
walked for a long time.
Taeyeon was afraid her condition could be a bother to Tiffany as she was an active girl, unlike
Taeyeon who liked to spend most of her time in a quiet place with her sketch book. Tiffany was
a member of the university swimming team, she liked to party all night at weekend. Basically
she was the complete opposite of Taeyeon.
But Tiffany was pretty consistent. Finally Taeyeon gave up and accept her. They decided to
hide their relationship because they didnt want extra attention from others. They wouldnt
deny their relationship but they wouldnt announce it either.
No one had any suspicion at Taeyeon and Tiffanys relationship because they barely looked
together in campus. In fact there was only two people who knew about them, Sunny as
Taeyeons best friend and Jessica, Tiffanys best friend.

At one afternoon, Taeyeon and Sunny was watching their university sports event, particularly
swimming race, because Tiffany was one of the athlete. There were so many people watching.
Taeyeon got pushed from time to time as she couldnt stand properly, thanks to Sunny though,
that girl helped Taeyeon moved and because of her they were able to get seat at good place.
Taeyeon was cheering for her girlfriend at her best. She ignored the weird stares that came from
others around her as they were barely heard Taeyeon talked before, and now she was cheering
like one of Tiffanys crazy fans.
Seems like God heard what Taeyeon had prayed for. Tiffany won 1st place. But the latter action
was hurting Taeyeon. After Tiffany knew she won, she ran to Yuri, one of her teammates,
hugged her and pecked her lips. People were cheering at them.
Sunny scowled, not liking the view in front of her. She looked at Taeyeon who was having the
same expression as her. Taeyeon realized Sunny was staring at her so she looked back at Sunny
and smiled
Its nothing Sunny-ah. Fany loves skin ship. She was just happy and Yuri is one of her senior
in their team. She must be felt thankful for her help.
Well, if you say so.

The night came and Taeyeon was waiting for Tiffany at their apartment. She prepared simple
diner and a bottle of champagne to celebrate Tiffanys victory. She was arranging the table
when her phone lit up. She unlocked her phone and read Tiffanys message.
Taetae, can I use the apartment for our team celebration?
Taeyeon smiled and reply with simple, of course baby. Do you need any help?
Taeyeon smile vanished at the moment she read the reply from her girlfriend.
No need to Taetae. Well could you do me a favor? Im not ready to introduce you as my
girlfriend, so can you sleep at Sunnys place just for tonight?

A week after that, Taeyeon and Tiffany were laying at their bed, side by side. As usual, Tiffany
did the talking while Taeyeon was listening.

I wish you could be as awesome as Yuri. Today I watch her swimming and shes literally took
my breath away. Tiffany spoke nonchalantly at her girlfriend. She didnt realize that what she
said was hurting Taeyeon.
Taeyeon chuckled to hide her true feelings, Well I was never good at swimming, even before I
the accident. But I feel thankful for God as he sends me a beautiful girlfriend whos very good at
swimming so she could safe me from drowning. Taeyeon ended it with simple kiss at Tiffanys
temple that made her eyes smiled.

Taeyeon was sketching and sitting at one corner of the cafeteria. She felt a light tap in her
shoulder so she turned her head and there were Tiffany, Jessica, and Yuri. Jessica asked her
permission to join her, she wanted to reject it politely because she noticed the uneasy look in her
girlfriends face but Jessica was already sitting across her and looking through her sketch book,
admiring her works.
Tiffany said that you are her roommate, why didnt you show up at our winning celebrations at
your place last week? Yuri asked her. Yuri was charming, she had toned and tall body and
tanned complexion. Basically the opposite of Taeyeon, who was small and pale.
I had to finish my painting with my partner for next week art show. Technically Taeyeon
didnt lie as she and Sunny did working at their painting for the art show.
Jessicas eyes lit up at Taeyeon, So you are chosen as one of those lucky students to show your
own painting? What is your painting about?
Taeyeon eyed Tiffany for a second as her girlfriend was oddly quiet, Well, I have one
individual painting and one that I did with Sunny, my partner. For the collaboration one, Sunny
and I use pallete technique and we draw the Han rivers night view and for my individual one,
its a surprise! You should come if you want to know.
Taeyeon had been waiting for 2 hours in her car when Tiffany finally came. She waited for her
girlfriend to put the seatbelt before she drove the car away.
Im sorry Taetae, there was this rumor about Yuri and the girls in our team were talking about
it, so I kinda lost the time. Tiffany squeeze Taeyeons hand that were on the gear.
What rumor babe?

Well, they say that Yuri is some kind of play girl. At first I dont believe it but then Jessica says
that its true and she was one of her girlfriend! Can you believe it? Tiffany seems overly excited
over this matter.
Wow.. and they are still friends? Good for them then. I dont think I could stay friends with you
if we ever broke up. Awwww! Tiffany slapped Taeyeons right arm. Yaah Im driving here
You deserve that! How could you say that you wont be friends with me if we broke up?
Tiffany crossed her hands in front of her chest and pouted
Taeyeon pinched Tiffanys cheek lightly, Thats because I love you. I dont think I could stand
to watch you with other people.
Taeyeon and Tiffany was watching a movie in their bedroom when Tiffany broke Taeyeons
Why are you so nice all the time? I wish you could be a little bad you know? I think bad boys
or girls are interesting.
Do you want me to cheat on you and go home like nothing happen?
Yaaah Im not saying that. are confusing
Its just youre too nice. Sometimes I feel that our relationship just too flat.
Their conversation died down as the movie reaching the ending part where the man carried his
girl bridal style.
I want to be carried in bridal style too.. Tiffany said absent mindly.
Taeyeon looked at her artificial leg and smiled sadly.

Tiffany supposed to be at Taeyeons art show. She should be standing beside her girlfriend and
showed her support. She knew how hard Taeyeon worked these past months to finish her
painting that no one allowed to look at before it finished. Taeyeon said that it was surprise and
Tiffany would really love it once she looked at it.
But here she was, locking lips with Kwon Yuri at swimming teams locker room.

Tiffany was curious. She wanted to feel how it was to have a normal lover who could
accompany her walking around for hours at their date. Someone who could carry her in bridal
style just like what she dreamt of. The idea was getting more vivid as they said Yuri was a play
girl and she felt lucky because Yuri chose her over those girls. She was young and she wanted
something dangerous yet sweet. Thats the idea given by every movies that she watched before.
At this time Yuri was giving her everything that she couldnt get from Taeyeon, or that was she

Sunny signed for the ninth time as she noticed her friend was still stood there beside her painting
alone, waiting for her girlfriend.
Taengoo, lets go home. Tiffany wouldnt come. Its already an hour after the closing.
Taeyeon exhaled loudly one more time. She looked for the entrance one last time before packing
her belonging. Sunny helped her as Taeyeon wouldnt be able to carry those alone.
This painting is really beautiful you know. If only its not her portrait, I would like to take this
home with me.
Taeyeon grinned at Sunnys remark. Indeed, she got a lot of compliments tonight because her
portrait painting of Tiffany was, like what other had said, just simply amazing. They were
questioning Taeyeon though, why did she choose Tiffany as her model and she simply said that
Tiffany agreed to help her as her roommate.
Taeyeon and Sunny were walking towards Taeyeons car when they overheard some girls
I saw that myself! I say Kwon Yuri and that girl were making out in their locker room.
OMG! another girl?? Well, Whos the girl? Did you see her face?
Yes!! You wouldnt believe who I saw!
Who? Who? Who?
Somehow those silly gossip girls conversation lured Tayeon and Sunny. They stopped for
awhile, wanting to know who the girl that made out with Kwon Yuri.
Its Tiffany Hwang! The swimming teams new star!

Taeyeon freeze after she heard her girlfriend name. Her gripped at her Tiffany portrait painting
Sunny took Taeyeons hand and pulled her away. She gritted her teeth. She wanted to cry out of
anger as she couldnt believe what that girl did to her best friend, but she couldnt. She had to
stay strong as Taeyeon must need her the most at this time.

Tiffany came home in the morning after. She spent the night at Yuris place.
She prepared herself to break up with Taeyeon. She was so sure that Yuri was the one.
Tiffany opened the apartment door slowly. She furrowed her eyebrows as the place was oddly
quiet. It was already 9, Taeyeon usually had awaked and busy preparing breakfast. She entered
their bedroom and found all of Taeyeons things were gone. The things that left behind were the
one that hers and what she bought for Taeyeon. She found a piece of paper at their bed

I know.
I took my name off the apartment lease. Now its yours.
Dont find me. Remember what I told you if we broke up? I really meant it.
PS. I wish happiness for both of you.
I hope she could carry you in bridal style. I hope she would accompany you walking around on
your date like you always wanted. I hope she could be the girlfriend I wouldnt ever be.

Hey Monalisa! Jessica giggling as she greeted Tiffany the morning after Taeyeon left.
Tiffany wasnt in the mood to joke around. She spent whole yesterday to call Taeyeon and
Sunny but she only got to the voice mail. She wanted to at least apologize to Taeyeon. She
shouldnt cheat on her as Taeyeon never mistreated her. She should be the one who left the
apartment, not the other way.
Please Jessi, Im not in the mood.
Why? Is it because Taeyeon gave away your painting?
That got Tiffany attention. What painting?

Your portrait painting Tiff, that one that placed in the art facultys hall way.
Tiffany ran to the hall way. There, she saw her face drawn in a beautiful painting hang beside
other painting that won as the best painting at the art show from year to year. She approached
the painting. It was covered with a frame, so she could only touch the glass that covered the
painting. Taeyeon draw her as an angel. Was it what Taeyeon always think of her? An angel?
An angel that broke her heart with the lowest sin that any human could ever did.

Months after that, she found out that Taeyeon and Sunny were offered scholarship to France
because of their painting and they took it.
She also found Yuri cheated on her with another girl two months after that night.
She got what she wanted, not what she needed.
She got what wanted. She wanted a hot girl friend that looks dangerous and could carry her
around the campus.
She lost the kind of girl that she truly needed. The girl who was too kind. The girl who could
only walked slowly from her apartment to her class.
Tiffany was standing alone at Taeyeons gallery opening. Finally after years of searching, her
old friend Jessica gave her an invitation to the opening. Tiffany was living in grief all these
years. She couldnt forgive herself at what she did to Taeyeon. So here she was, hoping to meet
Taeyeon, she wanted to talk. She wanted to apologize. She wanted Taeyeon back.
She heard the voice that had gone from her life calling her name. She turned around and she saw
Taeyeon, looking so stunning in simple black dress still, with her walking stick. She noticed
Sunny whos equally beautiful in matching dress with Taeyeon. She was contemplating to ask
Taeyeon to talk to her somewhere alone when she saw the ring in Taeyeon and Sunnys forth

Then she heard someone in her mind, laughing at her foolishness. She got her chance and she
blew it. She was too late.

Someone took her angel away and wont give it back.

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