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Old Testament, Part One

Leviticus 26
Deuteronomy 28
2 Kings 17:1-23
2 Kings 25:1-7
Psalm 83:1-8 (Verse 2, tumult= war)
Isaiah 2:10-21
Isaiah 11
Isaiah 13 (Notice that the word Babylon is found throughout prophecy)
Isaiah 14:1-6
Isaiah 27:13
Isaiah 47 (If you skip ahead, read Revelation 17 and 18)
Isaiah 55
Isaiah 66:22-24
Jeremiah 4:27-31
Jeremiah 5:10-31 (Go back and read Deuteronomy 28:49-51)
Jeremiah 14:7-18
Jeremiah 16:14-21
Jeremiah 23:1-32 (Isaiah 8:20= the reason)
Jeremiah 26 (Read what happens to the two witnesses)
Jeremiah 30 (Verse 15, sins= breaking the Torah, as in 1John 3:4)
Jeremiah 31:1-14, 31-34 (Verse 33, law= Torah, written in hearts)
Jeremiah 50 (Verse 17, who is this king of Babylon?; verse 33, Israel AND
Judah held captive by Babylon)
Jeremiah 51 (Read verses 27-28 from The Complete Jewish Bible; verse 31,
Babylon's leader's city is taken)
Ezekiel 5:5-17
Ezekiel 6:11-14
Ezekiel 7:14-19 (Verse 19, could God be talking about the selling of gold in the
market when he says: ...and their gold shall be removed....?)
Ezekiel 12:26-28
Ezekiel 13:1-15 (Verses 10-15, untempered= foolish, unsavory)
Ezekiel 18:1-9, 19-20, 24-25, 30-32
Ezekiel 22:23-31
Ezekiel 34 (Verses 23-24, this is after David was king so its a prophecy; 25-28,
verse 25, read Jeremiah 31:33)
Ezekiel 36:16-38 (Verse 27, read Jeremiah 31:33)

Ezekiel 37:1-14, 15-28

Ezekiel 38-39
Ezekiel 45:21-25 (Verse 21, the Festivals of Passover and the Days of Unleavened
Bread, verse 25 the Festival of the Feast of Tabernacles; Chapters 40-48 of Ezekiel
give a vision of a future temple in Jerusalem)
Ezekiel 46:1-3 (The only Festival on a new moon is the Feast of Trumpets)
Daniel 2:1-11, 20-23, 36-45 ( Verse 44, the End of the Age; the empires and kings
mentioned in the other verses are dead and gone)
Daniel 5
Daniel 7 (Verse 11, beast thrown in the lake of fire; verse 12, other beasts of the
past and to the end of the age resurrected from the dead; verses 13-14, God's
Government set up; verses 20-21, the beast of the book of Revelation 13:5-7?
Read also Daniel 7:25)
Daniel 8:23-27 (These verses cover history to the end of the age)
Daniel 10 (This chapter is a lead-in to chapter 11)
Daniel 11 (Verses 2-4, Alexander the Great's kingdom divided into four parts;
verse 30, this where the prophecy gets fuzzy concerning its interpretation; verse
32, could be the Maccabees; verses 36-39; verses 40-45, possible historic events
moving into future events)
Daniel 12 (Verse 2, a resurrection of the dead, both just and unjust, read Acts
24;15; verse 3, many turned towards Torah, read Psalm 119:172; verse 11, temple
and sacrifices, and a month extra time to 3 and a half years; verse 12, 45 other
days added, for 75 total; verse 13, Daniel resurrected, he did not go to heaven)
Hosea 1 (This is before Northern Israel sent into captivity, prophetic in the sense
that it is dual, see verse 11)
Hosea 2:10-11 (Israel rejected God's Holy Days for its own holidays)
Hosea 2:18-23 (Prophetic last days)
Hosea 4:6-7 (Verse 6, lack of knowledge of Torah, verse 7, the people sinned by
breaking Torah)
Hosea 5:15 (The offense is against God's Law, prophetic for today)
Hosea 6:6-7 (Verse 7, broke the terms of the contract, or covenant)
Hose 8:1-3
Hosea 11:12 (The saints practice the Hebrew Roots of the Faith)
Hosea 14:9 (The Ways of the Lord are Torah)
Joel 1
Joel 2 (Verses 12-14)
Joel 3 (Verses 12-15)
Amos 2:4-8
Amos 3:3-7 (Verse 7, God's servants keep Torah, see Psalm 111:7-10)

Amos 5 (Verses 13-15; verses 21-23; verse 26, The Bohemian Grove)
Amos 8:9-14 (Verse 14, Northern Israel set up an idol in Dan. Prophetic of false
worship today)
Amos 9:8-10 (Verse 9, Northern Israel dispersed and lost)
Amos 9:11-15 (Verses 14-15, Northern Israel never went back to the land)
Obadiah (Verse 14, crossway= a fork in the road; verse 21, saviours=
avenging, deliverers, bringers of salvation)
Micah 3 (Verses 5-6; verse 8, sin= breaking Torah; verse 11)
Micah 4:1-4, 9-10
Micah 5 (Verse 10, prophetic for war-making machines)
Micah 6:8
Micah 7:18-20
Nahum 1:15 (This was before Judah's captivity in 585 BC, so its prophetic)
Zephaniah 1:7-18 ( Verse 16, the trumpet, or shofar, sounds; verse 18, men look to
materialism, see Ezekiel 7:19)
Zephaniah 2:1-11 (Verse 3, Torah keepers; verse 11, false gods)
Zephaniah 2:12-15 (This is historic, but also prophetic)
Zephaniah 3:8-13 (Verse 9, worship in the same language; could that be in
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Haggai 2:6-9 (Verse 9, the latter house is God's Spiritual Church)
Haggai 2:20-23 (Verse 23, signet= a signature-ring, seal)
Zechariah 1:18-21 (This is a prophecy after both Northern Israel, 721 BC, and
Southern Judah, 585 BC, were taken in captivity)
Zechariah 2:10-13
Zechariah 3 (Verse 7, the house of the historic Joshua was materialistic, can't judge
something materialistic; verse 8, the Branch is the Messiah; verse 10, prophetic
Zechariah 4 (Verse 7, the headstone= Messiah, see Psalm 118:22; verses 11-14,
the two witnesses, see Revelation 11)
Zechariah 6:9-15 (Verse 12, the Spiritual Temple of Messiah; verses 14-15, the
physical temple)
Zechariah 8:18-23 (Verse 19, the fast of the seventh= Yom Kippur, or Day of
Atonement; verses 22-23, very prophetic, revealing that God has not abandoned
his people the Jews)
Zechariah 10:6-12
Zechariah 14:1-11
Zechariah 14:12-15
Zechariah 14:16-21 (Who says the Feast of Tabernacles is just for the Jews?; verse

21, what does this mean?)

Malachi 2:1-9 (Verses 7-9, the Law, Torah, is not taught, prophetic for our time
Malachi 3:1-4 (Historically, John the Baptist; prophetically, someone given the
same mission)
Malachi 3:16-18 (Verse 18, those that serve God keep Torah)
Malachi 4 (Verse 4, the law of Moses is the Torah that God commanded)
New Testament, Part Two
Matthew 24 (Verse 14, gospel preached first; verse 20, there can be heavy rains;
verse 31, four winds= atmosphere; verse 44, maybe not be on The Feast of
Trumpets because that is what many expect)
Matthew 25:1-13 (Verse 7, trimmed= to decorate, to snuff (a wick))
Matthew 25:31-46 (Verse 40, God requires more than just Torah keeping)
Matthew 28:16-20
Mark 13 (Verse 9, dual prophecy; verse 10, publish= to herald, to proclaim)
Luke 21 (Verses 16-18, you won't loose eternal life; verse 24, Jerusalem attacked;
verse 36, watch and pray means to watch your thoughts and watch world news,
and pray, drawing closer to God)
1 Corinthians 15 (Verses 42-58, Paul said nothing about any going to heaven when
they died)
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (Verse 17, air, and Matthew 24:31, four winds)
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
1 Timothy 4:1-6 (Verse 4, this doesn't mean one can eat unclean meats, unclean
meats aren't received with thanksgiving or are they sanctified by the word of
2 Timothy 3:1-7
2 Timothy 4:1-4 (Verse 2, doctrine= instruction in the Torah; verse 3, Torah
Hebrew 2:5
Hebrews 4:7-9
2 Peter 1:19-21
2 Peter 3:9-14
1 John 3:1-3
Revelation 1 (Verse 18, hell= the grave)
Revelation 2 (Read from The World of the New Testament, by James I. Packer,

Merrill C. Tenney, and William White, JR, editors, pages 172-173, The Fate of the
Seven Churches; Revelation 2:7, Paradise of God, exists today?)
Revelation 2:6, 15, notice this article reprinted from the worldwide web, involving
the Nicolaitans, as quoted from the Servants News, November, 1995:
First-Century Clergyism and Priestcraft
Reprinted from the American Christian Magazine, July-Aug 1992
But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate...
Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I
hate. Revelation 2:6, 15
Speaking to His own, Jesus Christ identifies the spirit of Nicolaitanism as the
thing He hates (or detests). Thinking of the things you personally detest can bring
you to understand the emotion of Godly anger our Lord has toward Nicolaitanism.
His response of anger to this nicolaitan spirit is not unlike His response to the
money-changer spirit recorded in Matthew 21. Should not we (the genuine
followers of Jesus Christ) demand of ourselves complete agreement with the mind
of the Lord in detesting the nicolaitan spirit?
Hating Nicolaitanism should be a "basic of the faith." But, there is overwhelming
evidence we, as a people, have done the exact opposite! Contemporary leaders
claiming to represent Christ not only fail to hate, detest and despise Nicolaitanism,
they passionately covet it and support it.
They love, revere, maintain, defend and protect Nicolaitanism ... thinking they are
doing God a service. We, the saints born into the contemporary "Christian"
experience, have been blindly following these leaders who themselves have been
blind to this nicolaitan spirit for several centuries now.
Recognizing Nicolaitanism
Identifying this spirit is a major first step toward restoration of genuine
representations of the Ekklesia... which will, in turn, restore the purity, potency
and vitality Jesus Christ infused into first century communities.
When denouncing the nicolaitan spirit, our Lord was addressing communities of

saints at Ephesus and Pergamos. Would not His words be the same today to us in
our communities where we interact with fellow saints? Yet, investigation reveals
contemporary saints are almost totally ignorant of the cursed spirit of
Nicolaitanism among them.
Exposing Nicolaitanism
Two Greek root words are brought together to form "nicolaitan" : NICO and
LAOS. "Nico" means to conquer or bind. "Laos" means "the common people."
"Lait" (as in the central section of NICO - "LAIT" -AN) is a form of "laos." The
modern term "laity", was formed by simply adding a "y."
Now, for there to be a laity there must be a clergy. The "clergy" is the elite ruling
class, as contrasted with the "laity" which is the common class. Hence, we now
understand that the thing Jesus Christ hates and detests is the spirit of clergy/laity
(i.e., class society with one ruling over another). Are you beginning to smell
Nicolaitanism is a widespread gigantic system of error and deception perpetrated
upon the saints of God by those claiming to represent God. Actually,
Nicolaitanism was devised by the church/state system of this world as a
replacement for the Ekklesia.
Nicolaitanism reveals the concept of "conquering the common people,"
"victorious over the people," and "subjugating the people."
The nicolaitan "government" is counterfeit to the government Jesus Christ
referred to in the model prayer for His disciples, "Thy Kingdom come, on earth as
it is in Heaven" (Matt. 6:10). Can we see this paraphrased as, "let there be
manifest on earth, a visible body of people whose government is Jesus Christ"?
The body of Christ is presently in bondage to the spirit of Nicolaitanism.
Nicolaitanism, as government, is interpreted by the Christian as clergy. Christians
en-masse give support and obedience to clerical government, ignorantly believing
clerical government is one-and-the-same as Christ's government. Clergy
propagates itself as a special "spiritual" class with privileges the laity doesn't have.
They claim to be officials (e.g. by ordination & license) who have the right to
leadership in spiritual things. Churches have held the saints in bondage by

practicing Nicolaitanism. Man-made titles are issued as counterfeits to Godauthored abilities and natural positions (Rom. 12:4-8; Rom 13:1; I Cor. 12:4-11;
Eph. 4:7; I Pet. 4:10).
Nicolaitanism Paganized Christians
Occupied with worldly things, the "laity" are brainwashed to think they can't be
spiritually equal to the clergy. Thus, the people (or masses) are ushered away from,
and excused from, their personal spiritual responsibilities. In the Ekklesian
concept (founded in Ex 19:5-6) each head of the household would be a
"king/priest"--each one commissioned directly under Christ--with no middlemen!
(1 Pet 1:23; 2:5; Heb 13:15, 16; 1Cor 12:7). There is nothing in the New
Testament about needing "ordination papers" from the establishment church clergy
before one is qualified and authorized to serve.
The ekklesia is opposed to Nicolaitanism, in every form--church, government, etc.
The danger is that some may recognize it in Catholicism, but fail to see it in their
own congregation. The truth is that Nicolaitanism is Churchism--anywhere it
appears. It is seen in titles such as Reverend, Doctor of Divinity, Apostle,
Evangelist, etc. Protestant, Fundamentalist and independent "Churches" need also
to come clean on these issues.
A primary question is: does anyone teaching today (deluded by the spirit of
Nicolaitanism) properly identify what a genuine New Testament "pastor" is? Has
not this term "pastor" been corrupted and twisted in order to perpetuate the error to
the extreme detriment of virtually the whole body of Christ?
A "pastor" is, in fact, a shepherd. An ekklesia is a called-out body of people; a
specific community. The pastor shepherds within the community. Neither of these
titles indicates "church," "religion," or "ritual." The challenge is to identify clearly
the mind of Christ pertaining to these terms. Once defined, this revelation would
do wonderful destruction in Churchdom and be a quantum leap for the Ekklesia!
Clergyism= Elitism
More than any other group, church "pastors" today restrict, hinder and prevent
saints in the congregations from maturing into effective disciples. Under the

nicolaitan system of control, pastors must hold their "flock" from maturing to
equal "spiritual" status as themselves. There is an unwritten code: "my people
must not progress to the ground I hold or I lose my ground, my status and benefits
as "pastor." Under the nicolaitan spirit the pastor must always be the pastor, the
flock must always be the flock. The only exception being for people who will
adhere to nicolaitan disciplines (Bible college, license, ordination, etc.) and aspire
to the corrupt "pastor" status themselves.
Christ Hates Clergyism
Contemporary Nicolaitan ordination practices which anoint and appoint "pastors"
and other "church" offices are far afield of what Jesus Christ established for the
first century Ekklesia.
What is firmly in place today in Christendom is precisely what Jesus Christ
warned the ekklesia at Ephesus and Pergamos to avoid.
With little exception, "pastors" today have vested interest in the Nicolaitan
"system" and will not "bite the hand that feeds them." Licensed to marry and bury,
the contemporary "Reverend" enjoys maintaining his position a "step above" the
flock. Where do you find a "minister" performing a wedding or a funeral in the
Scriptures? The perks of status, salary, parsonages, pensions, etc., make
"pastoring" today an attractive "profession" for those who will meet nicolaitan
standards of practice.
The "sacred desk" of the pulpit, the special class "ordained" to baptize, advise,
sermonize, etc. maintains the nicolaitan stronghold. Only the "pastor" or his
designates (those he deems will not upset the nicolaitan apple cart) are allowed
access to the "sacred desk." Nicolaitanism results in the "one tongue, many ears"
syndrome of pulpit and pews. Full operation of the entire organic body, as
established by Jesus Christ, is thwarted by the nicolaitan system which prevails in
virtually every "church" today. The nicolaitan spirit demands a ruling hierarchy
over the organic body, usurping the "Headship" of Jesus Christ. So-called
"pastors" today justify this by calling themselves "undershepherds"??? Book,
chapter and verse, please!
Whether it be to the "founding families", church board, corporate board, missions
board, or denominational headquarters, apathetic saints today are kept in tow via

the nicolaitan concepts Jesus Christ detests. The purity, power and potency God
could supply through obedience to His Ekklesia concept is kept at bay. "Church"
members are taught the outright lie that God wants them to "tithe" and contribute
to the continuance of these nicolaitan churches and pastors.
Nicolaitanism divides the true organic body of Christ at given localities, fostering
a spirit of un-Godly competition among the saints. Saints, like dumb sheep, relish
the social benefits and pay dues to these "churches" and "pastors" to their own
detriment and destruction. Then, when the crops fail, they blame God for the
They cry out to God for revival. But, revival is not what is needed!
Transformation is what is needed. Transformation through repentance and
housecleaning of the nicolaitan spirit, and a turning to adhere to Ekklesian
principles of Scripture by the Spirit of the Living God!
But what about the "independent ministries"? Virtually all "para-church"
ministries today are life-supported by the nicolaitan spirit as well--in traditional
church fashion. Exposing the spirit of Nicolaitanism will serve to bring the
contemporary "Christian Star System," and big name nicolaitan ministries,
crashing down to God's Glory!
Would to God those who would give to ministries today could cease from
following after deceptions which drain off funds needed for genuine Ekklesian
work and local body cultivation.
Misplaced Bodies
Exhortations of Jesus Christ to the seven Ekklesias (Rev. 1-3) reveals additional
Baalamism (Rev. 2:14) is companion to Nicolaitanism in causing God's people to
mix with the nations from which God had carefully separated them.
"Church" members today are not a visible, practical, identifiable, separate "calledout" people. Nicolaitanism has succeeded in holding the saints of God under the
dual aspects of Roman Civil Government and Clerical Government (i.e.,
Priestcraft). Hence, the saints have not functioned practically under the

government of Jesus Christ. Commitment and obedience to the government of

Jesus Christ is shown to be inconclusive as the "first love" of the saints is
abandoned in Revelation 2:4. The "False Apostles" of Revelation 2:2 are those
whose "calling" is by the Nicolaitan spirit. They attempt to make the Ekklesia fit
the mold of synagogues (today we call them "Judeo-Christian churches").
Revelation 2:9 mentions the "...synagogue of the adversary." These false Jews
were attempting to hold the saints bound to the rabbinical system and religious
standards. Churches, by nature, must perpetuate themselves by providing the
nicolaitan structure for offices and the ostentatious statuses of men.
The Body Should Be Healthy and Vital
The Ekklesia is an organism; a living thing; a complex structure of interdependent
elements whose relations and duties are largely determined by the needs therein.
The Ekklesia is the "one new man" of Ephesians 2:15 & 4:24 --a body constituted
to carry on the activities of life by means of organs separate in function but
mutually dependent. Do we recognize this in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30? "...many are
weak, sick and die... not discerning the Lord's body."
Genuine love toward our Lord Jesus must bring us to repent of the nicolaitan
spirit. This must be our chief occupation today if we are to be overcomers and
" of the Tree of Life..." (Rev. 2:7), "...of the hidden manna..." and "...receive a
new name..." (Rev. 2:17). Without this repentance we have the Lord's promise He
will fight against us (Rev. 2:16).
This must call us to the work at hand. Deliverance begins in the house of God (1
Pet 4:17). The nicolaitan spirit pervades religion today ... indwelling individual
saints. This spirit must be cast out. Nothing less than the all-out warfare of
Ephesians 6:12 against "...wickedness in high places..." must be implemented to
the pleasure of our God and the success of our posterity.
Leaders willing to accept the challenge to root out this nicolaitan spirit prove
themselves as genuine leaders. Warriors bold enough to overcome this nicolaitan
spirit prove themselves true warriors!
"Wherefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says the Lord, and
touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (2 Cor. 6:17).

C. J. Milosh
Nicolaitanism: The Rise and Growth of the Clergy, by Fredrick W. Grant
Nicolaitansim by R. P. Daniel
Both available for a few dollars from Believer's Bookshelf, PO Box 261, Sunbury,
PA 17801.
Further word-study:
Strong's Greek Dictionary, #3531,32
Babylon Mystery Religion, Ancient and Modern by Ralph Woodrow, p 115.
Unger's Bible Handbook, see Revelation Chapter 2:6-7, page 845.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, a commentary by John F. Walvoord, pp 58, 67-69.
Revelation 2 (Verses 8-11, the Smyrna Condition of God's Church, along with the
Philadelphia Condition, are the only conditions with no negative comments
against them)
Revelation 3 (Verses 7-13, no negative comments; verse 14, of the
Laodiceans...., prophetic for our time today)
Revelation 4 (Verse 8, see Isaiah 6:1-3)
Revelation 5 (Verse 11, at least 100 million loyal angels, and thousands and
thousands more)
Revelation 6 (Verse 2, false prophets and false ministers; verse 8, hell= the
grave; verses 15-17, why would they hide?)
Revelation 7 (Verses 4-8, are these 144,000 the church, or witnesses on Earth, or
all Jewish?, the Tribe of Dan left out; verses 9-14, these went through the
Revelation 8
Revelation 9 (Verses 1-4, war-making machines; verse 8, helicopter propellers?;
verse 11, Abaddon= destroying angel, Apollyon= destroyer; verses 16-17,
war-making machines; verses 20-21, verse 20, sorceries= medication, from
the word that means poisoner)
Revelation 10
Revelation 11 (Verse 1, the Church of Believers?; or a real, literal Temple?; verses
3-4, Zechariah 4; verse 5, fire= what they say in defense; verse 10, know
holiday, such as Christmas, or a holiday instituted; verse 18, the faithful dead are
Revelation 12 (Verses 1-2, Israel and the Messiah; verses 3-4, Satan, power over
the nations, and his devils, an attempt to kill the Messiah; verse 6, the New
Testament Church; verse 11, martyrdom; verse 14, the Church is delivered; verses

15-16, a real flood or a flood of armies (Isaiah 59:19, Jeremiah 47:1-3); verse 17,
those not watching and praying, those who have become lax, or those marked for
Revelation 13 (Verses 1-2, describes in Daniel 7:4-7; verse 1, blasphemy=
speaking evil against God; verse 3, literal or symbolic wound, historical
continuation; verse 4, Satan is worshipped; verses 5-6, see verse 1; verses 11-12,
the spokesman for the first beast; verses 14-15, image= likeness,
resemblance, is the image a satellite transmission?; verses 16-17, mark=
scratch or etching, stamp or badge of servitude; verse 18, the last character is
stigma (), from Strong's Greek Concordance #5516, #4742 as a cross: to
stick, i.e., prick, a mark incised or punched (for recognition of ownership), i.e.,
scar of service)
Revelation 13, there are two groups being talked about: 1) Verse 8; 2) Verses 1415, (Verse 15, killed, Strong's Greek #615, to kill outright, from #575, off,
as in to kill or murder when one offs someone)
Revelation 14 (Verse 4, symbolic or literal for the Church; verse 5, guile=
deceit, subtilty; verse 10, but there is no burning and burning and burning, see
Malachi 4:1, 3; verse 12, commandments= Torah)
Revelation 15
Revelation 16 (Verse 2, Satan worshippers punished; verse 9, people don't repent;
verse 10, explains Revelation 14:10-11; verse 12, river of staging ground for move
into the Holy Land; verse 16, the forces are just gathered here, the war is found in
Joel 3:2, 14, which is the Kidron Valley; verse 21, mankind still doesn't repent.)
Revelation 17 (Verses 2-3, beast governmental structure, see Revelation 13,
names= authority, notoriety; verse 6, governments martyred the saints,
including the two witnesses in Revelation 11; verse 8, perdition= destruction;
verse 9, mountains can mean governments, see Isaiah 2:1-2; verses 10-11?, verse
11, eight popular governments?; verse 12, ten more governments; verse 14, the
end of the present age of man's governments; verse 16, the ten governments turn
of the whore; verse 18, the whore is a great city that rules over the kings of the
Earth, which in turn rule over governments, the whore is not called a church)
Revelation 18 (Verse 2, the Great City falls; verse 3, wealth is made, delicacies=
strength, luxury; verse 7, deliciously= to be luxurious--wealthy, well off,
queen, a clue to the city?; verse 9, kings gain wealth, questions: Why would the
kings of the Earth unite with Islam? Why would the kings of the Earth unite with
Roman Catholicism?; verse 11, wealth cut-off; verse 13, slaves sold to this system,
and the souls of men sold to this system; verse 15, since when would Islam or
Catholicism make merchants money?; verses 17, 19, wealth is cut-off, not
religious worship; verse 23, merchants= business people, the wealthy,

sorceries= medication, pharmacy--the drug trade)

Revelation 19 (Verse 1, the word heaven can mean air, sky, not at God's
Throne. So it is possible this means the saints meeting Messiah (Christ) as in
Matthew 24:31, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, and Zechariah 14:4-5; this verse also
doesn't say anything about anyone dieing; verse 7, wife= the Church (the union
of Israel and Judah); verses 8 or 14, can explain verse 1; verse 18, what is the
flesh of horses?; verse 20, the beast and false prophet, no possible resurrection,
see Daniel 7:11; verse 21, the rest killed with a probable resurrection, see Daniel
Revelation 20 (Verse 4, Administrative duties with Messiah; verse 5, This is the
first resurrection,= verse 4; verse 6, the second death= the Lake of Fire; verses
8-9, nations could be: Russia, China, see Ezekiel 38:5-6, notice that Libya and
Ethiopia now on the side of the Asian Confederacy, in Daniel 11:43 they are on the
side of the King of the North; unnamed nations, some see only Islamic nations;
verse 10, Satan and his devils are not flesh and blood so they won't burn up, the
beast and the false prophet are, so they burn up; verse 12, second resurrection, as
in Revelation 20:5: But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand
years were finished; verses 13-14, hell= the grave)
Revelation 21 (Verses 1-2, see 2 Peter 3:10-13; verse 3, God comes to Believers,
Believers don't go to him; verse 6, Hebrew: Aleph and Tav; verse 8,
abominable= disgusting, sorcerer= druggist, poisoner, (pharma); verse
16, correction calculation: 2,640,000 yards (?) each side, and height (7,920,000
feet), or 1500 miles. So each side and height is 300 miles; verse 17, wall is 72
yards; verse 23, no sun and no moon, so the New Heavens is different; verses 24,
26, humans born at this time?)
Revelation 22 (Verse 2, a new Garden of Eden, being the third Biblical reference
(?), how does fruit yield without the sun?; verse 6, this seems more relevant today
than in John's time; verse 10, see verse 6; verse 12, again, saved with works, with
keeping the Law; verse 14, commandments= Torah; verse 18, misapplication of
the prophecy; verse 19, denial of the prophecy. God takes the Book of Revelation
very seriously)
Much of the prophecy of the Book of Revelation is unfulfilled. No person has any
right or authority from God to call guesses and speculation truth. Believers will
understand fully what God means when the prophecy is fulfilled, in God's season.
The Third View, In Depth
Part Three

Three views of what the beast of Revelation 13 is:

1) The Beast is a Revived Holy Roman Empire
2)The Beast is Islam
3)The Beast is pure Satan worship, in a One World Government and a New World
The following is taken from the book Satan's Angels Exposed, by Salem Kirban,
pages 135-231 (with the author of this study on prophecy commenting, where
No Secrets Hid From God! [Page 146]
In recent years [as of 1980] in Christian circles there have been hushed whispers
about the Illuminati and their conspiracy to control the world. Illuminati comes
from the root word, illuminate. The basic meaning of illuminate is To give
light...or one who is enlightened in mind and spirit. The Illuminati are defined as
A people who have or profess to have special intellectual or spiritual
enlightenment. Satan is a master deceiver. He began as Lucifer, Bearer of
Light. The name Illuminati or enlightened one is derived from this.
--Author's comment: This author sees now Lucifer having the same name, but now
has been given the title in Hebrew of HaSatan, or the The Adversary.
The Ultimate Aims [Page 149]
By the time a member had reached the grade of Illuminated Minerval [see page
147], he learned the ultimate aims of the Order:
1) Abolition of all ordered government
2) Abolition of private property
3) Abolition of inheritance
4) Abolition of patriotism
5) Abolition of all religion
6) Abolition of the family (via abolition of marriage)
7) Creation of a World Government
Weishaupt wrote to his chief assistant, Cato: The most admirable thing of it all is
that great Protestant and reformed theologians (Lutherans and Calvinists) who

belong to our Order really believe they see in it the true and genuine mind of the
Christian religion. Oh man, what can not you be brought to believe?
Luring The Unsuspected [Page 149]
He knew how to lure unsuspecting people into his organization and once wrote:
These people swell our numbers and fill our treasury; get busy and make these
people nibble at out bait...but do not tell them our secrets. They must be made to
believe that the low degree that they have reached is the highest. Thus it was that
influential people of that day became Novices, but these never attained to the
higher grades where the real aims of the Illuminati were known.
--Author's comment: What is said above is how it works today. The coming system
of the Beast will undoubtedly lure the unsuspecting.
Infiltrating Freemasonry [Page 150]
Weishaupt gradually infiltrated the Freemasons. On July 16, 1782 at the Congress
of Wilhelmsbad, an alliance between Illuminism and Freemasonry was finally
sealed. On that day the leading secret societies were infiltrated, and to some
degree, united...more than 3 million members!....Eventually the Bavarian
government banned both the Illuminati and the Freemasons on March 2, 1785.
Weishaupt was forced to leave the country. The Bavarian government heard four
leading members of the Illuminati testify before a Court of Inquiry exposing the
Satanic nature of its aims. A voluminous array of documents were found in
Illuminati headquarters. The Bavarian government published them to warn all the
other countries of Europe. The name of this document was: Original Writings of
the Order and Sect of the Illuminati.
The Pyramid And The Dollar [Page 153]
Dr. Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Order of the Illuminati adopted the All-Seeing
Eye symbol at the time he founded his Order on May 1, 1776. The symbol is a
pyramid with its top triangular stone being an eye. The symbol is found on the
back of a $1 United States bill. At the base of the pyramid is the date 1776. Many,
in error, believe this refers to the date of the signing of the Declaration of
Independence. This is not solely true. It refers also, according to many, to the date
Weishaupt founded the Order of the Illuminati.
Although the pyramid on the American dollar with its 13 levels ties in with the 13

colonies, the original association was with ancient Egyptian and Babylonian
mysticism. Thus, mystery surrounds the implications found in the Great Seal of
the United States of America.
Author's comment: Throughout prophecy, God talks about Babylon, whether its
historic or prophetic. There are parallels between the pyramid on the dollar bill
having a Babylonian association and Babylon mentioned in prophecy.
The Big Brother All-Seeing Eye [Page 154]
Note also that the cornerstone is missing from the top of the pyramid. In its place
is the All-Seeing Eye. Weishaupt's mutual spying system was an integral part of
his program to keep his associates in line. The eye symbolized a Big Brother
controlling domain. Those who dismiss this idea say the eye in the Great Seal is
the all-seeing eye of God. However, the words in Latin underneath the pyramid
of the Great Seal {Novus Ordo Seclorum} mean New Secular Order. The words
in Latin above the Great Seal {Annuit Coeptis} mean Announcing the Birth. Put
the two together and you get Announcing the birth of a New Secular Order.
Pike And His Councils [Page 159-161]
Albert Pike's most famous book is the 861 page Morals and Dogma of the Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. It was published in 1871. In it, he
writes: The blind Force of the people is a force that must be economized, and also must be regulated by intellect. When all Forces are combined, and
guided by the Intellect {the Illuminati}, and regulated by the Rule of Right and
Justice...the great revolution prepared for by the ages will begin to march. It is
because Force is ill regulated, that revolutions prove failures {Morals and Dogma,
pp. 1-2). On July 14, 1889 he issued this statement to the 23 Supreme Councils of
the world: That which we must say to the crowd is: We worship God, but it is the
God one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors
General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd , 31st and
30th degrees: The Masonic religion should be, by all of us, initiates of high degrees
, maintained in the purity of Luciferian doctrine.

An Interlocking Conspiracy [Page 162]

Albert Pike's three Supreme Councils controlled 23 other subordinate groups
throughout the world. The Mazzini-Pike plan was to control the world. How
would this be accomplished? The plan was relatively simple. It called for,
according to the writings of some, Communism, Fascism, and the struggle for the
Mid-East to foment three global wars and at least two major revolutions.
World War 1 [Page 162]
The First World War was to enable Communism to destroy the Czarist government
of Russia and replace it with militant atheism. This came to pass [as of 1980] and
we now see the results of this overthrow.
World War 2 [Page 163]
The second war would begin by manipulating the governments of Great Britain
and Germany to start a world war. Hitler, however, accomplished this almost
single handed, bringing on World War 2. After this war, Communism would then
be in a position to destroy other governments and weaken religions. This also
came to pass. Russia controls most of Europe [as of 1980] and the Gospel has been
effectively suppressed in many nations. This atheistic movement has also
successfully spread to China when China became closed to Christianity after
World War 2.
World War 3 [Page 163]
The Mazzini-Pike blueprint also called for a World War 3. This would begin by
firing up controversy between Judaism and the Moslem world. They hoped that
the Zionists and Moslems would destroy each other and bring the rest of the world
into a final conflict. This Armageddon would bring complete social, political, and
economic chaos. While the Illuminati secret few may fan the fires, it must be
seriously questioned how much world influence this group has had in the last
century [1880-1980]. It is quite possible that these Illuminati schemes for 3 World
Wars are more recent inventions, post-dated to give authenticity to those who seek
to blame the sin and suffering of today's world on some secret few.
Author's comment: It is the year 2015, which is 35 years after the above was
written. This author sees the Illuminati and other groups with them as having more
greater influence today, but yet still very secret. Besides that, it doesn't take very
many to do much harm in the world to follow an age old scheme and age old
agenda. With positions of power and great wealth this is being done today.

[Page 163-164]
In any event, to fill the void created by Armageddon would come a World
Government, headed by the Illuminati. In a letter now catalogued in the British
Museum in London, Pike wrote to Mazzini: Then everywhere, the people,
disillusioned with Christianity, will receive the true light, that will follow the
destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the
same time. The Illuminati are against both Christianity and atheism and seek to
destroy both and supplant it with Satan as their god whom they call, Lucifer. In
fact they do not accept the doctrine of Satanism.
Author's comment: The doctrine of causing disillusionment and destruction, and
then conquering is called the Hegelian Dialectic. The author has come to see that
this evil angel is still called Lucifer, for that is his name. But God has given him
the title of Satan for he is now the adversary of God and of the world. The
Illuminati Doctrine today says the God of the Holy Bible, YHWH, or YHVH, is in
fact Satan. Lucifer, their doctrine goes, is in fact god.
Lucifer Theology [Page 165]
In the Illuminati doctrine, Lucifer is God and the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy.
Lucifer is their God of Light. The Christian God {Adonay}, they state is the God
of Evil. What about World War 3? If you carefully read current news events [from
1980-2015] and see the alignment of nations it is not hard to understand that the
third World War could be between the forces united with Israel against the forces
united with Communism and Islam.
Satan's Prophets [Page 165]
Perhaps the Illuminati, in league with Satan as they are, actually {even without
realizing it} have had revealed to them Satan's program in advance? If so, they
have truly been Satan's prophets of coming doom!
Are We Bankrupt? [Pages 176-177]
We may already be living in the age of the Anti-Christ! [as of 1980] He may
already be alive on earth! It is my opinion that the United States is becoming
bankrupt! [Can't argue this in 2015] It is becoming bankrupt financially! It is
becoming bankrupt morally! It is becoming bankrupt spiritually! And like Israel of has become hardhearted and stiff-necked. And like Israel of will

someday suffer complete collapse...controlled by Anti-Christ! That's my

prediction! Economically, we have spent money we don't have and then printed
more money to make up for the deficit. The federal debt [as of 1980] increased
more during the 1970s than in the entire previous history of the United States!
Federal Debt Astronomical [Page 177]
Such spending places the United States at the mercy of those who control the
wealth of the world. It would not be surprising to learn that these money
manipulators first created the situation that weakened the United States so they
could finally control this great nation! [The Hegelian Dialectic] And why not? Is it
not in the United States where we have the greatest expansion of the Gospel? Is it
not in the United States where Bible-believing ministers are on more television
stations than the large network talk shows? This offends Satan. So naturally the
United States will be one of his prime areas of attack, and he will use the money
manipulators to breed hate and to put the power into the hands of a few, demonpossessed individuals!
Author's comment: One has to consider, however, that Satan has his own ministers
that will continue to teach against God's Law and God's Way. This falls into the
hands of Satan, which therefore falls into the hands of the Illuminati and the One
World Government Elitists.
A Den Of Vipers [Pages 183-185]
Some claim it was the money barons who created the depressions of 1890 and
1907 in order to install a money system to their liking. Indeed, the supporters of
the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 did promise that it would stabilize the dollar.
Americans would never again see the dollar madly fluctuate nor, they said, would
the dollar lose its purchasing power. [This is, of course, not true in 2015] President
Wilson recognized the dangers: A great industrial nation is controlled by its
system of credit. The growth of the nations, therefore, and all our activities are in
the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the
most completely controlled governments in the civilized worldno longer a
government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction or a vote of the
majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of men
{National Economy and the Banking System, Senate Documents, Col., No. 23 75th
Congress, 1st Session, 1939)
The Warburgs [Pages 184-185]
Stephen Birmingham {in his book Our Crowd, Dell Publishing Co., New York,

1967, p. 400} alleges that the person who played the most significant part in
getting the Federal Reserve System adopted was Paul Warburg. He and his brother
, Felix, had come to the United States from Germany in 1902. Their brother Max
ran the family bank in Frankfurt, Germany. Paul Warburg married Nina Loeb of
Kuhn, Loeb and Company. There were close alliances with John D. Rockefeller, Jr
and Jacob Schiff. Rockefeller's agent admitted many years later: Despite my views
about the value to society of greater publicity of corporations, there was an
occasion, near the close of 1910, when I was secretive, indeed as furtive [or
sneaky and stealthy] as any conspirator. I do not feel it is any exaggeration to
speak of our secret expedition to Jekyl Island {off the coast of Georgia} as the
occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve
System.1 [See footnote from the book Satan's Angels Exposed]
Author's comment: A very good book about the Federal Reserve is The Creature
from Jekyl Island by G. Edward Griffin.
Power In Hands Of Few [Page 187]
The Federal Reserve System is just one small piece of the puzzle, as we see a free
people fitting into a one-world society. You can look for the current American
currency system to collapse one of these days. It was the brilliant economist,
Ludwig Von Mises, who said: Government is the only institution that can take a
valuable commodity like paper, and make it worthless by applying ink.
Time Will Tell [Pages 191-192]
It will be interesting to watch the power plays of the Internationalists. Presently
the world is vibrating with chaos. When the pieces of the puzzle settle into a
recognizable picture, will it reveal that the international bankers [Banksters]
manipulated the Federal Reserve System to bring the United States to its knees
financially? Will it reveal that there was a ribbon of conspiracy that began
hundreds of years ago...a conspiracy to a one-world government? Will it reveal
that the money barons of today were involved in a plan for international control?
And from all of this...will it give birth to the rise of Antichrist?
The Rockefeller Money [Page 196]
Some believe that the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] is a front for the

intellectual leaders and the international bankers [Banksters] who hope to control
the world through the Fabian technique [See Chapter 23 of Satan's Angels
Exposed] of sophisticated gradualism. The CFR is a secret organization. In its
1966 Annual Report, Members who do not adhere to secrecy can be dropped from
The Invisible Government [Pages 197-198]
The CFR has been called the invisible government, and the Establishment. It
is interesting to note that members of the CFR have at one time or another staffed
almost every key position of every administration since Franklin Delano
Roosevelt! Yet most Americans have never heard of the Council on Foreign
Relations! [Is this still true even in 2015?] It has been successful in maintaining its
semi-anonymity for over 50 years! [In 2015 that makes it over 80 years] CFR
members are allegedly included among the most influential international banking
organizations. Major corporations have influential CFR members as do the major
communications media!
A Strange Coincidence [Page 203]
The CFR states it does not formulate any policy of Government. And, on the
surface, this may be true. But what it does is make sure that CFR members are in
high, influential positions in the U.S. Government. It is precisely these officials,
who are CFR members, who have the ability, if they choose, to make sure U.S.
policy is along CFR One World lines.
Death Of Dollar [Pages 211-212]
In this April 1978 meeting the European Bilderbergers predicted a depression
would strike the world in 1979 and that the U.S. dollar would die. The solution,
Bilderberger leaders said was the dumping of the dollar for an international
bancor system. The planning at the secret Princeton meeting revolved around
the creation of a new currency that would take the dollar's place in the world
market...a currency that would be universally acceptable as a medium of exchange.
David Rockefeller, whose Chase Manhattan Bank, has led the world in currency
speculation, perhaps now saw the handwriting on the wall. Rockefeller's power
was diminishing...the dollar would nosedive. We would enter an era of inflationary
depression. The words inflationary depression sound contradictory...but they are
not. Most people think of a Depression as a time when people are selling apples

and there is a scarcity of money. An Inflationary Depression is the same

illness...but at a much critical stage! In an Inflationary Depression...there is plenty
of money, but its purchasing power is severely curtailed! Ten dollars may buy you
2 apples!
Author's comment: What is coming in the future from 2015 may be ten dollars
buys you one apple!
A New Leader [Pages 212-213]
The question many ask is are officials of the Government, who are members of the
CFR and Bilderberger organization compromising their position by aligning with
those who seek a One World Government? Does it not weaken the position of
national sovereignty of the United States and prepare the way for Antichrist, a
satanic world leader? If it does not...why the secrecy? If it does not...why restricted
membership to those only who are the manipulators of power through vast control
of money, through the mass media and through politics? Is there a conspiracy? Are
the Bilderbergers part of it? Or are they merely another group of would be dogooders used and manipulated by other unseen forces? World events are shaping
up so rapidly in these End Times that the answer to that question may not be far
off...maybe within a few years...or months! [Written in 1980]
Author's comment: Although no one person can say when the answers will come.
But up to 2015 many things have continued to happen where it just maybe within
a few years, or months. We are told to watch and pray.
One World Goal [Pages 214-215]
It was David Rockefeller who hand-picked this elite group of some 250
individuals in 1973 to begin this organization. They included power shapers from
business, banking, government, labor and the intelligentsia. On the surface this
group would appear to be accomplishing good, seeking ways to make a positive
contribution to world problems. The Trilateral Commission meets twice a year [as
of 1980] to discuss problems like the world monetary situation, economic issues
and military issues. However, those who have penetrated the inner workings of
this group state that the real purpose is to take over all key policy-making
positions in government and to unite the free world into a loosely knitted

socialistic world government.1 [See footnote in Satan's Angels Exposed]

International Monetary Fund [Page 216]
Which do men strive for the or power? Have you ever noticed men
of extreme wealth who simply were not happy or satisfied? What do they do?
They run for public office. They are willing to spend a large portion of their
accumulated fortunes. They are willing to run day and night, politicking, shaking
hands, making speeches. Why? Because money does not fill the void. They seek
POWER! It was Lord Acton who said in 1887: Power tends to corrupt; absolute
power corrupts absolutely. In essence, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the
Trilateralists seek power. That power will corrupt and someday usher in the age of
An Interesting History [Page 217]
Jeremiah Novak, who has had articles published in the Christian Science Monitor
is reported to have said in a radio interview with Ray Briem on February 19, 1977,
{in describing a Trilateral document, written by Richard Cooper}: Page 21 says
the public and leaders of most countries continue to live in a mental universe
which no longer exists, a world of separate nations and that have great difficulty
thinking in terms of global perspectives and interdependence...What he is saying is
we no longer live in a world of sovereign nationsand that applies to the United
States as well. We just celebrated last year our Bicentennial of independence. In
November of this year {1976}, in this document, we have issued a new declaration
of interdependence which will greatly modify the sovereignty of this country.
{Mr. Novak, himself, is not a Trilateralist}
Powerful Central Government [Pages 220-221]
Aiding in the founding of the Trilateral Commission was Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Under the Carter Administration, Brzezinski was Assistant to the President for
National Security. The Trilateralists were able to place one third of their members
into top level Administration positions during Jimmy Carter's presidency. In his
book, Between Two Ages, Brzezinski wrote: The approaching two-hundredth
anniversary of the Declaration of Independence could justify the call for a
national constitutional convention to re-examine the nation's formal institutional
framework. Either 1976 or 1989the two-hundredth anniversary of the
Constitutioncould serve as a suitable target date culminating a national
dialogue on the relevance of existing arrangements...Realism, however, forces us
to recognize that the necessary political innovation will not come from direct
constitutional reform, desirable as that would be. The needed change is more

likely to develop incrementally and less keeping with the American
tradition of blurring distinctions between public and private institutions.1 [See
footnote in Satan's Angels Exposed]
This concludes the quotes from the book Satan's Angels Exposed by Salem
Possible scriptural support:
Revelation 13:2
Revelation 13:4 (Satan is worshipped, not God or allah)
Revelation 13:6 (The Beast speaks impiously about God)
Revelation 13:8 (Those who go along with the Beast worship him, not God or
Revelation 13:16-18 (This is about money, wealth, and finances. What does
Catholicism, or Islam have to do with money, wealth, and finances?)
Revelation 17:18 (The woman is a great city. God does not call it a church, or a
religious institution)
Revelation 18:3 (Merchants obtained wealth. Delicacies= luxury)
Revelation 18:7 (Deliciously= to be luxurious--wealthy, well off)
Revelation 18:9 (The kings of the Earth made wealthy, well off)
Revelation 18:11 (The buying and selling of merchandise. Merchandise=
cargo, wares)
Revelation 18:17 (Wealth making comes to an end, not the worship of God or
Revelation 18:23 (Sorceries= pharmaceutical drug trade)
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 (This is talking about the Beast of Revelation 13. He wants
the worship. Why would he want worship, and you will be killed if you don't
worship him, but in the same breath force people to worship God on Sunday, or
the so-called Mark of the Beast?)
2 Thessalonians 2:8-9 (In Revelation 13:2, Satan gives the Beast the power. And
through the Beast sets up a financial system, not a religious one)
Psalm 115:1-8
Isaiah 2:20-21
Isaiah 31:7
Ezekiel 7:19 (Question: do they try to sell their gold on the market but because the
market is crashing, everyone is selling and no one is buying?)
Zechariah 14:14
James 5:1-6
Revelation 9:20-21 (Verse 20, worship of devils, gold, silver, etc.)

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